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SET 1 7. Jim is having difficulty doing his maths
assignment, and he wishes he ----- to the
1. We ----- more on outings and souvenirs if we - instructions of his teacher more carefully.
---- a cheaper hotel.
A) was listening
A) will be spending / chose
B) should listen
B) were to spend / might choose
C) would listen
C) are spending / would have chosen
D)had listened
D) have spent / have chosen
E) has been listening
E) could have spent / had chosen
8. If anyone ----- with a five thousand lira note,
2. If you ----- me for suggestions before you left, please hold it up to the light to check that it ---
I ----- you some nice restaurants around here. -- a forgery.
A) are asking / can recommend A)pays / isn’t
B) could have asked / were to recommend B) is paid / wasn’t
C) asked / had been recommending C) has paid / can’t be
D) had asked / would have rec ommended D) paid / wouldn’t be
E) would ask / have been recommending E) will pay / won’t be
3. I wish everybody ----- the same language all 9. We keep a spare set of car keys at hom e in
over the world. Then we ----- so hard to learn case we ----- the originals.
English now.
A) have lost
A) would speak / won’t study
B) will lose
B) speaks / weren’t studying
C) should lose
C) could speak / aren’t studying
D) lost
D) has spoken / don’t study
E) are losing
E) spoke / wouldn’t be studying
10. Many people believe that football stadiums -----
4. I’m sure we ----- on better terms with the safer places for families to go if strict
manager if she ----- us so disrespectfully all measures ----- to solve the problem of football
the time. hooliganism.
A) would be / didn’t treat A) had been / would be taken
B) have been / weren’t treated B) were to be / are taken
C) were / hadn’t treating C) have been / could be taken
D) will have been / wouldn’t treat D) should be / will be taken
E) could be / isn’t treating E) would be / were taken
5. If the classroom ----- with an overhead 11. If nature reserves ----- to protect the turtles,
projector, it----- lessons more interesting. undoubtedly, they ----- rarer today.
A) had equipped / could have made A) weren’t establishing / cou ld have been
B) were equipped / would make B) hadn’t been established / would be
C) had been equipped / will have made C) aren’t established / have been
D) would be equipped / might make D) won’t be established / might be
E) equipped / should make E) haven’t been established / are
6. If the TEM motorway -----, the traffic in 12. Why are you buying so many books all the
Istanbul ----- to a standstill. time? If you ----- a library, you ----- money by
A) wasn’t building / should have come borrowing them.
B) isn’t going to be built / comes A) were joining / saved
C) hadn’t been built / would have come B) joined / would be able to save
D) won’t be built / has com e C) have joined / could have saved
E) doesn’t build / would come D) could join / have saved
E) had joined / were able to save

13. You ----- your manager if you think that you --- 19. If Florence Nightingale ----- alive today, I’m
-- by that supplier. sure she ----- very impressed with the current
A) have informed / have been overcharging standard of nursing care in the majority of the
B) would rather inform / overcharged
C) had better inform / are being overcharged A) were / would be
D) will be informing / were overcharging B) was / could have been
E) are informing / were overcharged C)is / will be
D) has been / might be
14. Because of the swearing it contains, this film -
---- on national television if it had been E)could be / was
released twenty years ago. 20. Measures to combat global warming ----- if all
A) wasn’t shown countries ----- on a solution together.
B) couldn’t be showing A) will fail / don’t work
C) hadn’t been shown B) will be failing / didn’t work
D) wouldn’t have been shown C) must fail / hadn’t worked
E) didn’t use to show D) would be failing / haven’t worked
15. I wish I ----- with you longer, but unfortunately, E) had failed / couldn’t work
I have a lecture at four o’clock. 21. The weather was beautiful as I left home, so I
A) could stay didn’t think of bringing my umbrella. I wish I --
--- the weather forecast, so I ----- that it was
B) would stay going to rain.
C) will stay
A) was watching / should know
D) can stay
B) could watch / had known
E) have stayed
C) had watched / would have known
16. I do wish Mr Swan ----- so aggressive in D) watched / knew
discussions. Every time we have a meeting,
he tries to pick an argument with someone. E) watch / will have known

A) isn’t 22. I wish you ----- to repair the boiler yourself. You
have made the problem worse actually.
B) couldn’t be
C) might not be A) hadn’t attempted
D) weren’t B) couldn’t attempt
E) hasn’t been C) won’t attempt
D) haven’t attempted
17. I wish international communications like the
‘internet’ ----- more frequently to aid E) didn’t attempt
environmental and health projects instead of 23. I wish we ----- enough money to buy a camper
for promoting big business. van. Then we ----- to go on holiday more often.
A) are used A) have / can afford
B) have been used B) had / could afford
C) were used C) would have / might afford
D) will be using D) were having / should afford
E) could have used E) can have / were to afford
18. If we ----- baby sitters, we ----- out more often, but 24. I’ve been sitting here all morning wishing my
we prefer to leave our children in the care of son ----- to tell me that he has arrived in
our parents, whom we don’t want to bother Germany safely.
too often.
A) will have telephoned
A) have trusted / had gone
B) has telephoned
B) trust / would have gone
C) telephones
C) can trust / might have gone
D) telephoned
D) had trusted / will go
E) would telephone
E) trusted / could go

25. I think John wishes he ----- in the Lake 31. Marcus ----- over to help you with the project
District, but unfortunately there are ver y few over the weekend, but he will be ta king his
employment opportunities there. mother to hospital for some tests.
A) is staying A) is coming
B) has stayed B) will come
C) ought to stay C) has come
D) could stay D) would come
E) had been staying E) may come
26. I ----- Susan at her new office sometime next 32. She -----, but luckily, a lifeguard spotted her
week if I can find some free time. and rescued her.
A) should have visited A) has drowned
B) would like to visit B) ought to drown
C) have visited C) might drown
D) could have visited D) could have drowned
E) must be visiting E) will have drowned
27. Despite the problems he had with the 33. Kelly is very nervous about his examinations.
manager, he ----- to stay with them if he ----- Especially as he knows that his parents -----
that they were giving all employees a fifty very disappointed if he ----- them.
percent pay rise.
A) are / is falling
A) could decide / would have known B) are going to be / had failed
B) has decided / will know C) have been / will fail
C) might have decided / had known D) were / would fail
D) had decided / could have known E) will be / fails
E) will decide / has known
34. He ----- them to promote him to manager; after
28. Were it not such a distance from the road, this all, he isn’t even a qualified engineer.
----- an ideal location for a picnic.
A) shouldn’t be expected
A) is B) needn’t have expected
B) were C) can’t have expected
C) has been D) wouldn’t be expected
D) would be E) weren’t expecting
E) should be
29. Initially I was opposed to the idea, but after I
had seen the research, I ----- that the project 35. I don’t believe the white stone of P amukkale
was a good one. will be spoilt ----- the number of new hotels is
A) must have agreed
A) as long as
B) would have agreed
B) as if
C) will have to agree
C) in case
D) ought to agree
D) unless
E) had to agree
E) even if

30. We ----- very busy in the office recently;

otherwise, I ----- to see your baby earlier. 36. ----- they offer him a partnership will the
young architect stay with this firm.
A) were / was coming
A) Even if
B) have been / would have come
B) Unless
C) will be / might come
C) Only if
D) had been / will have come
D) In case
E) are / would be coming
E) Providing

37. We should be able to hire a car on the island, 44. She described her new house ----- it were a
----- you remember to take your driving palace.
licence. A) even if
A) or else B) in case
B) unless C) as if
C) as if D) because
D) in case E) whether
E) provided 45. She hasn’t had much time to socialise -----
38. You shouldn’t open the oven while a sponge she took a part-time job besides her school
cake is baking; ----- it will sink in the middle. studies.

A) in case A) when
B) otherwise B) since
C) providing C) even if
D) even if D) if
E) as though E) unless

39. You might get better results ----- you took

your photographs with an automatic camera.
A) even if
B) whether
C) if
D) as if
E) in case
40. We wouldn’t finish our assignment ----- we
stayed up all night.
A) as if
B) as long as
C) even if
D) in case
E) provided
41. ----- you are interested in taking lessons, I can
give you their telephone number.
A) As if
B) Only if
C) Even if
D) If
E) As long as
42. So many people were killed in the fire ----- the
stadium didn’t have enough emergency exits.
A) if
B) so long as
C) in case
D) unless
E) because
43. I’m afraid we won’t be able to come to your
baby’s christening ----- we can find a baby-
sitter. Our regular baby-sitter is on holiday.
A) unless
B) as if
C) even if
D) in case
E) only if

7. Oh, I am so embarrassed! I wish the ground --
--- open and swallow me.
A) should
1. I wish our history teacher ----- us so much B) may
homework. I never have enough time to finish C) will
it. D) would
A) wouldn’t give E) might
B) couldn’t give 8. OK, I ----- your Tuesday evening class
C) shouldn’t give provided you ----- the lesson plan because I
D) doesn’t give hate doing it.
E) hasn’t given A) covered / would be writing
2. After we have been to the cinema, we ----- B) can cover / wrote
bowling, if you ----- it’s a good idea. C) will cover / write
A) have been / are thinking D) have covered / would write
B) were going / had thought E) am covering / had written
C) went / thought 9. ----- he finds a job soon, he will have to sell
D) could go / think his car.
E) are going / might think A) Unless
3. If he ----- in the woods at that particular time, B) As if
he ----- the suicide. C) Providing
A) wouldn’t be / hadn’t witnessed D) Only if
B) weren’t / hasn’t been witnessing E) As though
C) wasn’t / ought not to witness 10. The garage can’t have adjusted the brakes
D) hasn’t been / weren’t witnessing properly; -----, they wouldn’t be making such a
horrible noise.
E) hadn’t been / wouldn’t have witnessed
A) therefore
4. Bed-wetting is common in children up to the
age of five, but if the problem ----- beyond this B) as though
age, a physical examination ----- in case there C) in case
is a serious medical problem. D) even if
A) has persisted / may recommend E) otherwise
B) persists / is recommended 11. A cheap guitar won’t be much good to you ----
C) persisted / were recommended - you are hoping to play professionally later
D) will persist / has recommende d on.
E) would persist / will recommend A) until
5. Just think! If we ----- our degree course to B) if
music, we ----- professionally now. C) whether
A) weren’t changing / couldn’t sing D) otherwise
B) wouldn’t have changed / may not sing E) as if
C) hadn’t changed / wouldn’t be singing 12. I’m sure Jessie ----- to play this Saturday
D) didn’t change / weren’t singing provided someone ----- her a lift to the
E) wouldn’t change / didn’t sing
A) will agree / can give
B) agrees / were to give
6. Unlike Walt Disney’s cartoon chipmunks,
which always appear up a tree, real C) has agreed / gave
chipmunks ----- to stay near their D) agreed / will have given
underground burrows in case they ----- to E) would agree / has given
escape from a predator.
A) will prefer / have neede d
B) prefer / need
C) preferred / will be needed
D) have preferred / are needed
E) had preferred / would need

13. We really should have looked at the timetable 19. The young boys list ened to the words of the
when we got off the ferry. We ----- the six- famous basketball player as though it ----- a
thirty train, but now we have to hang around king speaking to them.
here until twenty past eight.
A) had been
A) would be catching B) would be
B) had caught C) has been
C) could have caught D) were
D) have been catching E) might be
E) might catch
20. Most of the students look as though they -----
14. If they ----- you at the London School of answering the questions. I think we can start
Economics, which other universities ----- you checking them.
apply to?
A) have completed
A) won’t be accepting / did B) will have completed
B) aren’t accepted / could C) complete
C) wouldn’t accept / should D) were to complete
D) don’t accept / will E) would have completed
E) weren’t accepted / might
21. Because they fly, bats are often -----mistaken
15. My mother is an excellent cook, and I really by birds; -----, bats are mammals, not birds.
wish she ----- our wedding cake, but she’ll be
very busy with other things. A) otherwise
B) as if
A) should make
C) however
B) has made
D) in case
C) will make
E) unless
D) can make
E) could make 22. ----- Louise were working today, she would
know where the accounting records are kept.
16. ----- the press ----- Princess Diana’s privacy
more, she might not have been killed in a A)In case
traffic accident. She was trying to avoid the B) Even though
newspaper photographers when the accident C) As if
D) Unless
A) Had / respected E) If only
B) Should / respect
23. Let’s face it! We can’t get the house painted
C) Does / respect by the date of our golden wedding
D) Would / respect anniversary ----- we hire professionals or paint
E) Were / to respect it ourselves. There’s just not enough time.

17. If you ----- a baby seat for your car, you ----- A) even if
that it meets European Standards. B) unless
A) will buy / might check C) in case
B) are buying / should check D) otherwise
C) have bought / are checking E) whether
D) bought / were checking 24. We have to employ a few more workers, -----
E) can buy / would check we won’t be able to get the order ready by the
arranged date.
18. Scientifically minded people generally believe
in cause-and-effect relationships ----- they feel A) unless
there is a perfectly natural explanation for B) or else
most things. C) even if
A) as though D) until
B) unless E) before
C) as if
D) because
E) otherwise

25. ----- you eat plenty of fresh fruit and 31. If you ----- to find any buried treasure while
vegetables, and get plenty of exercise can you -----, remember that anything found in this
you be really healthy. garden belongs to me.
A) Suppose that A) happened / have been digging
B) Unless B) will happen / will have dug
C) Provided C) might happen / were digging
D) Only if D) would happen / had dug
E) As though E) should happen / are digging
26. Your son should stay in bed for a few days, 32. Had their offer been made soone r, he -----
Mrs. Wilson; -----, his condition will get worse. jobs, but he had already signed a contract
with his new employer.
A) only if
B) however A) won’t have changed
C) as if B) might not have changed
D) whether C) shouldn’t be changing
E) otherwise D) didn’t change
E) hasn’t changed
27. I ----- my son to go to the cinema with his
friends, but he ----- his school work when they 33. Please don’t forget to take the cage in ----- it
phoned. gets dark because little Tweety may be
A) had allowed / may not finish
B) could allow / hasn’t finished A) when
C) would have allowed / hadn’t finished B) if
D) allowed / didn’t finish C) in case
E) can allow / won’t have finished D) until
E) otherwise
28. Without help from chemistry and a
microscope, it ----- hard to accept that the 34. Although she was in financial difficulty and
rock called limestone comes from sea shells behind with her studies she danced that
and corals. evening ----- she didn’t have a care in the
A) will be
B) would be A) while
C) has been B) if
D) were C) unless
E) had been D) even if
E) as though
29. Unless they ----- by radar, ships and aircraft ---
-- cautiously or not at all in dense fog. 35. She ----- the head of her department more if he
----- a more professional attitude towards his
A) have aided / are moving work.
B) aided / should be moving
A) has respected / were taking
C) are aided / must move
B) could respect / will take
D) were aided / ought to move
C) will respect / might take
E) would be aided / moved
D) would respect / took
30. A: I wonder if Josh thinks our idea will work? E) respects / has been t aking
B: Well, he certainly spoke as if he ----- 36. Don’t you wish you ----- that other job, then
enthusiastic about the plan. you ----- unemployment now that the factory is
A) was closing down.
B) might be A) will take / won’t be facing
C) has been B) had taken / wouldn’t be facing
D) had been C) have been taking / haven’t faced
E) will be D) took / weren’t facing
E) are taking / won’t have faced

37. If you are serious about learning to play the 43. Suppose that I ----- on a bitterly cold day, -----
guitar, you ----- your finger nails. you jump in the water and rescue me?
A) had to cut A) had drowned / could
B) will have to cut B) have drowned / will
C) had been cutting C) will be drowning / can
D) have cut D) am drowning / did
E) were to cut E) were drowning / would
38. If her health ----- overnight, she ----- to school 44. If you are hiking or climbing in the mountains,
tomorrow. you should always take a survival bag -----
you get injured. In an emergency a survival
A) hasn’t improved / couldn’t have gone bag keeps you warm, while the other hikers
B) won’t improve / hasn’t been going go for help.
C) might not improve / doesn’t go A) as if
D) didn’t improve / isn’t going to go B) in case
E) doesn’t improve / won’t be able to go C) unless
39. If the passport officials ----- so long to pass C) when
everybody through the border controls, we ---- E) provided
- in the ski resort in time to ski today, and now
we’ve wasted our first day. 45. ----- you plan to be walking after dark or not, it
is a good idea to take a torch along when you
A) didn’t take / were going to arrive are hiking in rough terrain.
B) don’t take / are going to arrive
A) Whether
C) hadn’t taken / would have arrived
B) In case
D) haven’t taken / would arrive
C) Unless
E) won’t take / have arrived
C) Provided
40. He was glad that he managed to repair the car E) Even if
himself; otherwise, he ----- a lot of money to
the garage. 46. ----- they are not fully booked up, we can stay
at the campsite on the island.
A) would have had to pay
B) must have paid A) Providing
C) should have paid B) As if
D) would rather have paid C) Unless
E) was supposed to pay D) Whether
E) In case
41. There are several new photocopiers on the
market and some of them copy much faster 47. ----- you were to qualify for the finals, how
than ours. If we ----- a faster model, we ----- would you feel appearing on television?
customers soon.
A) As long as
A) aren’t manufacturing / could have lost B) Whether
B) hadn’t manufactured / will have lost C) Unless
C) haven’t manufactured / might h ave lost D) Supposing
D) don’t manufacture / will lose E) In case
E) won’t manufacture / have lost
48. I ----- for the semi-finals unless last year’s
42. If he ----- attention, he ----- that the shopkeeper champion ----- his match tomorrow. That’s my
had given him the wrong change. only chance.
A) should pay / will notice A) can’t qualify / will lose
B) had been paying / would have noticed B) couldn’t qualify / has lost
C) had paid / will notice C) won’t qualify / loses
D) was paying / had noticed D) haven’t qualified / would lose
E) could have paid / noticed E) ought not to qualify / lost

49. I wish the finals ----- on a weekend because 55. He must have been dissatisfied with his job at
most of my friends work on weekdays. I the bank; otherwise, he ----- his own business
would have liked them to come and see me. now.
A) had been held A) hasn’t started
B) were holding B) isn’t starting
C) could have held C) weren’t starting
D) have been held D) hadn’t started
E) would be holding E) wouldn’t be starting
50. More of my friends ----- to see me play if they -
---- the finals on a weekend.
A) will be able to come / were holding
B) could have come / had held
C) are able to come / would hold
D) have come / are holding
E) had been able to come / held
51. If we ----- that our party hosts were only going
to offer us drink but no food , I -----
A) guessed / must have eaten
B) will have guessed / will eat
C) were guessing / will have eaten
D) have guessed / should have eaten
E) had guessed / would have eaten
52. Harold is selling his sports car because he
now has two children and it’s no longer
practical to keep it. He knows it is for the best,
but a large part of him wishes he ----- it
because he loves driving it so much.
A) would be keeping
B) had been keeping
C) is keeping
D) has been keeping
E) were keeping
53. The sun appears to be shining on your
computer screen. ----- I close the curtains for
you as it ----- you?
A) Let / has disturbed
B) Will / were disturbing
C) Shall / must be disturbing
D) Do / is disturbing
E) Would / had been disturbing
54. Nothing went right yeste rday. First my car
broke down, then I lost my job and, just to
make matters worse, I was robbed on my way
home. I felt ----- the whole world were against
A) even if
B) unless
C) as if
D) in case
E) supposing

1 E 21 C 41 D 1 A 31 E
2 D 22 A 42 E 2 D 32 B
3 E 23 B 43 A 3 E 33 A
4 A 24 E 44 C 4 B 34 E
5 B 25 D 45 B 5 C 35 D
6 C 26 B 6 B 36 B
7 D 27 C 7 D 37 B
8 A 28 D 8 C 38 E
9 C 29 E 9 A 39 C
10 E 30 B 10 E 40 A
11 B 31 D 11 B 41 D
12 B 32 D 12 A 42 B
13 C 33 E 13 C 43 E
14 D 34 C 14 D 44 B
15 A 35 A 15 E 45 A
16 D 36 C 16 A 46 A
17 C 37 E 17 B 47 D
18 E 38 B 18 D 48 C
19 A 39 C 19 D 49 A
20 A 40 C 20 A 50 B
21 C 51 E
22 E 52 E
23 E 53 C
24 B 54 C
25 D 55 E
26 E
27 C
28 B
29 C
30 A


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