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Animal Abuse

By, Canyon Burgard

Table of Contents:


Dog Fighting
● *Isolation
● *Bad lives
● *Forced
● *Cropping
● *Takes place
● *What's the punishment

Animal Hoarding
● Neglect
● People fall under it
● Death
● How it happens

Horse Slaughter
● For human consumption
● Still slaughterhouses
● Killing
Factory Farms
● Farms
● Classes
● Hurting
There are many different types of animal abuse: Dogfighting, making dogs fight for humans to
be amazed, Animal hoarding, people having way too many animals, Horse slaughter, horses
getting slaughtered for human consumption, Factory farms, animals also dying for human
consumption, and many more. We will be looking at these three. But there are still many other
ways of how animals could be abused, these I found to be the most interesting.

Dog Fighting
Dog fighting is a big part of animal cruelty. The dogs live in isolation, so they spend there live’s
either fighting another dog or chained up. Dog fighting is when dogs are forced to fight other
dogs for peoples entertainment. Even though it is banned in all 50 states, it still happens in
every part of the country. The dogs usually have their tales cropped and ears, it limits the
number of body parts the other dog can bite. It usually takes place in a 14-20 feet pit designed
the contain animals. Who started dog fighting was England, and they were actually promoting it!
About 16,000 dogs die each year to dogfighting, but the punishment is a $250,000 fine, and
three years in prison.

As you see in the picture above, that's how all the dogs in dogfighting live their lives. It’s a very
bad thing and is illegal.
Animal Hoarding
Animal hoarding is when someone has too many animals and can’t take care of them all which
leads to neglect. Each year in only the U.S.A a quarter of a million people fall under being a
victim of animal hoarding. Why they have so many animals is probably because they just love
that animal so much and wants them a lot. It does not let the
animal have a normal animal life. Then it usually ends up in
animal starvation, illness, or death. And once you have too
many animals, you start to not to be able to afford them. I know
a quarter of a million people is not a lot to compare to the US…

But it is still a lot of people that fall under it.

Horse Slaughter
Horse slaughter is the taboo practice of slaughtering horses for human consumption. Horse
slaughter is not putting horses out of their misery. Horse slaughter is a brutal terrible ending for
the horse. The U.S. is trying to ban horse slaughtering, but there are still two slaughterhouses in
Texas and one in Illinois. They killed over 104,000 horses and shipped the meat overseas. But
there is still slaughterhouses all across the globe, but the amount of horse slaughtering is slowly
going down. Scientists injected and tested horse meat and it is not good to eat. ​“Auschwitz
begins wherever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and
thinks: they’re only animals.”
Theodor W. Adorno says, a German philosopher. This quote
highlights how people might think that they are not humans
so it’s fine to do it.

Factory Farms
10 billion farm animals that would soon be meat do have good lives. Most of our meat comes
from industrial farms, where animals are not fed and do not have good lives. Over 95% of farm
animals in the U.S. are raised from industrial farms. Most of Americans think its the law to not
take care of animals nicely, but farm animals are the lowest class of animals. Animals aren’t the
only ones being hurt, human health, and farmers are being hurt by the intensive farming
systems employed on factory farms.
What you can do to Help
1. Report animal abuse if you see it.
2. Teach people to respect animals.
3. Volunteer to help animals.
4. Adopt one from the shelter.
5. Make sure your dogs color is not too tight.

Cathy M. Rosenthal (2012)


Sources: ​​ ​

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