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Research Project

Submitted to

Bhavans Hazarimal Somani College


Submitted by

Ishita Indulkar

Roll no: 18

Under the guidance of

Sangeeta ma’am
 Content :

1. Introduction
2. Significant of studies
3. Scope of the studies
4. Objectives of the studies
5. Hypotheses
6. Research Methodology
a) Source of data
b) Sample size
c) Statistical tool
7. Review of literature
8. Conceptual framework of studies
9. Topic related information
10. Data analysis and interpretation
11. Finding and conclusion
12. Suggestion and recommendation
13. Conclusion
14. bibliography

Fast food is a rapidly growing industry in the world as well as in India, and
especially in urban areas (small and large cities). Consumption of fast foods has
become almost a global phenomenon, as more and more people are lured by it day in
and day out irrespective of their demographic characteristics. However, not much
research literature is available on fast food references of consumers’ especially the
young consumers in India. Fast food denotes food which is prepared and served
quickly at outlets called fast food outlets. Finger food comprises most of the fast food,
and can be eaten without cutlery or crockery. Fast foods include chips, sandwiches,
hamburgers, fried chicken, French fries, chicken nuggets, fish, pizza or ice-cream,
although there are now also many fast food restaurants in India which offer slower
foods like chilly mashed potatoes or salads.
The liberalization of the Indian economy in the early 1990s and the
subsequent entry of new players set a significant change in lifestyles and the food
tastes of Indians. Fast food is one which gained acceptance by the Indian palate after
various multinational fast food players, such as the American company McDonald’s,
adapted the basic Indian food requirements viz. vegetarian meals and selected
nonvegetarian options excluding beef and pork totally from their menu. Multinational
fast food outlets initially faced protests and nonacceptance from Indian consumers.
This was due to primarily to perception that these fast food players serve only chicken
and do not serve vegetarian meals as such. In addition, fast food is perceived to be an
expensive luxury besides being out-of-way and divergent with meals usually
associated with the Indian culture.
Today, the fast food industry is adapting to Indian food requirements and is
growing rapidly in India and the region. It is gaining acceptance primarily from the
Indian youth and younger generations and is becoming part of daily life. Keeping in
mind the Indian habits and changing preferences towards food consumption, this
study has as its focus tried to understand the factors affecting the perception of Indian
youth, in the age group of 20-30 years, towards consumption of fast food as well as
towards making choices of which fast food outlets to patronize.

1. It is estimated that college students spend between 20000 and 40000 per year on fast
2. Cleanliness, friendliness, and price were the three most important factors influencing
college students’ choice of fast food restaurants.
3. Subway was perceived as the cleanest and friendliest restaurant and Taco Bell the
lowest price.
4. Atmosphere was the 10th most important factor influencing choice. Wendy’s was the
top-rated restaurant for atmosphere


Junk food covers the whole of the world because these foods are found in every
part of the world and is mostly liked by the people of college students group, but our study is
limited to specific part. The area of our study is Namakkal city in Tamil Nadu. In
comparisons to the other part of the world even in Namakkal there are lovers of junk food.


1. To identify the college student’s preference towards junk food.

2. To know the factor influencing in choosing junk food.
3. To find the satisfaction level of consumer in preferring junk food.
4. To analysis the health-related issues in consuming junk food
H01: There is no difference of gender in the tendency of replacing regular meals
with junk food

H02: Concern about health has no difference between UG and PG students

H03: There no is significant relationship between factors affecting choice of junk

food and gender of the student

H04: There is no significant relationship between factors affecting choice of junk

food and education level of the student


1. Source of data

The data is collect throw Google forms questionnaire’s hence it is

primary source of data

2. Sample size
Reponses are taken from 10 respondents. Throw questionnaire’s.

3. Statistical tool
Pie chart is been used.

 Review of literature of study

Fast food have been defined by a “general term used for a limited menu of
foods that lend themselves to production-line techniques; suppliers tend to specialize in
products such as hamburgers, pizzas, chicken, or sandwiches”. The fast food industry,
originally conceived in Southern California during the 1940s, not only altered the eating
habits of Americans, but also those in many other countries around the world, including
Asian countries.
 Conceptual framework of study

Upon studying the Marketability of McDonald’s Mendiola, there are factors that affect
the variables. Among the college students of Mendiola Consortium, Bedansare only few
of the customers of this food chain. Most of their customers are from then ear by colleges
specifically La Consolacion and CEU. Often times during weekdays between 12pm –
3pm, which means the Lunch Rush, group of students were rushing to this food chain.
This doesn’t include the passers-by customers that lived or worked nearby the foodchain.

 Topic related information

The purpose of the current study was to explore college students’ perceptions of the
health effects of fast food consumption and their eating habits. The consequences of
increased fast food consumption among college students are raising health problems,
which include obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. The problem was explored in a
quantitative survey using a cross sectional approach with a descriptive design. A sample
size of 120 college students among a 2000 student-body population in the Midwestern
United States participated in the survey. On a 4-point Liker -type scale of strongly
disagree (1) to strongly agree (4), the strongest agreement for the perception statement
was: “Obesity is linked to increased fast food consumption.” However, in the habit
category, the students claimed, “I go to fast food restaurants more often, in the evenings,
when hanging out with friends.” The students were aware of the risks associated with fast
food consumption on health; however, their eating habits did not indicate they practiced
what they knew could be harmful to their health, especially when they were socializing
with friends. Hopefully, this study will help attract attention to evils of food choices and
its effects on health.

 Data analysis and interpretation

MALE 6 60
TOTAL 10 100

2) AGE
0 -15 2 20
15-30 6 60
30-45 1 10
45 & above 1 10
TOTAL 10 100
 Finding and conclusion
This study highlights the fact that urbanization, high socioeconomic profile, low levels
of physical activity, sedentary lifestyle and consumption of junk food are associated with and
cause high prevalence of overweight and obesity among adolescents.

The food habits of adolescents must be modified to select a balanced diet by cutting
down junk food and fried items. Changing from a high calorie diet to a low calorie diet brings
manifold advantages like getting antioxidants and vitamins. It makes digestion easier by
increasing natural fibre consumption. The study also highlights the need to create supportive
population based environment through public policies that promote the availability and
accessibility of a variety of low fat and high fibre food. We should also provide effective
clinical programmes to help obese people to lose weight or avoid further weight gain.

 Suggestion and recommendation

“Health is wealth” so in this study the researcher given some suggestion In the junk
food, most of the respondents are said, have some obesity problems and depression. So, the
respondents have to avoid the consumption of junk food. Now a day many youngsters
adopted the consumption of the junk food as they feel it is fantasy. The health consciousness
has been reduced among the respondents. To regain the health, they have to espouse with
consumption of natural food. Majority of the respondents are feel the junk food was good
taste & quality. But the tasty food always given, so they know the aware of the junk food.

 Conclusion

Junk food now a day it’s easy and tasty available food in the market. So, all category of
students is very much interested to have their fast and tasty food very quickly. So, they
preferring junk food as their meals. They are not distillate on their own health. So many
health-related problems occur due to their food consumption. People are very much fond
on have more spicy foods and snacks. This create many health problems like obesity,
depression and stomach upset. To overcome this the respondent has to plan their intakes
of food items as organic and reduce their junk food consumption. Even the parents have
to necessary step to stop their children in eating the outside food.
 Bibliography
Introduction –Wikipedia
Conceptual framework -
Review of literature -
Scope and Objectives of the studies :
Conclusion -

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