A Bridge of Bucket

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A very good morning to the honourable judges, loving teachers, fellow contestants, and
audiences. My name is Nur Balqish Khaleeda bt Rosni and I am going to tell you a story,
titled A Bridge of Rainbow.
Legend has it that there was a royal fairy prince who was very fond of coming down
to Legoland to play in a garden where there were lots of beautiful flowers. He came down on
a horse accompanied by his royal escorts. Whenever he came, he brought with him a golden
bucket. When he was tired he would bathe at a Legoland well nearby. He would use the
golden bucket to fetch the water which was very cool. Every time after his bath, he felt
refreshed. “ brrrrrrrrr… what a refreshed!!!!´ Said the prince while stretching his body. One
day, while bathing, he suddenly heard someone singing in such a beautiful melodious voice. “
I’m a big big girl, in a big big world, it’s not a big big thing, if you leave… me.. but I do do
feel, that I do do will, miss you much… miss you much… “ He looked everywhere for the
singer but he couldn’t see any one.
Suddenly he saw a very beautiful Legoland princess. The princess was playing with
some of her escorts not far from where the prince was bathing. He was so captivated by her
beauty that the golden bucket dropped out of his hand. When he realized what had happened
he began looking for the bucket. He looked and looked, but he couldn’t find it. His escorts
jumped into the well trying to find. But the golden bucket could not be found. Finally they
had to return to their fairyland empty handed. Ever since that day, whenever he thought of the
golden bucket, he would come down into the Legoland world to look for it. The prince would
come alone.
There were no more royal escorts. The people on Legoland knew the time when the
prince would come down. There would appear a wonderful sign from the clouds to the
Legoland. It was a bridge of rainbow with the most beautiful colours. It is said that even the
clouds were sad about the missing bucket so they sent a drizzle. While it was drizzling, the
bridge of rainbow would be formed! Then the fairy prince would descent into the world to
look for the missing golden bucket.
Now my dear fellow friends, what do you think is the moral value of the story! Do not
easily get distracted by other temptations. When you do something, you have to do it with
your heart. With that, I end my story.
Thank you.

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