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The 66th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition

Saturday, December 3, 2005

A1 Show that every positive integer is a sum of one or more B2 Find all positive integers n, k1 , . . . , kn such that k1 +
numbers of the form 2r 3s , where r and s are nonneg- · · · + kn = 5n − 4 and
ative integers and no summand divides another. (For
example, 23 = 9 + 8 + 6.) 1 1
+ ··· + = 1.
k1 kn
A2 Let S = {(a, b)|a = 1, 2, . . . , n, b = 1, 2, 3}. A rook
tour of S is a polygonal path made up of line segments
connecting points p1 , p2 , . . . , p3n in sequence such that B3 Find all differentiable functions f : (0, ∞) → (0, ∞)
for which there is a positive real number a such that
(i) pi ∈ S,
a x
(ii) pi and pi+1 are a unit distance apart, for 1 ≤ i < f0 =
3n, x f (x)
(iii) for each p ∈ S there is a unique i such that pi = p.
for all x > 0.
How many rook tours are there that begin at (1, 1)
B4 For positive integers m and n, let f (m, n) denote the
and end at (n, 1)?
number of n-tuples (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) of integers such
(An example of such a rook tour for n = 5 was depicted that |x1 | + |x2 | + · · · + |xn | ≤ m. Show that f (m, n) =
in the original.) f (n, m).

A3 Let p(z) be a polynomial of degree n, all of whose ze- B5 Let P (x1 , . . . , xn ) denote a polynomial with real coef-
ros have absolute value 1 in the complex plane. Put ficients in the variables x1 , . . . , xn , and suppose that
g(z) = p(z)/z n/2 . Show that all zeros of g 0 (z) = 0
have absolute value 1. 
∂2 ∂2

+ · · · + P (x1 , . . . , xn ) = 0 (identically)
A4 Let H be an n × n matrix all of whose entries are ±1 ∂x21 ∂x2n
and whose rows are mutually orthogonal. Suppose H
has an a × b submatrix whose entries are all 1. Show and that
that ab ≤ n.
x21 + · · · + x2n divides P (x1 , . . . , xn ).
A5 Evaluate
Z 1
ln(x + 1) Show that P = 0 identically.
0 x2 + 1
B6 Let Sn denote the set of all permutations of the numbers
1, 2, . . . , n. For π ∈ Sn , let σ(π) = 1 if π is an even
A6 Let n be given, n ≥ 4, and suppose that P1 , P2 , . . . , Pn
permutation and σ(π) = −1 if π is an odd permutation.
are n randomly, independently and uniformly, chosen
Also, let ν(π) denote the number of fixed points of π.
points on a circle. Consider the convex n-gon whose
Show that
vertices are Pi . What is the probability that at least one
of the vertex angles of this polygon is acute? X σ(π) n
= (−1)n+1 .
B1 Find a nonzero polynomial P (x, y) such that ν(π) + 1 n+1
P (bac, b2ac) = 0 for all real numbers a. (Note:
bνc is the greatest integer less than or equal to ν.)
Solutions to the 66th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition
Saturday, December 3, 2005
Manjul Bhargava, Kiran Kedlaya, and Lenny Ng

A1 We proceed by induction, with base case 1 = 20 30 . segment joining (n − 1, 3) to (n − 1, 2) results in a path

Suppose all integers less than n − 1 can be represented. in An−1 . (This construction is reversible, lengthening
If n is even, then we can take a representation of n/2 any path in An−1 to a path in An .) In the latter case, P
and multiply each term by 2 to obtain a representation contains the subpath P20 which joins (n − 1, 3), (n, 3),
of n. If n is odd, put m = blog3 nc, so that 3m ≤ n < (n, 2), (n, 1) consecutively; deleting P20 results in a path
3m+1 . If 3m = n, we are done. Otherwise, choose a in Bn−1 , and this construction is also reversible. The
representation (n−3m )/2 = s1 +· · ·+sk in the desired desired bijection follows.
form. Then Similarly, there is a bijection between Bn and An−1 ∪
m Bn−1 for n ≥ 2. It follows by induction that for n ≥ 2,
n = 3 + 2s1 + · · · + 2sk ,
|An | = |Bn | = 2n−2 (|A1 | + |B1 |). But |A1 | = 0 and
and clearly none of the 2si divide each other or 3m . |B1 | = 1, and hence the desired answer is |An | = 2n−2 .
Moreover, since 2si ≤ n − 3m < 3m+1 − 3m , we Remarks: Other bijective arguments are possible: for
have si < 3m , so 3m cannot divide 2si either. Thus instance, Noam Elkies points out that each element
n has a representation of the desired form in all cases, of An ∪ Bn contains a different one of the possi-
completing the induction. ble sets of segments of the form (i, 2), (i + 1, 2) for
Remarks: This problem is originally due to Paul Erdős. i = 1, . . . , n − 1. Richard Stanley provides the refer-
Note that the representations need not be unique: for ence: K.L. Collins and L.B. Krompart, The number of
instance, Hamiltonian paths in a rectangular grid, Discrete Math.
169 (1997), 29–38. This problem is Theorem 1 of that
11 = 2 + 9 = 3 + 8. paper; the cases of 4 × n and 5 × n grids are also
treated. The paper can also be found online at the URL
A2 We will assume n ≥ 2 hereafter, since the answer is 0
for n = 1. A3 Note that it is implicit in the problem that p is noncon-
First solution: We show that the set of rook tours from stant, one may take any branch of the square root, and
(1, 1) to (n, 1) is in bijection with the set of subsets of that z = 0 should be ignored.
{1, 2, ..., n} that include n and contain an even number Qn
First solution: Write p(z) = c j=1 (z − rj ), so that
of elements in total. Since the latter set evidently con-
tains 2n−2 elements, so does the former. n
g 0 (z) 1 X z + rj
We now construct the bijection. Given a rook tour P = .
g(z) 2z j=1 z − rj
from (1, 1) to (n, 1), let S = S(P ) denote the set of
all i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} for which there is either a directed
edge from (i, 1) to (i, 2) or from (i, 3) to (i, 2). It is Now if z 6= rj for all j,then
clear that this set S includes n and must contain an
even number of elements. Conversely, given a subset z + rj (z + rj )(z − rj ) |z|2 − 1 + 2Im(zrj )
= = ,
S = {a1 , a2 , . . . , a2r = n} ⊂ {1, 2, . . . , n} of this z − rj |z − rj |2 |z − rj |2
type with a1 < a2 < · · · < a2r , we notice that there is
a unique path P containing (ai , 2 + (−1)i ), (a1 , 2) for and so
i = 1, 2, . . . , 2r. This establishes the desired bijection.  
Second solution: Let An denote the set of rook tours zg 0 (z) |z|2 − 1 X 1
Re = .
beginning at (1, 1) and ending at (n, 1), and let Bn de- g(z) 2 j
|z − rj |2
note the set of rook tours beginning at (1, 1) and ending
at (n, 3). Since the quantity in parentheses is positive, g 0 (z)/g(z)
For n ≥ 2, we construct a bijection between An and can be 0 only if |z| = 1. If on the other hand z = rj for
An−1 ∪Bn−1 . Any path P in An contains either the line some j, then |z| = 1 anyway.
segment P1 between (n − 1, 1) and (n, 1), or the line Qn
Second solution: Write p(z) = c j=1 (z −rj ), so that
segment P2 between (n, 2) and (n, 1). In the former
case, P must also contain the subpath P10 which joins n
g 0 (z) X
1 1
(n − 1, 3), (n, 3), (n, 2), and (n − 1, 2) consecutively; = − .
then deleting P1 and P10 from P and adding the line g(z) j=1
z − rj 2z

We first check that g 0 (z) 6= 0 whenever z is real and On the other hand, the term on the left is the dot product
z > 1. In this case, for rj = eiθj , we have z − rj = of r1 +· · ·+ra with itself, i.e., its squared length. Since
1 1
(z − cos(θj )) + sin(θj )i, so the real part of z−r j
− 2z this vector has a in each of its first b coordinates, the
is dot product is at least a2 b. Hence an ≥ a2 b, whence
n ≥ ab as desired.
z − cos(θj ) 1
− Second solution: (by Richard Stanley) Suppose with-
z 2 − 2z cos(θj ) + 1 2z out loss of generality that the a × b submatrix occupies
z2 − 1 the first a rows and the first b columns. Let M be the
= > 0. submatrix occupying the first a rows and the last n − b
2z(z 2 − 2z cos(θj ) + 1)
columns. Then the hypothesis implies that the matrix
Hence g 0 (z)/g(z) has positive real part, so g 0 (z)/g(z) M M T has n − b’s on the main diagonal and −b’s else-
and hence g(z) are nonzero. where. Hence the column vector v of length a consist-
ing of all 1’s satisfies M M T v = (n − ab)v, so n − ab is
Applying the same argument after replacing p(z) by an eigenvalue of M M T . But M M T is semidefinite, so
p(eiθ z), we deduce that g 0 cannot have any roots out- its eigenvalues are all nonnegative real numbers. Hence
side the unit circle. Applying the same argument after n − ab ≥ 0.
replacing p(z) by z n p(1/z), we also deduce that g 0 can-
not have any roots inside the unit circle. Hence all roots Remarks: A matrix as in the problem is called
of g 0 have absolute value 1, as desired. a Hadamard matrix, because it meets the equality
Qn condition of Hadamard’s inequality: any n × n matrix
Third solution: Write p(z) = c j=1 (z − rj ) and put with ±1 entries has absolute determinant at most nn/2 ,
rj = e2iθj . Note that g(e2iθ ) is equal to a nonzero with equality if and only if the rows are mutually
constant times orthogonal (from the interpretation of the determinant
n as the volume of a paralellepiped whose edges are
Y ei(θ+θj ) − e−i(θ+θj ) parallel to the row vectors). Note that this implies
h(θ) =
2i that the columns are also mutually orthogonal. A
n generalization of this problem, with a similar proof,
is known as Lindsey’s lemma: the sum of the entries
= sin(θ + θj ).
in any√a × b submatrix of a Hadamard matrix is at
most abn. Stanley notes that Ryser (1981) asked
Since h has at least 2n roots (counting multiplicity) in for the smallest size of a Hadamard matrix containing
the interval [0, 2π), h0 does also by repeated applica- an r × s submatrix of all 1’s, and refers to the URL
tion of Rolle’s theorem. Since g 0 (e2iθ ) = 2ie2iθ h0 (θ),
g 0 (z 2 ) has at least 2n roots on the unit circle. Since abstract/110550861/ABSTRACT for more
g 0 (z 2 ) is equal to z −n−1 times a polynomial of degree information.
2n, g 0 (z 2 ) has all roots on the unit circle, as then does A5 First solution: We make the substitution x = tan θ,
g 0 (z). rewriting the desired integral as
Remarks: The second solution imitates the proof of Z π/4
the Gauss-Lucas theorem: the roots of the derivative of log(tan(θ) + 1) dθ.
a complex polynomial lie in the convex hull of the roots 0
of the original polynomial. The second solution is close
to problem B3 from the 2000 Putnam. A hybrid be- Write
tween the first and third solutions is to check that on the log(tan(θ) + 1)
unit circle, Re(zg 0 (z)/g(z)) = 0 while between any
two roots of p, Im(zg 0 (z)/g(z)) runs from +∞ to −∞ = log(sin(θ) + cos(θ)) − log(cos(θ))
and so must have a zero crossing. (This only works √
when p has distinct roots, but the general case follows and then note that sin(θ) + cos(θ) = 2 cos(π/4 − θ).
by the continuity of the roots of a polynomial as func- We may thus rewrite the integrand as
tions of the coefficients.) One can also construct a solu- 1
tion using Rouché’s theorem. log(2) + log(cos(π/4 − θ)) − log(cos(θ)).
A4 First solution: Choose a set of a rows r1 , . . . , ra con- But over the interval [0, π/4], the integrals of
taining an a × b submatrix whose entries are all 1. Then log(cos(θ)) and log(cos(π/4 − θ)) are equal, so their
for i, j ∈ {1, . . . , a}, we have ri · rj = n if i = j and 0 contributions cancel out. The desired integral is then
otherwise. Hence just the integral of 12 log(2) over the interval [0, π/4],
which is π log(2)/8.
ri · rj = an. Second solution: (by Roger Nelsen) Let I denote the
i,j=1 desired integral. We make the substitution x = (1 −

u)/(1 + u) to obtain is an alternating series whose terms strictly decrease to

Z 1 zero, so it converges. Moreover, its partial sums alter-
(1 + u)2 log(2/(1 + u)) 2 du nately bound the previous integral above and below, so
0 2(1 + u2 ) (1 + u)2 the sum of the series coincides with the integral.
Z 1
log(2) − log(1 + u) Put
= du
0 1 + u2 1
xn dx
Z 1 Jn = ;
du x2 + 1
= log(2) − I, 0
0 1 + u2
then J0 = arctan(1) = π4 and J1 = 12 log(2). More-
Z 1
1 du π log(2) Z 1
I= log(2) = . 1
2 0 1 + u2 8 Jn + Jn+2 = xn dx = .
0 n+1
Third solution: (attributed to Steven Sivek) Define the Write
Z 1 X (−1)i−1
log(xt + 1) Am =
f (t) = dx 2i − 1
0 x2 + 1 i=1
X (−1)i−1
so that f (0) = 0 and the desired integral is f (1). Then Bm = ;
by differentiation under the integral, i=1
Z 1
x then
f 0 (t) = 2
0 (xt + 1)(x + 1)
J2n = (−1)n (J0 − An )
By partial fractions, we obtain J2n+1 = (−1)n (J1 − Bn ).
0 2t arctan(x) − 2 log(tx + 1) + log(x2 + 1) Now the 2N -th partial sum of our series equals
f (t) =
2(t2 + 1)
πt + 2 log(2) − 4 log(t + 1) X J2n−1 J2n
= , −
4(t2 + 1) n=1
2n − 1 2n
whence X (−1)n−1 (−1)n
= (J1 − Bn−1 ) − (J0 − An )
log(2) arctan(t) π log(t2 + 1)
Z t
log(t + 1) n=1
2n − 1 2n
f (t) = + − dt
2 8 0 t2 + 1 = AN (J1 − BN −1 ) + BN (J0 − AN ) + AN BN .
and hence As N → ∞, AN → J0 and BN → J1 , so the sum
π log(2)
Z 1
log(t + 1) tends to J0 J1 = π log(2)/8.
f (1) = − dt.
4 0 t2 + 1 Remarks: The first two solutions are related by the fact
that if x = tan(θ), then 1 − x/(1 + x) = tan(π/4 − θ).
But the integral on the right is again the desired integral The strategy of the third solution (introducing a parame-
f (1), so we may move it to the left to obtain ter then differentiating it) was a favorite of physics No-
belist (and Putnam Fellow) Richard Feynman. Noam
π log(2)
2f (1) = Elkies notes that this integral is number 2.491#8 in
4 Gradshteyn and Ryzhik, Table of integrals, series, and
and hence f (1) = π log(2)/8 as desired. products. The Mathematica computer algebra system
Fourth solution: (by David Rusin) We have (version 5.2) successfully computes this integral, but we
do not know how.

Z 1 Z 1 X !
log(x + 1) (−1)n−1 xn A6 First solution: The angle at a vertex P is acute if and
dx = dx.
0 x2 + 1 0 n=1
n(x2 + 1) only if all of the other points lie on an open semicir-
cle. We first deduce from this that if there are any
We next justify moving the sum through the integral two acute angles at all, they must occur consecutively.
sign. Note that Suppose the contrary; label the vertices Q1 , . . . , Qn in
∞ Z 1 counterclockwise order (starting anywhere), and sup-
X (−1)n−1 xn dx pose that the angles at Q1 and Qi are acute for some
n=1 0
n(x2 + 1) i with 3 ≤ i ≤ n − 1. Then the open semicircle starting

at Q2 and proceeding counterclockwise must contain If n = 1, we must have k1 = 1, which works. Note that
all of Q3 , . . . , Qn , while the open semicircle starting hereafter we cannot have k1 = 1.
at Qi and proceeding counterclockwise must contain If n = 2, we have (k1 , k2 ) ∈ {(2, 4), (3, 3)}, neither of
Qi+1 , . . . , Qn , Q1 , . . . , Qi−1 . Thus two open semicir- which work.
cles cover the entire circle, contradiction.
If n = 3, we have k1 + k2 + k3 = 11,
It follows that if the polygon has at least one acute an- so 2 ≤ k1 ≤ 3. Hence (k1 , k2 , k3 ) ∈
gle, then it has either one acute angle or two acute an- {(2, 2, 7), (2, 3, 6), (2, 4, 5), (3, 3, 5), (3, 4, 4)}, and
gles occurring consecutively. In particular, there is a only (2, 3, 6) works.
unique pair of consecutive vertices Q1 , Q2 in counter-
clockwise order for which ∠Q2 is acute and ∠Q1 is not If n = 4, we must have equality in the AM-HM inequal-
acute. Then the remaining points all lie in the arc from ity, which only happens when k1 = k2 = k3 = k4 = 4.
the antipode of Q1 to Q1 , but Q2 cannot lie in the arc, Hence the solutions are n = 1 and k1 = 1, n = 3 and
and the remaining points cannot all lie in the arc from (k1 , k2 , k3 ) is a permutation of (2, 3, 6), and n = 4 and
the antipode of Q1 to the antipode of Q2 . Given the (k1 , k2 , k3 , k4 ) = (4, 4, 4, 4).
choice of Q1 , Q2 , let x be the measure of the counter- Remark: In the cases n = 2, 3, Greg Kuperberg sug-
clockwise arc from Q1 to Q2 ; then the probability that gests the alternate approach of enumerating the solu-
the other points fall into position is 2−n+2 − xn−2 if tions of 1/k1 +· · ·+1/kn = 1 with k1 ≤ · · · ≤ kn . This
x ≤ 1/2 and 0 otherwise. is easily done by proceeding in lexicographic order: one
Hence the probability that the polygon has at least one obtains (2, 2) for n = 2, and (2, 3, 6), (2, 4, 4), (3, 3, 3)
acute angle with a given choice of which two points will for n = 3, and only (2, 3, 6) contributes to the final an-
act as Q1 and Q2 is swer.
Z 1/2
n − 2 −n+1 B3 First solution: The functions are precisely f (x) = cxd
(2−n+2 − xn−2 ) dx = 2 . for c, d > 0 arbitrary except that we must take c = 1
0 n−1
in case d = 1. To see that these work, note that
Since there are n(n − 1) choices for which two points f 0 (a/x) = dc(a/x)d−1 and x/f (x) = 1/(cxd−1 ), so
act as Q1 and Q2 , the probability of at least one acute the given equation holds if and only if dc2 ad−1 = 1.
angle is n(n − 2)2−n+1 . If d 6= 1, we may solve for a no matter what c is; if
d = 1, we must have c = 1. (Thanks to Brad Rodgers
Second solution: (by Calvin Lin) As in the first solu-
for pointing out the d = 1 restriction.)
tion, we may compute the probability that for a particu-
lar one of the points Q1 , the angle at Q1 is not acute but To check that these are all solutions, put b = log(a) and
the following angle is, and then multiply by n. Imagine y = log(a/x); rewrite the given equation as
picking the points by first choosing Q1 , then picking
f (eb−y )f 0 (ey ) = eb−y .
n − 1 pairs of antipodal points and then picking one
member of each pair. Let R2 , . . . , Rn be the points of Put
the pairs which lie in the semicircle, taken in order away
from Q1 , and let S2 , . . . , Sn be the antipodes of these. g(y) = log f (ey );
Then to get the desired situation, we must choose from then the given equation rewrites as
the pairs to end up with all but one of the Si , and we
cannot take Rn and the other Si or else ∠Q1 will be g(b − y) + log g 0 (y) + g(y) − y = b − y,
acute. That gives us (n − 2) good choices out of 2n−1 ;
since we could have chosen Q1 to be any of the n points, or
the probability is again n(n − 2)2−n+1 . log g 0 (y) = b − g(y) − g(b − y).
B1 Take P (x, y) = (y − 2x)(y − 2x − 1). To see that By the symmetry of the right side, we have g 0 (b − y) =
this works, first note that if m = bac, then 2m is an g 0 (y). Hence the function g(y) + g(b − y) has zero
integer less than or equal to 2a, so 2m ≤ b2ac. On derivative and so is constant, as then is g 0 (y). From
the other hand, m + 1 is an integer strictly greater than this we deduce that f (x) = cxd for some c, d, both
a, so 2m + 2 is an integer strictly greater than 2a, so necessarily positive since f 0 (x) > 0 for all x.
b2ac ≤ 2m + 1.
Second solution: (suggested by several people) Substi-
B2 By the arithmetic-harmonic mean inequality or the tute a/x for x in the given equation:
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, a
f 0 (x) = .
xf (a/x)
1 1
(k1 + · · · + kn ) + ··· + ≥ n2 .
k1 kn Differentiate:
We must thus have 5n − 4 ≥ n , so n ≤ 4. Without a a2 f 0 (a/x)
f 00 (x) = − + .
loss of generality, we may suppose that k1 ≤ · · · ≤ kn . x2 f (a/x) x3 f (a/x)2

Now substitute to eliminate evaluations at a/x: Third solution: (by Greg Martin) As in the second so-
lution, it is convenient to allow f (m, 0) = f (0, n) = 1.
f 0 (x) f 0 (x)2 Define the generating function
f 00 (x) = − + .
x f (x)
∞ X
X ∞
Clear denominators: G(x, y) = f (m, n)xm y n .
m=0 n=0
xf (x)f 00 (x) + f (x)f 0 (x) = xf 0 (x)2 .
As equalities of formal power series (or convergent se-
Divide through by f (x)2 and rearrange: ries on, say, the region |x|, |y| < 31 ), we have
f 0 (x) xf 00 (x) xf 0 (x)2 XX X
0= + − . G(x, y) = xm y n 1
f (x) f (x) f (x)2
m≥0 n≥0 k1 , ..., kn ∈Z
0 |k1 |+···+|kn |≤m
The right side is the derivative of xf (x)/f (x), so that X X X
quantity is constant. That is, for some d, = yn xm
n≥0 k1 , ..., kn ∈Z m≥|k1 |+···+|kn |
f 0 (x) d
= . x|k1 |+···+|kn |
f (x) x
= yn
n≥0 k1 , ..., kn ∈Z
Integrating yields f (x) = cxd , as desired.  n
1 X
B4 First solution: Define f (m, n, k) as the number of n- = y x
tuples (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) of integers such that |x1 |+· · ·+ n≥0 k∈Z
|xn | ≤ m and exactly k of x1 , . . . , xn are nonzero. To

1 X n 1+x
choose such a tuple, we may choose the k nonzero posi- = y
1−x 1−x
tions, the signs of those k numbers, and then an ordered n≥0

k-tuple of positive integers with sum ≤ m. There are 1 1

 k = ·
k options for the first choice,
 and 2 for the second. 1 − x 1 − y(1 + x)/(1 − x)
As for the third, we have k options by a “stars and 1
bars” argument: depict the k-tuple by drawing a num- = .
1 − x − y − xy
ber of stars for each term, separated by bars, and adding
stars at the end to get a total of m stars. Then each tu- Since G(x, y) = G(y, x), it follows that f (m, n) =
ple corresponds to placing k bars, each in a different f (n, m) for all m, n ≥ 0.
position behind one of the m fixed stars.
B5 First solution: Put Q = x21 + · · · + x2n . Since Q is
We conclude that homogeneous, P is divisible by Q if and only if each of
the homogeneous components of P is divisible by Q. It
m n
f (m, n, k) = 2k = f (n, m, k); is thus sufficient to solve the problem in case P itself is
k k
homogeneous, say of degree d.
summing over k gives f (m, n) = f (n, m). (One may Suppose that we have a factorization P = Qm R for
also extract easily a bijective interpretation of the equal- some m > 0, where R is homogeneous of degree d and
ity.) not divisible by Q; note that the homogeneity implies
Second solution: (by Greg Kuperberg) It will be con- that
venient to extend the definition of f (m, n) to m, n ≥ 0, n
in which case we have f (0, m) = f (n, 0) = 1. X ∂R
xi = dR.
Let Sm,n be the set of n-tuples (x1 , . . . , xn ) of inte- i=1
gers such that |x1 | + · · · + |xn | ≤ m. Then elements
∂2 ∂2
of Sm,n can be classified into three types. Tuples with Write ∇2 as shorthand for ∂x21
+ ··· + ∂x2n ; then
|x1 | + · · · + |xn | < m also belong to Sm−1,n . Tuples
with |x1 | + · · · + |xn | = m and xn ≥ 0 correspond 0 = ∇2 P
to elements of Sm,n−1 by dropping xn . Tuples with n
|x1 | + · · · + |xn | = m and xn < 0 correspond to ele-
X ∂R
= 2mnQm−1 R + Qm ∇2 R + 2 2mxi Qm−1
ments of Sm−1,n−1 by dropping xn . It follows that i=1

f (m, n) = Qm ∇2 R + (2mn + 4md)Qm−1 R.

= f (m − 1, n) + f (m, n − 1) + f (m − 1, n − 1), Since m > 0, this forces R to be divisible by Q, con-
so f satisfies a symmetric recurrence with symmetric tradiction.
boundary conditions f (0, m) = f (n, 0) = 1. Hence f Second solution: (by Noam Elkies) Retain notation as
is symmetric. in the first solution. Let Pd be the set of homogeneous

polynomials of degree d, and let Hd be the subset of Integrating both sides from 0 to 1 (and substituting y =
Pd of polynomials killed by ∇2 , which has dimension 1 − x) yields
≥ dim(Pd ) − dim(Pd−2 ); the given problem amounts Z 1
to showing that this inequality is actually an equality. X sgn(π)
= (x + n − 1)(x − 1)n−1 dx
Consider the operator Q∇2 (i.e., apply ∇2 then multi- ν(π) + 1 0
ply by Q) on Pd ; its zero eigenspace is precisely Hd . Z 1
By the calculation from the first solution, if R ∈ Pd , = (−1)n+1 (n − y)y n−1 dy
then 0
= (−1)n+1 ,
2 2
∇ (QR) − Q∇ R = (2n + 4d)R. n+1
as desired.
Consequently, Qj Hd−2j is contained in the eigenspace
of Q∇2 on Pd of eigenvalue Second solution: We start by recalling a form of the
principle of inclusion-exclusion: if f is a function on
(2n + 4(d − 2j)) + · · · + (2n + 4(d − 2)). the power set of {1, . . . , n}, then

In particular, the Qj H d−2j lie in distinct eigenspaces,

f (S) = (−1)|T |−|S| f (U ).
so are linearly independent within Pd . But by dimen- T ⊇S U ⊇T
sion counting, their total dimension is at least that of Pd .
Hence they exhaust Pd , and the zero eigenspace cannot In this case we take f (S) to be the sum of σ(π) over all
have dimension greater than dim(Pd ) − dim(Pd−2 ), as permutations π whose fixed points are exactly S. Then
U ⊇T f (U ) = 1 if |T | ≥ n − 1 and 0 otherwise (since
Third solution: (by Richard Stanley) Write x = a permutation group on 2 or more symbols has as many

(x1 , . . . , xn ) and ∇ = ( ∂x , . . . , ∂x∂n ). Suppose that even and odd permutations), so
P (x) = Q(x)(x21 + · · · + x2n ). Then
f (S) = (−1)n−|S| (1 − n + |S|).
P (∇)P (x) = Q(∇)(∇2 )P (x) = 0.
The desired sum can thus be written, by grouping over
On the other hand, if P (x) =
P α fixed point sets, as
α cα x (where α =
(α1 , . . . , αn ) and xα = xα
· · · xαn
n ), then the constant n  
term of P (∇)P (x) is seen to be α c2α . Hence cα = 0
P X n 1−n+i
for all α. i=0
i i+1
n n
Remarks: The first two solutions apply directly over
n−i n n−i n n
any field of characteristic zero. (The result fails in char- = (−1) − (−1)
i i+1 i
acteristic p > 0 because we may take P = (x21 + i=0 i=0
· · · + x2n )p = x2p 2p
1 + · · · + xn .) The third solution
X n n+1
=0− (−1)n−i
can be extended to complex coefficients by replacing n + 1 i+1
P (∇) by its complex conjugate, and again the result n
may be deduced for any field of characteristic zero. = (−1)n+1 .
Stanley also suggests Section 5 of the arXiv e-print
math.CO/0502363 for some algebraic background
for this problem. Third solution: (by Richard Stanley) The cycle indica-
tor of the symmetric group Sn is defined by
B6 First solution: Let I be the identity matrix, and let
c (π)
Jx be the matrix with x’s on the diagonal and 1’s else- Zn (x1 , . . . , xn ) = x11 · · · xcnn (π) ,
where. Note that Jx − (x − 1)I, being the all 1’s matrix, π∈Sn
has rank 1 and trace n, so has n − 1 eigenvalues equal
to 0 and one equal to n. Hence Jx has n−1 eigenvalues where ci (π) is the number of cycles of π of length i.
equal to x − 1 and one equal to x + n − 1, implying Put
det Jx = (x + n − 1)(x − 1)n−1 . Fn = σ(π)xν(π) = Zn (x, −1, 1, −1, 1, . . . )
On the other hand, we may expand the determinant as a
sum indexed by permutations, in which case we get and
Z 1
X X σ(π)
det Jx = sgn(π)xν(π) . f (n) = = Fn (x) dx.
ν(π) + 1 0
π∈Sn π∈Sn

A standard argument in enumerative combinatorics (the by induction on n, which for x = 1 implies the desired
Exponential Formula) gives result. (This can also be deduced as in the other solu-
tions, but in this argument it is necessary to formulate
∞ ∞
X tn X tk the strong induction hypothesis.)
Zn (x1 , . . . , xn ) = exp xk ,
n! k
Let R(n, x) be the right hand side of the above equa-
yielding tion. It is easy to verify that
∞ 1
tn t2 t3
X Z  
f (n) = exp xt − + − · · · dx
n! 0 2 3 (−1)n+1
R(x, n) = R(x + 1, n − 1) + (n − 1)!
Z 1 x
= e(x−1)t+log(1+t) dx n−1
X (n − 1)!
0 + (−1)l−1 R(x, n − l),
Z 1 (n − l)!
= (1 + t)e(x−1)t dx
= (1 − e−t )(1 + t). since the sum telescopes. To prove the desired equality,
it suffices to show that the left hand side satisfies the
Expanding the right side as a Taylor series and compar- same recurrence. This follows because we can classify
ing coefficients yields the desired result. each π ∈ Sn as either fixing n, being an n-cycle, or hav-
Fourth solution (sketch): (by David Savitt) We prove ing n in an l-cycle for one of l = 2, . . . , n − 1; writing
the identity of rational functions the sum over these classes gives the desired recurrence.

X σ(π) (−1)n+1 n!(x + n − 1)

ν(π) + x x(x + 1) · · · (x + n)

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