03 17 2019 Link

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Weekly Link

March 17th, 2019

40 Days of Lent
As we entered our season of Lent on Ash Wednesday (March 6), the opening words came
from Isaiah 58.
Is such the fast that I choose, a day to humble oneself?
Is it to bow down the head like a bulrush, and to lie in sackcloth and ashes?
Will you call this a fast, a day acceptable to the Lord?
Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice,
to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free,
and to break every yoke?
One symbol we will carry with us during Lent will be sackcloth and ashes. According to
Jewish traditions, sackcloth was a woven fabric, usually made of goat's hair, and it was worn
as a symbol of mourning and submission by the Israelites. It is not completely clear what
the precise intended symbol of ashes is, but along with sackcloth ashes were poured or
smeared on the body and used by those who mourn to convey a downcast soul. Using
sackcloth and ash was a way to humble one’s self, and reminded people of our mortality.
Ash Wednesday was a threshold day, and we wore ashes on our foreheads. It might have
felt strange to wear ashes, and it might have felt a bit somber to think about our sins and
mortality. Yet, any gardener will tell you that ashes make great fertilizer. When we mark
ourselves with ashes in dust and ash with the words, “Remember that you are dust and to
dust you shall return,” we remembered that God can transform us and restore us. That is
the beginning, but we have joy because we know where things are going.
It was a day we stepped into Lent and it marked an opportunity for a new beginning. We
recognized what is broken in our lives and world, and we offered a space to be humble,
present, and with a willingness to be transformed by grace. It marked the beginning of 40
days where we can focus on the nature of our hearts and souls. We are invited to think
deeply, look deeply and drink deeply of God’s presence. We began with sackcloth and
ashes, we will break bread and wash feet on Maundy Thursday, we will face the cross on
Good Friday and we will end this journey in a garden with an empty tomb. I invite you to
enter a season in Lent.
Lenten Worship Schedule
 Sunday, March 17th, 2nd Sunday in Lent (Luke 13:31-35)
 Sunday, March 24th, 3rd Sunday in Lent (Luke 13:1-9)
 Sunday, March 31st, 4th Sunday in Lent (Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32)
 Sunday, April 7th, 5th Sunday in Lent (John 12:1-8)
 Sunday, April 14th, Palm Sunday (Luke 19:28-40)
Holy Week & Easter Worship Schedule
 Thursday, April 18th, Maundy Thursday (John 13:1-17, 31b-35)
o Crescent Hill United Methodist Church @ 6:30
(Note: If you would like to participate in the foot washing, be sure to wear shoes that are
easy to take off. We will have an option for washing of hands.)
 Friday, April 19th, Good Friday (John 18:1-19:42)
o 4th Avenue United Methodist Church @ 12:30 pm
 Sunday, April 21st Easter Sunday
o Easter Sunday (Luke 24:1-12) @ 11:00 am

Open Door Ministry Update

The open door program offers a warm meal every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday. If you want to volunteer your time, be sure to reach out to April DuVal or Sarah
Sloan. This year the dental clinic and medical van will continue; here is the schedule:
Medical Clinic—4th Thursday of every month. Dental Clinic— April 13th, May 18th, August
24th, October 12th, and November 16th.

Volunteer Opportunities:
English Conversation Club at the Iroquois Library - Meet neighbors new to the U.S. Help with
conversational English, citizenship test preparation, resumes, homework. Volunteers can also play
chess with middle schoolers or read to young children. Iroquois Library, 601 West Woodlawn (off
Southern Parkway) at 6th Street. Saturdays at 3:00 p.m. Questions? Ask Lisa Kolb, Al Mortenson, or
Donna Morton - all volunteers."
“Office Hours” in Lent
The pastor’s “Offices Hours” during are scheduled ahead of time for Lent. If you are able to join him
for any of the dates or times below, please do. You are also invited to read a Lenten devotional
written by Walter Brueggemann called, “A Way Other Than Our Own: Devotions for Lent.” We and
discuss that day’s reading…or anything on your mind & heart!

• Thursday, March 21st @ 6 pm (Vint, 2309 Frankfort Ave, Louisville)

• Thursday, March 28th @ 1 pm (Sunergos Coffee, 2122 S Preston St.)
• Thursday, April 11th @ 1 pm (Vint, 2309 Frankfort Ave, Louisville)

Mountain Mission
The Mountain Mission truck will be at FAUMC on April 1st to pick up donations. If you have clothes,
household items, etc., that you would like to donate, please bring them to the church no later than
March 27th.

Sunday Fellowship Time

Join us for fellowship following worship, and before Sunday School classes in the parlor. We
want to thank Beth Stewart for organizing this time! Here are the scheduled hosts for the
upcoming months: UMM in February, and Circle Fellowship Class in March.

The UMW (United Methodist Women) are celebrating 150 Years of

Service in 2019!
HISTORY OF UNITED METHODIST WOMEN (part 1) United Methodist Women (UMW) is
founded on the work of the organization’s foremothers and women’s groups in the
predecessor churches of the United Methodist Church. The beginning of UMW can be
traced back to an 1869 meeting of eight women on a stormy night in Boston. These women
met to specifically learn about women’s health and education needs in India from
missionary wives on itineration in Boston. These eight women called another meeting,
wrote a constitution, and organized the Methodist Women’s Foreign Missionary Society. In
the period of 1869 – 1893, women in the Methodist and Evangelical United Brethren
traditions organized home missionary organizations which worked to change situations for
women and children within our own country. United Methodist Women engage in service
and advocacy on behalf of women, children, and youth in the United States and around the
world. Local UMW units are responsible for their own fundraising. We are called upon to
offer our hearts and our hands to meet great needs.
March Birthdays
If you have a birthday in March and your name is not on this list please call the church office
at (502) 585-2176.
February 22 - Jackson Craig
March 1 – Rogna Wagoner
March 4 – Chris Johnson
March 6 – Alexandria Secession
March 12 – Ilene Chaffee
Carolyn Olds
March 17 – Sally Rose
March 18 – Catie Craig
March 21 – David Hodson
The deadline for information for the bulletin is every Thursday at noon.
The Deadline for the April LINK is March 20.

Other March Meetings & Gatherings:

The ALT will meet March 18 at 6:00 p.m.
Triple “S” will walk the Big 4 Bridge on Wednesday (Weather permitting.) We will leave the
church at 9:30am.
Triple “S” will see “Robber Bridegroom” at Derby Dinner Playhouse on Sunday, March 24 th.
This productions has bluegrass music! The cost is $35 a person. If you are interested see
David Stewart.

Church Call Tree

Many of our members do not use email or prefer other means of being contacted when
prayers or announcements need to be communicated. If you would like to be part of a new
church calling tree, please contact Beth Stewart. Her phone number is (502) 905-5986

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