Biology-I (Phase-1) Group B

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Punjab Group of Colleges, Daska

Group B Phase-I Examination, 2019

Subject: Biology Class: F.SC-I
Time: 20Minutes Objective Total Marks: 17
Name: _______________________ Roll #______________ Obt. Marks: _______

Q 1. Encircle the correct option. (17x1=17)

1. When an electron pair is shared b/w two atom, covalent bond result:
a) double covalent b) triple covalent c) single covalent d) hydrogen bond
2. All are large organic molecules except:
a) cellulose b) fats c) proteins d) glucose
3. For the synthesis of 1g glucose, how much of solar energy is used:
a) 717.6kcal b) 71.76kcal c) 7176kcal d) 717.6cal

4. It is the main source of carbohydrates for animals:

a) starch b) glycogen c) cellulose d) chitin
5. Melting point of palmatic acid is:
a) 63.1 oC b) -8 oC c) -8 F d) 63.1 F
6. In a nucleotide phosphoric acid is attached to carbon at position:
a) 5 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1
7. It is not an example of ciliates:
a) trypanosoma b) stenor c) paramecium d) vorticella
8. The apicomplaxons that causes malaria:
a) anopheles b) tse-tse fly c) plasmodium d) merozoid
9. Green algae is identical to the plants in which of the following:

a) cell wall b) food reserves c) pigments d) all of these

10. Which of the following is mismatched:
a) unicellular-chlymadomonas b) filamentous-desmid c) colonial-volox
d) sheath like ulva
11. ---------- is the largest group of fungi:
a) Basidiomycota b) Ascomycota c) Zygomycota d) Deuteromycota

12. Each ascus contains ______number of ascospores:

a) 4 b) 8 c)12 d) 3

13. Lovastatin is used for lowering blood:

a) Pressure b) Glucose c) Cholesterol d) Glycogen
14. Human tissues have 85% water in cells of:
a) Brain b) Bone c) Blood d) Liver
15. Which one of following is not a polysaccharide:
a) Chitin b) Cutin c) Pectin d) Dextrin

16. The mRNA of total cell RNA is about:

a) 3-4 % b) 1-2 % c) 2-4 % d) 3-5 %

17. Phosphatidyl choline is one:

a) Phospholipids b) Sphingolipid c) Glycolipid d) Terpenoid
Punjab Group of Colleges, Daska
Group B Phase-I Examination, 2019
Subject: Biology Class: F.SC-I
Time: 2:40 Minutes Subjective Total Marks: 68

Q 2. Write Short answers to all of the following: (8 x 2 = 16)
I. What is meant by polyphyletic group of organism?
II. What is thallus?
III. What are red tides.
IV. What are diatoms? Give its importance.
V. Why are fats considered as high energy compound?
VI. Differentiate b/w saturated and unsaturated fatty acids?
VII. What is tertiary structure of protein?
VIII. Differentiate b/w nucleoside & nucleotide?
Q 3. Write Short answers to any eight parts from the following: (8 x 2 = 16)
I. What are lichens?
II. Describe nuclei in ciliates.
III. What are rusts and smuts?
IV. Explain parasexuality in fungi
V. What is nuclear mitosis?
VI. What is giant amoeba?
VII. Differentiate b/w endomycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae.
VIII. Differentiate b/w plasmogamy and karyogamy.

Q 4. Write Short answers to any six parts from the following: (6 x 2 = 12)
I. Write short note on phospholipids
II. Write biological importance of water.
III. What are conjugated molecules give example.
IV. Define Fatty acid and draw general structure of (only).triacyle glycerol.
V. What are Kelps?
VI. How do algae differ from plants?

Q 5. (a) Explain primary & secondary structures of proteins. (4)
(b) Write a note on Nutrition in Fungi. (4)
Q 6. (a) Explain economic losses due to fungi? (4)
(b) What are land adaptations of fungi? (4)
Q 7.(a) Explain different types of polysaccharides (4)
(b) Differentiate between DNA and RNA (4)

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