Seated Chair Massage

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Seated Chair Massage

Have client seated backwards in a stable chair comfortably and supported with pillows or blankets.
Sequence is HEAD, NECK, ARMS,BACK.
Begin at the shoulders to make initial contact by kneading the upper traps.
HEAD…..Move around to the front of the client and massage the scalp ( circles, shimmies, tugs )
Place fingers at the occipital ridge and stretch towards you and upward.
Circle the ears with thumbs and forefingers.
Circles with fingers of both hands on the forehead at the frontal eminence.
Trace the upper eye.
Circle the cheeks.
NECK….Support the forehead with one hand, using the other to “scoop” massage the neck from T1 – the
occiput. Then, switch hands and repeat.
ARM… Knead the arm from shoulder to hand twice.
Work on the metacarpals and between the thumb and index finger.
Thumb walk the palm.
Pull the fingers.
Pinky to pinky and thumb separate the carpal tunnel area.
Press thumbs down from the wrist to the elbow between the ulna and radius on both sides of forearm.
Hold the thumb hand and “wiggle” the arm, mobilizing the wrist, elbow, and shoulder.
Place the arm at the knee and “ ring down” the arm.
Repeat on other arm.
Then, tapote with tapping from one arm to the fingers of the other over the shoulders and back to the
other hand several times, ending at the shoulders.
BACK…. Knead the upper traps.
Use thumb circles counting the vertebrae from T1 to sacrum.
Large circles over the entire back.
Standing at one side, using the fingers of both hands, small circles at the band of muscles either side of
the spine that run from the sacrum to the occiput, and change sides to repeat.
Fists together press down the back from T1 to sacrum and repeat.
Work under each scapula, pressing fingers from the center of spine under the scapula ( scapula raised by
placing clients thumb at the waist in belt loop )
Standing at the side, forearm glides from the upper traps, down the space between the scapula and
spine to the sacrum. Opposite hand rest on the arm at fist to add support and control. Repeat on other
Knead the upper shoulder quadrant both sides.
Stretch the upper traps both sides.
Drain strokes down the back and arms.
Feather strokes down the back and arms.

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