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Create the future


45 min Group

A storyboard is a simple visualisation of a future scenario that lets you communicate
the basic components of complex solution proposals without having all the details in
place. The concept stems from the world of film-making, where storyboards are used
to lay down the filmic flow before the costly process of shooting the film.
Often, the storyboard is based on drawings. It can serve to facilitate a dialogue with
your users where you invite them to describe their service experience. It can help you
spot potentials or drawbacks to proposed solutions that you had overlooked.

1. Before creating the storyboard it is crucial that you determine exactly what you
want to investigate and learn about. Use that as a basis for obtaining detailed feed-
back on aspects of your solution that you have already identified as conditions for a
successful implementation.
2. Select an aspect that you wish to investigate, and note that in your storyboard.
3. In the second cell of the storyboard, indicate one or more user groups that this
solutions addresses.
3. Now outline parts of your solution in as much detail as possible. You can do this
using simple hand-drawn sketches.
4. Determine which user groups are critically important to the success of your solution,
and introduce them to your storyboard. You can do this in one-on-one interviews or in
a group interview.
5. Adjust your storyboard. After the modification, you may want to conduct one more
test with your users.

Felt-tip pens

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