Upfront March 2019 - HOT Special

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Issue 80 / March 2019

Underground Security
The HOT Protocol – do we finally have an agreement?
position that the union
were putting forward.
Flipflopping bosses
Much to our astonishment,
at an October Train’s Safe-
ty meeting, health and
safety reps became aware
of imminent changes to
Rule Books 6 and 11 that
stated staff were to look
inside closed and locked
bags after all.
Admittedly, they also said
that this was to be done
once the item had been
declared ‘non-suspicious’
using the HOT process.
Your RMT health and we do not look inside
safety reps recently met locked bags. The RMT have long ar-
with management to dis- gued, that if a bag or par-
cuss the HOT process, This issue has been rum- cel are closed or locked,
and bosses finally ap- bling on for the past cou- it’s difficult to declare that it
peared to listen to our ple of years; ever since the is not suspicions as we
concerns on making it North Greenwich bomb have no idea what is in-
safer. incident to be precise. side.

Previously, LU have stated The issue has been dis- Other LU Guidance docu-
that staff were, and always cussed at several meet- ments on the HOT Proto-
have been expected to ings since. The RMT be- col go even further: in the
look inside closed and lieved that it had been re- guidance for assessment
locked bags and parcels. solved at a Safety Forum of unattended items LU
The RMT, and indeed oth- meeting last year. At that wants staff to start forcing
er unions, pointed out that meeting LU appeared to open locked bags. Cont>
that this was not the case: back track and accept the

- Read more at www.rmtlondoncalling.org.uk/trains -

Will bosses listen? RMT says forcing
open locked bags is not safe
and we are unable to team appeared to be sym-
make this judgement. pathetic to our arguments
and agreed that the Rule
The guidance Book and guidance docu-
documents in ments needed to be
this instance go changed. It needs to be
further than the clear that our members are
Rule Book: it not compelled to look in-
claims if a mem- side locked or closed
ber of staff is not bags.
confident opening
a locked bag they We expect LU to make the
should contact a right decision and have
more experienced asked them to put their
member of staff. proposals in writing. How-
ever, we have been here
We have a problem with before.
Forcing open unattended this.
bags is certainly not part This is an important issue.
of our remit. HOT training Tube workers must not be
Over the past two years All staff should receive the put in danger due to an
LU have often claimed that same HOT training. There unsafe HOT process.
looking inside locked and are not some members of
ASLEF did not attend the
closed bags is now a De- staff who are more capa-
recent meeting on this is-
partment for Transport po- ble of dealing with an unat-
sue. It surprised us as they
sition and that we are tended item than others.
claim to be the ‘only driv-
mandated to do this. The ers’ union’ and this issue is
RMT continues to dispute This wording is unhelpful
and could put undue crucial to drivers safety.
this assertion and have Rest assured the RMT
found no evidence to sup- pressure on our
members. will continue to fight,
port LU’s claim. alone if necessary,
The union and LU agree At a meeting today for the safety of our
on what we need to do between RMT trains’ 1500 driver members
once an unattended item and station’s safety and all drivers and
has been declared suspi- reps, our Regional workers on London
cious. We also agree on Organiser and LU, Underground.
what we do if an unattend- we once again stat- Please get involved,
ed item has been declared ed our position on the HOT come along to your
non-suspicious. The procedure. branch, raise this and oth-
breakdown is what we do if Some members of the LU er issues and join the fight-
bags are closed or locked back!

Functional reps H&S reps Upgrades rep

Frank Curtis - 07931 130849 Gwyn Pugh - 07709 320271
Dave Rayfield -
Vaughan Thomas - 07720 297657 Jim McDaid - 07917131692
07719 132161
Will Reid - 07983 958429 Nigel Eivers - 07961 141924

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