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 Inversión: Never (before) has she faced such a troblesome situation.

 Inversión: Rarely have there been so many worries about the millenials generation lifestyle.

 Inversión: Little did I know that I would later be affected by that bad action.
Orden normal: I knew little that I would later be affected by that bad action.
 Inversión: Under no circumstances are you allowed to smoke on a plane.
 Inversión: On no condition will the bank bear responsibility for misurderstandings in the
 Inversión: In no way am I to be blamed for your irresponsabilities.
Orden normal: I am in no way to be blamed for your irresponsabilities.
 Inversión: Not only wasn’t he on time, but he didn’t even apologize for his delay.
Orden normal: He was not only late, but he didn’t apologize for his delay either.
 Inversión: Not only did he succeed to set up a big company, but he had also made a killing in

B) 2nd clause
 Only after you have finished the housework can you go out.
Orden normal: You can go out only after you have finished your homework.
 Only by working out can you get fit.
Orden normal: You can get fir only by working out.
 Only if everybody reached an agreement would I accept this position.
Orden normal: I would accept this position only if everybody reached an agreement.
 Only in this way do the kids pay attention to you.
Orden normal: The kids pay attention to you only in this way.
 Only then did they realize it was a trap.
Orden normal: They realized it was a trap only then.
 Only when she begged did he help her.
Orden normal: He helped her only when she begged.
 Only when I was pulled over by the police did I realize I had been driving without lights.
Orden normal: I noticed that I had been driving without lights only when I was pulled over by
the police.

Esta última frase se puede reformular de otra forma:

 Not until I was pulled over by the police did I realize I has been driving without lights

Orden normal: I noticed that I had been driving without lights only when I was pulled over by the police.


También podemos usar invertir el “if” de los condicionales con el auxiliar “had”, el verbo “were” y el
modal “should”.

Inversión con condicional: Had it not rained, the accident wouldn’t have happened.

e) EXPRESSIONSf) so + adjective…that

 So stunning was the bride that nobody could talk of anything else. (Oración normal: The bride
was so stunning that nobody could talk of anything else.)
 So tasty was the food that we ate every last bite. (Oración normal: The food was so tasty that
we ate every last bite.)

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