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1/19/2019 Criminalizing Catcalling - Cornell Roosevelt Institute

Roosevelt Institute | Cornell 

| Cornell University

By Evan Johnson Published November 2, 2017

Written by Evan Johnson,

Johnson 11/02/17

The response of Frenchwomen to

Sandra Muller's exposure of the
sexual harassment she received by Written by Evan Johnson,
a powerful french executive with the 11/02/2017 The response of
#BalanceTonPorc movement, akin to Frenchwomen to Sandra
the Harvey Weinstein exposure and Muller's exposure of the
sexual harassment she
the United States's #MeToo
received by a powerful french
movement, has led to the possible
executive with the
criminalization of verbal sexual #BalanceTonPorc movement,
harassment as well as increased akin to the Harvey Weinstein
punishment for other actions of exposure and the United
sexual assault. This comes at a time States's #MeToo movement,
where there has been a global shift has led to the possible
leading to more vocalization about criminalization of verbal
the transgressions of powerful men sexual harassment as well as
increased punishment for
and a pushback against it.
other actions of sexual
assault. This comes at a time
where there has been a global
shift leading to more
vocalization about the 1/1

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