Organic Thermo-Electric Materials: Emerging Green Energy Materials Converting Heat To Electricity Directly and Ef Ciently

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Organic Thermoelectric Materials: Emerging Green Energy

Materials Converting Heat to Electricity Directly and
Qian Zhang, Yimeng Sun, Wei Xu,* and Daoben Zhu*

interest from both scientific and industrial

The abundance of solar thermal energy and the widespread demands for communities.
waste heat recovery make thermoelectric generators (TEGs) very attractive in The thermodynamic limit of the energy-
harvesting low-cost energy resources. Meanwhile, thermoelectric refrigeration conversion efficiency (η) of a TEG device
is promising for local cooling and niche applications. In this context there is is defined by reversible Carnot cycles. The
energy-conversion efficiency, namely the
currently a growing interest in developing organic thermoelectric materials
output electrical energy over the input
which are flexible, cost-effective, eco-friendly and potentially energy-efficient. thermal energy, is a function of the mate-
In particular, the past several years have witnessed remarkable progress in rials’ figure-of-merit (ZT), average working
organic thermoelectric materials and devices. In this review, thermoelectric temperature of the device, and temperature
properties of conducting polymers and small molecules are summarized, difference between the hot (TH) and cold
(TC) ends.[2] Although η can be improved
with recent progresses in materials, measurements and devices highlighted.
via thermal engineering[2e] (e.g., increase
Prospects and suggestions for future research efforts are also presented. The TH and TH- TC), it is ZT that fundamen-
organic thermoelectric materials are emerging candidates for green energy tally predominates.[2a-d] The figure-of-merit
conversion. of thermoelectric materials is ZT = S2σT/κ,
where S (V K−1) is Seebeck coefficient or
thermopower, σ (S m−1) is electrical con-
1. Introduction ductivity, κ (W m−1 K−1) is thermal conductivity and T is absolute
temperature. When variation in thermal conductivity is secondary
Energy is indispensible for industrial production and daily life. to modulation in electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient,
Currently the majority sources of energy are produced from thermoelectric property of a material can be weighted with a
fossil fuels. These fuels are combusted in heat engines to gen- parameter called power factor (PF) as PF = S2σ in Wm−1 K−2.
erate mechanical energy, which is then transformed through Furthermore, it should be noted that electrical conductivity,
electrical generators into electricity for utilization and storage. Seebeck coefficient and thermal conductivity are not inde-
In contrast, there is a neat heat engine called thermoelectric pendent, namely it is hardly possible to optimize one parameter
generator (TEG) which is able to convert temperature differ- without affecting the other parameters.[2a-d,3] Basically, electrical
ences directly into electrical voltages via the Seebeck effect.[1] conductivity is the product of carrier charge q, carrier concen-
Upon supply of electrical energy, TEG devices can also work tration n (cm−3) and carrier mobility µ (cm2 V−1 s−1) as σ = nqµ.
as heat pumps driven by Peltier effect, which is roughly an Since charge carriers also conduct heat as they move, thermal
inverse process of the Seebeck effect. According to its working conduction is expected to increase with electrical conduction of
principles, a TEG device neither requires moving parts nor con- a given material. Actually according to Wiedemann-Franz rela-
sumes liquid or gas media, implying favorable qualities, such tion, the ratio between its contribution to thermal conduction
as high reliability and eco-friendliness. Moreover, TEG devices and electrical conduction of a charge carrier follows the equa-
can employ low-quality heat, which is otherwise dissipated. tion σT/κ = (3/π)2 (q/kB)2, where kB is Boltzmann constant. As
Therefore, the research of thermoelectricity has attracted great to the Seebeck coefficient, it is a fundamental electronic trans-
port property of materials; specifically it measures the entropy
of a carrier with unit charge. Considering a simple system of
Q. Zhang, Dr. Y. M. Sun, Prof. W. Xu, Prof. D.B. Zhu charge carriers without strong interactions, the entropy of a car-
Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences
rier is statistically determined to be qS = kBln[(1–ρ)/ρ], where ρ
Key Laboratory of Organic Solids
Institute of Chemistry is the charge density for each state. In the framework of energy-
Chinese Academy of Sciences band theory and Boltzmann distribution, the above equation
Beijing 100190, P. R. China is transformed into S = (kB/q)[(E–Ef)/kBT], where Ef is Fermi
E-mail:; energy level and E is the energy level occupied by the carrier.
Q. Zhang Obviously, Seebeck coefficients largely decrease with increase
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing 100049, P. R. China in carrier concentrations.
Experimentally, a Seebeck voltage (ΔV) can be measured
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371 between two ends of the sample along with the corresponding

Adv. Mater. 2014, © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371

Qian Zhang graduated with

a B.S.E. in materials sci-
ence and engineering from
Shandong University in 2009.
She is currently a Ph.D.
candidate in chemistry under
the supervision of Professor
Daoben Zhu.

Figure 1. (a) A typical set-up for measurement of Seebeck coefficients

(S = ΔV/ΔT). (b) Schematic illustration of a thermoelectric element com-
posed of a pair of p- and n- type legs. The diffusion of carriers (the inside
narrow lines) under temperature gradient leads to the formation of cur- Yimeng Sun is a research
rent (the outside wide lines) in the circuit and drives the load.
assistant in the Organic
Solids Laboratory. He
temperature difference (ΔT) after the establishment of a
received his B.S. degree in
thermal gradient over the sample, as illustrated in Figure 1a.
chemistry from University
Thereby the Seebeck coefficient of the sample can be obtained
of Science and Technology
via S = ΔV/ΔT. Typically a TEG element consists of a pair of
of China in 2006 and Ph.D.
legs connected electrically in series and thermally in parallel.
in physical chemistry from
As shown in Figure 1b, the two legs are respectively composed
Institute of Chemistry, CAS
of p- and n- type thermoelectric materials, which should meet
in 2012, under the supervi-
the following criteria:
sion of Prof. Daoben Zhu.
a. the thermal conductivity is as low as possible to maintain Currently his research focuses
larger temperature difference, on organic thermoelectric
b. a higher Seebeck coefficient is preferred to achieve higher materials and devices.
Seebeck voltages and
c. a higher electrical conductivity is required for larger short- Wei Xu is a Professor in the
circuit current. Organic Solids Laboratory
in ICCAS. He received his
Ph.D. degree from Wuhan
Generally, insulators and pristine semiconductors are too University in 1997. After
resistive (criterion c); on the other hand, ordinary metals are working with Prof. Daoben
inappropriate because their Seebeck coefficients are small (ca. Zhu as a Postdoc for two
±10 µV K−1) while thermal conductivities are high (criterions a years, he joined Prof. Zhu’s
and b). As a consequence, the most investigated candidates so group in 1999. His research
far are doped semiconductors and semimetals. interests include design,
Taking inorganic thermoelectric materials as an example. In synthesis and transport
the mid of last century, an extensive screening of materials led properties of organic
to the identification of several alloys and intermetallics based semiconductors.
on elements like Bi, Te, Sb, Pb, etc., and ZT of unity at low
temperatures (300–500 K) was achieved.[4] For these materials Daoben Zhu is a Professor
the carrier concentration is tuned to be within the range from and Director of the Organic
1019 cm−3 to 1020 cm−3. As to thermal conductivity, both electrical Solids Laboratory in the
carriers and phonons (quantinization of lattice vibration) are Institute of Chemistry, CAS.
heat carriers. In inorganic materials, the electronic contribution He finished his graduate
to thermal conduction generally follows the Wiedemann-Franz courses at the East China
relation, and the phonon part is determined by composing ele- University of Science and
ments, crystal structures, various microstructure boundaries, Technology in 1968. He was
ect..[2d,4] Actually, suppressing thermal conductivity without selected as an Academician of
sacrificing electrical conductivity has been one of the main the CAS in 1997. His research
driving-forces of enhancement in ZT values of inorganic ther- interests include molecular
moelectric materials. For example, bulk nanocomposites have materials and devices.
been studied extensively since the 1990s, which are designed to
restrict thermal conduction with boundaries between nanocrys-
tallines remained after hot press.[2c,d,4] Nowadays, ZT values devices are still anticipated mainly because of limitations in
above unity are well established in bulk nanocomposites, the materials.[2c,4] Firstly, the composing elements such as Bi,
while the commercialization and wide application of TEG Te, Sb and Pb are toxic and not abundant. Second, laboratory

2 © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Mater. 2014,
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371

processing of inorganic materials, including melt-spinning, measurement of a series of benzene and fullerene derivatives in
ball milling, hot pressing, etc., is costly in terms of energy and molecular junctions has been experimentally realized through
instruments, and hence requires a long payback time. Lastly, scanning probe microscopy (SPM).[21] Aside from heterostruc-
most inorganic materials are too heavy and brittle to be of use turing on the molecular level, hybrid materials that incorporate
in everyday life. organic materials with inorganic thermoelectric materials have
Given the aforementioned obstacles met by current inorganic been developed, showing better thermoelectric performance
thermoelectric materials, organic candidates are attracting than either component.[22] Most of these hybrids are fabricated
more and more attention. After all, organic materials are poten- using conducting polymers as binders or linkers for inorganic
tially abundant, light-weight, flexible, solution-processable and or carbon-based matrixes. Hybridization is important not only
low-cost. Moreover, the marvelous development of organic elec- because it provides a pathway to address processing issues
tronics has provided hundreds of organic semiconductors with of inorganic materials and to reduce thermal conductivities;
the highest field-effect mobilities approaching that of polycrys- more importantly, it suggests a possibility to utilize advan-
talline silicon.[5] In particular, there are two features of organic tages of both components of a hybrid through careful design
solids that justify serious consideration and devoted endeavor of the organic/inorganic interfaces.[22] In fact, an analogy can
to exploit organic thermoelectric materials. Firstly, thermal con- be drawn between hybrid materials and molecular heterojunc-
ductivity of organic materials is typically below 1 W m−1K−1, tions. And research of the latter model has suggested signifi-
approaching the lower limit of thermal conductivity of inor- cant influence of energy level alignment between molecular
ganic thermoelectric materials. Second, electronic structures of orbitals and electrode Fermi levels on the thermoelectric perfor-
organic (semi)conductors are fairly tunable through molecular mance of the junction.[21] There have been several good reviews
chemistry and doping treatments.[6] Therefore, organic ther- published recently with emphasis on hybrid thermoelectric
moelectric materials hold much promise in applications at low materials.[23]
temperatures. Despite all the above advantages, further devel- In this review, we focus on thermoelectric properties of
opment in organic thermoelectric materials is impeded by bot- organic materials, including that of conductive polymers (Sec-
tleneck problems including low electrical carrier mobilities and tion 2), conducting charge transfer complexes and semiconduc-
mediocre Seebeck coefficients. tors based on small molecules (Section 3). Common methods
In fact, research into organic thermoelectric materials is a of the measurement of Seebeck coefficient, electrical conduc-
topic where new insights accumulated over decades, in that the tivity and especially thermal conductivity are discussed over
thermoelectric measurement of organic materials dates back representative examples of organic materials especially conju-
to the early days of organic semiconductors[7] and conducting gated polymers (Section 4). Moreover, all-organic thermoelec-
polymers[8] in the 1970s. Back then Seebeck coefficients tric devices that have been demonstrated so far are summa-
(thermopower) of a wide range of organic electronic mate- rized (section 5), with devices in film architectures highlighted.
rials were characterized, including organic photo-conducing Finally, approaches for the development of each type of organic
dyes,[9] organic charge transfer salts,[10] derivatives of phthalo- thermoelectric materials are proposed (Section 2 and 3), and a
cyanines,[11] conducting polymers,[12] etc., under various condi- future outlook of this field is briefly discussed (Section 6).
tions of measurements, doping treatments and film processing
methods. Nevertheless, thermoelectric measurements per-
formed at that time were intended for study of electronic struc- 2. Organic Thermoelectric Materials Based on
tures rather than the search for potential organic thermoelec-
Conductive Polymers
tric materials. Similarly, in the 1990s Seebeck coefficients were
characterized to learn about doping processes of films of small The majority of organic thermoelectric materials reported to
molecular semiconductors prepared by thermal deposition, date are based on conductive polymers, including conjugated
where doping was performed to improve device performance of polymers and certain coordination polymers, where roughly
organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) or organic photovoltaic three types of research objects can be identified.
cells (OPVs).[13] Later on, the measurement of Seebeck coeffi- The first type is highly conducting polymers that have been
cients was combined with field-effect transistor (FET) architec- well studied previously for other applications. In this case,
tures to resolve electrical transport mechanisms in crystalline thermoelectric properties of the polymers are strongly affected
organic semiconductors.[14] Therefore, there are both practical by the synthesis and/or processing conditions. This efficient
and fundamental interests in the research of organic thermo- approach is the most adopted, and yet the monomer species
electric materials. available are relatively limited. The second type of objects is
Since the dawn of the 21st century there have been ongoing selected from the tens of solution-processable polymeric semi-
efforts to employ organic materials especially conductive poly- conductors developed in the past two decades for organic elec-
mers as thermoelectric materials.[15] Meanwhile, small conju- tronics, whose thermoelectric properties are optimized through
gated molecules like pentacene[16] and fullerene (C60)[17] have doping, blending, and so on. The third approach is to tailor new
been doped and used as p- and n- type TEG legs respectively. molecular structures through derivation and novel design, in
After incubation over a decade, the highest ZT values achieved search of potential building blocks appropriate for thermoelec-
to date are respectively 0.42[18] and 0.20[19] for p- and n- type tric purposes. This is an elegant demonstration of chemical ver-
organic thermoelectric materials. Moreover, TEG devices fabri- satility of organic electronic materials although it is largely trial
cated by printing have been demonstrated using organic ther- and error at the moment. Progress in each of the three research
moelectric materials.[20] On the molecular level, thermoelectric objects offers a unique perspective, shedding light on the

Adv. Mater. 2014, © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 3
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371

2.1.1. Materials

Conjugated Polymers: Chemical structures of

some benchmark conjugated polymers ever
employed in thermoelectrics are sketched
in Figure 2. Generally conjugated polymers
have marvelous doping reversibility and
wide doping ranges; they can display supe-
rior mechanical flexibility and decent charge
conductivity along the polymer backbone.
On the other hand, polymeric materials are
often inhomogeneous, because amorphous
and crystalline regions are usually coexistent,
the stacking of polymer chains is hard to
control, and distribution in molecular weight
is broad. To overcome these shortcomings,
various synthesis schemes are developed and
good solubility in common solvents is highly
Historically, the first generation of conju-
gated polymers is neither soluble nor fusible
because of very strong intermolecular inter-
actions in the absence of side substitutes.
Typical examples include PA, polypyroles
(PPy), polythiophenes (PTh), polyanilines
(PANi) and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)
(PEDOT), as shown in Figure 2. These poly-
mers can be prepared by chemical or elec-
trochemical polymerization with or without
Figure 2. Chemical structures of some benchmark conjugated polymers. catalyses. The as-prepared polymers are
usually highly doped, incorporating coun-
ultimate goal of clarifying the structure-property relationships terions to balance charges on the backbones. Moreover, poly-
of polymers for high-performance thermoelectric materials. merization conditions can be tuned to obtain various micro-
scopic and macroscopic morphologies. Thereafter, great efforts
are devoted to addressing the solubility issue. One scheme is
2.1. Conjugated Polymers: Materials and Optimization to adopt counterions that can facilitate emulsion polymeriza-
Strategies tions. Typical examples are PEDOT: PSS and PANi: CSA, where
PSS− and CSA− are respectively poly(styrenesulfonate) anion
Polymers, widely known as plastics like nylon and resin, and (±)10-camphorsulfonic acid anion. Nowadays, PEDOT: PSS
have been commonplaces in our everyday lives. Conjugated of various qualities is commercially available in the form of dis-
polymers differ from these traditional plastics by the nature persion in water.
of chemical bonds in the backbones, namely in addition to The second solution for solublization is to polymerize
covalent σ-bonds the conjugated repeat units are connected monomers with longer side substitutes, leading to the second
by non-localized π-bonds. Consequently conjugated polymers generation of conjugated polymers as represented by poly[2-
are pristinely semiconductive rather than being insulative and methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] MEH-
can become conductive and even metallic after appropriate PPV and poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) P3HT shown in
doping treatments. Since the discovery of metal-like behaviors Figure 2. Owing to improved solubility, the purification, pro-
in highly doped polyacetylene (PA) films at the end of 1970s, cessing and characterizations of these polymers are facili-
three generations of conjugated polymers have been devel- tated. Besides, better solubility makes it easier to synthesize
oped.[6,24] For further information readers are referenced to a polymers with higher regioregularity and higher molecular
recent review presented by Crispin et al. who gave a very good weights. In particular, it is now possible to include repeat
introduction to most of the fundamental aspects of conjugated units with more complex structures into the backbones,
polymers.[25] Herein, we briefly introduce conjugated polymers, giving rise to the third generation of conjugated polymers. As
highlighting chemical and physical features that are poten- a result, the electronic structures of conjugated polymers are
tially correlated with thermoelectric performance. Thereafter greatly enriched. Moreover, the electronic structures can be
research progresses are summarized in an outline classified influenced by side substitutes because of their subtle effects
into three strategies for optimization of thermoelectric proper- on polymer conformation and stacking manner in solids,
ties. Finally suggestions on future research efforts are tenta- bulk density of conjugated units, chemical/thermal stability
tively proposed. and so on.

4 © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Mater. 2014,
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371

Finally, it should be noted that the as-prepared polymers 2.1.2. Optimization Strategies for Thermoelectric Polymers No.1:
of the second and third generations are neutral and soluble, Carrier Concentration
and can be doped chemically or electrochemically with inser-
tion of counterions and lost of solubility. As such, two basic As mentioned in Introduction, it has been well-established in
mechanisms of (electro)chemical doping are recognized for inorganic thermoelectric materials that the best performance
conjugated polymers. One is based on redox reactions where is found in highly doped semiconductors, typically with carrier
electrons are transferred between polymer backbones and concentration ranging from 1019 to 1020 cm−3. In contrast, the
dopant molecules (in chemical doping) or electrodes (in electro- situation in conjugated polymers is still perplexing.
chemical doping). The other, often referred to as protonic acid On the one hand, tuning of carrier concentration has been
doping, is a base-acid reaction where proton ions are added to proved to be powerful in optimizing thermoelectric properties
the polymer backbones without accompanied variation in elec- of the polymers. Note that instead of specified values of car-
tron numbers. rier concentration, it is doping levels that are mostly cited in
Electrical Conduction: Electrical carriers in conjugated poly- the description of conjugated polymers because accurate meas-
mers are acknowledged as polarons and bipolarons, which are urement of carrier concentration in polymers is nontrivial.
approximately the summation of electrons (holes) with local dis- Experimentally more than one definitions can be found for
tortion in molecular structures. Polarons and bipolarons can be doping levels, but the basic idea is to identify the number of
detected with electron spin resonance (ESR) techniques, ultra- counterions per repeat unit of the polymer. Since it is formally
violet-visible and near infrared (UV-vis NIR) spectroscopy, and proposed and demonstrated by Crispin et al. in the year 2011
Raman spectroscopy. Transport mechanisms of (bi)polarons through reducing chemically polymerized PEDOT: Tos (Tos =
in conducting polymers, e.g. localized hopping or delocalized tosylate anion) with tetrakis(dimethylamino)ethylene (TDAE)
diffusion, are dependent on crystallinity and morphologies of vapor[20] (Figure 3), intentional tuning of carrier concentration
materials, doping levels, conformation and stacking manners or doping level has become a routine step to optimize thermo-
of molecules, ect.. In this respect, the values of carrier mobility electric property of polymers. So far most of the best results
can be used as an indicator of the extent of delocalization of are obtained through tuning doping levels, i.e. step-wisely
(bi)polarons. Given that electronic structures in the reciprocal increasing or decreasing the apparent ratio of monomer/coun-
space are determined by the structures of molecules and mate- terion, as summarized in Table 1.
rials in the real space, both electrical conductivities and See- In the case of PEDOT, various reducing methods have been
beck coefficients are related with carrier mobility. From this reported, such as electrochemical reducing under constant
point of view, not only are carrier concentrations and chemical potentials,[29,30] charge-annialation reducing with gating in elec-
structures of monomers and counterions responsible for ther- trochemical transistors,[33] solvent-induced removing of counte-
moelectric properties, but how the molecules are arranged in rions[18] and exposure to active agents like TDAE[20] and ammo-
materials is also critical. nium formate.[42] In comparison, step-wise oxidation is more
Thermal Conduction: Similar to the case in inorganic appropriate for polymers with deeper HOMO levels like P3HT
materials, heat carriers in conductive polymers include pho- whose oxidized state is less stable than the neutral state.[35,43]
nons and charge carriers. However, the Wiedemann-Franz Along with thermoelectric measurement, characterizations of
law, which has been widely acknowledged in most inorganic UV-vis NIR spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectronic spectro-
metals and semiconductors, is often invalid in conjugated scopy (XPS) are often performed to infer doping levels and car-
polymers because of their stronger charge-lattice coupling. rier nature (polaron and/or bipolaron). Several representative
Furthermore, the electronic contribution to thermal conduc- examples of controlling doping levels with methods aforemen-
tion is marginally small compared with the phonon part, given tioned are depicted in Figure 3–7, illustrating how thermoelec-
the low electrical conductivities of most polymers. Therefore tric property evolves with oxidation or reduction and how the
thermal conduction in conjugated polymers is generally recog- optical absorption and/or XPS spectra change correspondingly.
nized to be dominated by phonons. For example, only minor On the other hand, mechanisms of the optimization in ther-
variation in thermal conductivity values was observed in PA, moelectric properties by tuning carrier concentration are not
PANi, and PPy samples, from less than 0.1 W m−1K−1 to below clarified. This judgement is corroborated by three common
1.0 W m−1K−1, when electrical conductivity values were tuned observations in published results, which are also evident in
over three orders of magnitudes.[26] Although these results the examples shown in Figure 3–7. Firstly, the optimal doping
are desirable for organic thermoelectricity, thermal conduc- levels vary with polymers, counterions and processing methods.
tion property of conductive polymers remains to be studied For example, as shown in Figure 3,4 and 6 the optimized
extensively. To this end, it seems that thermal conductivity of doping levels are around 22%, 14.5%, 20–30% and 30% respec-
polymers is susceptible to synthesis conditions and plausibly tively in PEDOT: Tos, PEDOT: PSS, P3HT: PF6 and P3HT: TFSI
to molecular structures but there are no definite conclusions (TFSI− = triflimide anion, inset in Figure 6f).[20,33,35,43] Second,
for the lack of systematic investigations.[26] Besides, recent the evolution of optical absorption spectra as doping proceeds
research suggests remarkable impact of crystallinity, alignment is indicative of coexsistence of polarons, bipolarons and neu-
of polymer chains, interfaces or boundaries on thermal con- tral units. As shown in Figure 3–6, the ratios between either
ductivity of polymer films or fibers.[27] Given the huge impact two of the three components vary with doping levels. It seems
of thermal conductivity on overall ZT value, thermal conduc- that the PF peak values are achieved around the critical point
tion property of crystalline conductive polymers deserves fur- where polaron absorption is just beyond its maximum. The
ther investigations. third observation is that electrical conductivity of a sample does

Adv. Mater. 2014, © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 5
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371

Figure 3. Optimization of thermoelectric property of PEDOT: Tos by TDAE vapor treatment. Variation in doping levels is verified by XPS (a) and UV-VIS
spectroscopy (b), and the resultant thermoelectric property is maximized at doping level around 22% (c). Adapted with permission.[20] Copyright 2011,
Nature Publishing Group.

not necessarily decrease with reduction in doping levels. Actu- ineffective counterions in polymers as well as large amounts of
ally as shown in Figure 5 and 7 both electrical conductivity and deep-trapped carriers which barely contribute to electrical trans-
Seebeck coefficient increased with reduction in doping levels port. As shown in the case of PEDOT: PSS (Figure 7), the con-
from the highest value. centration of free carriers extracted from the measured Seebeck
The summarized three observations imply that thermoelec- coefficients via numerical simulation is 0.13N0 while the coun-
tric properties of conjugated polymers are significantly affected terion/monomer ratio (S168/S164) determined by XPS is 0.96,
by the nature of charge carriers, with carrier concentration where N0 is the total density of states of neutral polymer.[18]
being one of all carrier properties. Therefore it is important to Another regular but less common method is to derive injected
identify other charge carrier natures of key importance to ther- charges from electrical signals in electrochemical or transistor
moelectric performance of conjugated polymers. To this end, configurations (Figure 4d).
three possible approaches can be generalized as follows: The subtle effect of doping mechanisms on thermoelectric
properties is less noticed. As aforementioned, redox reaction
i. direct characterizations of carrier concentrations are pre-
and proton addition are two basic reaction mechanisms for
ferred to indirect methods like XPS or optical absorption,
chemical doping of conjugated polymers. The former is pre-
ii. the ratios between either two of (bi)polarons and neutral seg-
dominant in polythiophenes like PEDOT and P3HT while the
ments should be controlled to clarify their roles on thermo-
latter is primarily observed in polyanilines. Previously Park et al.
electric performance, and
measured the Seebeck coefficients of PANi pellets as they sys-
iii. effects of doping mechanisms (redox doping and protonic acid
tematically varied doping levels, temperatures, doping methods
doping) on thermoelectric properties are subtly important.
(hydrochloride acid HCl and Iodine vapor), and substitutes
including Cl, OCH3, CH3.[44] A transition from positive to nega-
However, it should be noted that the second point is very tive in the sign of Seebeck coefficient at high doping levels was
complicated. Although it has been mentioned previously by observed in HCl-doped PANi but not in Iodine-doped samples.
Crispin et al.,[25] the related research is barely reported. Nev- Similar transition in the sign of thermopower at high doping
ertheless, experimental results corresponding to the first and levels was observed in PEDOT: PSS which was used as the
third points are available and are reviewed in the following. active layer in an electrochemical transistor with PSS: H as the
As characterizations of carrier concentration or doping dielectric layer (Figure 4).[33]
level are concerned, the most adopted method is XPS where To conclude, tuning carrier concentration is an important
the peak area (or height) of distinguishing elements from the and effective method to modulate thermoelectric property of
polymer and counterion are compared quantitatively. However, conjugated polymers and insights into the working mecha-
XPS is highly surface-sensitive, and there are often massive nisms require further exploration.

6 © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Mater. 2014,
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371

Table 1. Summary of thermoelectric results of polymers with PF above 1 µW m−1K−2 around 300 K.

Part A Polymers with PF above 100 µW m−1K−2 around 300 K
−1 −1
σ (S cm ) S (µV K ) PF (µW m−1K−2) κ (W m−1K−1)a) Treatmentb)
PA: Ix[26a,28] 11110 28.4 900 0.69 (steady-state) As-synthesized
PA: FeCl4 7530 15.3 180 / As-synthesized
PEDOT: Tos[20] 238 40 38 / As-synthesized (36%)
80 200 324 0.33 (0.37) TDAE-reduced (22%)
PEDOT: Tos[29] 1354 79.7 861 / As-synthesized (24%)
923 117 1270 / Electrochemically Reduced
PEDOT: PSS[18] 639 27.3 47.6 0.23 (0.52) Spun-casted, EG
(Clevios PH1000)
620 33.4 69.2 0.24 (0.42) Spun-casted, DMSO
830 60 300 0.23 (0.37) EG treated
957 70 469 0.22 (0.31) DMSO treated
PEDOS-C6: ClO4[30] 180 30 16 / As-synthesized
335 103 354.7 / Electrochemically Reduced
Part B Polymers with PF ranging from 10 to 100 µW m−1K−2 around 300 K
σ (S cm−1) S (µV K−1) PF (µW m−1K−2) κ (W m−1K−1) Treatment
EtOPV-co-PV I2 vapor[31] 2.9 40.8 0.48 0.66 (laser-flash) As-synthesized
349.2 47.3 78.1 Stretching ratio 3.1
PEDOT: PSS (PH1000) 930.4 18 30.1 / DMSO post-treatment
720 23 38.5 / (EMIM)BF4-DMSO
PEDOT: PSS (GmbH)[33] 224 9 2.3 / Spun-casted
23 101 23.5 / PSSH-gated (14.5%)
PEDOT: PSS (PH1000)c)[34] 559 23.3 30.3 0.20 (laser-flash) Batch No. 1
622 34.5 37.3 Batch No. 2
P3HT: TFSI[35] 90 50 22.5 / As-synthesized
Part C Polymers with PF ranging from 1.0 to 10 µW m−1K−2 around 300 K
σ (S cm−1) S (µV K−1) PF (µW m−1K−2) κ (W m−1K−1) Treatment
PEDOT: PSS (PH750) 570 13.5 10.4 0.34 (TDTR) 5 vol.% DMSO and 10 vol.%
PEDOT: PSS (PH500)[37] 175 23 8.5 / Mixed with (bmim)BF4
123 28.5 9.9 / Mixed with (bmim)Br
PEDOT: ClO4[38] 16.8 74 9.2 / Nano-sized channel
PTh: ClO4[39] 201 23 10.3 / Electrochemical Polymerization
PANi: CSA[40] 260 14 5 / Drawing ratio 78%
PPy: Tos[41] 170 11 2 0.20 (laser-flash) Additional oxidation

a)Cross-plane thermal conductivity values with in-plane conductivity included in brackets. The cross-plane thermal conductivities are obtained with laser-flash method, time

domain thermal reflectance (TDTR) method or differential three-omega (3w) method as detailed in the maintext. In-plane thermal conductivities are obtained with steady-
state method or 3ω method; b)Doping levels experimentally determined are enclosed in brackets; c)Measured at 120 °C.

2.1.3. Optimization Strategies for Thermoelectric Polymers No.2: heterogeneity. Therefore microscopic morphologies are
Microscopic Morphologies expected to remarkably impact thermoelectric property of poly-
meric materials.
Microscopic morphologies as characterized with atomic force Chemically, polymerization methods that improve mate-
microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), rial crystallinity and carrier mobility often change mate-
transmission electron microscopy (TEM), x-ray diffraction rial morphologies simultaneously. For example, ZT values
(XRD), etc., are usually closely correlated with such features of β-Naphthalene sulfonic acid (β-NSA) doped polyaniline
as bulk mobility, density and crystallinity of materials, confor- with and without nanotube structures were respectively
mation and ordering of polymer chains and microstructure 4.86 × 10−5 µW m−1K−2 and 4.58 × 10−7 µW m−1K−2.[45]

Adv. Mater. 2014, © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 7
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371

Figure 4. Optimization of the thermoelectric property of PEDOT: PSS (a) with electrochemical transistor architectures (b). The UV-VIS absorption
spectra (c) and doping levels (d) are both varied with gating voltages. (e) (f) The polymer thermoelectric property is optimized at doping level of 14.5%.
Adapted with permission.[33] Copyright 2012, American Chemical Society.

Figure 5. Thermoelectric property of electrochemically polymerized PEDOS-C6. When doping level is tuned electrochemically, both UV-VIS absorption
(a), (b) and thermoelectric property (c), (d) are modified. Morphologies of CVP (e) and CPP (f) films after dedoping at −0.1 V are characterized with
SEM (left) and AFM (right). The scale bar in SEM images is 1µm and the scanning scale of AFM is 3µm. Adapted with permission.[30]

8 © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Mater. 2014,
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Figure 6. P3HT films step-wisely doped with NOPF6 (a-c) and Fe(TFSI)3 (d-f). (a) Scheme of carriers generated, (b) UV-VIS absorption spectra, and
(c) variation in thermoelectric property. Adapted with permission.[43] Copyright 2010, American Physical Society. Evolution in (d) XPS, (e) XRD results
with increased doping time and (f) temperature-dependence of thermoelectric property. Adapted with permission.[35] Copyright 2012, The Royal Society
of Chemistry.

Similarly, Taggart et al. reported that PF values of PEDOT The impact of morphology is also evident in the most
electrochemically deposited in nano-sized channels were studied PEDOT: PSS, where secondary doping treatment
on average three times that of PEDOT deposited on unpat- (addition of polar solvents, acids or salts) is widely adopted
terned substrates, owing to improved crystallinity and carrier to increase the electrical conductivity from 0.1 − 1 S cm−1 to
mobility.[38] In another case, the Kim group compared PEDOT: over 1,000 S cm−1. Such remarkable increase in electrical con-
Tos films synthesized with and without triblock copolymer ductivity is primarily ascribed to improvement in mobility as
poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(propylene glycol)-85 block- a result of more extended conformation of polymer chains,
poly(ethylene glycol) (PEPG) in the precursor solution and thinning of insulating PSS shells, improved orientation and
found improved crystallinity (TEM) and higher density (13% coherence of conductive PEDOT grains, etc.[46] Often the
increase) in the former.[29] As a result the PF value was solvent of choice is dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or ethylene
improved from 861 µW m−1K−2 to 1,270 µW m−1K−2. glycol (EG) which leads to more significant fibril morpholo-
More cases demonstrating the necessity to control gies as revealed by AFM and TEM characterizations.[46a,47] In
polymer morphologies are reported in electrochemical contrast, Seebeck coefficients are less sensitive to secondary
polymerization. For instance, Hiraishi et al.[39] and Yan doping treatment than electrical conductivity. Since the year
et al.[41] prepared films of PTh and PPy respectively through 2002,[48] there have been about ten papers published (see a
electrochemical polymerization. By varying current den- recent review[49]) suggesting that the effect of solvent treat-
sity (or oxidation potential), temperature, concentration of ment be increasing electrical conductivity without remark-
monomer and electrolyte, they found the best thermoelectric able effects on Seebeck coefficients (specifically around
property in films with smoother and denser morphologies. 10 – 20 µV K−1), where solvents including water, EG, DMSO,
Recently, Kim et al. prepared poly(3,4-ethylenedioxysele- dimethylformamide (DMF) and N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone
nophene) PEDOS-C6 by electrochemical polymerization.[30] (NMP) have been examined.[49,50] Thereafter, ionic liquids
They compared thermoelectric property of films synthe- are found to increase Seebeck coefficients to be around
sized with cyclic-voltammetric polymerization (CVP) and 30 µV K−1, accompanied with obvious modifications in film
constant potential polymerization (CPP), showing that films morphologies, optical absorption spectra and electrical
obtained under constant potential were smoother and denser conductivities.[32]
(Figure 5e, f). After electrochemical reducing, the PF was Very recently for the first time, Pipe et al.[18] proved that See-
enhanced from the as-deposited 16.2 µW m−1K−2 to 354.7 beck coefficient of spun-cast PEDOT: PSS film can be increased
µW m−1K−2 (Figure 5c, d). from 20 µV K−1 to 60–70 µV K−1 by immersing the film in EG

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DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371

Figure 7. Optimization of thermoelectric property of PEDOT: PSS by solvent-induced dedoping treatment. By immersing the polymer film in EG or
DMSO bath, the film thickness is decreased (a) owing to selective removal of PSS as demonstrated by XPS (b). The values of ZT (c), Seebeck coefficient
(d) and electrical conductivity (e) are increased while thermal conductivity is decreased (f) with dedoping. Simulation of variation in S2σ (normalized,
the inset scale bar) as the dopant volume ratio (versus total host volume, rχ) and the carrier concentration (normalized, n/N0) are changed, as shown
in the two-dimensional plot (g) and three-dimensional plot (h). Adapted with permission.[18] Copyright 2013, Nature Publishing Group.

or DMSO bath for a certain time in inert atmosphere. As shown 2.1.4. Optimization Strategies for Thermoelectric Polymers No.3:
in Figure 7, owing to the selective removal of counterions PSS− Other Methods Explored
under such treatment, the film thickness was reduced by half,
the doping level was decreased (according to XPS), and the The strategies aforementioned are effective in most cases.
thermal conductivity was also suppressed (Table 1). Conse- Whenever a polymer is synthesized, carrier concentration and
quently a maximum ZT value of 0.42 was obtained in DMSO- morphology of the material can be tuned carefully to optimize
treated PEDOT: PSS for which the authors proposed an optimi- thermoelectric performance. There are some other research
zation scheme based on minimization of the dopant volume. results, though yet to achieve high thermoelectric result so far,
Nevertheless, it should be noted that commercial sources are revealing information valuable for future optimization of ther-
not consistent in all the aforementioned reports, and hence moelectric properties of polymers.
disparities in molecular weights, fed ratios of 3,4-ethylenedioxy- Enhancement of Seebeck Coefficients: As mentioned in Intro-
thiophene (EDOT) versus PSS and PH values are expected.[51] duction, Seebeck coefficient would be decreased when electrical
Overall, materials morphology is a manifestation of molec- conductivity is increased as carrier concentration or doping
ular organization in solids, offering another path to optimize level is increased. However, several research results have dem-
thermoelectric property of conjugated polymers. More impor- onstrated that it is possible to enhance Seebeck coefficient and
tantly, morphology in real space is closely related with elec- electrical conductivity simultaneously, by means of modulating
tronic states in energy space. In this respect, characteriza- transport pathways of charge carriers.
tions related to crystallinity, density and mobility should be An early example is reported in P3HT which is blended with
performed along with chemical synthesis and thermoelectric poly(3-hexylthiothiophene) (P3HTT). Compared to P3HT, a
measurement. Furthermore, morphologies may have additional sulfur atom is inserted between the hexane side chain and the
impact on thermal conductivities. backbone in P3HTT, resulting in an upward shift of HOMO

10 © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Mater. 2014,
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371

level by 0.15 eV.[52] The solution of P3HT - P3HTT blend is

poly(2,7-carbazole-alt-bithiophene)s. By introducing a benzothi-
doped by gradual addition of 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-7,7,8,8- tetracy- adiazole unit between the carbazole and bithiophene units, the
anoquinodimethane (F4TCNQ) solution and is thereafter casted PF value was optimized to be 19 µW m−1K−2.[57] Similarly, Xu
into films. In the blend of P3HT - 20 wt.% P3HTT, electrical et al. synthesized a series of polymers with monomers com-
conductivity and Seebeck coefficient were increased simul- posed of units including carbazole, thiophene, thieno[3,2-b]thio-
taneously with addition of F4TCNQ when the dopant ratio is phene (TT), EDOT, and 3,4-ethylenedithiathiophene (EDTT) by
below 1.0 wt.%. It is suggested by the authors that Fermi level electrochemical polymerization or solid-state polymerization.[58]
is pinned by P3HTT while the major contribution to electrical The best performance around 1.0 µW m−1K−2 was obtained in
conductivity is from carriers in P3HT given its higher weight poly(thieno[3,2-b]thiophene).[58b]
ratio and carrier mobility. In addition to molecular structures of the backbones, side
A second method is to utilize vertical architectures where substitutes and counterion species are also reported to affect
a thin polymer film is sandwiched between electrode layers, thermoelectric properties significantly. Shinohara et al. com-
with temperature gradient applied vertically over the top and pared thermoelectric property of electrochemically polymer-
bottom electrodes.[53] This device architecture was designed to ized polythiophene, poly(3-hexylthiophene), poly(3-octylthio-
suppress thermal conductivity while keeping electrical conduc- phene) and poly(3-dodecylthiophene), and found that PF values
tivity intact so as to improve Seebeck coefficient.[53a] Specifically, decreased with increasing length of side chains.[39,59] Zhu et al.
thermal conduction is prohibited because of acoustic mismatch found that PF values of P3HT: TFSI and PBTTT: TFSI (TFSI− =
between polymers and inorganic electrodes. Meanwhile, Ohm triflimide anion, inset in Figure 6f) were roughly ten times that
contact is established to insure electrical conduction. Seebeck of P3HT: PF6 and PBTTT: PF6 respectively (Figure 6).[35,43,60]
coefficient is improved because the disparity in carrier entropy Meanwhile, stability of the polymers against moisture and heat
at given temperature difference is enlarged between carriers at was obviously improved. Besides, Park prepared heavily-doped
the hot end and carriers at the cold, in the presence of charge- PA samples with iodine complexes, FeCl4−, ZrCl4-, MoCl5-,
phonon interactions which is expected to occur at the polymer- NbCl5- as counterions and found different temperature depend-
electrode interface.[53] Furthermore, it is shown that film thick- ence of Seebeck coefficients assumingly caused by different
ness, working temperature, and electrode materials at the hot scattering effects from counterions.[28]
end should be considered together to maximize the benefits In summary, much more extensive research is required to
from the interface. So far this sandwich device architecture generalize the effect of chemical structures of polymers (both
has been demonstrated in films of Ppy[53a] and PEDOT: PSS[53b] backbones and side substitutes) and counterions on the ther-
with thickness around 200 nm. Recently, this multilayer struc- moelectric properties. At the moment, it seems that once decent
ture is applied to MEH-PPV, showing that light illumination carrier mobility is insured by crafting polymer structures for
can simultaneously increase Seebeck coefficient and electrical appropriate molecular stacking and materials microstructures,
conductivity in the ITO/MEHPPV/Au device.[53c] polymer backbones with relatively localized distribution of elec-
Orientation of Polymer Chains: The shortcoming shared by tron cloud are preferred for higher Seebeck coefficients.[57,60b]
the above two methods is undesirable electrical conductivity
(below 10−4 S cm−1), which is primarily caused by low carrier
concentrations of chosen materials. So it remains whether 2.2. Thermoelectric Generators Based on Coordination Polymers
these methods would be effective at higher density of charge
carriers. A third method achieving high thermoelectric per- Coordination polymers (CPs) are polymers constructed from
formance is to utilize anisotropy of polymers, e.g., to induce metal ions and ligands, with metal ions acting as connectors
orientation of polymer chains through mechanical stretching. and ligands as linkers. CPs can also be regarded as polymers
Toshima et al.[31,54] synthesized a series of copolymers of phe- whose repeat units are coordination complexes. Since the
nylenevinylene and dialkoxyphenylenevinylene ROPV-co-PV 1960s, CPs have been widely studied in chirality, luminescence,
(RO = MeO, EtO, BuO). After systematic optimization in the non-linear optics, electrical conductivity, magnetism, catalysis,
ratio of the two monomers (ca. 30 mol.% of dialkoxy-substi- molecular storage, etc.[61] However, the research on thermoelec-
tuted units) and in the length of side-chain substitutes, the PF tric and related properties is very limited, much less than that
of polymer EtOPV-co-PV were optimized to 78.1 µW m−1K−2 on traditional conjugated polymers.[62]
with elongation ratio of 3.1. Anisotropy in conductive polymers In 1979, D’Sa et al. prepared a series of CPs based on
is an interesting attribute for thermoelectricity. 4,4′-dihydroxy-3,3′-diacetyl biphenyl bis-thiosemicarbazone
Effects of Chemical Structures: Last but not least, reports (L-1) and 4,4′-dihydroxy-3,3′-dipropionyl biphenyl bis-thiosem-
related to the relationships between chemical structures and icarbazone (L-2),[63] as shown in Figure 8a. The electrical con-
thermoelectric properties of the materials are summarized. ductivity of Cu(L-1) was around 10−5 S cm−1. Its Seebeck coef-
In the year 2005, Gao et al.[55] proposed carbazole unit as ficient was positive with values around 1.1 – 1.2 mV K−1 in the
a promising building-block for high Seebeck coefficients. temperature range of 310 - 450 K, indicating that Cu(L-1) was
Because according to their band structure calculation, oxidation a p-type semiconductor. Then Patel[64] found that the Seebeck
was expected to firstly occur on nitrogen atom where electron coefficient of the polymer barely changed in the given tem-
cloud was more localized. Thereafter, poly(2,7-carbazole), poly- perature range, implying a hopping mechanism for charge car-
indolocarbazole and a series of their derivatives were designed, riers in the material. A second type of CPs of interest is based
synthesized and doped.[56] Regretfully, electrical conductivities on bisphenolic ligands, and the general formula are given in
of these soluble polymers were below 1.0 S cm−1 except for Figure 8b. Electrical conductivities of these polymers were rather

Adv. Mater. 2014, © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 11
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371

negative for poly[Nax(Ni-ett)] and poly[Kx(Ni-

ett)] while was positive for poly[Cux(Cu-ett)].
Regretfully, these poly[Ax(Ni-ett)] mate-
rials were prepared as powders and were
barely soluble in any solvents. Thereafter, a
modified synthesis scheme was reported by
Faulmann et al., whereby smaller and soluble
nanoparticles of CPs based on the ett ligand
were obtained.[68] Recently, the Zhu’s group
successfully fabricated a flexible thermoelec-
tric device by printing with solution com-
posite of the poly[Ax(M-ett)] powders.[69] The
powders of poly[Kx(Ni-ett)] and poly[Cux(Cu-
ett)] were ball-milled with polyvinylidene flu-
oride (PVDF) pre-dissolved in DMSO. There-
after the solution of the composites was fed
into an ink-jet printer that delivered a proper
Figure 8. Chemical structures of (a) Cu(L-1), Cu(L-2), M = Cu(II), Co(II), Ni(II), R = CH3, C2H5; TEG device on polyethylene terephthalate
(b) bisphenolic CPs; (c) PSF-Cs; (d) poly[Ax(M-ett)]. (PET) substrates.

low (<10−7 S cm−1) and Seebeck coefficients were positive.[65] In 2.3. Prospects of Thermoelectric Materials Based
another case, Rusu et al. prepared modified polysulfones (PSF- on Conductive Polymers
Cs) from chloro-terminated polysulfones and bis (2,4-dihy-
droxybenzaldehyde) Cu2+ (Figure 8c), and found that electrical As aforementioned, the past few years have witnessed exciting
conductivities of this material were below 10−7 S cm−1. Fur- progress in thermoelectricity based on conductive polymers,
thermore, the Seebeck coefficients were around 50–200 µV K−1 including materials, devices and theoretical works.[18,25,49,70]
and decreased obviously with increasing temperatures, indi- However, research in this area is still in its infancy and exten-
cating that the polymers were p-type semiconductors.[66] sive efforts are needed to understand and utilize thermoelectric
In the year 2012, the Zhu’s group reported an inspiring properties of conductive polymers.
result, showing that CPs could be promising thermoelectric Materials Screening: Conductive polymers can be viewed as
materials. As shown in Figure 8d, they prepared a series of a complex system with hierarchical structures, from chemical
CPs poly[Ax(M-ett)] with 1,1,2,2-ethenetetrathiolate (ett) as the structures on the molecular level, to polymer chains with var-
linking bridge, where A is the counter cation including tetrade- ious conformations and assemblies on the nano-scale, to the
cyltrimethyl ammonium, tetrabutyl ammonium, Na+, K+, Ni2+ material microstructures on the micron scale and above. Addi-
and Cu2+ while M is the coordination metallic ion of Ni or Cu. tional freedom is endowed with doping that modifies mate-
Furthermore, thermoelectric properties of the CPs were charac- rials properties (i.e. strength, density, heat capacity, etc.) and
terized and an “all-organic” TEG device was fabricated based on electronic structures. To achieve efficient screening of material
the as-prepared polymers, as is shown in Figure 9.[19] candidates and establishment of structure-property relation-
It should be noted that research on CPs with structures ships, it is indispensible to discriminate the dominant factors
similar to poly[Ax(M-ett)] started about 30 years ago. Despite of from all the experimental freedoms. One possible route is to
numerous reports on synthesis, structure analysis, and char- synthesize crystalline conductive polymers where comprehen-
acterizations of electrical and magnetic properties,[67] thermo- sive information of polymer chains, counterions, and crystal-
electric properties of poly[Ax(M-ett)] were seldom studied. In lites can be clearly characterized. Another promising method
their work, Zhu et al. found that thermoelectric properties of is to exert modulations over transistors with traditional, electro-
poly[Ax(M-ett)] containing Na+ and K+ were much better than chemical and novel geometries. Finally, it is desired to combine
those of polymers with tetraalkylammonium as counter cat- synthesis, structure characterizations and thermoelectric meas-
ions. It was suggested that close packing of polymer chains urements coherently.
were blocked by the alkyl groups of tetraalkylammonium and Seebeck Coefficients: Seebeck coefficient (thermopower) is
thus interchain charge transport was impeded. In particular, both simple and complex. It is simple because thermopower
the polymer Poly[Kx(Ni-ett)] showed remarkable performance: is insensitive to energy-independent scattering like that arising
the electrical conductivity was as high as 63 S cm−1 at 440 K, the from most boundaries in materials. On the other hand, ther-
Seebeck coefficients were in the range of -50 to -200 µV K−1 mopower is fundamentally related with entropy of charge car-
and increased with temperature, and the thermal conductivity riers, including configuration entropy determined by energy
was as low as 0.15 W m−1 K−1. As a result, the ZT values of levels that hold the charges and migration entropy when
poly[Nax(Ni-ett)] and poly[Kx(Ni-ett)] were 0.1 and 0.2 at charges transport. Additional source of entropy is from the
400 K respectively, with the latter being the most efficient n-type spin freedom of charge carriers, e.g., d-electrons of transition
organic thermoelectric material. Furthermore, the sign of See- metals in CPs and unpaired polarons in conjugated polymers.
beck coefficient was tunable via metal ions, e.g., the sign was In this respect, origins of thermopower in conductive polymers

12 © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Mater. 2014,
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371

Figure 9. Structure and performance of the thermoelectric device prepared with coordination polymers poly[Ax(M-ett)]. Reproduced with permission.[19]

should be clarified, preferably in a quantitative manner. Quali- Processing and Devices: Thermoelectric devices based on con-
tative information may be obtained from characterizations like ductive polymers are substantial to the development of the
UV-vis NIR absorption, ESR, IR and Raman spectroscopies, as overall organic thermoelectric field. Current status of thermoe-
well as temperature-dependent measurement of electrical and lectric devices based on conductive polymers will be summarized
magnetic properties. along with the devices based on small molecules in Section 5.
Thermal and Electrical Conductivity: Thermal conduction In the long run, clever design and synthesis of thermoelec-
properties of conductive polymers are much less studied com- tric building-blocks, stability of conductive polymers at opti-
pared with electrical properties. Given the significant impact of mized doping levels, high performance n-type thermoelec-
thermal conductivity on ZT values, more attention should be tric polymers, and novel design of thermoelectric devices are
paid to thermal conduction properties of polymers, such as the envisioned.
dependence of thermal conductivity on counterions and doping
levels, thermal anisotropy in polymer films, and novel effects
specific to interfaces. Furthermore, it may be interesting to find 3. Organic Thermoelectric Materials Based
possible correlations between thermal physical properties and
on Small Molecules
Seebeck coefficients of thermoelectric polymers. As to electrical
conduction, direct characterizations of carrier concentrations Currently research on thermoelectric materials based on small
and carrier mobilities are desired, and simultaneous measure- molecules is lagging behind that of polymers. However, small
ment of Seebeck coefficients would be valuable. Given the noto- molecular thermoelectric materials are very attractive in that
rious difficulty of Hall measurement on polymers, the tran- small molecules are easier to be purified and crystallized.
sistor strategy may be more feasible. Besides, it may be more feasible to achieve n-type conduction

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DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371

In fact, theoretical simulations showed that the ZT value could

be very high (∼20) in such low-dimensional conducting sys-
tems.[73] This unusually high value of ZT was obtained based on
the assumption that two types of electron-phonon interactions
exist simultaneously in this quasi-one-dimensional system. One
of the interactions is related to fluctuation in transfer energy of
the conduction electrons from one molecule to the neighboring
one, and the other is fluctuation in polarization energy of mole-
cules surrounding the conduction electrons. Under specific con-
ditions the interference between these two interactions could
occur, resulting in the significant enhancement of conductivity
and thermopower simultaneously. However, experimental
results are far below this theoretical prediction.
Although electrical conductivities are relatively high in such
charge transfer complexes, thermopower values are always quite
low. For TTF-TCNQ single crystals, the reported conductivities
at room temperature were in the range of 300–500 S cm−1 with
a thermopower of about -28 µV K−1.[74] Such small thermopower
was suggested to be caused by co-existence of n- and p- chan-
nels, leading to compensation in thermopower from electrons
and holes. The thermal conductivity of TTF-TCNQ crystals at
300 K was dominated by the phonon part as it was experimen-
tally determined to be 1 W m−1K–1.[75] Therefore, a calculated ZT
value of 0.7 – 1.1 × 10−2 at 300 K could be obtained for TTF-
TCNQ crystals based on those reported parameters.
Due to the tiny size and weak mechanical strength of TTF-
TCNQ crystals, thermoelectric measurements of the crystals
Figure 10. Chemical structures of some small molecules studied as are difficult and the potential applications are doubtful. In
organic thermoelectric materials. this respect, compressed powder samples or composites with
polymers are more convenient for characterizations and appli-
in small molecules. In the following two types of small mole- cations. However, G. Saito[76] found that the electrical conduc-
cules, namely charge transfer complexes and molecular semi- tivity of compressed TTF-TCNQ samples was decreased to
conductors, are discussed as potential thermoelectric materials. 6.62 S cm−1, almost two orders of magnitudes lower than
that of the corresponding single crystals. Moreover, the tem-
perature dependence of conductivity displayed variable-range-
3.1. Charge Transfer Complexes hopping (VRH) behavior, indicating that transport of charge
carriers was dominated by inter-particle hopping process.
3.1.1. TTF-TCNQ The Seebeck coefficient was −18 µV K−1, comparable to that
observed in single crystals. The consistency in Seebeck coef-
In parallel with conductive polymers, charge transfer complexes ficients between single crystals and compressed powders con-
or radical cation salts are another type of highly conducting forms to the fact that Seebeck coefficient is barely affected by
organic material, as shown in Figure 10. Most of these materials grain boundaries, as in theory it is measured under open-cir-
are prepared based on derivatives of tetrathiafulvalenes (TTFs), cuit condition. The thermal conductivity was determined to be
which have attracted great research interests in the 80s and 90s 0.34 W m−1K−1, one-third of that of the single crystals. The final
of the last century for the development of organic supercon- ZT value (1.83 × 10−4) was two orders of magnitudes lower
ductors.[71] In the well-known organic conductor TTF-TCNQ, a than that of the single crystals, mainly due to the reduction in
charge transfer complex is formed between electron donor TTF electrical conductivity.[76]
and electron acceptor tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) with As a demonstration of employing organic materials for
donor and acceptor molecules stacking into one-dimensional future thin-film TEG devices on flexible substrates, J. Wüsten
columns separately. There are strong intermolecular electronic et al. prepared a series of composites of poly(vinyl chloride)
couplings between adjacent molecules along the stacks which (PVC) blended with graphite or charge transfer complexes.
serve as the transport path for charge carriers; whereas the cou- Then a first thick-film prototype of TEG was built by screen
pling between neighboring columns is negligibly small. This printing with the PVC composites as active materials. Due to
material displays quasi-one-dimensional characters in struc- the low conductivity of these blend systems (typically in the
tures and electronic properties. Recently, conducting charge range of 0.1 – 10−3 S cm−1), the device performance was quite
transfer complexes have found applications in the study of low.[77] Recently, along with PEDOT: Tos as the p-type leg, the
organic FET as solution-processable electrodes.[72] Thermoelec- TTF-TCNQ/PVC blend system was used as the n-type leg, ful-
tric properties of these materials also attract some attention due filling the construction of a well-behaved TEG device through
to their intrinsically high electrical conductivities. ink-jet printing.[20]

14 © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Mater. 2014,
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371

up to 3 cm2 V−1 s−1 in thin film transistors.[81] Due to the low

carrier concentration of pentacene in neutral state, appro-
Another type of low-dimensional organic conductor worthy priate doping treatment is critical to the optimization of its TE
of noting is τ-(EDO-S,S-DMEDT-TTF)2(AuBr2)1+y, (y ≤ 0.875), properties.
where EDO-S,S-DMEDT-TTF is ethylenedioxy- S,S-dimethy- F4TCNQ is a strong electron acceptor that is frequently used
lethylenedithio- tetrathiafulvalene, because this material dis- as a p-type dopant in organic electronics. In 2010, K. Harada
plays large thermopower as a metallic organic conductor. et al. reported the TE performance of thin films of pentacene
H. Yoshino et al. simultaneously determined the σ, S and doped with F4TCNQ. The films were prepared by thermal
κ of a small crystal of τ-(EDO-S,S-DMEDT-TTF)2(AuBr2)1+y deposition, where blends of pentacene and F4TCNQ in single-
(y < 0.875) with a homemade measurement apparatus. They layer structure and pentacene/F4TCNQ bilayer structure were
found that the conductivity of this material was as high as compared.[82] In the case of the blended samples, the doping
200 S cm−1 at 300 K and observed temperature dependence level was varied from 0.5 to 10 mol.%. The electrical conduc-
typical of metals down to 150 K; meanwhile, the thermopower tivities firstly increased with doping, but saturated and even
was −85 µV K−1 at 300 K and reached a maximum value of decreased at higher doping levels. In contrast, the field-effect
about −140 µV K−1 between 120 and 140 K.[78] Thermal conduc- mobility decreased constantly with increase of dopant concen-
tivity of the single crystal was 7 W m−1K−1 at 300 K, typical of tration because of scattering from dopants. As a result, they
single-crystalline organic conductors. The calculated contribu- got a maximum electrical conductivity of 4.1 × 10−2 S cm−1
tion from charge carrier to thermal conductivity was very small and a maximum PF of 0.16 µW m−1K−2 at doping level of
(0.5–2 %) in the investigated temperature range. So the max- 2.0 mol.% (Figure 11a). In the bilayer samples, the carriers
imum ZT value of this crystal was determined to be 1.1 × 10−2 were supposed to be generated through charge transfer at the
around 160 K, comparable to that of TTF-TCNQ crystals. pentacene/F4TCNQ interface, since the F4TCNQ layer was
Furthermore, the origin of such large thermopower was ana- merely 2-nm thick. Therefore, scattering from the dopant could
lyzed by the authors based on ab initio band calculation and be minimized as much as possible. In fact, a conductivity of
calculation of Seebeck coefficient using Boltzmann’s equation. 0.43 S cm−1 was derived from the measured sheet conduct-
It was found that the band structure of τ-(EDO-S,S-DMEDT- ance, ten times that of the blended samples. Furthermore,
TTF)2(AuBr2)2 was very peculiar, in that the band profile near when the thickness of the pentacene layer was varied, electrical
the Γ point was very flat but was highly dispersive around the conductivity was optimized while the Seebeck coefficient was
X and Y points. Such band structure was named as ‘‘inverted unaffected (around 200 µV K−1). Finally, the maximum PF of
pudding mold type band’’ on top of a ‘‘pudding mold type 2.0 µW m−1K−2 was obtained in the 6-nm thick pentacene
band’’, justifying the coexistence of high conductivity and high sample (Figure 11b).
thermopower.[79] This work presents a possibility to search for Iodine is another efficient dopant for pentacene. In 1991, T.
promising organic thermoelectric materials in organic conduc- Minakata et al. found that vacuum-deposited pentacene thin
tors through theoretical calculations of band structures. films could be doped with iodine vapor to realize conductivity
as high as 110 S cm−1. The formation of pentacene-iodine
charge transfer complex was proposed according to structure
3.2. Small Molecular Semiconductors and spectroscopic characterizations.[83] Recently, K. Hayashi

In the past decade, large numbers of organic

semiconductors (OSCs) with charge car-
rier mobilities exceeding that of amorphous
silicon have been developed. For small mol-
ecules, mobilities as high as 31 cm2 V−1 s−1
and 11 cm2 V−1 s−1 have been achieved
respectively for solution-processed films
of p-type molecules and single crystals of
n-type molecules.[80] Such progress may pro-
vide new candidates for high-performance
organic thermoelectric (TE) materials, since
one of the main challenges in organic TE
materials is ascribed to the lower carrier
mobility of OSCs compared to their inor-
ganic counterparts.

3.2.1. Pentacene Films as P-Type TE Materials

As the benchmark of p-type OSCs, penta-

cene is the most studied small molecule Figure 11. Thermoelectric parameters of pentacene samples doped by (a) co-evaporation with
for TE applications up to date. A notable F4TCNQ and (b) forming pentacene/F4TCNQ bilayer structures. Adapted with permission.[82]
attribute of pentacene is its high mobility Copyright 2010, American Institute of Physics.

Adv. Mater. 2014, © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 15
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371

architectures, Pernstich et al. found that the Seebeck coeffi-

cients were well within the range of electronic contribution typ-
ical of conventional inorganic semiconductors, implying high
similarity in charge transport mechanisms between organic
and inorganic semiconductors.[14b] Recently, Germs et al. deter-
mined the critical temperature of transition from hopping
transport to band-like transport in pentacene films, based on
detailed analysis on thermopower – temperature relationships
obtained with a similar measurement configuration.[14c]
Although the transistor geometry may be difficult to find
applications in practical organic TE modules, it can be a pow-
erful tool for efficient screening of high performance organic
TE materials from the latest developed OSCs.

3.2.3. Fullerene Films as N-Type TE Materials

Currently, most of the conductive polymers studied for TE

applications are p-type materials. Although high perfor-
mance n-type polymeric semiconductors have been developed
Figure 12. Thickness dependence of (a) carrier concentration n, (b)
recently,[86] transport behaviors of n-type doped polymers are
mobility µ, (c) electrical conductivity σ, and (d) Seebeck coefficient S
of the iodine-doped pentacene films grown at different substrate tem- rarely reported.[87] To meet the requirement of n-type organic
peratures (Tsub = RT or 80 °C). Reproduced with permission. Copyright TE materials for the fabrication of TEG devices, molecular
2011,[84] American Institute of Physics. OSCs such as C60 have attracted much attention.
According to the early work on C60-based materials, C60 can
et al. employed the similar doping method to optimize TE per- be doped by alkali metals to achieve high conductivities and
formance of pentacene thin films.[84] As shown in Figure 12, even superconductors.[88] Seebeck coefficient measurements
they got a highest electrical conductivity of 60 S cm−1 with the were used to characterize the electronic structures of such
thermopower in the range of 40 – 60 µV K−1. As a result, the doped C60, e.g., thermopower of K and Rb-doped C60 were deter-
highest PF could reach 13 µW m−1K−2 which was more than six mined to be -11 and -18 µV K−1 at 300 K.[89] Given the low elec-
times that of pentacene/F4TCNQ bilayer sample. This improve- trical conductivity (below 100 S cm−1), PF values of these mate-
ment was mainly due to the increase in electrical conductivity rials are expected to be no larger than 2 µW m−1K−2 at 300 K.
by two orders of magnitudes. The smaller S value than that of Further improvement in TE properties is reported by two
the F4TCNQ-doped samples was caused by higher carrier con- groups using nonstoichiometric doping of C60 with Cs2CO3
centration in this case. The disadvantage of such iodine-doped as the dopant. Therein either bilayer structure or single-
thin films of pentacene is the poor stability.[16] K. Hayashi layer blend was fabricated by thermal evaporation, and the
et al. demonstrated that the decay in PF due to iodine desorp- achieved maximum PF values were respectively 20.5 and
tion could be suppressed by covering the initially doped film 28.8 µW m−1K−2.[17,90] The improvement in PF is mainly due
with an insulating polyimide tape.[84] to the high thermopower up to around 200 µV K−1 with con-
ductivities of about 5 S cm−1. Similar results are reported in C60
samples doped with Cr2(hpp)4 or W2(hpp)4 (hpp = 1, 3, 4, 6, 7,
3.2.2. Pentacene Films Investigated in FET Architectures 8-hexahydro- 2H-pyrimido [1, 2-a] pyrimidinato).[87a] These PF
values of doped films of C60 are comparable to that of P3HT
In addition to the aforementioned doping through charge based p-type materials.[35]
transfer at donor-acceptor interface, carrier concentration of
OSCs can be adjusted with gate voltages in transistor archi-
tectures at the semiconductor/dielectric interface, whereby the 3.3. Future Chances for Small Molecular Thermoelectric
thermopower can be modulated accordingly. In this context, TE Materials
measurement is combined with FET modulation and has been
proved to be powerful in revealing transport mechanisms of Compared with conductive polymers, thermoelectric properties
OSCs. of small molecules are relatively less explored and require fur-
In 2007, based on their research into the dependence of ther- ther investigations.
mopower on gate voltages and temperatures in thin films of Charge Transfer Complexes: Considering their well-defined
pentacene, Mühlenen et al. proposed a mechanism to enhance crystal structures, charge transfer complexes are of special sig-
thermopower based on lattice hardening, originating from nificance in figuring out the relationship between material
substantial lattice vibrational entropy (3kB per carrier) in the structures and thermoelectric behaviors. In terms of TTFs-based
the presence of charge carriers.[85] Later on, by measuring the organic conductors, it is relatively difficult to adjust carrier con-
temperature and carrier-density dependence of thermopower centrations because of the well-defined stoichiometries and struc-
of rubrene single crystals and pentacene thin films with FET tures. In this respect, A. Casian et al. analyzed the conducting

16 © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Mater. 2014,
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371

Figure 13. Schematic illustration of thermoelectric measurement architectures. (a) Four-contact method for measurement of electrical conductivity
and (b) measurement of Seebeck coefficient (ΔV/ΔT). (c) Two-contact method with smaller channel distances where linear regression is verified (d).
Adapted with permission.[18,20] Copyright 2011, 2013, Nature Publishing Group.

crystal of tetrathiotetracene-iodide (TTT2I3), and found that ZT former. Second, four-probe measurement with mechanical
value up to 1.4 at 300 K could be obtained if the carrier concen- point contact or van-der Pauw layout should be used with
tration was reduced by 2.5 times from the stoichiometry.[91] How- caution because organic materials are generally soft, inhomo-
ever, no nonstoichiometric crystal of TTTIx has been reported geneous and potentially anisotropic. Third, work functions of
up to date. Adjusting carrier concentration for such crystalline electrode materials should be examined to insure Ohm contact,
materials may be realized by nonstoichiometric doping process. because Fermi levels of organic materials can vary with doping
Besides, a systematic screening is possibly helpful given the levels. Currently patterned stripes of gold are most adopted as
large amounts of organic conductor crystals available. electrodes for reliable measurement. In Figure 13 are shown
Small Molecular Semiconductors: As the benchmark of molec- four- and two- contact architectures adopted in recent reports,
ular OSCs, pentacene is highly promising as organic TE mate- for which possible errors are latent in the sizes and inter-
rials. Recently, Z. G. Shuai et al. performed first-principle band distances of electrodes versus the samples’ geometries and
structure calculations coupled with Boltzmann transport theory homogeneity.
to analyze thermoelectric properties of pentacene and rubrene
crystals.[92] The calculated thermopower and its dependence
on temperature and carrier density agreed well with those 4.2. Measurement of Seebeck Coefficients
experimental results reported by Pernstich et al.. According to
their calculations, peak ZT values in the range of 0.8 – 1.8 at Errors in measurement of Seebeck coefficients can cause broad
294 K and 1.1 - 2.4 at 248 K are predicted respectively for pen- distribution in ZT values because the coefficient is squared. In
tacene and rubrene. Therefore, further research is expected for principle, Seebeck coefficient is derived by dividing the voltage
more efficient and stable agents and methods of doping so as to difference ΔV with its corresponding temperature difference ΔT
better utilize these small molecular semiconductors. as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 13a, b. In experiments, how-
ever, it is nontrivial to accurately measure each parameter (ΔV
and ΔT) while making sure that they are precisely matched. So
4. Thermoelectric Measurement Methods far there have been several commercial devices available, e.g.,
the ZEM-3 system from ULVAC Tech. is suitable for bulk mate-
for Organic Materials
rials with dimensions of centimeters, and the SB-100 system
Generally electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, and from MMR Tech. is more appropriate for smaller samples on
thermal conductivity are measured respectively, and thereafter millimeter scales.[45] And yet homemade apparatuses are pre-
ZT is calculated from the three parameters. Therefore, errors ferred when customized controls over the measurements are
in each measurement could be superimposed. In the following imposed, such as field-effect gating[33] and light illumination.[53c]
we summarize common measurement methods for organic In this case the measurement validity is verified either using a
thermoelectric materials with representative examples of con- reference whose Seebeck coefficient is well-known or by linear
jugated polymers especially those prepared as films. Possible regression of thermo-voltages obtained under different tem-
errors in each measurement method are underlined and the perature differences, as shown in Figure 13d. Moreover, elec-
measurement of thermal conductivity is highlighted. Brief trical conductivity can be obtained with the same measurement
review on current status of thermoelectric measurement of set-up (Figure 13a–c).
small molecular materials is made at the end of this section as
compared with that of polymers.
4.3. Measurement of Thermal Conductivity

4.1. Measurement of Electrical Conductivity Basically there are two types of measurement methods for
thermal conductivity, namely the steady-state measurement and
Firstly, four-contact measurement is preferred to two-contact the transient-state measurement. The former was previously
methods because contact resistance can be excluded in the used to measure in-plane thermal conductivity of 100-µm-thick

Adv. Mater. 2014, © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 17
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371

free-standing films of PA at room temperature.[26a] It was found


With this manner, Toshima et al. investigated thermal property

that thermal conductivity of trans-isomer PA was higher than (thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity and their temperature
its cis-isomer, i.e. 0.38 W m−1K−1 versus 0.21 W m−1K−1, which dependence) of PANi with different counterions; however, no
was further increased to 0.69 W m−1K−1 after heavy doping systematic results were generalized.[26c,93] Similar to the laser-
with iodine (Table 1). The steady-state method is very time-con- flash scenario, sample surfaces are also exposed to a laser pulse
suming and is seldom used today. in the TDTR approach. A special attribute of this method is its
Compared with the steady-state method, transient-state high spatial resolution, facilitating measurement of crystalline
methods are much more efficient and are well-developed. polymer fibers with diameter of ten microns.[27e] There are also
Nowadays, thermal conduction properties of both bulk and commercial apparatuses available for immediate measurement
film materials can be characterized with transient methods. of thermal conductivity utilizing modified plane source of heat
Herein three most widely adopted methods, namely laser- instead of laser heating.[19] The cross-plane thermal conductivi-
flash, time domain thermal reflectance (TDTR) and differential ties obtained with laser-flash or TDTR methods reported in the
three-omega (3ω) are summarized and compared. As such, it cited references are listed in Table 1.
should be noted that although in-plane thermal conductivity Owing to its convenience, high accuracy and in-plane meas-
of PA films was obtained with the steady-state strategy,[26a] it is urement capability, 3-ω method has been widely adopted
difficult to be determined using most transient-state methods for films of conductive polymers in the past few years. For
mainly because of the measurement principles. Specifically, example, thermal conductivities of films of PEDOT: Tos and
only cross-plane thermal conductivity is available using laser- PEDOT: PSS were characterized with 3-ω method by different
flash and TDTR methods, while both cross-plane and in-plane groups,[18,20] as listed in Table 1. The measurement principles
thermal conductivities can be obtained with 3ω method. are shown in Figure 14. Firstly metallic heaters are deposited
Laser-flash method measures thermal conductivity indirectly. onto the polymer surface which has been protected in advance
Typically, disk samples with thickness of microns are irradi- to insure electrical insulation. Then thermal conduction is
ated with a laser pulse on the surface, and thermal diffusivity is induced by passing electrical current (at frequency ω) through
experimentally extracted. Thereafter thermal conductivity is cal- the metallic stripes (heat generators). As a result of the current,
culated according to the formula κ = ραCp, where ρ is material joule heating at frequency 2ω is produced and temperature of
density, Cp is specific heat capacity, and α is thermal diffusivity. the heaters is also modulated at frequency 2ω, leading to a 3ω

Figure 14. Device architectures for the measurement of (a), (d) one-dimensional (1D) and (b), (e) 1D and 2D cross-plane heat conduction in films of
(a)-(c) PEDOT: Tos and (d)-(f) PEDOT: PSS. In-plane thermal conductivity λ||(or κ||) is derived from 1D cross-plane thermal conductivity λ⊥(or κ⊥) and
anisotropy ratio λ⊥/λ|| (c), (f). Adapted with permission.[18,20] Copyright 2011, 2013, Nature Publishing Group.

18 © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Mater. 2014,
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371

component in the voltage across the heater. Then thermal con- comparable Seebeck coefficients but much lower electrical and
ductivity across the polymer film can be analytically extrapo- thermal conductivities.[75,76]
lated from the ω and 3ω voltages at the low-frequency limit. In contrast to charge transfer complexes and conductive
Experimentally the same heaters are fabricated on the under- polymers, small molecular semiconductors are often pro-
lying substrates to exclude thermal contribution of the sub- cessed with vacuum thermal evaporation. The resultant films
strates (Figure 14a, d). are expected to be thinner, more electrical resistant, and insep-
To get in-plane thermal conductivity, a second narrower arable from the substrates. As such, most of the thermoelec-
heater is patterned on the sample surface (Figure 14b, e), that tric measurements of molecular semiconductors are accom-
is there are two heaters in total on the polymer films. Also the plished with architectures similar to that shown in Figure 11.
same pair of heaters should be patterned on the underlying sub- Therefore, the measurement configurations and general prin-
strates to eliminate the substrate effect. The wide and narrow ciples are in line with that of conductive polymers (Figure 13)
heaters are utilized to respectively induce one-dimensional (1D) as clarified in previous sub-sections. However, thermal con-
and two-dimensional (2D) heat conduction in the polymer film. ductivity of the molecular films is barely studied due to the
Moreover, the width of the narrow heater (w) and the thickness small thickness of evaporated films. Recently, by means of
of the polymer film (d) are varied to generate several geometry traditional 3-ω method, Jin et al. determined the cross-plane
ratios (w/d). Then by means of the geometry ratio and the cor- thermal conductivity of multilayer thin films of copper phth-
responding 2D/1D thermal conduction ratio, the ratio between alocyanine (CuPc) and Ag or Al. As the density of CuPc/Ag
cross-plane and in-plane thermal conductivities (λ⊥/λ|| or κ⊥/κ|| (Al) interface was increased, large thermal boundary resist-
in Figure 14c, f) can be extracted with formulae in a mathemat- ance was observed.[96]
ical way.
Following the procedures described above, both cross-plane
and in-plane thermal conductivities of PEDOT films were 5. Fabrication of TEG Based on Organic
measured and reported recently.[18,20] The measurement set-ups
Thermoelectric Materials and Extended
are shown in Figure 14 and the results are included in Table 1.
Obviously, in-plane thermal conductivities are higher than the
corresponding cross-plane values, indicating strong anisotropy
in thermal conduction property of PEDOT films. In specific, the The fabrication of TEG based on organic thermoelectric mate-
in-plane/cross-plane ratio (λ||/λ⊥) is respectively 1.11 and 1.62 rials is an integral part of this field. In the respect of funda-
(1.40) for PEDOT: Tos film and PEDOT: PSS films treated with mental researches, characterizations of organic materials with
EG (DMSO). However, it should be noted that repeated spin- TEG devices help to clarify the structure-property relationships.
coating was used to prepare the thick films for in-plane meas- From the application point of view, solution-processability of
urement of PEDOT: PSS, and anisotropy in thermal conduc- organic materials makes it possible to produce TEG devices
tivity of conductive polymer films needs further investigations. with printing technologies. In addition, novel designs of
Recently, Haque et al. developed a modified 3-ω method device architectures are necessary to exert the full potential of
whereby they were able to measure in-plane thermal con- organic materials while circumventing their disadvantages.[70a]
ductivity directly, and electrical conductivity was obtained at For example, further enhancement of thermoelectric perfor-
the same time.[27a,94] With this technique, they studied PANi mance can be brought by engineering the interfaces in TEG
films with thickness ranging from 20 nm to one micron, and devices.[73,97]
observed significant reduction in thermal conductivity when To begin with, the most straightforward approach is to repro-
the film thickness was below 50 nm.[95] Since film processing duce the configuration of inorganic TEG. Based on compressed
is probably the dominant technology for future applications of pellets of powders of poly[Kx(Ni-ett)] and poly[Cux(Cu-ett)], Zhu
organic thermoelectric materials, the effects of interfaces and et al. fabricated a TEG device composed of 35 p-n couples with
sizes on thermal conduction deserve more attention. leg dimensions of 5 mm in height and 2 mm × 0.9 mm in
cross-section.[19] Under a temperature difference ΔT = 80 K, an
open-circuit voltage of 0.26 V, a short-circuit current of 10.1 mA
4.4. Thermoelectric Measurement of Small Molecular Materials were generated by the device. Assuming the optimum packing
density of 0.94, the output power per area was extrapolated
Thermoelectric measurement of small molecular materials is to be 2.8 µW cm−2 under a ΔT = 30 K (Figure 9). This is the
somewhat different from their polymer counterparts, in part highest power density ever reported for TEG using all-organic
because of features specific to the materials and in part because materials.
transistor modulation is often incorporated in previous reports. Another type of TEG device was demonstrated by Crispin
More extensive investigations into the corresponding measure- et al. by means of ink-jet printing. The p-type ink was a mixture
ments are required for future development of small molecular of the monomer EDOT with the oxidant solution containing
candidates for thermoelectrics. polymerization inhibitor; while for n-type ink the crystalline
As aforementioned, crystals of charge transfer complexes powders of TTF-TCNQ were blended with PVC in toluene.[20]
are generally tiny and brittle, and hence measurement of single The extrapolated output of the TEG consisting of 54 thermo-
crystals requires delicate apparatuses as well as much exper- couples (leg dimensions: 30 µm in height and 25 mm × 25 mm
tise.[78] For convenience compressed pellets can be prepared in cross-section) was 0.27 µW cm−2 at optimum packing density
from these crystals and the resultant bulks are expected to show and ΔT = 30 K (Figure 15a, b).

Adv. Mater. 2014, © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 19
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371

Figure 15. (a) Fabrication of an all-organic TEG consisting of 54 modules through photolithography patterning and ink-jet printing. (b) Maximum
power output per area of the TEG with packing density of 0.47 (solid line) and 0.94 (dashed line). Reproduced with permission.[20] Copyright 2011,
Nature Publishing Group. (c) Four-terminal prototype TEG fabricated by thermal deposition of pentacene (p-leg) and C60 (n-leg). Reproduced with
permission.[17] Copyright 2011, American Insititute of Physics. (d) Film-based TEG employing only one type of thermoelectric material processed by
roll-to-roll printing. (e) The final rolled-up device and heat-flow direction therein. Reproduced with permission.[70a]

A prototype TEG based on small molecules fabricated by In addition to printing technologies and vacuum depositions,
thermal deposition is reported by Sumino et al. (Figure 15c), other strategies like electrochemical deposition and massive
using F4TCNQ-covered pentacene and Cs2CO3-covered C60 assembly of nano-sized building-blocks could be useful under
as p-type and n-type legs respectively.[17] This is a device with different circumstances.[98] Besides, it is interesting to combine
thin-film architecture; however, no effective output is generated organic thermoelectric devices with other electronic or optoe-
owing to large internal resistance. lectric devices as is currently studied in the inorganic counter-
Very recently Krebs et al. have performed a proof-of-prin- parts.[99] Last but not the least, organic thermoelectric materials
ciple research by applying large-area roll-to-roll (R2R) printing can be used in sensors based on Seebeck effect for the detec-
to produce TEG with p-type materials PEDOT: PSS only.[70a] A tion of heat, light, bio(chemical) agents and so on.[29,100]
total of 18,000 serially connected junctions of silver/PEDOT:
PSS (1.2 µm)/silver were stacked on a 60-µm thick PET foil,
which was then divided into smaller stretches and rolled up on 6. Conclusions and Outlook
an aluminum cylinder (Figure 15d, e). This novel structure was
developed for R2R processing while eliminating the require- In the past several years the research on organic thermoelec-
ment of both p- and n-type materials simultaneously. Although tric materials has made remarkable progresses. ZT values
the device output power is too low (on the pW scale) to be prac- of 0.42 (p-type) and 0.20 (n-type) have been demonstrated,
tical, it shows the possibility to produce flexible TEG with poly- respectively, in PEDOT: PSS and coordination polymers
mers at very low cost. poly[Kx(Ni-ett)], which are comparable to those of inorganic
In summary, the fabrication of well-performed flexible nanomaterials employed to generate thermoelectricity from
organic TEG devices is as challenging as it is attractive. In addi- window glasses.[101] Moreover, all-organic TEG devices fabri-
tion to the numerous technological issues to be addressed, cated by printing technologies have been demonstrated with
supply of organic thermoelectric materials with much higher screen-printing, ink-jet printing and R2R printing as well.
ZT values are decisive. Furthermore, it should be noted that In the quest for green energy sources from organic TEG
thermoelectric properties of the materials prepared as inks are devices, more efficient organic thermoelectric materials and
probably different from their pristine properties. At present n-type organic candidates should be developed, and novel
several methods to deliver inks are available, including solu- design and engineering of organic thermoelectric devices
tion mixtures containing monomers,[20] solution composites are expected. Furthermore, fundamental understanding
impregnated with organic powders,[20,68] polymer emulsions of the structure-property relationships of various types of
similar to PEDOT: PSS solutions,[33,70a] and soluble polymers to organic thermoelectric materials is valuable. The research in
be doped afterwards. organic thermoelectrics is an emerging and promising field

20 © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Mater. 2014,
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201305371

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