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Colegio Santa Margarita

Departamento de Inglés
Nadia Suárez Guerrero

English Test
Name: Date: October 24th Grade: 7º P.O________

Objective: To recognize and identify the use of past continuous using was and were.

I- . Lee el siguiente párrafo acerca del científico Charles Darwin y contesta las

Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809. He was a British naturalist who became
famous for his theories of evolution and natural selection. In South America, Darwin found
that fossils of extinct animals were similar to modern species. Many people were strongly
opposed to the idea of evolution because it conflicted with their religious beliefs.
Throughout his life, Darwin was a reserved, thorough, hard working scholar.

1.-Who was Charles Darwin?

2.-Where was he born?

3.-When was he born?

4.-Why was he famous for?

5.-Why were people opposed to his theories?

6.-What was he like?

II- Completa con was o were según corresponda

He We

She You

It They

III- Complete these sentences using was, were, wasn’t and weren’t.

ROSIE Hi Carl! Where (1) _________________ you last night? CARL I (2)
_________________ with Sara. We (3) _________________ on the quiz machine. ROSIE
(4) _________________ you happy? CARL No, I (5) _________________ SARA What about
you, Rosie? Where (6) _________________ you? ROSIE I (7) _________________ with
Barbara. CARL (8) _________________ Dominic with you? ROSIE No, he (9)
_________________. I think he (10) _________________ with Kieran. SARA But I thought
they (11) _________________ with you. ROSIE No, they (12) _________________. I don’t
know where they (13) _________________.
Colegio Santa Margarita
Departamento de Inglés
Nadia Suárez Guerrero

IV- Circle the correct word. (Encierra en un circulo la opción correcta

1 Was / were Carl with Sara last night?

2 Yes, he was / were.
3 Was / Were they with Steve?
4 Yes, they was / were.
5 But they wasn’t / weren’t with Dominic.
6 Was / Were Rosie with them?
7 No, she wasn’t / weren’t.
8 Where was / were you last night?

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