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Unit C3

Activity 2
1 piano 2 saxophone 3 guitar 4 flute 5 violin 6 cello
Activity 3
1 reggae 2 classical 3 world 4 jazz 5 rock 6 hip-hop
Activity 4
1 performance art 2 Street art 3 concert i gig 4 carnival
5 festival
Activity 5
1 art gallery 2 museum 3 exhibition 4 opera house 5 theatre
Activity 6
1 contemporary 2 abstract 3 self-portrait 4 sketches 5 surreal
6 still-life 7 portraits 8 ceramics 9 sculptures

Activity 3
1 small talk 2 chat 3 gossip 4 debate 5 discussion
6 argument
Activity 4
1 sign language 2 body language 3 multilingual 4 common
language 5 bilingual 6 mother tongue
Activity 5
1 pronounce 2 transcribe 3 translate 4 recite 5 interpret

Unit C21
Activity 2
1 beach 2 self-catering 3 camping 4 backpacking 5 luxury
6 cruise 7 safari / eco-tourism 8 package 9 city break
10 eco-tourism
Activity 3
Suggestions: horse-riding, canoeing, sailing, rock-climbing,
abseiling, white-water rafting, bungee-jumping, paintballing,
Activity 4
1 go on; adventure 2 take; catch 3 hire; ride 4 get on; called
5 got in; missed 6 fare 7 caught; got off 8 rode; fell off
Activity 5
1 airport 2 motorway 3 service station 4 port 5 station
6 helicopter pad
Activity 6
1 (A) - both 2 (A) - both (at sea, a pilot guides a larger boat into
the docks with a smaller boat) 3 (C) - only air 4 (A) - neither
5(B)-o n ly sea 6 (A) - both 7 (C )-o n ly air 8 (A )-b o th
9 (D) - neither 10 (A) - both
Activity 7
1 crew 2 galley 3 spoke 4 deck 5 cabin 6 undercarriage
7 fuselage 8 bridge 9 helmet 10 pilot

Unit C21
Activity 4 Track 63
Jon: Hi, Jenny! What did you do in the holidays?
Jenny: Well, Susie and I decided to go on an adventure holiday in
the Lake District, but most of the adventures happened
before we even got there. We were going to take the bus to
Euston, then catch a train to W'indermere. After that we
thought we could hire bicycles and then ride them to the
hostel. It’s about 15 miles, but we’re both quite fit.
Jon: So what happened?
Jenny: When the bus finally came, it was full so we couldn’t get
on. There wasn’t enough time to wait for the next one, so
we called a taxi. We got in the taxi and asked the driver to
go to Euston as quickly as possible, but the traffic was so
bad it took nearly half an hour and we missed the train!
Jon: Oh, no! You must have been really w'orried.
Jenny: I was nearly ready to give up and go home, but Susie was
determined to carry on. The taxi fare w’as nearly £50, as
well. But we caught the next train, and when we got off at
Windermere, it was so beautiful I was glad we had carried
on. We got our bikes and rode them to the hostel, but we
fell off a couple of times because our rucksacks were so
Jon: And what about the rest of the holiday?
Jenny: It was great! We did a lot of walking and all kinds of
watersports: canoeing, sailing, white-water rafting, and we
went rock-climbing and horse-riding. Susie did a bungee
jump, but I didn’t want to do that - I went sky-diving
instead! It was great!

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