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Internal Control are designed to provide reasonable assurance for, except...

a. Reliable financial and Operatinal information

b. Safeguarding of liability
c. Operational efficiency
d. Integrity and Ethical values

Areas where human resources policies and practices are particularly important exclude:
a. Recruitment and hiring
b. New employee orientation
c. Disciplinary actions
d. None of the above

Which of the following NOT one of the dimensions of the COSO framework?
a. Objectives
b. Coverage areas
c. Activities
d. Monitoring

The components of the control environment, an enterprise should have implemented elements of
each, except...
a. Integrity and ethical values
b. Organizational structure
c. Human resources policies and practices
d. Board of managers and investors

Risks that must be considered as indicated by COSO's internal control framework, except
a. Enterprise risks due to external factors
b. Enterprise risks due to internal factors
c. Specifi activity-internal risks
d. Specifi activity-level risks

COSO internal control gives these examples of the ongoing monitoring component of internal
control, except...
a. Operating management normal functions
b. Communication from external parties
c. Enterprise structure and supervisory activities
d. Reduce physical inventories

In addition to the front-facing dimension on the model covering control activities, the right-side
dimension covers entities or activities while the top of the framework cube covers the three
dimensions of all internal controls, except:
a. Reliability of financial reporting
b. Reliability of management reporting
c. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations
d. Effectiveness and efficiency of operations

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