Translation and Translation Strategy: Roza Puspita/186332026

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Translation and translation strategy

Roza Puspita/186332026

The term translation related to the term translating. Translating is transferring the
understanding from one text to another text while translation is the product of the
translating. In today’s era, translation has developed than before where it is no
longer only transferring the meaning from one language to other language (inter-
lingual), but also the form in the same language which varies in dialect (intra-lingual),
and the intra-semiotic which deals with non verbal sign. It is already developed in
many aspects such us cognitive, visual, socio-cultural and ideological phenomena
which are integrated in translation.

Dealing with the development of the translation meaning that dealing with the
strategies on translating which are literal and free. Literal strategy of translation is
more suitable to translate the sacral and old text form because it is only translate
wore for word. It keeps the content and the form like the original. Since nowadays
translating is not only about transferring the understanding literary/ written text but all
the cognitive aspect, practically free strategy on translating one test to another text is
more effective that literal translating. There are many aspects need to be considered
to translating the text dealing with the content and he form of the text to be translated
to make it more suitable with the target language.

This free strategy is significantly better than literal in today’s way of translating. We
need to see the context when we want to translate the text. In real life application for
example: when we want to translate the proverb from our language to another
language we cant simple just translate it word for word by not modifies the sense
and the form of the text. We need to see whether it is suitable or not in translating it.
The proverb of “When in Rome do as the Romans do” it cannot be translated as “
Ketika berada di Roma lakukanlah seperti apa yang orang Roma lakukan” but it will be
more suitable with the Indonesian proverb “dimana bumi di pijak disitulah langit
dijunjung”. This example of translation is conducted by using free strategy where It
doesn’t have to be exactly the same, but the need is to deliver the understanding of
the text to the target language.

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