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Afrois Hilma as Husband

Antonia Nofriani Waruwu as Mother-in-law
Intan Agmentia as Susi
Mila Khairani as Midwife
Nhovitta Divera as Sister-in-law

In a village, there is one family that has been waiting for the presence of a child. The
mother’s name is Susi. And finally Susi got pregnant. The family heard the news happily.
The family lived with the husband’s family. He was very concerned about the condition of
the mother and the fetus, but she was not aware that her attention make of depressed

In the next morning, when the breakfast time

Susi : honey, I want to eat fried fish. Take to me, please
Husband : ok dear, it is the fried fish
Mother-in-law : ops, you shouldn’t eat the fish.
Susi : but, I want to eat fish mom
Sister-in-law : let she eat the fish, mom. It’s so delicious.
Mother-in-law : no, she should not
Sister-in-law : why she may not eat fish, mom? Why are you always forbid her ?
Mother-in-law : If she eat fish, her baby will fishy
Susi : Oh…come on, mom
Mother-in-law : no way, you always denied
Sister-in-law : ohh…whatever
Husband : is that alright to eat another food honey ?
Susi : hmm…okay

The next day, Susi looks exhausted. Mother-in-law see it, and she approach her.
Mother-in-law : what’s wrong with you ?
Susi : no problem mom, I just tired
Mother-in-law : why did it happen ? I told that you should not move so much. You need a rest.
What are you doing before ?
Susi : I just walked around the house, mom. I want to enjoy the fresh air.
Mother-in-law : I have told you that don’t leave home. It is dangerous for you and your baby
Susi : okay mom, but I need refreshing
Mother-in-law : you still disagree with me. This is for the safety of your baby
Susi : okay mom, I’m so sorry

In the evening, Susi looks gloomy. She was depressed because the attitude of the mother-in-
law. Then her husband approached

Husband : what happen with you, honey ?

Susi : nothing dear
Husband : don’t lie to me, tell me about your problem
Susi : I don’t like excessive attitude of mom. I also pressed by her. All thing is
prohibited by her.
Husband : I see honey, but the mother may behave like that because he was expecting a
grandchild. She didn’t want to lose the baby.
Susi : yes dear, but she exaggerated. I am not comfortable.
Husband : be patient dear, don’t worried about it. Let’s take a rest
Susi : okay, dear

The next morning, all of family who waiting Susi for breakfast together. Suddenly they
heard Susi voice.
Susi : dear, dear . . .

They are running to Susi soon.

Sister-in-law : what’s wrong Susi ?
Husband : what’s happened honey ? you look so pale
Susi : I am dizzy and tired
Sister-in-law : what are you doing before ?
Susi : nothing, sister. I just walked to the dining room, suddenly I am dizzy.
Mother-in-law : you can’t protect your pregnancy well
Husband : don’t be like that mom, let’s bring her to the clinic

Finally, they go to the clinic for checked

Husband : excuse me miss
Midwife : come in Sir and Ma’am. Please sit down
Husband : thank you.
Midwife : hello, good afternoon Sir and Ma’am. I’m Mila as a midwife in this clinic.
What can I do for you ?
Mother-in-law : my daughter-in-law is sick. I want you to check her. She can’t protect her
pregnant well.
Husband : be patient, mom
Midwife : just calm down ma’am. I will asking some question and I wil check up her last.
Mother-in-law : all right
Midwife : okay, what do you feel mom ?
Susi : I am dizzy and I had stomachache
Midwife : is that hurting you so much ?
Susi : not much
Midwife : when do you feel that ?
Susi : a few days ago
Midwife : how many you eat in a day ma’am ?
Susi : two or three times in a day ma’am
Midwife : do you eat some vegetables and fishes when you was eating ?
Susi : yes, I do. But my mother prohibit me to eat fish and egg
Midwife : is that right ma’am ? why do you prohibit that ?
Mother-in-law : because if pregnant woman consume fish that make the baby smelled fishy and
eggs that make ulcers
Midwife : Whom do you get the information ma’am ?
Mother-in-law : From other peoples
Midwife : allright ma’am. Let me check her first
Mother-in-law : I will accompany her
Midwife : I’m sorry ma’am. You should wait here
Husband : yes mom, we wait for a while.

Midwife and the mother go to check up room. And then midwife check the mother.
Midwife : well, I will check your blood pressure
Susi : okay
Midwife : Can you look up

A few minutes later . . .

Midwife : ma’am, after check your condition, you have anemia. And you look so stress.
That is not good for your pregnant. I suggest that you to consume a good
nutrition like eat fish, egg, milk and many vegetables. And keep your emotion.
Are you understand ?
mother-in-law : are you sure mom ?
Midwife : yes, I’m very sure. Because that is good for her pregnant ma’am
Mother-in-law : hmm…I believe your suggest. I’ll care for her.
Husband : okay, thank you very much ma’am
Mother-in-law : thank you ma’am
Midwife : you’re welcome

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