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Passive reporting verbs


We can report actions and events using the passive in two different ways:

A: it + passive verb + that clause

It is believed that the company was sold for $20 million.

Reporting verbs that commonly follow this pattern are: agree, allege, announce; assume,
believe, claim; consider, decide, estimate; expect, fear, hope; know, presume, report; say,
suggest, think, understand.


It is thought that the eyespots on the butterfly wings startle their enemies.

It is believed that the minister is considering is considering resignation following the scandal.


It is estimated that ten thousand people took part in the demonstration.

It was alleged that the boy hacked into his school’s computer.

It wasn’t thought that permanent damage had been caused.


It is expected that the new stadium will open in January.

B: subject + passive verb + to +(present perfect)

Reporting verbs that commonly follow this pattern are: allege, assume, believe; consider,
estimate, expect; know, report, say; think, understand.

The eyespots on the butterfly wings are thought to startle their enemies.

The minister is believed to be considering resignation following the scandal.


Ten thousand people are estimated to have taken part.

The boy was alleged to have hacked into his school’s computer.

No permanent damage was thought to have been caused.


The new stadium is expected to open in January.


active affirmative negative

simple to sell not to sell
continuous to be selling not to be selling
perfect to have sold not to have sold
perfect continuous to have been selling not to have been selling
simple to be sold not to be sold
perfect to have been sold not to have been sold


We use reporting verbs in the passive when:

1. We cannot verify the source of information.

2. We assume that the reader or listener is not interested in who the agent or source is.
3. The agent or source is obvious from the context.

This structure is very common in formal writing.


1. Conservationists fear that polar bears may be soon extinct.

It is
2. Journalists reported that an oil spill has occurred off the coast of Mexico.
An oil spill
3. Detectives know the robbery took place in the early hours of this morning.
The robbery
4. Insider sources say that the player has not been selected for the Olympic team.
The player
5. Scientists think that dinosaurs were wiped out when an asteroid hit the earth.
6. Doctors say a climber who fell 100 meters down a steep ridge is recovering well.
A climber
7. The finance minister is expected to announce a tax increase tomorrow.
8. The police believed there weren’t any witnesses present.
No witnesses

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