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Republic of the Philippines

Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Lapu-Lapu City

Fourth Quarter Examination in Science Grade 8 (Biology)

SY 2017- 2018

Name: ______________________________Grade_______ Sec: _____________________ Date: __________

Multiple Choices: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on a separate sheet .
1. Which region in our digestive system does absorption of salt and water is the principal function ?
A. anus B. stomach C. small intestine D. large intestine
2.Which of the following is not an accessory organ of digestion?
a. esophagus b. liver c. pancreas d. salivary glands
3. Which process facilitates the transport of the final products of digestion from the digestive s ystem to the blood?
a. circulation b. excretion c. absorption d. secretion
4. Food is completel y digested and absorbed in what organ ?
a. stomach b. small intestine c. large intestine d. liver
5. Which of the following processes eliminates the solid waste material in our body through the anus?
a. absorption b. digestion c. defecation d. circulation
6. Which of the following vitamins are water soluble that should be taken d ail y?
a. vitamin A & B b. vitamin B & C c. vitamin D & C d.vitamin E & K
7. What is the effect if a person’s liver stops to function?
a.Starch cannot be change to sugar c. Fats will not be broken down to smaller oil droplets
b.Proteins cannot be change to amino acids. d.Vitamins and minerals will not be absorbed in the small intestine
8. Which does NOT describe digestion ?
a. Absorption of food molecules into the walls of small intestine c .Distribution of food molecules by blood and lymph
b. Passage of water and undigested food into the large intestine d. Breaking of food into smaller sizes
9. It refers to the voluntary movement of muscle that sweep the food in the GI tract
A. Peristalsis B. Chyme C. Bolus D. Enzymes
10. After digestion, blood sugar level _____________.
A. decreases C. remains the same
B. increases D. none of these
11. In cell cycle, what phase is considered as longest and resting phase?
A. Metaphase B. Anaphase C. Interphase D. Telophase

12. A person with Down syndrome is mildly to severely developmentally disabled, He has almond-shaped eyes
and enlarged tongue, short and stocky body with poor muscular development and coordination. Which has
caused this disorder?
A. An extra chromosome in male gamete C. A monosomy in chromosomes 21
B. A trisomy on chromosome 21 D. A trisomy on chromosome 18
13. Brown is dominant over blue. If a homozygous brown-eyed man married a homozygous blue-eyed woman,
what is the probable phenotype of their offspring?
A. 25% is brown-eyed B. 50% is brown-eyed C. 75% is brown-eyed. D.100% is brown-eyed
14. Which of the following is not a Mendelian’s law of inheritance?
A. law of dominance C. incomplete dominance
B. law of independent assortment D.. law of segregation
15. Which of the statement below best explains the chromosomal basis of inheritance?
A. Chromosome is the bearer of the heredity factors.
B. Chromosome maybe single stranded or double stranded.
C. Each strand of a chromosome becomes a sister chromatid.
D. A chromosome has a constriction along its length, called centromere


Phenotype Genotype
A IA IA or IA i
B IB lB or IB i
O i
For item 16 and 17, refer the table of blood group above.
16. Base on the table above, what could be said about Type A blood?
A. The alleles of Type A blood are either dominant or recessive.
B. The alleles of Type A blood can mask the alleles of Type of B and O.
C. The alleles of Type A are partially expressed in the offspring.
D. The alleles of Type A blood are codominant with the alleles of Type B blood.

17. What are the possible blood type of the offspring of a cross between individuals that are type AB and type O?
A. Type A only B. Type B only C. Type A and Type B D Type AB and Type O
18. Which of the following stages in the cell cycle is marked by an increase in protein synthesis, in the number of cellular organelles, and in cell size?
a. G1 phase b. S phase c. G2 phase d. prophase
19. In which stage of the cell cycle does DNA replication occur?
a. G1 b. G2 c. S d. interphase
20. Which of the following is NOT a characteristics of meiosis?
a. It has two successive nuclear divisions.
b. It involves reproductive cells.
c. it results in a reduction of the chromosomal number of daughter cells.
d. It results in daughter cells with a diploid number of chromosome
21. What type of division that will give haploid daughter cells?
A. Mitosis B. Meiosis C. both mitosis and meiosis D. Neither mitosis nor meiosis 22. Which of the following sequences shows the correct hierarchy
of classification, going from the most
inclusive to the least inclusive?
A. Kingdom, Domain, Phylum, Order, Class, Family, Genus, Species
B. Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
C. Genus, Species, Kingdom, Phylum, Order, Class, Family, Domain
D. Domain, Phylum, Kingdom, Genus, Species, Family, Order, Class
23. Which of the following is the least specific classification?
a. phylum b. class c. genus d. species
24. What language is used in giving scientific names?
a. Hebrew b. Greek c. French d. Latin.
25 . Which of the following is not a basis for the Linnaen system of classification?
a. anatomical similarities b. behavioral characteristics c. genetic similarities d. habitat
26 . Which of the following kingdoms was proposed by Haeckel in 1866?
a. Animalia b. Plantae c. Fungi d. Protista
27. What similarities does a hydra and sponges have?
A. They have complete digestive system. C. They have mouth and anus
B. They have incomplete digestive system D. They have no digestive system
28 . If a human is a second order consumer in an energy pyramid, how much biomass can 1 000 kg. of corn support?
A. 100 B. 10 C. 500 D. 1 000
29. Heterotrophic is also known as
A. consumer B. producer C. decomposer D. herbivore
30. Which three classes of nutrients can supply the body with energy?
A. fats, carbohydrates, protein C. protein, carbohydrates, minerals
B. fats, carbohydrates, minerals D. minerals, vitamins, fats
31. The following practices may disrupt a food chain or food web EXCEPT,
A. monoculture C. use of chemical fertilizers
B. use of organic fertilizers D. use of insecticides
32. What is true about organisms at the highest trophic level in an energy pyramid?
A. They are producers
B. They are first order consumers.
C. The least amount of energy is transferred to them.
D. The greatest amount of energy is transferred to them.
33. Which of the following describes the paramecium?
A. it moves by flagella C. it moves by a hair –like projections called cilia
B. it moves by pseudopodia D. it makes its own food
34. Which of the following characteristics describes prototroph?
A. All have chlorophyll C. All live in freshwater
B. All possess pseudopods D. All are microscopic
35. What fungi are associated with bread?
A. yeast and mushroom C. mushroom and bread mold
B. bread mold and toadstool D. yeast and bread mold.
36. Ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms are vascular plants because they.
A. bear seeds
B. develop from an embryo
C. have specialized stems for storing food
D. have a water and nutrient transport system
37. Without decomposer will the producers stay alive? Why?
A. No. Decomposers act on dead organisms and change these to simple nutrients.
B. No. Decomposers will act as fertilizers to producers.
C. Yes. Decomposers are not needed in the production of food from the plant.
D. Yes. Decomposers are just optional in the process of food chain and manufacturing of food.
38. In the pyramid of energy transfer, which organism receives the least biomass and energy?
A. Producer B. first consumer C. second consumer D. top consumer
39. Which organism would most likely be present in a water sample collected during red tide?
A. Euglenophyta B. Diatom C. Gonyaulax D. Tridacna
40. What organism is a vector of dengue?
A. Anopheles mosquito C. Aedes mosquito
B. Rats D. Birds
41. Why is biodiversity important to ecosystem?
A. It increases at each level of food chain.
B. It helps populations adapt to ecological changes
C. It reduce the number of species in a given ecosystem
D. It allows animals to feed permanently from one type of plant.
42. What human the practices may not disrupt a food chain or food web?
A. Monoculture B. Herbicides/Insecticides C. Chemical fertilizer D. Organic fertilizer

43. Which process allows water to transpire from plants to evaporate from the soil?
a. condensation b. evaporatranspiration c. respiration d. precipitation
44. Which of the following processes in the nitrogen cycle changes nitrates to nitrogen gas?
a. ammonification b. denitrification c. nitrogen fixation d. nitrification
45. Which of the following processes in the nitrogen cycle allows the conversion of nitrogen in the bodies of plants and animals to NH4 ?
a. ammonification b. denitrification c. nitrogen fixation d. nitrification
46. Which of the following depicts the amount and distribution of energy ,the number of organisms, and the biomass in different trophic levels from the producers to the
a. ecological pyramids b. pyramid of energy c. pyramid of biomass d. pyramid of numbers
47. Which of the following results in increased leaching and runoff, consequently diminishing water evaporation and precipitation?
a. use of irrigation system b. massive cutting down of trees
c. burning of fossil fuels d. use of hydroelectric plant
48. Which does not belong to the domain Eukarya?
a. plants b. animals c. fungi d. protozoans p
49. Like other organisms, fungi require conditions that will support their growth. In which environment will fungi most likely exist?
A. moist, dark, and cold C. dry, lighted, and cold
B. moist, dark, and warm D. dry, lighted, and warm
50. Which of the following factors DOES NOT cause serious health problems?
A. food deficiencies B. life style C. drug abuse D. proper diet

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
B.M. Dimataga St., Lapu-Lapu City

District 2

Bankal National High School


Fourth Periodical Test in Science 8

No. of
Remember / Understand/ Apply/ Analyze / Evaluate / Create /
Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesize Evaluation
1. Explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and S8LT-Iva-13 1,9 2 3 4
2. Explain how diseases of the digestive system S8LT-IVb14 4 8 2
are prevented, detected and treated;
3. Identify healthful practices that affect the S8LT-IV-15 5,10 6,7 50 5
digestive system
4. Compare mitosis and meiosis, and their role in S8LT-IVd-16 11,19 18 20 4
the cell-division cycle
5. Explain the significance of meiosis in S8LT-IVe-17 15 12,21 3
maintaining the chromosome number.
6. Predict phenotypic expressions of traits S8LT-IVf-18 14 17 16 13 4
following simple patterns of inheritance
7. Explain the concept of a species S8LT-IVg-19 23 1

8. Classify organisms using the hierarchical S8LT-IVh-20 24,25,26 22 4

taxonomic system
9. Explain the advantage of high biodiversity in S^LT-IVh-21 41 1
maintaining the stability of an ecosystem
10. Describe the transfer of energy through the S8LT-IVi-22 29 28,30,46 32,38 34 7
trophic levels
11. Analyze the roles of organisms in the cycling of S8LT-IVi-23 27 36,44,45 40 48 6
12. Explain how materials cycle in an ecosystem S8LT-IVi-24 35 33,43 31,39 5

13. Suggest ways to minimize human impact on S8LT-IVj-25 37 42,47,49 4

the environment
TOTAL NUMBER OF ITEMS 13 17 10 5 4 1

No. Answer No. Answer

1 D 26 D

2 A 27 B

3 A 28 B

4 B 29 A

5 C 30 A

6 B 31 B

7 C 32 C

8 C 33 C

9 A 34 A

10 B 35 D

11 C 36 D

12 B 37 A

13 D 38 D

14 C 39 B

15 A 40 C

16 D 41 B

17 C 42 D

18 B 43 B

19 A 44 B

20 D 45 A

21 B 46 B

22 B 47 B

23 D 48 D

24 D 49 A

25 D 50 D

1. For Science, please email a copy of test questions to

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