With Reference To: Under The Guidance of

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A Study on


With reference to
A project report synopsis submitted for the
Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of


Submitted by
(Reg.No. 17T91E0039)
Under the guidance of


GIET Engineering College

(Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada)
Chaitanya Knowledge City, NH – 16, RAJAMAHENDRAVARAM (AP)

A study on “Comparitive cum Compliance of Labour Welfare Measures”

at GSKCH LIMITED Dowlaiswaram, Rajahmundry.

Labour Welfare means improving the working conditions, maintenance of better

industrial relations, strict enforcement of Labour Laws and launching of welfare activities for
the benefit of industrial workers and their families. The Labour department implements about
29 labour legislations with the objective of providing not only monetary benefits like
minimum wages, overtime, bonus etc., to the workers but also to ensure their health and
safety during the course of employment. Labour welfare implies the setting up of the
minimum desirable standards and the provisions of facilities like health, clothing, housing,
medical assistance, education, insurance, job, security, recreation, and so on. Such facilities
enable the worker and his family to lead a good work, life, family life and social life.

Labour welfare includes both the social and economic contents of welfare. Labour
welfare is a part of social welfare, conceptually and operationally. It covers a broad field and
connotes a state of well-being,happiness,satisfaction,conservation and development of
human resources.Labour welfare plays a vital role in the industrial economy of a nation.It
promotes the productivity and production besides enabling the workers to raise their standard
of living.Labour welfare also builds the morale and loyalty and paves the way to reduce
absenteeism and labour turnover.Knowing the importance of labour welfare the Government
of India had enacted many Welfare legislations and the employers are under statutory legal
obligation to abide by the provisions of those legislations.

Labour Welfare: Effort to make life worth living for work men.

Welfare: Welfare is fundamentally and attitude of mind on the part of management,

influencing the method by which management activities are undertaken.

Human Resource Management is the strategic approach to the effective

management of people in an organization, so that they help the business gain a competitive
advantage. Commonly known as the HR department. It is designed to maximize employee
performance in service of an employer’s strategic objectives.

HR is primarily concerned with the management of people within organizations,

focusing on policies and on systems. Human resources overall purpose is to ensure that the
organization is able to achieve success through people.

“Human” represents the dimensions of HRM which relates to the soft aspect such as
commitment through participation and the most important aspect being the employees.

“Resource” represents the hard aspects such as strategy link of HRM and the importance of
efficient utilization of employees.

“Management” represents the role of HRM as part of management that implies that it is not
only an administrative function that carries out the formulation policies but also a managerial
function that contributes to strategy formulation.
Welfare is a board concept referring to a state of living of an individual or a group, in
a desirable relationship with the total environment-ecological economic and social. Labour
welfare includes both social and economic content of social welfare is primarily concerned
with the solution of various problems of the weaker section of society like prevention of
destitution and poverty. It aims at social development by such means as social legislation,
social reform social services, social work, social action. The object of economics welfare is
to promote economic production and productivity and through development by increasing
equitable distribution. Labour welfare is an area of social welfare conceptually and
operationally. It covers a board field and connotes a state of wellbeing, happiness,
satisfaction, conservation and development of human resources.

Labour Welfare may be viewed as a a total concept, as a social concept and as a

relative concept.The total concept is a desirable state of existence involving the physical,
mental, moral and emotional wellbeing.These four elements together constitute the structure
of welfare, on which it’s totality is based. The social concept of welfare implies the welfare
of men, his family and his community, all these three prospects are inter related and work
together in a dimensional approach.The relative concept on welfare implies that welfare if
relative in time and place.

.Principles of Labour Welfare:

1.The labour welfare activities should pervade the entire hierarchy of an organization.
Management should be welfare oriented at every level.

2.The employers should not bargain labour welfare as a substitute for wages or monetary

3.The employers should look after the welfare of his employees as a matter of social

4.There should be proper coordination, harmony and integration of all labour welfare
services in an undertaking.
GLAXOSMITHKLINE plc. (GSK) is a global pharmaceutical, biologics, vaccines,
and consumer healthcare company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is the
world’s third largest pharmaceutical company measured by revenues(after Johnson
&Johnson and Pfizer).It has a portfolio of products for major disease areas including asthma,
cancer, virus control, infections, mental health, diabetes and digestive conditions.


associate of GlaxoSmithKline plc, U.K. It is a large consumer healthcare division which
produces and markets oral healthcare products, nutritional drinks and over-the-counter
medicines, including Sensodyne, Horlicks and Gavison.

GSKCH has a strong marketing and distribution network in India comprising over
4800 wholesalers and direct coverage of over 7,00,000 retail outlets.


The factory at Rajahmundry was set up in the year 1975 to meet the increasing
demand of Horlicks. The area of the plant in Rajahmundry is on 50 acres of land.GSK in
Rajahmundry manufactures nutritional powders viz. Horlicks, Chocolate Horlicks, Mother
Horlicks, Junior Horlicks and Export Horlicks is also being exported to Bangladesh and
Srilanka from Rajahmundry plant. Its annual capacity is 30 kilo tons. Current site headcount
is 1200 inclusive of contract workmen.

GlaxoSmithKline’s Consumer Healthcare business is based on scientific innovation.

The company has dedicated consumer healthcare R&D centers and takes research as
seriously as marketing excellence,offering cutting-edge capability in both.


GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is a world leading research-based pharmaceutical company
with a powerful combination of skills and resources that provides a platform for delivering
strong growth in today’s rapidly changing healthcare environment.

The company also has a Consumer Healthcare portfolio comprising over-the-counter

(OTC) medicines, oral care products and nutritional healthcare drinks, all of which are
among the market leaders.

“Our global quest is to improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do
more, feel better and live longer”.

“We want to become the indisputable leader in our mission and improve the quality of
human life. Becoming the indisputable leader in our industry means, conquering the
challenges that face us as an industry, and as a global society”.


Quality to GlaxoSmithKline means total consumer satisfaction.The success of the
business in an increasingly competitive environment is depending on the quality of the
product and service.

The company operates in 3 core business areas:

 Pharmaceuticals
 Consumer Health Care
 Health Care Services


 Production Department
 Engineering Department
 Quality Assurance
 Stores Department
 Procurement Department
 Environment, Health and Safety
 Operation Excellence
 Human Resource and Administration
 Information Technology
 To study health food drinks industry in general.

 To study the effective employee welfare measures in GLASKOSMITHKLINE.

 To study the statutory and non-statutory welfare measures in GSK.

 Comparative study of welfare measures being implemented in GSK and the statutory
provisions provided by the government.

 To understand whether the organization is in compliance with the labour laws of


 To study the extent to which the welfare measures are carried out by the organization.

 To determine the gaps, if any,to meet the welfare measures.

 To suggest to fill the gap if any,during the study.

The concept of welfare is necessarily dynamic, having a different interpretation
from country to country and from time to social institution, degree of industrialization and
general level of social and economic development .Even within the country its content may
be different from region to region.

The study of various report and various works, concludes that the following
activities are generally included under the scope of labour welfare:

1. Housing, medical, educational facilities.

2.Nutrition (including the provision of canteens)

3.Facilities for rest and recreation.

4.Cooperative societies

5.Day nurseries and creches

6.Provision of sanitary accommodation

7.Holiday with pay

The progress of the company depends on the labour. So, labour is responsible for
leading the company successfully. At present scenario, if the labour has job satisfaction,
management neglects welfare of the labour as a pivotal role in the company process. So it is
very essential to study the labour welfare measures. Every man in the world requires basic
needs. But Labour is unable to get basic needs. Labor welfare implies the setting up of
minimum desirable standard and the provision of facilities like health, food, clothing,
housing, medical assistance, education, insurance, job security, recreation, and so on. The
organization success or failure depends basically on the labour.


The project titled “A Study on Labour Welfare Measures with special reference to
researcher should know the various welfare activities provided to the labours in
GLAXOSMITHKLINE LIMITED, and also to study the various dimensions of employee
welfare measures as perceived by the worker and also the perception of the respondents
regarding the various labor welfare measures provided to them and to suggest the suitable
measures to enhance HRD intervention which results in the development of an organization.

Chapter Schedule
CHAPTER-1: Explains the methodology adopted in order to interpret and analyze the
findings of the study.
CHAPTER-2: A profile of the organization GSKCH
CHAPTER-3: It gives a clear picture of the theoretical framework of the concept taken
from various sources.
CHAPTER-4: It reveals the data analysis and interpretation of the survey undertaken
during the project study.
CHAPTER-5: This chapter explains suitable findings and summary with suggestions
Research method used for identifying all the statutory provisions various acts like
Factories Act, Employee Provident Fund Act, etc.,and non-statutory provisions in
GlaxoSmithKline is done through:

Primary Data:
The primary data are the first hand information collected ,complained and
published by organization for some purpose.They are most original data in character and
have not undergone any sort of processing or any other manipulation.

The primary data will be collected though discussion and interaction with
employees, executives from the human resource department, and government officials in the
labour department regarding implementation of labour welfare in the organization.

Secondary Data:
The secondary data is the data which is already collected by someone (organization)
foe some purpose and are available for the present study.It is collected from:

 Company’s records
 Files and Documents relating to employee welfare
 Text books relating to labour welfare measures
 Books, Journals, Websites.

Thus,collected data will be analyzed and interpreted to arrive at logical conclusions

and suggestions.

 The outcome of the study is influenced to a large extent on the knowledge of various
statutory and non statutory provisions related to welfare measures of the project

 The actual observation/discussion/study of records related to welfare measure is

limited to the availability/perception of the project/researcher to some extent.

 The time factor allotted by the company for the study may be a constraint to do an
indepth study.

 The views expressed by the employees may be biased as they are personal opinions.
After a keen study about the welfare activities of GlaxoSmithKline Consumer
Healthcare Limited. I am pleased to put forward some ideas, which would improve welfare
conditions in the company.

The taste of the food served in the canteen can be improved and some new
dishes can be introduced.

The management has to concentrate more on cultural activities and recreational

facilities so that workmen may overcome their stress. Reduction of the heat in oven room of
the production department.
It is observed that the work environment in GSKCH limited is congential.
Welfare facilities are direct and indirect motivators which substantially improve the level of
productivity in the company and thereby increasing the efficiency and effectiveness.

In this organization all statutory welfare facilities are there.This shows that the
management pays attention towards workers welfare

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