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saree INDUSTRIAL UR eo8st Model 85530 LUBRICATION CONTROLLER Series “A’ LUBE CONTROLLER - OWNER/OPERATOR MANUAL Its the cesponsiilty of ne Owner/Operator to propery use and maintain this equipment ‘The Instructions and Warnings contained in this manvat shall be r ‘operating this equipment. 16 @nd understood by the Owner/On itis the casponsiilty of the Owner/Operator to maintain the legibility ofall Wasning an Instruction labels, ‘The Owner/Operator shall retain this manual for future rence to Important Warnings, Operating and Maintenance Instructions. CONTENTS PAGE SPECIFICATIONS Input Vottege. 120 VAC 50/60 He Speciation’. 1 £230 VAC 50/60 Hz Desctpon. 4 2a voc Ligue Crystal ipa “2 Current Consumption sass 85 MA at 120 VAC (less fed) Programming Mode. 2 45 MA al 230 VAC (ess load) Conso-Wate Progemming. 2 280 NA at 24 VOC (less lord) Nodular Loe Prowramminy "8 ‘36OVA Pilot Duty Rating at 120/230 VAC un Mode. 3 Bamps at 24 VOC ‘Mam Messages. 8 Fils Connections. ® 8 MAat 18 voc Senice Pats. Net Weight Off Time: Electrical shock hazard, ‘Turn off and lock out power before opening enclosure. Alarm Time. Count Rate DESCRIPTION Model 85530 will have complate conto of your Warcation system, ‘The sysiem stalus Is continously updald and displayed on a two Tina Iau eystlcepay Dun to the umberous options avaiable, the customer can fed program the convoler to match the. syston requirements Programming is easly accomplished by folowing a user tendly ‘anu asplayed on the LCD and pressing the acive buttons ‘beneath the display. An intmal jumper pin provides secuty pais! unauthorized peogamming. All progearimed parameters fe automaticaly stored in a nonvolatile momar. A Review Screen an be wasiy activated to display what has bean programmed Programmes valves canbe changed whenever nacessay. ‘Tara 210 thee igh onthe enclosure don to inca the status of the sytem, Grean-Powe: On Amber-Pump On Rad Alarm ‘tan alarm occurs, te cause ofthe alam wal appear on the LCD. Taming off power tothe conker wen naam wil snaps iat ake cycle wien turned back 0, LINCOLN za INDUSTRIAL ‘Timing Accuracy aa Pt Nema 12 enclosure 32°F (0°) to 122'F (80°C) (LCD tos) 10ibs. 445K) 1 minute minimum 9.900 minutes maximum 1 count minimum 981000 counts meximum 1 minuto minionum 99 minutes maximum 01% (crystal controlled) 30 courts/sec. at 50% duly cycle 1 (em me ce Seite oe inne atom — ‘stent DIMENSIONS ‘The LCD is capable of dspaying he fotowing messape “Tensor Count eft nt next ube cycle Amount of tine system has been lubricating ‘wandiate fn a Standby Mode Contoter Reset Faure Alm {Low Love! Alarm ‘Vent Presture Switch Alarm Section - CB Page - 259 Copyright 1996 APRIL - 97 FORM 402671 2 LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY ‘TheL.CO has abottom totop viewing angle. tis racommended that the controller be mounted slightly above eye level for ‘optimum viewing. ‘Tho fisting ofthe LCD s aninstruction ine ora meesage. The ‘second ine can have up tofout comands each corresponding to the button beneath it Pressing the corresponding button will invoke that commancs Tne following example shows the MAIN MENU. WAIN MENU PLEASE SELECT setup | REVIEW] RUN Ood SETUP Pressing the button beneath SETUP wil display the SETUP MENU sing the bullon benzath REVIEW wil display the REVIEW SCREENS. RUN--Pressing the button beneath AUN will cause the contoller t0 function a it Was programmed in The SETUP MENU. PROGRAMMING MODE To program a new controler, use the folowing example as a {guide to match the contollar to your system requirements $e internal jumper pin wil be in the Program position for a new controller, REVIEW. 1} Reminder that it the Run Mode is desired the jumper ‘must 9 sat to Run. ‘SET JUMPER TO RUN Fv el En eee Press button under “<" 2) Main Menu options MAIN MENU PLEASE SELEG SeTuP | REVIEW] RUN Hood , SETUP-All programming options are available ia the Setup Menu, REVIEW- Can review all system parameters that have been programmed in he Setup Men AUN - Controller wil function as t was programmed m the Setup Manu. ross button under “SETUP® 3) Setup Monu options. ‘SETUP MENU PLEASE SELECT ay AO) — eS ) JUMPER IN JUMPER iN “pROaRAM™ POSITION ‘alW" POSITION I¥.a controllr already in use naods to be reprogrammed. tho internat jumper pin must be moved tram the Run position to tho Program position. WARNING: Turn power off belore ‘opening enclosure door to move jumper pin. I no buttons ave arossed within a:30 second gerd, the splay ‘wil automatially hange to"SET JUMPER TO RUN’. Pressing the button under "<" wil display the MAIN MENU, CENTRO - MATIC PROGRAMMING. EXAMPLE: ‘The foltowing instructions will sustrate how 10 program a Contro-Matic Systom with these sample parameters. step 4) TIMER OF COUNTER TIMER 5 OFF TIME 30 min 8 ALARM TIME. 5 min 7 ALARM LOCKOUT. yes & ALARM INTERLOOK LOW LEVEL...... NO ‘0 ALARM RELAY ENERGIZED. NO. 10 PRELUBE YES, 41, 3 HOUR MEMORY Sec WEE: 12 MANUAL LUBE ON 6OOA, YES 42° MANUAL LUBE WHILE IN ALARM... YES 14 IS STANDBY MODE USED No 48 IS VENT PRESSURE SWITCH USED... NO Cc ater TET EM Programming options for a Centro-Matic Controller. [ML Programming options lar a Modular Lube Controller (see MU Manuad, < - Will return you to the previous seven Prass button unger "CM". ~~ 44) Choiea of Timar or Counter TIMER OR COUNTER? id [rumen [counter] < [> Oogt TIMER Tine wil be the me surement between lube cycles COUNTER: Counts will be the measurement between lube oyeles. << = Previous screen ~ > -Noxt screen, Press button under “TIME! Ne 5) Amount of time botween lube cycles 8) Option for Low Lovet Alarm OFF TINE 60 MIN ‘ALARM INTERLOGK LOW LEV? SET yes | _NO > Hoo oo Pressing elther of the lirst two buttons wll inerement number above st by one, Fleet Two Buttons: Determines the fiat two cigits of tne OW Time, Thied Button “A multiplier for the fist two digs. X\_— Molipies frst wo cigs by 1, Range: 110 98 mn Xo. Mullipres fist wo cigis by 10. Farge: 1010. 990 min 100 Multpiss tat wo ois by 100. Range: 100 16900 min. SET. Stores valve displayed on sereon. Presa fist button until a 3 appea Press second button until a 0 appear ross th button until an X1 appears ress button urider "SET" ta input 20 min. {6} Amount of pumping time system has batore an alarm wil ARM TIME WINUTES. 05 ots [ser] > Prossin iar oh i wo bltone wil nrement number Sove'y one First Two Buttons: Ostermines alarm time Range 11099 Min ‘diaplayed on screen, ‘SET- Stores vak > + Next 224 1) Choice of locking system out from lubricating again during an alarm condition "ALARM LOGKOUT 7 (ies [no [> ae | YES an alata condition oceu's he system will not ludaicate ‘oath and tno folowing will Rapper: Atare message will anpaar ‘atm colay contact vil change over Fed ight on enclosure door wil urn on. NO: ian alam condhion aceus the system wily fo Mteate ‘again ana the following wll happen ‘An slain message wit alternate sith tho hbo screen, ‘orm olay contact wil change ove. Fed light an enclosura door wri ture on Wa suocesttul lube event occurs the alarm wil Be ol > = Next seven, VES". YES- Wl folow the program option set in Step 7. NO- System continues to operate with the following conditions | alarm message wil alienate withthe tube screen Bisem rolay contact wil nt change. Fed light on enclosure doar wil tun on, > -Next Sereen, 28 button under NO”. 9} Option for Alarm Relay 10 be used with extornal device. ALARM RELAY ENERGIZED ? yes [NO > fel fel Le) YES- Alas rolay contact wi open i taut occurs NO- Alarm relay contact wil close # a fault occure. > «Mex! sorean, Press button under “NO”. 10} Option of using Proiude PRELUBE? ves [| NO > ee YES- When power is applied to contoliar a tube cycle all, ‘occur. the 3 Hour Memory in Step 11s sotto “YES” ‘ana power has been of forless than & hours 8 prelube will Rot occur NO: Prelube will no! take place : > Next screen 4 ress button under “YES". fee) 11) Choice of using Three Hour Memory Hooda YES--1! power as boon tuned ofl9e8 than 3 hours. then fs reapelied tube cycle il continue tom point of Tatesrupion. pawer nas been turned ol longer Ina ‘Sheurs and hens reapotieg, tne controler wil Degin a2 programmed in Step 10. NO memory option tained ot Pr 2 button une ves

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