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Industrial Circuits Application Note

Drive circuit basics

For a given size of a stepper motor, a
limited space is available for the windings.
In the process of optimizing a stepper motor
drive system, an efficient utilization of the
available winding space as well as a
matching of driver and winding para-
meters are of great importance.

This chapter discusses the basic

electrical characteristics of a stepper
motor winding. Special attention is
given to driving configurations and
current control methods. Figure 1. Winding of a typical Permanent Magnet stepper motor.

Winding resistance and

inductance t = t1
The windings of a stepper motor are
made up of several turns of copper
wire. The wire is wound on plastic
bobbin, which allows separate manu- R
facturing of the winding, the stator V
and other mechanical parts. At a final
stage of production the bobbin is L
mounted around the stator poles.
Resistance and inductance and are two
inherent physical properties of a wind-
ing, or any coil. These two basic fac- Current
tors also limit the possible perfor-
mance of the motor.
The resistance of the windings is dI (0) = V
dt L
responsible for the major share of the
power loss and heat up of the motor. R
Size and thermal characteristics of the
winding and the motor limit the
maximum allowable power dissipated 63 %
in the winding. The power loss is
given by: τe = L

PR = R · IM2 63 %

It is important to note that a motor

should be used at its maximum power
dissipation to be efficient. If a motor is
running below its power dissipation τe τe Time
t=0 t = t1
limit, it means that it could be re-
placed by a smaller size motor, which
most probably is less expensive Figure 2. Current wave form in an inductive–resistive circuit.

Inductance makes the motor wind-
How are the motor winding parameters affected by the
ing oppose current changes, and there-
number of turns and the wire diameter? fore limits high speed operation. Fig-
The crossectional area of the winding is A. The resistance of the winding ure 2 shows the electrical character-
as a function of the number of turns is found by the following idealized istics of an inductive–resistive circuit.
calculation: When a voltage is connected to the
R=ρ·l/a where: winding the current rises according to
the equation
a = A / n, the cross-sectional area of the wire;
wire length l = 2 · π ·r · n; ρ is the resistivity of copper. I(t) = ( V ⁄ R ) · ( 1 - e– t · R ⁄ L )
Initially the current increases at a
R = ρ · 2 · π · r · n / ( A / n ) = 2 · π · ρ · r · n2 / A ≈ n2 rate of
The resistance is proportional to the square of the number of wire turns. δI⁄δt (0) = V ⁄ L
Inductance is calculated as (simplified): The rise rate decreases as the cur-
rent approaches the final level:
L = 2 · π · r2 · n2 ≈ n2
IMAX = V ⁄ R
The inductance is proportional to the square of the number of wire turns.
The value of τe = L ⁄ R is defined as
the electrical time constant of the cir-
To calculate the current rating we use the condition of constant power
cuit. τe is the time until the current
reaches 63% ( 1 - 1⁄e ) of its final value.
PR = R · IM2 When the inductive–resistive cir-
cuit is disconnected and shorted at the
which leads to:
instant t = t1 , the current starts to
IM = √ PR / R ≈ √ PR / n2 ≈ 1 / n decrease:
Current is inversely proportional to the number of turns. I(t) = ( V ⁄ R ) · e– (t-t1 ) · R ⁄ L
at an initial rate of
Torque is proportional to the flux F, which is proportional to the num-
ber of ampereturns in the winding: I(t) = – V ⁄ L
T ≈ Φ ≈ n · IM ≈ n · ( 1 / n ) = constant. When a square wave voltage is ap-
plied to the winding, which is the case
Torque is constant at a constant power dissipation level, regardless of the number of when fullstepping a stepper motor,
turns. the current waveform will be smoothed.
Figure 3 shows the current at three
Rated voltage is: different frequencies. Above a certain
VM = R · IM ≈ n2 · ( 1 / n) ≈ n frequency (B) the current never reaches
its maximum value (C). As the torque
Rated voltage is proportional to the number of turns. of the motor is approximately propor-
tional to the current, the maximum
Finally, the electrical time constant is: torque will be reduced as the stepping
frequency increases.
τe = L / R ≈ n2 / n2 = constant To overcome the inductance and
gain high speed performance of the
The time constant is not affected by the number of turns. motor two possibilities exist: Increase
the current rise rate and⁄or decrease
A the time constant. As an increased re-
n turns sistance always results in an increased
power loss, it is preferably the ratio
V ⁄ L that should be increased to gain
high speed performance.
To drive current through the wind-
r ing, we should:
• use as high voltage as possible
a • keep the inductance low.

Accordingly, a low inductance⁄resis-

tance motor has a higher current rat-

ing. As the maximum current is lim-
ited by the driver, we find that high Current
performance is highly dependant on
the choice of driver. I MAX
The limiting factor of the motor is
the power dissipation, and not the cur-
rent itself. To utilize the motor effi- (A)
ciently, power dissipation should be at Time
the maximum allowed level.

Basic winding parameters and –I MAX

Under the conditions of a constant
maximum allowable power dissipation Current
PR and a given winding space, i. e. a
given copper volume, the only param- I MAX
eter that could be altered is the num-
ber of wire turns, or correspondingly,
the wire diameter. See the fact box,
“How are the winding parameters affected Time
by the number of turns and the wire diam-
eter?” on previous page.
Drive circuit schemes Current
The stepper motor driver circuit has
two major tasks: I MAX

• To change the current and flux di-

rection in the phase windings
• To drive a controllable amount of Time
current through the windings, and
enabling as short current rise and
fall times as possible for good high –I MAX
speed performance.

Flux direction control

Figure 3. Current wave form in an inductive–resistive circuit.
Stepping of the stepper motor requires
a change of the flux direction,
independently in each phase. The di-
rection change is done by changing
the current direction, and may be done
in two different ways, using a bipolar
or a unipolar drive. Figure 4 shows the
two schemes. Only one of the two
phases is shown as the two phases are

Bipolar drive
Bipolar drive refers to the principle
where the current direction in one
winding is changed by shifting the
voltage polarity across the winding
terminals. To change polarity a total
of four switches are needed, forming
an H-bride.
The bipolar drive method requires
one winding per phase. A two-phase

motor will have two windings and
accordingly four connecting leads.

Unipolar drive
The unipolar drive principle requires a
winding with a center-tap, or two
I separate windings per phase. Flux
Φ Φ direction is reversed by moving the
current from one half of the winding
to the other half. This method requires
only two switches per phase. On the
I other hand, the unipolar drive utilizes
only half the available copper volume
of the winding. The power loss in the
Bipolar drive
+ +

Bipolar, parallel connection

I I 4 windings / 8 leads

0 0

I Bipolar, series connection

Φ Φ 4 windings / 8 leads

Unipolar drive
+ + 4 windings / 8 leads

Figure 5. Different winding configurations

for bipolar and unipolar drive using an
I I 8-lead motor.

0 0

Figure 4. Bipolar and unipolar drive

schemes to control the current and the flux
direction in the phase winding.

winding is therefore twice the loss of a
bipolar drive at the same output R
power. +
The unipolar, centerttapped motor
has three leads per phase, totally six +
leads for a two-phase motor. A motor
having two separate windings per V 1 + 2
phase is usually referred to as an 8-
lead motor. It may be connected both L V L
as a unipolar or a bipolar motor, see
figure 5.
Current V 2V
I MAX = R =
Current control IMAX
To control the torque as well as to 2
limit the power dissipation in the
winding resistance, the current must
be controlled or limited. Furthermore, 1 τ e1 = L
63% R
when half stepping a zero current level
is needed, while microstepping re-
τe2 = L
quires a continuously variable current. 2R
Two principles to limit the current
are described here, the resistance lim-
ited drive and the chopper drive. Any
of the methods may be realized as a
bipolar or unipolar driver. Time
τ e2 τ e1
Resistance limitation of the current (L ⁄ R
drive). Figure 6. Resistance limitation of the current.
In this basic method the current is
limited by supply voltage and the re-
sistance of the winding, and if neces-
sary, an additional external resistance t
(dropping resistor):
IM = Vsupply ⁄ ( R + Rext )
If the nominal motor voltage is the V +
same as the supply voltage, Rext is ex-
cluded. +
For a given motor, high speed per- V 1
formance is increased by increasing the V
supply voltage. An increased supply L
voltage in the resistance limited drive
must be accompanied by an additional Current
resistor (Rext) in series with the wind-
ing to limit the current to the previ- 2V
ous level. The time constant: R

τe = L ⁄ ( R + Rext )
decreases, which shortens the current
rise time. See figure 6. The penalty V
IMAX = —
3 R
using this method is the power loss in I MAX
the additional external resistors. Usu-
ally several watts has to be dissipated -
and supplied. Spacious power resistors, 1
heat removal considerations and a
space consuming power supply reduce
costeffectivenes and limits L⁄R drive Time
scheme to small motors, rated around ton τe
1- 2 Watts.
Figure 7. The bilevel drive.

The bilevel L⁄R-drive Current paths tance is discharged at a high voltage,
The bilevel L⁄R-drive provides a Another very important consideration Vsupply. The latter gives a slow current
solution to the power waste using is current paths at turn-off and at decay as the counter voltage is only
dropping resistors. In the beginning of phase shift. The inductive nature of two diode voltage drops and the resis-
the current build-up period, the wind- the winding demands that a current tive voltage drop across the winding
ing is connected to a secondary high path always exists. When using transi- resistance. At phase shift the current
voltage supply. After a short time, stors as switches, diodes have to be will decay rapidly as both conducting
when the current has reached its nomi- added to enable current flow in both transistors are turned off. For high
nal level, the second level supply is directions across the switch. For the speed halfstepping a rapid decay to
disconnected. Figure 7 explains fur- bipolar driver four diodes, one for each zero in the half step position is impor-
ther. The disadvantage of bilevel drive switch, provide current paths accord- tant.
is the need of a second level power sup- ing to figure 8. Note that there are The unipolar driver is somewhat
ply. In some applications where 5 V two ways to turn the current off, ei- more complicated when it comes to
and 12 V ⁄ 24 V are available, it may ther by turning all transistors off (path current paths. The reason being the
be a cost effective solution, but, if not 3), or turn just one of the two con- full coupling between the two halves
available, it is a costly method. It is ducting transistors off (path 2). The of each phase winding, except for a
possible to use voltage doubling tech- former gives a fast current decay as the small amount of leakage inductance.
niques as well. energy stored in the winding induc- Figure 9 shows some possible

+ Current




3 1

Figure 9. Current paths in the unipolar

Figure 8. Current paths in the bipolar


schemes. Because of the coupling, until the clock oscillator triggers the +
large voltage transients—at least twice flip-flops, which turns on the output I supply IM

the supply voltage—occurs when transistor again, and the cycle is re-
switching on and off. The transistor peated. Chopper
switches must be rated at a much The advantage of the constant cur-
higher voltage than the supply volt- rent control is a precise control of the S

age. The leakage inductance will also developed torque, regardless of power F/ F

cause transients. Therefore the switch- supply voltage variations. It also gives R

ing transistors has to be protected by the shortest possible current build-up -

snubber networks or zener diodes. and reversal time. Power dissipation is Control Vsense
minimized, as well as supply current. resistor

Chopper control Supply current is not the same as the 0

The chopper driver provides an opti- motor current in a copper drive. It is Figure 10. A simplified schematic shows
mal solution both to current control the motor current multiplied by the the principle of constant current chopper
and fast current build-up and reversal. dutycycle, at standstill typically regulation.
The basic idea is to use a supply volt-
Isupply = IM · ( VM ⁄ Vsupply )
age which is several times higher than
the nominal voltage of the motor. The Figure 12 shows an H-bridge con-
current rise rate, which initially is figured as a constant current chopper.
V ⁄ L, is thereby possible to increase Depending on how the H-bridge is ^I
substantially. The ratio VM ⁄ Vsupply is switched during the turn-off period,
called the overdrive ratio. By control- the current will either recirculate
ling the duty cycle of the chopper, an through one transistor and one diode
average voltage and an average current (path 2), giving the slow current de- Time
I supply
equal to the nominal motor voltage cay, or recirculate back through the Vsense
^I Vcontrol
and current are created. The chopper is power supply (path 3). The advantage
usually configured for constant current of feeding the power back to the
regulation, see figures 10 - 12. power supply is the fast current decay
Constant current regulation is and the ability to quickly reduce to a Time
achieved by switching the output cur- lower current level. One example is Chopper set pulse
rent to the windings. This is done by when microstepping at a negative
sensing the peak current through the slope, which may be impossible to
winding via a current-sensing resistor, follow if the current decay rate is
effectively connected in series with the lower than the slope demands. The
motor winding. As the current in- disadvantage with fast current decay is
creases, a voltage develops across the the increased current ripple, which can
sensing resistor, which is fed back to cause iron losses in the motor. Further
Figure 11. Current waveform in the basic
the comparator. At the predetermined discussion about the concept of fast/
chopper circuit.
level, defined by the voltage at the slow current decay can be found in the
reference input, the comparator resets Half-stepping Techinques and
the flip-flop, which turns off the out- Microstepping chapters.
put transistor. The current decreases
Current Direction

S Set
F/ F


Control sensing
voltage resistor

0 Figure 12. An H-bridge configured as a

constant current chopper.

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