Recycled Concrete As An Aggregate For Concrete A Review: 37-Drc Committee

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Recycled concrete as an a g g r e g a t e for concrete a review

P. J. NIXON (~)

The present state of knowledge on the use of recycled concrete as an aggregate in n e w

concrete is reviewed and suggestions made as to what further work is necessary before a
proper assessment of the material can be made. Where crushed uncontaminated concrete
is used the properties o f the material as an aggregate and the basic engineering characteristics
o f the concrete made with it are well established. M u c h less is k n o w n about the type and
quantity of impurities which could occur in crushed concrete from general building rubble
and the effect these w o u l d have on concrete made using such crushed concrete as aggregate.

1. I N T R O D U C T I O N concrete was during and just after the Second World War.
At this time the rubble left after the bombardment of cities,
The increasing numbers of concrete buildings being
especially after aerial bombing, was used in concrete for
demolished, the difficulties of disposing of the concrete
rebuilding particularly in Britain and Germany. Later when
rubble produced together with a developing scarcity of
wartime fortifications were being demolished the rubble
aggregates near to the major urban areas has prompted an
from these was used. Most of the literature from this time
interest in the possibility of using concrete rubble as
describes the use of brick rubble as this was the predomi-
aggregate in fresh concrete. A RI LEM Committee, 37/DRC
nant building material. These accounts have been revie-
"Demolition and Re-use of Concrete" has recently been
wed by Nixon [1]. There are, however, at least two reports
formed to examine techniques of demolishing concrete
from the immediate post-war period describing the use of
buildings and ways of re-using the concrete waste so
concrete rubble and these are described below.
produced. The amount of concrete being demolished in
Britain at present, how it is disposed of and the problems Since that post-war period there has been little
involved in collecting and processing it for use as aggrega- research interest until quite recently when the increasing
te have been considered in a previous paper [1 ]. This paper numbers of concrete buildings being demolished and
is concerned with the properties of such aggregates. a possible future scarcity of natural aggregates in some
areas has reawakened an interest in the use of concrete
The first extensive and well documented use of materials rubble as an aggregate. In this paper the information
from the demolition of buildings as aggregate in fresh
now available on the properties of concrete made with
(1) Building Research Establishment, Department of the Envi- concrete rubble is reviewed and the important gaps
ronment, G.-B. in knowledge on the subject are identified.



Original Concrete Absorption (%) Relar Density (SSD)

Compressive Strength Coarse Coarse
Description (MN/m 2) aggt. Fine aggt. aggt Fine aggt.

Ploger (ref. 5)
Gravel & sand aggregate 35 (90 day) 6.0 lO .5 nd nd
Trap rock coarse aggt.
mixed crushed and natural 34 (90 day) 4.5 nd nd nd
sand fine aggt.

Buck (ref. 2)
Driveway waste (chert
41 (8 years) 4.5 7.9 2.42 2.33
gravel aggt.)
Discarded beam (carbonate
55 (9~ months) 3.9 nd 2.52 n&
coarse aggt.)
Discarded beam 13 (2~ years) 2.3 7.9 2.59 2.36
(granite coarse aggt.)
Concrete panels (cher~
23 (8 months) 4.4 7.5 2.36 2.27
gravel aggt.)

Malhotra (ref. 6)
Discarded test cylinders High 4 7.9 2.53 nd
(limestone coarse and sand Medium 3.9 9.3 2.53 2.31
fine aggt.) Low 4.4 8.6 2.5 2.34


Limestone (ref. 6) 0.4 2.68
(ref. 2) 0.8 2.67
]herr gravel (ref. 7) 2.6 2.52
Natural sand (ref. 6) 0.5 2.7
(ref. 7) 0.4 2.63

2. EARLY I N V E S T I G A T I O N S OF THE USE OF If concrete fines were used the cement content had
RECYCLED CONCRETE AS AN A G G R E G A T E to be increased unduly.
(Information from Buck [2]) Graf [4] studied the use of building rubble as an
aggregate in Germany in 1948. As part of this work
Gluzhge [3] investigated the use of waste concrete he examined the effect of contamination by gypsum
as an aggregate in Russia in 1946. He found that plaster by adding controlled amounts of gypsum to
crushed concrete aggregate had a lower specific the rubble. He concluded that about 1% of SO 3 in
gravity than natural aggregate and that the concrete the form of gypsum was the maximum tolerable level,
made with the crushed concrete aggregate had a lower and that powdered gypsum caused a greater expansion
compressive strength. At equal compressive strengths in a shorter time than gypsum grains of 1-7 ram. He also
the flexural strength of the concrete with crushed con- found that gypsum tends to concentrate in the finer
crete aggregate was greater than the control mixes. material.


Aggregate type used Water/cement Density of Fresh concrete Air Content

(kg/m 2) (%)

Malhotra (ref. 6)
Coarse aggt. - low strength recycled concrete 0.69 21i5 6.9
Fines - natural
Control 3.69 2210 6.2
Coarse aggt, - low strength recycled concrete 0.67 2240 3.5
Fines - ditto
Control 0.67 2275 5.3

Buck (ref. 7)
Coarse aggt. - Crushed concrete 0.49 5.7 - 6
Fines - natural
Coarse aggt. - crushed aggt. 0.49 5.9 - 6.3
Fines - ditto
Control 0.49 6 - 6.3


3. RECENT W O R K reducing admixture and .higher cement content was

effective in producing a stronger concrete.
Recent work on the use of recycled concrete as an Malhotra [6] prepared concrete at low, medium and
aggregate will be reviewed in terms of the particular
high strength levels using crushed concrete from dis-
properties of the resulting aggregate and of the fresh
carded test cylinders appropriate to the strength level.
concrete. His compressive strength results are also given in table II1.
They confirm the observation of Buck that concrete
made with recycled concrete aggregate has a lower
3.1. P r o p e r t i e s of the recycled concrete
compressive strength than a control but does not give any
further information on the effect of the original strength.
The properties of recycled concrete aggregate have This is because the aggregate was not made from concrete
been reported by Ploger [5], Buck [2] and Malhotra [6], of known strength but rather from a mixture of discarded
Their results are summarised in table" I which also cylinders within a strength band and also because these
includes fresh natural aggregates for comparison, It is strength bands were matched with the planned strength of
the new concrete.
clear from these results that the main difference between
the recycled and fresh aggregates is the higher water Frondistou-Yannas [8] has studied the variation of
absorption of the recycled aggregate, an effect which strength with water/cement ratio of concrete made with
is especially marked in the fine aggregates. This is crushed concrete coarse aggregate. The old concrete
presumably due to the porosity of the cement paste, was made with a granite gravel. Her results are not
which will tend to concentrate in the fine fraction. tabulated so to prevent inaccuracies they are also
The density of the recycled concrete aggregate is also presented graphically here in figure 1. In general they
somewhat lower but the differences in density are not confirm the findings of previous authors that the concrete
as marked as those in absorption. containing the recycled concrete aggregate has a lower
Malhotra [6] also studied the recycled concrete compressive strength.
aggregates by optical and scanning electron microscopy.
He found that the particles of crushed concrete tended
to be more rounded and to have a smoother surface 3.4. Bond strength between crushed concrete
texture than fresh crushed ,limestone aggregates used aggregate and m o r t a r
as a control. Cracks in the hydrated cement paste
adhering to the crushed concrete particles with a width Frondistou-Yannas also studied the aggregate-matrix
of the order of 2-4 p were observed and it was thought bond strength for fresh granite gravel, granite gravel
that these may have caused the high absorption of sorted from the crushed concrete, granite gravel with
this aggregate. adhering mortar and of crushed mortar from the con-
crete. Her results (table IV) show a decreasing bond
strength with increasing proportion of mortar, empha-
3,2. Physical p r o p e r t i e s o f c o n c r e t e made w i t h sising the desirability of reducing the proportion of
recycled and fresh aggregate mortar in the recycled concrete aggregate.

The density and air contents of concrete made with

recycled and fresh aggregates are tabulated in table II. 3.5. W o r k a b i l i t y o f the concrete
The concrete densities of the recycled aggregate con-
crete are slightly lower, reflecting the lower aggregate Buck [7] observed that mixes containing crushed
densities. The air contents are little different (the lower concrete as both coarse and fine aggregate had a lower
slump and higher cement content than the control mixes.
air content for the wholly recycled aggregate concrete
found by Malhotra for the low strength mix is not They appeared wet even though stiffer than the control
r.onfirmed in the medium of high strength mixes). mixes. When however natural sand was used as the
fine aggregate with crushed concrete coarse aggregate
there was little difference in slump, air content or
3.3. S t r e n g t h s o f c o n c r e t e made w i t h recycled cement content from the equivalent mix made with
aggregates new aggregate. As stated in 3 . 3 Buck also found it
possible to achieve equivalent workability at a lower
Buck ([2], [7]) studied the compressive strengths water/cement ratio by use of a water reducing
of concrete containing recycled concrete aggregate at admixture.
constant water/cement ratio (and constant workability) Work of Malhotra [6] and Frondistou-Yannas [8]
except for two mixes in which the w/c ratio was reduced confirms these observations. Working over a range of
by the use of a water reducing admixture and by the water/cement ratios they found virtually no difference
addition of fly ash. His data is summarised in table III, in workability between mixes containing crushed con-
In general he found lowered strengths compared with crete coarse aggregate and natural sand fines and those
a control mix. However he was able to show that the made entirely with fresh natural aggregates. When
strength of the concrete can be higher than the original Malhotra used crushed concrete fines however he found
strength of the crushed concrete which comprises the a sharp increase in water requirement. This effect was
aggregate. Moreover it can be seen from the Table especially marked when minus 150 p material from the
that there is no correlation between the strength of crushed concrete was included. This minus 150 p
the original concrete and the strength of the new concrete was observed to consist mainly of hydrated
concrete made using it as aggregate. The use of a water cement particles.



Original Concrete New Concrete

Compressive strength (MNIm 2)
Compressive Aggregate W/C I Cement
Description Strength (MN(m2 ) ratio content (kg/m 3)
7 day 28 days I 56 day 90 day

Buck ( r e f . 2 & 7)

~riveway waste 41 (8 years) Control-chert 0.49 273 17.85 28.5 32.4 34.9
[Chert gravel a g g t . ) 8ravel & sand
CA-crushed concrete 0.49 273 13.65 21.0 24.7 26.75
~A-crushed concrete 0.49 300 15.85 23.4 26.26 29.5
FA-crushed concrete

)iscarded test beam 55 (9~ months) Control-llmestone 0.49 300 21.9 31.0 33.0 36.7
=arbonate coarse aggregate) and sand
CA-crushed concrete 0.49 290" 17.8 28.6 27.6 32.1
!Discarded test beam CA-crushed (concrete) 0.49 17.8 24.9 28.8 28.5
!(granite coarse aggregate) 13 (21 years) FA-crushed concrete
IConcrete panel (chert) 23 (8 months) Control-chert 0.49 18.3 28 . i 30,3 33.9
!gravel aggregate) gravel and sand
CA-crushed concrete 0.49 17.3 23.9 27.2 34.1
FA-crushed concrete
Driveway waste 41 (8 y e a r s ) CA-crushed concrete 0.45 385 24.1 35 9 1 36.4 38.7
(chert gravel aggregate) FA-crushed concrete
(water reducing admixture)

Malhotra (ref. 6)

Discarded test low Control-limestone 0.69 14 17.6 17.9

cylinders (limestone (unspecified) and sand
coarse aggregate, CA-crushed concrete 0.69 9 13.6 13.9
sand fine aggregate) FA-sand
Control limestone 0.67 I6.2 19.5 22.4
and sand
CA-crushed concrete 0.67 12.7 16.3 17.9
FA-crushed concrete
Medium Control-limestone and 0.56 17.0 . Z1.9 zz.~

(unspecified) sand
CA-crushed concrete 0.56 16.0 20.0 20.7
Control-limestone and 0.57 20.3 22.4
CA-crushed concrete 0.57 17.0 17.8
FA-crushed concrete

High Control-limestone and 0,41 31.1 32,5 35.4

(unspecified) sand
CA-crushed concrete 0.41 28,4 32.3 37.4
Control-limestone and 0,41 31 .8 36.2 40.7
CA-crushed concrete 0.41 26.0 31 .7 33.7
FA-crushed concrete

3.6. M o d u l u s of elasticity Buck [7] and Malhotra [6]. Buck reported his results
as a durability factor after 300 cycles of freezing and
Frondistou-Yannas [8] has measured the modulus thawing. His tests were carried out in accordance with
of elasticity of a series of concretes at different the US Army Engineers Handbook for Concrete and
water/cement ratios made with recycled concrete coarse Cement, CRD-C 114. They are summarised in table V.
aggregate and natural sand fines. She found a significant Malhotra assessed the freeze/thaw resistance of the
decrease in the modulus compared with control mixes concrete by ultrasonic pulse velocity measurements
(fig 2). during and after the period of freeze/thaw cycling and
by flexural strength measurements at the end of the
3.7. D r y i n g shrinkage
period. His results are summarised in table Vl. Both Buck
Data on the drying shrinkage of concfefe made with and Malhotra found the freeze/thaw resistance of the
recycled concrete aggregate has been obtained in concrete made with recycled concrete aggregate to be
Japan [9]. This investigation found that the drying very similar to that of control concretes except that
shrinkage of concrete made with the recycled concrete Buck also found that concrete made with crushed chert
aggregate was 10-30% larger than that of a control gravel concrete had a significantly better freeze/thaw
concrete made with river sand and gravel (fig. 3). resistance than concrete made with the original chert
gravel. This is thought to be because the old mortar
which is coating the surface of the chert gravel particles
3.8. Durability
in the crushed concrete seals the pores and prevents
The freeze/thaw resistance of concrete made with the ingress of water to the frost-susceptible chert
recycled concrete aggregate has been studied by particles.

P. J. N I X O N

4000 27.6 3-0 21

3000 "".. Control 20 -7

x 2-0
% w
2000 13.8
Recycled '\\ ~ e ~ e Z
aggregate concrete ",
Recycled agg g te co c 9 1-0
E 1000 6.9

0 I / 1 l I
0-5 0-55 0-6 0"65 0"7 0-75 0"5 0"55 016
O'65 01"7 0"75
Water/cement ratio-- by weight Water/cement
ratio-- by weight
a) Portland cement Type III and Ottawa sand fine a) Portland cement Type III and Ottawa sand
aggregate fine aggregate

4000 27-6 3.(3


c~ s
I 300C 20-7 x
g Lu
2-0 14
% %
o 1000

Recyiii 13-8

1-0 \

I t 0~.7 I 0
0-5 '
0-55 0!6 " '
0.65 0I7 '
0.75 0-5 0-55 0-6 0-65 0"75
Water/cement ratio--by weight Water/cement ratio -- by weight

b) Portland cement Type I and granite sand fine b) Portland cement Type I and granite sand fine
aggregate aggregate

Fig. 1. - - Relationship between w a t e r / c e m e n t ratio and Fig. 2. -- R e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n w a t e r / c e m e n t ratio and

c o m p r e s s i v e s t r e n g t h for c o n c r e t e m a d e w i t h recycled modulus of elasticity for concrete made with recycled
c o n c r e t e a g g r e g a t e ( a f t e r F r o n d i s t o u - Y a n n a s [8]). concrete aggregate (after Frondistou-Yannas [8]).

Age-- week
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

i \\ w,c o

X~o sand, river gravel


River sand, . . . . . . . . ". =~=~'

~ n~*=~ o O ~ e l e aggregate
demolished concrete aggregate o~ ~

Fig. 3. - Comparison of drying shrinkage of

c o n c r e t e m a d e w i t h c o n c r e t e rubble aggre-
gate and river sand and gravel ( a f t e r T o m a -
s a w a [9]).
AND CEMENT MATRIX (after Frondistou-Yannas [8])
type of aggregate used No, of cycles Durability factor
Ultimate load
Type o f a s g r e g a t e Type of failure
(Ib .)
~ew c h e r t gravel and sand 300 3
New granite gravel 56 • 15 Aggregate - macrlx interface 2rushed concrete coarse aggt.
300 23
3ranlte gravel sorted from Icher~ gravel concrete) and sand
the crushed concrete 49 ~* 18 Aggregate macrlx interface
:rushed concrete (chert gravel)
300 28
3ranite gravel with adhering :oarse and fine
nortar- sorted from the 39 *-- 14 Usually aggregate limes tone coarse aggregate
:rushed concrete 300 62
and s a n d
~ortar sorted from the ]rushed limeseone coacrete
31 -* 8 Always aggregate 300 45
= r u s h e d concrete :oarse aggregate and sand


Buck also measured the linear coefficient of thermal Samarai [12] has studied the effect of added gypsum
expansion at 28 days and monitored the length change on mortar prisms made with a number of different
of prisms stored at greater than 90% RH and 73 + 2~ cements. He monitored length change, compressive
The results of these tests on concrete containing recycled and flexural strength. He concluded that the maximum
concrete aggregate showed their behaviour to be very total sulphate that could be added as part of the aggre-
similar to control concretes. gate was O. 6% by weight of the aggregate for ordinary
Portland cement or 0.7% for highly sulphate resistant
cement. He also found that a natural pozzolanic cement
was effective in reducing expansion particularly at high
The only systematic studies of the effect of impurities SO 3 levels, but he did not carry out a sufficient number
in recycled concrete on the properties of the fresh of tests to propose a s o 3 limit for this type of cement.
concrete made with the recycled concrete as aggregate
In view of the differing SO 3 contents of the various
have been of contamination by gypsum plaster.
cements he considered it better to set a limit on the
As described in Section 2,Graf [4] studle~ the ettect
basis of the total SO 3 content of the cement and
of adding gypsum to the rubble aggregate and found aggregate. For ordinary Portland cement this should be
that 1% SO 3 was the maximum tolerable level. Other
a maximum of 5.2% SO 3 by' weight of the cement.
early investigations of the effect on concrete of sulphate Like Buck he found that allowing the specimens to dry
in the aggregate were by Gaede [10] and Newman [11].
reduced final expansion.
Gaede added finely ground gypsum or magnesiun~
sulphate to a gravel-sand aggregate. He found a criticm
range of SO 3 contents over which the strength dropped 5. DISCUSSION
rapidly and then remained more or less constant as
further gypsum was added. He concluded that the limit A number of workers have now examined the basic
of 1% SO 3 (in Germany) ought to be reduced to below properties of concrete in which the aggregate is the
0.5%. Newman studied the effect of soluble sulphates product of crushing another concrete. Most have
in broken-brick aggregate and found no deleterious concentrated on uncontaminated material, often old
effects up to 1% SO 3. laboratory test specimens and there is good agreement
More recently Buck [2] reported that 5% gypsum on most aspects of the behaviour of this recycled
by weight aggregate was sufficient to produce concrete.
harmful internal expansion in concrete made with The most marked difference in the physical properties
cement containing over 5% C3A when the concrete of the recycled concrete aggregate is the higher water
was moist cured. Expansion was reduced when the absorption and it seems likely that this is due to absorp-
specimens were allowed to dry. Neither the use of tion by cement paste adhering to the old aggregate
a cement w~th reduced C3A content or of fly ash was particles. There is general agreement that the compres-
effectwe m preventing expansion however. sive strength (and judging from limited evidence, the

(Malhotra [6]).
Properties of reference prisms at
Prisms after freeze/thaw cyclin~
age corresponding to end of test
No. of Age at Flexural Residual Pulse % :hange
Type of aggregate used ratio Flexural Pulse in pulse
strength (MN/m 2) velocity (m/s) cycles end O f test strength strength velocity ve .ocity
(days) (MN/m-) (%) (m/s)

~ m i x e s

Control 0.69 5.1 4,528 760 I00 4.6 90.6 4,398 - 2.8
CA-crushed concrete 0.69 4.1 4113 760 100 3.8 91.6 3988 - 3

Control 0.67 5.4 4613 684 93 4.9 92.9 4503 - 2.4

CA-crushed concrete 0.67 5.2 4269 684 93 4.6 86.2 4249 - 0.5
FA-crushed concrete

Mediumstren th mixes

Control 0.56 5.8 4542 603 ' 82 5.3 93.3 4481 - 1.3

CA-crushed concret= 0.56 4.6 4300 603 82 5.1 111.2 4170 - 3


Control 0.57 5.5 4640 603 82 5.2 95.0 4506 - 2.9

CA-crushed concrete 0.57 4.7 4305 603 82 4.6 98.5 4147 - 3.7
FA-crushed concrete

Hih siren t h m l x e s

Control 0.41 7.5 5086 750 96 7.2 95.0 4846 - 4.7

CA-crushed concrete 0.41 6.9 4733 750 96 6.7 97.0 4501 - 4.9

Control 0.41 8.3 5070 750 I00 7.7 92.1 4859 - 4.2
CA-crushed concrete 0.41 7.2 4708 750 93 5.9 81.9 4579 - 2.7
FA-crushed concrete


flexural strength) is somewhat lower (up to about 20% The above remarks apply to uncontaminated con-
lower in some cases but usually less) compared with crete from a known source. If however recycled concrete
control mixes but there does not seem to be any corre- aggregate is to be used on any scale then the rubble
lation between the loss in strength and the water/cement from general building demolition would have to be
ratio of the final concrete. There is only limited evidence exploited. Here there is a basic lack of knowledge of
(and some disagreement) on the effect of the strength what might be expected to occur in the output from
of the original concrete on the strength of the new a particular method of processing the rubble. Possible
concrete made with it as aggregate but it seems probable methods of controlling impurities eg magnetic separa-
that, within limits, it is not important. There is evidence tion of metal reinforcement, means of reducing the
however that when the concrete fails it is the adhering amount of gypsum, need to be explored and the effect
mortar on the crushed concrete aggregate that is the of the remaining contaminants examined. Once iden-
weakest link. The use of crushed concrete fines does not tified there is some knowledge of the behaviour of
seem to have any great effect on the compressive strength common contaminants [ ( e . g . Ref [13])] but much
of the concrete but it does seem to reduce the worka- investigation will be needed to deal with all the possi-
bility significantly. When only crushed concrete coarse bilities, for example, the effects of mixtures of cements
aggregate is used the workability is little different from other than Portland cement in the crushed concrete.
control mixes. Again, when using recycled coarse
aggregate there is little difference in the modulus of
elasticity; there is no information on the effect of fines ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
on this property.

The durability of the recycled concrete has been The work described has been carried out as p,art
examined mostly with respect to the freeze/thaw resist- of the research programme of the Building Research
ance of the concrete and the results suggest that with Establishment of the Department of the Environment
uncontaminated concrete there is no problem. In fact and this paper is published by permission of the Director.
with concrete containing a highly porous frost suscep-
tible aggregate there may actually be an improvement
probably because the cement paste blocks up the pores. REFERENCES
The drying shrinkage has been found to be somewhat
greater in the recycled concrete. There is no information [1] NIXON P. J. - - The use of materials from demolition in
on the creep, wetting expansion or resistance to aggres- construction. Resources Policy, December 1976,
sive solutions such as sulphates, of recycled concrete. p. 276-283.

Less work has been carried out on the effect of 12] BUCKA. D. - - Recycled concrete as a source of aggregate.
Proc. of Symposium, Energy and Resource Conservation
impurities in the crushed concrete on the properties
in the Cement and Concrete Industry, Canmet, Ottawa,
of the final concrete. Most of that which has been done 1976.
has been devoted to sulphate impurities, presumably
[3] GLUSHGE P. I. - - The work of the Scientific Research
originating from gypsum plaster. This w o u l d certainly
Institute. Gidrotskhnicheskoge Stroitelstvo No 4, April
be a major problem with the recycling of general building 1946, p. 27-28 (U.S.S.R.). Brief English summary in
rubble concrete. The results published suggest that for Engineers Digest, Vol. 7, No 10, 1946, p. 330.
concrete placed in a position where it is likely to be
[4] GRAF O. - - Uber Ziegelsplittbeton, Sandsteinbeton und
wet for much of the time a limit on the total soluble Trummerschuttbeton. Die Bauwirtschaft, No 2, January
sulphate content of the aggregate of between 0 . 5 No 3, February No 4, March 1948 (Germany). Crushed
and 1% is advisable if ordinary Portland cement is used. Brick Concrete, Sandstone Concrete and Rubble Concrete,
Most workers have used finely powdered gypsum in Trans, No 73-1, January 1973. U.S. Army Engineer Water-
their experiments, what little evidence there is on the ways Experimental Station, C.E. Vicksburg, Miss.
effect of particle size has suggested that larger sized ~5] PLOGER a. R . - An investigation of the compressive
pieces of gypsum cause less expansion. There is some strength of concrete in which concrete rubble was used
conflict of evidence on the effect of pozzolanic cements as an aggregate, unpublished thesis, Cornell University,
including fly ash and more work is needed. 1947.
[6] MALHOTRAV. M. - - The use of recycled concrete as a new
In general then there seems to be a reasonable know- aggregate. Proc. of Symposium, Energy and Resource
ledge of the basic engineering properties of the recycled Conservation in the Cement and Concrete Industry,
concrete and the main penalty in its use is a slightly lower Canmet, Ottawa, 1976.
compressive strength compared with a control mix made [7] BUCK A. D. - - Recycled concrete. Highway Research
with the same original aggregate. A more thorough Record, No 430, 1973.
investigation of the effect of the strength of the original [8] Waste concrete as aggregate for new concrete, S. Fron-
concrete w o u l d seem to be needed however, and also distou-Yannas. ACI Journal, August 1977, p. 373-374.
a fundamental investigation of the mode of failure of 1"9] Studies on the reuse of demolished concrete, Committee
the recycled concrete which may enable the reason for for Research on the Reuse of Construction Waste,
the lowered strength to be understood and counteracted. Building Contractors Society, Tokyo, March 1975 (Personal
communication by F. Tomasawa).
The main field in which more information on the [10] GAEDEK. - - Dt Aussch Stahlbeton 109, 1952 and 126,
behaviour of the recycled concrete is required is its 1957.
durability. Creep, wetting expansion and porosity all [11] NEWMAN A. J. - - The utilisation of brick rubble from
need to be examined as does the effect of aggressive demolished shelters as aggregate for concrete. Inst Mun
solutions. Eng J, 1946, Vol. 73, No 2, p. 113-121.

VOL. 11 - N ~ 65 - M A T E R I A U X ET C O N S T R U C T I O N S

[12] SAMARA! MURD A. - - The disintegration of concrete [13] MIELENZ R. C. - - Reactions o f aggregates involving solu-
containing sulphate-contaminated aggregates, Mag Con bility, oxidation, sulphate or sulphides. Highway Res Rec,
Res, Vol. 28, No 96, 1976, p. 130-140. 1963, Vol. 43, p. 8-18.

Rs utilis~ sans impuret~s, les propri~t~s du b~tctn concass~

en tant que granulat et les caract~ristiques techniques
Le b 6 t o n recycl6 en tant que granulat du b6ton. de base du b~ton confectionnd avec ce mat~riau sont
- - On fait le point sur rktat present des connaissances bien 6tablies. Mais on en sait beaucoup moins sur les
relatives ~ rutilisation du b~ton recycl~ comme granulat types et quantit~s d'impuret6s qui se rencontrent dans
du b~ton nouveau. Et r o n pr~sente quelques sugges- le b~ton concass~ a partir d ' u n mat~riau de ddmolition
tions sur les travaux ~ accomplir avant qu'une 6valuation global et sur les effets qui p e u v e n t en rksulter pour
correcte "de ce mat~riau puisse ~tre faite. Lorsqu'il est le b~ton confectionnk avec ces dkbris.


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