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The Physics Education Research Section PERS publishes articles describing important results from the
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Student understanding of the angular momentum of classical particles

Hunter G. Closea) and Paula R. L. Heronb)
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195-1560
(Received 18 November 2010; accepted 27 March 2011)
Students in introductory calculus-based physics were asked about the angular momentum of a
particle traveling in a straight line. The tendency to state that the angular momentum is identically
zero was widespread, and few students applied l ¼ r  p correctly. The common errors reflect a
tendency to conflate angular momentum with angular velocity or with linear momentum. Many
students assume that linear and angular momentum are jointly conserved, an error that appears to be
linked to their thinking about energy. A tutorial was developed to help students recognize that linear
momentum and angular momentum are separately conserved. The results suggest that helping
students understand why angular momentum is attributed to a particle moving in a straight line may
be more effective in helping them to apply the concept than instructing them only on its correct use.
In addition to providing insights into student learning of the concept of angular momentum, we
illustrate how students’ own ideas can be the basis for more effective instruction. VC 2011 American
Association of Physics Teachers.
[DOI: 10.1119/1.3579141]

I. INTRODUCTION angular momentum of straight-line motion.4 Reference 5

describes an elaborate laboratory activity in which students
As part of an ongoing effort to improve student under- analyzed a collision on an air table involving simultaneous
standing of conservation principles,1 we investigated student linear momentum and angular momentum conservation. A
ability to analyze collisions between particles and rigid non-spinning puck struck a target object of uneven mass dis-
bodies.2 A correct analysis requires that students grasp an tribution and caused it to rotate and translate across the table.
abstract concept: the angular momentum of a particle mov- The analysis of angular momentum involved a consideration
ing with constant velocity. In this article we present results of both forms6 of angular momentum: that due to overt spin-
from written questions and interviews in which we posed ning and that due to straight-line motion. Students used meas-
problems that require students to apply this concept. Our urements to calculate the percent change in linear momentum,
main goal is to contribute to the research base that serves as angular momentum, and kinetic energy as a result of the colli-
a resource for instructors, textbook authors, and curriculum sion. Typical results demonstrated that the linear momentum
developers. We also describe our experience in designing and angular momentum are preserved to a good approxima-
instructional materials to illustrate how effectively instruc- tion in such a collision, but the kinetic energy is not. Students
tional strategies can incorporate the spontaneous reasoning performed the angular momentum analysis using two different
used by individual students. reference points, and found a very small change in the total
Most of the investigation took place in the introductory angular momentum. The authors’ goal in the design of the ac-
calculus-based physics course at the University of Washing- tivity included helping students become comfortable with the
ton (UW). The topics to be covered, which are chosen by a idea of angular momentum of straight-line motion and under-
committee of faculty, include angular momentum for all sec- standing the source of the angular momentum of the new rota-
tions of this course. This course is the setting in which the tional motion. The learning goals included helping students to
Physics Education Group has been developing Tutorials in understand the reference-point dependence of angular mo-
Introductory Physics.3 The tutorials are designed to be used mentum, and that a collision can be understood by the applica-
in small group sessions in which tutorial instructors (usually tion of the principles of linear momentum conservation and
graduate teaching assistants) teach by questioning rather angular momentum conservation, and not a principle of con-
than by telling. At the time this study began, angular mo- servation of kinetic energy. The article did not report on the
mentum was not addressed in the tutorials. impact of the activity on student learning.
The primary aim of Ref. 7 was to observe the problem-
II. BACKGROUND solving habits of physics faculty and compare them to those
of introductory students on a difficult angular momentum
Previous articles on instruction on angular momentum have conservation problem. In this problem a spinning wheel is
acknowledged the difficulty that students experience with the placed onto a level surface with zero initial velocity and

1068 Am. J. Phys. 79 (10), October 2011 C 2011 American Association of Physics Teachers
V 1068
eventually comes to a steady state of rolling without slip- Table I. Results from the free small ball problem (Fig. 1) for three sections
ping. The most direct solution involves the application of of introductory physics (Ntotal ¼ 340) before tutorial instruction on angular
angular momentum conservation to the wheel, while using a momentum.
reference point for which there is zero net torque on the
Correct No-spin r-Dom x-Dom p-Dom
wheel, though there is a net force due to friction. In this prob-
lem it is helpful to recognize not only the point-dependence Point-dependence 20% 27% 26% 26% (a)

of angular momentum vectors, but also the point-dependence Time-dependence 40% (b)
29% 21% (a)

of the principle of angular momentum conservation. That is, Direction 29% 19% (c) (c)
for most reference points the angular momentum of the wheel Point- and time-dependence 5% 24% 21% 15% (a)

is not constant, but for one on the line of action of the friction All three questions 4% 19% (c) (c)
force, the angular momentum of the wheel is constant. The
student responses in this study rarely considered any conser- No specific answer to the point-dependence or time-dependence questions
vation laws at all, let alone angular momentum. corresponds uniquely to the p-dominant concept.
Other related research has focused on student thinking in The correct answer to the time-dependence question corresponds to both
other areas of physics that involve the use of a vector cross the correct concept of particle angular momentum and the no-spin concept.
No specific answer to the direction question corresponds uniquely to the
product. An investigation of the direction of the magnetic
r-dominant or the x-dominant concepts.
force on a charged particle focused on the reasons that stu-
dents make sign errors in determining the direction.8 An
investigation of rigid body equilibrium9 found that only A. Point-dependence
about one third of introductory students (after traditional Students were first asked to compare the magnitude of the
instruction and before any tutorial instruction) stated cor- ball’s angular momentum in relation to points A and B. At
rectly that, if a clay ball initially stuck to the side of a bal- the given time the position vectors that locate the ball in rela-
anced pegboard were moved vertically downward, the board tion to the two different points have identical components
would remain balanced. This problem probes the idea that perpendicular to the ball’s linear momentum, so the correct
only the component of r that is perpendicular to F matters answer is lA ¼ lB. As shown in Table I, about 20% of the stu-
for the torque s in the relation of s ¼ r  F. dents chose the correct answer.
In the following we present results from problems intended However, not all of them gave correct explanations. Some
to probe student ability to apply the definition of particle angu- cited the relation l ¼ mvr sinh and noted that, although r is
lar momentum. The format is web-based and students choose greater point for B, sinh is greater for A. They did not justify
their answer from a menu of options, and then type an explana- the assumption that these quantities are inversely propor-
tion.10 The problems were given on non-graded pretests prior to tional. Other students cited angular momentum conservation.
a tutorial on angular momentum. In most course sections, stu- Although a conservation argument cannot be applied directly,
dents had been assigned textbook11 readings that covered the some students might have recognized that comparing the
vector cross product, the right-hand rule, the definition of parti- angular momentum in relation to two different points at the
cle angular momentum, and its relation to net torque. In some same time is equivalent to comparing the angular momentum
sections the topic had also been covered in lecture. Student per- of the ball in relation to a single point at two different times
formance did not depend on the amount of prior instruction,12 in which case a conservation argument is valid. Their explan-
and results from all sections have been combined.13 ations typically did not extend beyond the simple statement
that “angular momentum is conserved.” Not surprisingly, the
III. THE FREE SMALL BALL PROBLEM answer lA ¼ lB ¼ 0 was common. A typical explanation was
In the free small ball problem, a ball moves with constant “Since there is no rotation, the angular momentum is zero.”
velocity, without spinning, in a weightless, frictionless envi- These explanations tended to focus on the lack of an overt
ronment (see Fig. 1). Points A and B are on a line parallel to appearance of rotation of an object about its own center. We
the ball’s path. Students were asked three questions related refer to this view of the angular momentum of a particle as
to the instant shown in Fig. 1. the “no-spin concept.” Other students indicated that the ball’s
angular momentum is greater in relation to the closer of the
two reference points, that is, lA > lB. Some accompanying
explanations implied a failure to distinguish angular velocity
and angular momentum: “Just a guess, probably because it
[the ball] is closer to point A and therefore it would seem
faster… Like looking outside a moving car really close… It
seems to be moving really fast.” We refer to this idea as the
“x-dominant concept” of angular momentum.
Most of the other students indicated that the ball’s angular
momentum is greater in relation to the more distant reference
point, that is, lB > lA, often referring explicitly to the differ-
ent distances from the ball to the two points. We refer to this
idea as the “r-dominant concept” of angular momentum.

Fig. 1. Figure shown to students in a written problem. A small ball moves to B. Time-dependence
the right with a speed v0 in a weightless, frictionless environment. The ball
does not spin. Fixed locations in space, in the plane of the page, are marked Students were asked how lA and lB are changing at the
with X and labeled A and B. instant shown in Fig. 1. In both cases they could note that

1069 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 10, October 2011 H. G. Close and P. R. L. Heron 1069
neither the component of r perpendicular to the ball’s linear mentum for longer than the duration of the pretest, which
momentum nor the linear momentum itself is changing and lasted about 10 min. Several features of students’ explana-
conclude that lA and lB are both constant. About 40% of the tions suggested extemporaneity: their tentative nature, their
students chose the correct answer (see Table I).14 This an- focus on a single visual feature of the scenario, or their basis
swer is compatible with both the correct view and with the on mere algebra. Students whose responses typified r-domi-
no-spin concept of angular momentum, an idea that many nant reasoning might have only been making rote (and incor-
students expressed in response to one of the other two ques- rect) use of a formula that is not intuitive. In contrast, some
tions. Other students chose the answer consistent with the of the students who expressed x-dominant reasoning seemed
x-dominant concept of angular momentum, that is, “lA is to be visualizing the ball’s motion from the point of view of
decreasing, lB is increasing,” as illustrated by “as the ball an observer located at the reference point, and trying to con-
moves along the path, the change in the angle increases, nect their intuition with formal concepts. The responses we
increasing the angular velocity and thus increasing the angu- have categorized as p-dominant might reflect a sensible way
lar momentum.” A similar number of students chose the an- to try to integrate a new concept with one that is more famil-
swer consistent with the r-dominant concept, that is, “lA is iar. We suggest that students, trying to make sense of these
increasing, lB is decreasing,” as illustrated by the explana- questions about the probably unfamiliar abstraction of angu-
tion: “Angular momentum ¼ mvd, and if the distance lar momentum, grasped for the nearest conceptual foothold
between the ball and point B is decreasing so must angular from which to generate answers about this new quantity in a
momentum.” new scenario.
Although we constructed static models of student
C. The direction responses to these questions about angular momentum, there
is a range of possibilities that may characterize the dynamics
Students were also asked to describe the direction of the of student thinking. Also, the characteristic student errors ex-
ball’s angular momentum in relation to point B. They could hibit a conceptual minimalism that is appropriate. That is,
use the right-hand rule to find that it is directed into the page. they may reflect a healthy reluctance to embrace a new con-
They were given 11 options to choose from: eight directions cept for which there is no evidence or that does not yet have
spaced evenly in the plane of the page as well as into the an apparent theoretical function.
page, out of the page, and lB ¼ 0.
About 29% of the students chose a direction perpendicular IV. INITIAL TUTORIAL EXERCISES
to the plane containing r and p (see Table I). We have seen
students use their left hand while answering this question, an The results we have discussed led to the development of
error we consider mild, so we grouped the answers “into the several exercises that were included in an earlier version of
page” and “out of the page” together. The most common the tutorial. Conservation of Angular Momentum.15 We refer
incorrect response was that the angular momentum points to to this version here as “initial,” although it was not the first
the right, an answer that seems to conflate angular and linear that was designed.
momentum. The following explanation was typical: “Points Our emphasis was on understanding and applying the defi-
to the right. The momentum will be carried in the same nition l ¼ r  p for an object moving with constant velocity.
direction as the velocity vector.” This answer is an example In a series of different contexts, students were guided to
of the “p-dominant concept” of angular momentum. draw a vector representing the linear momentum of the
It is not surprising that many students assumed that a object, position vectors for the object from multiple refer-
non-spinning object moving in a straight line has no angular ence points, and components of these position vectors paral-
momentum. Even those who ascribed some sort of angular lel and perpendicular to the linear momentum vector. They
quality to the motion of the ball or puck rarely applied the def- derived a reduced form of the definition of angular momen-
inition l ¼ r  p correctly. If the results of both the point-de- tum in which the parallel component of the position vector is
pendence and time-dependence questions are considered eliminated, that is, l ¼ r\p. They concluded that the angular
together, we find that 5% of the students gave correct answers momentum of a point-like object traveling at constant veloc-
to both, and about 15%–25% gave a pair of answers consistent ity is generally non-zero, constant in time, and its magnitude
with each of the r-dominant, x-dominant, and the no-spin and direction depend on the location of the reference point.
concepts of angular momentum (see Table I). No other pair of Because we assumed that students would find it difficult to
answers occurred with any significant frequency. For the believe that angular momentum is usually non-zero, we
direction question it is difficult to determine a priori how included a kinesthetic activity in which one student moves in
most of the possible answers correspond to the r-dominant a straight line and passes near another stationary student,
and x-dominant concepts. Therefore we do not expect to see who must turn his or her head to track the moving student.
these two categories emerge from an analysis of all three The purpose was to help students appreciate why it is not
questions taken together. Instead we find a fairly uniform dis- unreasonable to think of a particle’s angular momentum as
tribution over nearly all possible combinations with only the non-zero. We regard this activity as pedagogically distinct
no-spin response occurring with any significant frequency. from an attempt (as in a later version of the tutorial) to con-
Because student responses to the set of three questions vince students that it is necessary (for the sake of conserva-
appear mostly to match our simple models of different con- tion) to define the angular momentum as generally non-zero.
cepts of angular momentum (x-, r-, and p-dominant, and
no-spin), we might interpret the data in terms of students’ V. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE INITIAL
consistent use of coherent alternative models to arrive at TUTORIAL EXERCISES
their answers. We do not make such a claim, primarily
because we do not have evidence that individual students To assess the effectiveness of the initial set of exercises
employed any specific alternative concept of angular mo- we included problems on examinations in course sections in

1070 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 10, October 2011 H. G. Close and P. R. L. Heron 1070
which students had completed the tutorial. In the following correctly is improved from 5% (no tutorial) to 30% (after ini-
we compare the results with those obtained on the same tial tutorial). An improvement of 4%–27% is seen in the per-
questions asked as pretests before tutorial instruction on centage of students who answer all three questions correctly.
angular momentum. No student was asked the same question
twice. Although some data were obtained on non-graded pre- B. Representative post-test: the ball and rod problem
tests and others on graded examinations, our experience in
other topic areas suggests that the outcome is not strongly The results from the free small ball post-test indicate that
affected by whether the test was graded or not.16 Therefore any the tutorial helped strengthen students’ ability to apply the
differences that are observed are best attributed to the tutorial. relation l ¼ r  p in an abstract context. Although such a skill
is important, our real goal was to help students apply the
principle of angular momentum conservation to the analysis
A. Representative post-test: variation of the free small of collisions. Therefore we also administered a more com-
ball problem plex post-test.
One post-test question was a version of the free small ball In the problem depicted in Fig. 2 a ball collides with a rod
problem in which three points were identified. Points A and in two separate experiments conducted in a weightless, fric-
B are the same as in the original version; point C has the tionless environment. In both experiments the ball moves
same x-coordinate as point B, but is on the opposite side of with constant speed toward the rod, without spinning. The
the ball’s path (see Fig. 1). Students were asked the point-de- center of the rod is initially at a fixed point in space labeled
pendence, time-dependence, and direction questions. The A. In experiment 1 the ball strikes the rod at its center; in
first two questions referred only to points A and B. The experiment 2 the ball strikes the rod near its end. After each
results are summarized in Table II. collision the ball and rod stick together.
The success rate on the point-dependence question was
higher in the class in which the initial tutorial was used (40%) 1. Linear momentum vectors
than in the classes that did not have tutorial instruction (20%).
The response that the angular momentum of the ball in relation Students were asked to draw arrows to represent the magni-
to both points is zero was given by only 2% of the students tude and direction of the total linear momentum of the ball-
who had worked through the tutorial. However, the combined rod system before and after the collision in each experiment,
percentage of responses consistent with r-dominant and x- and to explain their reasoning briefly. Their answer could note
dominant reasoning was almost the same in both groups. that the rod is initially at rest in both experiments and that the
The performance was almost the same for both groups on ball moves with the same initial velocity. Therefore in both
the time-dependence question. When this question was given experiments the initial vectors are directed to the right and
before tutorial instruction, some students who gave the cor- have the same length. The net force on each system is zero so
rect answer stated that the ball has no angular momentum in the initial and final linear momentum vectors are the same.
response to the point-dependence question. Therefore reduc- As shown in Table III, about 40% of the students correctly
tion of this type of answer to the latter question would not indicated that the vectors are the same. About 47% indicated
necessarily be accompanied by an increase in correct that the linear momentum in experiment 2 is smaller after
answers to the time-dependence question. the collision, as if the onset of rotational motion were accom-
The greatest difference between student performances in panied by a reduction in linear motion. When this question
the two groups was on the direction question. Among students was given in a class prior to tutorial instruction, the results
who had worked through the tutorial, 86% chose a direction were similar.
perpendicular to the page, whereas 29% of the students who
had not worked through the tutorial chose one of these 2. Angular momentum vectors
directions. We also asked students to indicate the direction but not
When the point- and time-dependence questions are con- the magnitude of the total angular momentum of the ball-rod
sidered together, the percentage of students who answer both system in relation to point A before and after the collision in
Table II. Results from the free small ball problem (Fig. 1) at different stages
of instruction.

Before Initial Revised

tutorial tutorial tutorial

3 sections 1 section 3 sections

N ¼ 340 N ¼ 97 N ¼ 478
Point-dependence correct 20% 40% 41%
Time-dependence correct 40% 38% 36%
Direction correct 29% 86% 76%
Point- and time-dependence 5% 30% 33%

Both correct Fig. 2. Figure shown to students in a written problem. A ball collides with a
rod in two separate experiments (1 and 2) in a weightless, frictionless envi-
Consistent with l : 0 24% 2% 0%
ronment. The ball and rod are not in contact with any other objects. In both
r-Dominant 21% 26% 32% experiments the ball moves with the same initial speed v0 toward the rod and
x-Dominant 15% 15% 19% sticks to it. In experiment 1 the ball hits the rod at its center; in experiment 2
Total of above categories 65% 71% 84% the ball hits the rod near its end. Before the ball hits the rod, the center of
All three questions correct 4% 27% 32% the rod is at point A, which is fixed in space, that is, if the rod begins to
move, its center may leave point A.

1071 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 10, October 2011 H. G. Close and P. R. L. Heron 1071
Table III. Results from the linear momentum (p) portion of the ball and rod momentum as being conserved jointly, rather than sepa-
problem (Fig. 2). Not all categories of response are included. rately. Many students explicitly expressed the idea that one
form of momentum can be converted to another, as in the
Before Initial Revised
following examples:
tutorial tutorial tutorial

1 section 1 section 5 sections

“In experiment 2, the ball strikes away from
N ¼ 136 N ¼ 156 N ¼ 750
center. Since L 5 r 3 p, and r is nonzero, some
All four vectors equal (correct) 35% 40% 67%
linear momentum is converted to angular
All responses in which p 36% 47% 24%
decreases in experiment 2 “Because there are no external forces, momentum
is conserved, but some goes into angular
both experiments and to explain their reasoning briefly. They When thinking about momentum, students tend to use
could use the right-hand rule to find that the initial angular some procedures and language that would be more appropri-
momentum of the ball-rod system in relation to point A is ate to use when thinking about energy. Some students made
zero in experiment 1 and out of the page in experiment 2. this connection explicitly. However, the kind of thinking rep-
The net torque on each system is zero, so the initial and final resented by the example responses is better described as a
angular momentum vectors are the same. Students were common idea about “motion” or “activity” in general, rather
reminded to use the symbols  and  to represent “into the than about linear momentum or angular momentum, per se.
page” and “out of the page,” respectively. We also accepted Students’ explanations for the final center-of-mass speed
the descriptions “clockwise” and “counter-clockwise,” question support this interpretation. Many students wrote
whether written explicitly or drawn as a curved arrow in the incorrect energy conservation equations, in which the initial
plane of the page. kinetic energy of the ball is equated with the final kinetic
As shown in Table IV, very few students drew a complete energy of the ball-rod system when in reality a significant
set of correct vectors. About 48% indicated that the angular fraction of the initial kinetic energy in each experiment is
momentum in experiment 2 is zero before the collision and transformed into thermal energy during the inelastic colli-
non-zero afterward. In the context of a view of linear mo- sions. We interpret the tendency of students to think in terms
mentum and angular momentum as jointly, rather than sepa- of energy conservation and the tendency to treat linear and
rately, conserved, this answer is consistent with the angular momentum as jointly conserved as different forms of
responses that attributed a greater linear momentum to the a more basic idea that physical processes happen in a way that
system in experiment 2 before the collision than afterward. keeps some perceptible, scalar quantity of motion or activity
fixed.1 If energy conservation appears to take a higher status
3. Final center-of-mass speeds in student thinking than other conservation laws, we hypothe-
size that the reason for this apparent preference is that there
Students were asked to compare the final center-of-mass are some primitive elements of intuitive thinking that resonate
speeds of the ball-rod system in the two experiments. They more with some of the features of energy conservation, and
could answer by noting that both systems have the same final that students sense that these elements are somehow validated
linear momentum and the same mass and therefore their cen- by formal instruction in energy conservation.
ter-of-mass speeds (being the magnitude of linear momen- We do not claim that energy is a more automatic concept
tum per unit mass) must be the same. About 55% of the for students. The literature on student understanding of the
students stated that the system that does not rotate has a energy concept contains accounts of ways in which common
greater final center-of-mass speed. These responses are con- student thinking about energy differs from the scientific con-
sistent with the idea that some linear momentum in experi- cept. For instance, students sometimes think that energy is
ment 2 is converted to angular momentum. categorically not transformed, and that each form of energy
is not manifested by or indicated by characteristic observ-
C. Commentary ables, but rather exhausted by bringing about those observ-
ables, as though the observables relate more directly to the
The responses to the ball and rod post-test reveal a
rate of energy reduction than to the energy itself that is pres-
widespread tendency to treat linear momentum and angular
ent.17 If we extend this model of student thinking to the ball
and rod problem, we can account for the tendency of the stu-
Table IV. Results from the angular momentum portion of the ball and rod dents to answer in terms of energy. In this interpretation stu-
problem (Fig. 2). Not all response categories are included. dents tend to assume that kinetic energy, being the only
obviously relevant form of energy present in the ball and rod
Before Initial Revised problem before the collisions, is maintained as the only form
tutorial tutorial tutorial of energy, and they would therefore tend to avoid inferring
1 section 1 section 5 sections
that energy is transformed from kinetic energy to thermal
N ¼ 136 N ¼ 156 N ¼ 750
energy during the brief impact between the ball and the rod.
linitial and lfinal are both zero in 16% 16% 49%
Thus, kinetic energy is assumed to be present initially, main-
experiment 1 and both out of the tained in its original form, and perhaps gradually ex-
page in experiment 2 (correct) hausted.18 This model of student thinking about energy is
All responses in which lfinal 48% 53% 34% not contradicted by our observations of the ball and rod con-
> linitial in experiment 2 text and would present a problem for instruction, regardless
of any issues about angular momentum.

1072 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 10, October 2011 H. G. Close and P. R. L. Heron 1072
DiSessa19 has reported that students often assume that but went on to say that the final center-of-mass speed of the
“motion” (roughly and intuitively defined) perpetuates in the ball-rod system is different in experiments 1 and 2. When he
short term and gradually dies away in the longer term. Sudden noticed the inconsistency, he changed his correct momentum
reductions of motion in a system, from a naı̈ve point of view, vectors to be consistent with his incorrect answer about the
require external interventions, while gradual reductions of center-of-mass speeds. The interviewer (I) asked about this
motion do not. This view provides a primitive notion of con- decision:
servation of motion that can explain student responses in the
ball and rod context. During the collision between the ball and I: You had an inconsistency there. They didn’t match to-
the rod, there is a sudden reduction of the kinetic energy of gether, the way you saw it, and then you chose to fix one,
the system (a reduction which depends on the impact parame- but not the other one. How did you make that choice?
ter). Following the intuitive conservation idea, students would S1: I like to think in terms of energies. And because I looked
have no reason to suspect that any overall quantity of motion at the energies, the energy going in, and the momentum
would be suddenly reduced while the ball and rod interact going in, I guess, and since I just keep going back and
only with each other.20 This naı̈ve view leads to an incorrect saying it has less linear velocity, which is what we said
answer to the final center-of-mass speed question due to the [about the final center-of-mass speed], since momentum
fact that energy, unlike linear and angular momentum, is a is determined by mv since v is smaller after the colli-
quantity of motion but not a quantity of motion only; that is, sion, it would have to be, yeah, it would be a smaller
there are other forms of energy. Thus, rather than suggest that momentum than the system before the collision, which
students prefer energy conservation (as understood by experts) is just a ball moving.
over other laws, we suggest that correct understanding of each I: And that’s based on the energy argument, and the reason
of the three conservation laws in mechanics stems from a that that wins, is because you prefer to think about
more primitive notion of conservation, whose generic charac- energy?
ter can be masked by the labels “energy” and “momentum.” S1: Yeah, I do. Momentum seems abstract to me. I mean, it
The idea of joint conservation of linear and angular mo- works. I’ve seen it. Momentum is conserved, but energy
mentum can account for the strong context-dependence of is a tangible… It does work, and momentum is just this
the tendency to treat the angular momentum of a particle quantity that we can create and you can find with math
moving in a straight line as identically zero. On the ball and and it’s conserved. Energy makes sense, something so
rod problem given after the tutorial, about half of the stu- high has this much energy. You can see it transferred. I
dents indicated that the initial angular momentum is zero in just think better that way.
experiment 2. On the free small ball problem given at the I: You feel like you know more what it is? Is that… I don’t
same stage, only 5% gave the corresponding answer. want to put words in your mouth…
To understand this discrepancy we examine the ways in S1: No, I know…yeah, I think it’s, yeah, I do, I guess I do
which the two problems differ. One difference is the presence understand a little bit better what, yeah, what it is. It’s
of collisions. When we varied the free small ball context to something that can very easily do work, or takes work to
include collisions between the moving ball and a wide target do other, to put energy into potential energy, and mo-
object centered on points A and B and compared the results, we mentum is just kind of this “you take mass, you multiply
saw a small effect at most. Therefore the presence of collisions it by velocity, and it has a momentum.” It’s a definition.
alone is not adequate to explain the difference in performance I: So it’s kind of mathematical?
between the free small ball and ball and rod problems. We con- S1: Yeah, but that’s not really my problem with it, it’s not
clude that the critical difference is the presence of questions hard math.
about both linear and angular momentum. The collision pro- I: Oh right, not that the operation is hard, but…
vides a plausible prima facie mechanism for “transforming” S1: But just that it’s not – it’s almost like – to me it seems
linear momentum partly (or totally) into angular momentum, like an easy way of defining energy conservation: mo-
thus eliminating the need to attribute angular momentum to a mentum conservation. You just multiply this by this,
particle undergoing uniform linear motion. Attributing angular and look afterward, it’s going to be conserved. And
momentum to such a particle might cause a conflict for students that’s kind of the, oh what’s the word I’m looking for,
who are considered treating the two types of momentum as it’s kind of because of energy conservation. So I like to
jointly conserved. Answering the free small ball problem by the just go right to the energy conservation, so I can see
straightforward application of the relation l ¼ r  p does not what’s happening.
appear to provoke a conflict with any other ideas.
In this excerpt, S1 used ideas about energy to overrule a
VI. INDIVIDUAL INTERVIEWS correct result he had found using momentum conservation.
He seemed to expect that the energy and momentum
To understand student thinking in greater depth we conducted approaches should yield the same results, but was more con-
interviews with five students who had recently completed intro- fident about the former approach, even implying that it is the
ductory mechanics. We asked them to answer the same questions underlying reason for momentum conservation.
in written form and to talk about their thinking as they did so. In At the suggestion of the interviewer, the student applied
the following we present some excerpts that influenced the direc- momentum conservation (correctly) and then energy conser-
tion of subsequent research and curriculum development. vation (incorrectly) to find the final speed of the ball-rod sys-
tem in experiment 1. He did not realize that the mechanical
A. Student 1 energy of the system is not constant in this case. When he
saw that the two approaches did not give the same result, he
Student 1 (S1) was given the ball and rod problem and was puzzled. He searched in vain for a calculation error for
began by drawing a correct set of linear momentum vectors, some time.

1073 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 10, October 2011 H. G. Close and P. R. L. Heron 1073
Later in the interview, the student was given the free small I: OK. What about energy? Isn’t there still the energy
ball problem. He correctly determined the direction of the angu- factor?
lar momentum of the ball in relation to two different points: S2: Yeah, I wouldn’t… I really don’t know how to figure
S1: This one points into the page, this one points out of the that out because [long pause]. I mean, like I said, it
page. And I define that by the right-hand rule. seems like more is going on, therefore more energy is
I: OK. How did you do that? being used, or something, rather than just translational
S1: I pictured them as, this is stupid, but I pictured them as motion. And so it couldn’t equal… like, I wouldn’t
disks in my mind. As the ball hits them, that’s the direc- believe your pictures. They were doctored.
tion they would spin had that been perfect, like I flicked I: OK. Good to know.
it almost. Thus, with little guidance, S2 concluded that linear mo-
I: OK. Why did you say that was stupid? mentum and angular momentum are “separate things.” How-
S1: It’s not mathematical. It’s just in my own brain. ever, when the interviewer tested his confidence by referring
In this excerpt, S1 imagined stationary disks centered on back to energy, the student abandoned (or at least cast signif-
the reference points in question and pictured collisions icant doubt on) his conclusion that linear and angular mo-
between the ball and the disks. Rather than using a formula mentum are separately conserved.
he had been taught, he used these thought experiments to
find the direction of the ball’s angular momentum. C. Additional ideas
The complete set of interviews revealed that students
B. Student 2 barely remembered the notion of particle angular momen-
tum. With the possible exception of S1, the students
In a later interview based on the same problem, student 2 expressed little understanding of the reason that physicists
(S2) concluded that the speed of the center of mass of the might attribute angular momentum to an object that moves
ball-rod system must be less in experiment 2 than in experi- in a straight line without spinning. The incorrect answers of
ment 1. The interviewer then asked S2 to imagine a hypo- the interviewed students were similar to those we had
thetical set of photos that would show that the two systems observed on earlier written questions. However, three addi-
would move at the same speed. tional ideas emerged from the interviews that influenced the
S2: That would be hard for me to figure out in my head subsequent redesign of the tutorial. Student 1 offered a
because it seems like you’re not having a conservation potentially useful and non-mathematical strategy for deter-
type of situation. Seems like this one has more energy mining the direction of angular momentum by imagining
going into it than this one. “target” disks centered at the reference points. Despite the
I: How’s that? fact that S1 described it as “stupid,” we believe this strategy
S2: Because that’s moving in more dimensions, therefore could be helpful for students.
more is going on. The interviews reinforced our conclusion that many stu-
I: More is going on, OK. You mentioned energy. Does it dents viewed the concept of a particle angular momentum as
violate momentum conservation? unnecessary because linear and angular momentum could be
S2: Yes, I think it would because what I’ve been saying jointly conserved. That is, angular momentum need not be
before is that I think angular momentum plus the transla- present before an interaction if it is present afterward, as
tional momentum would have to equal some sort of long as “momentum” can be converted from linear to angular
constant. form. For many this notion was tightly linked to ideas about
I: What’s that based on? energy. The students’ assumption that some sort of quantity
S2: What’s that based on? Empirical knowledge. I don’t of motion is conserved is potentially useful if it can be lever-
know. Just what I’ve seen in the real world. aged for learning about multiple conservation laws operating
in parallel.
We did not have such a set of the photographs at the time. The third intriguing idea relates to the reaction of the stu-
Therefore the interviewer attempted to simulate the experience dent with whom the fictional photos were discussed. The
of looking at real photographs by asking the student to imagine interview suggested that photos of collisions might draw a
the following scenario occurring during a tutorial session: strong reaction and thus provide a good context in which to
I: And then the tutorial goes, “ask a tutorial instructor to discuss the relation between linear and angular momentum
provide you with the photographs so that you can conservation.
(etc.).” So, you know, you sit down, and you lean over a
sheet with some photographs on it, and the photographs VII. REVISED TUTORIAL
show them moving at the same forward rate. What
would you do? How would you make sense of that? The primary goals of the revised tutorial3 were to motivate
S2: If I saw that, I would say, Well, I have to change my students to understand the separate conservation of linear
opinion about the world. Thank you for bestowing this momentum and angular momentum; accept that angular mo-
wonderful knowledge, that’s why I’m here. mentum can be attributed to a particle-like object moving
I: OK. with constant velocity; and understand how to determine the
S2: And I learned something. direction and magnitude of such an angular momentum. We
I: And what would that be? expected that this sequence would make the notion of parti-
S2: That angular momentum and translational momentum cle angular momentum seem sensible to students, rather than
are separate things completely, and I have to treat them arbitrary, as many of them found the concept in the initial
as such. version of the tutorial. That is, in the initial version of the

1074 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 10, October 2011 H. G. Close and P. R. L. Heron 1074
tutorial, students were expected implicitly to assume the va- two frames of each sequence the puck has not yet hit the rod.
lidity or appropriateness of the definition by practicing its Students can readily confirm from the photographs that the
application to motion with constant velocity, rather than to puck has the same initial velocity in each experiment. Like-
explicitly consider the basis for the definition. wise, they can look at the final frames of each series and see
that the total distance traveled by the center of mass of the
first system is indistinguishable from that of the second and
A. Collisions conclude that the two systems have the same final center-of-
At the beginning of the revised tutorial students consider a mass speed. The intermediate frames show that the second
situation that we believed would strongly elicit the idea of puck-rod system has a significant angular speed around its
joint conservation: the ball and rod problem. Students are own center of mass. This section concludes by asking the
first asked to locate the center of mass of the puck-rod sys- students whether linear momentum can be converted into
tem in each experiment at some instant before the collision. angular momentum. Students seem to agree that the photo-
Next, they are asked to predict how the final speed of the graphs show clearly that it is not.
center of mass of the puck-rod system in experiment 1 com-
pares to that in experiment 2. After students have made a
B. Angular momentum of an object moving with
prediction, they consider a fictional dialog.
constant velocity
Student 1: The center of mass will move faster in experi-
ment 1, because the momentum is purely linear. In the next section we introduce the idea that the angular
In experiment 2, some of the linear momentum is momentum which is apparent after the collision is also pres-
converted into angular momentum when the puck ent before the collision. To help students view this idea as
and rod start spinning. sensible, we try to elicit ideas which we expect that they find
Student 2: Both systems will move at the same speed fairly intuitive: the general conservation concept that the
because the linear momentum is the same in each “amount of something” at the beginning of a process is the
experiment. Linear momentum can’t be turned same as the amount afterward, and varying impact parame-
into angular momentum—each kind of momen- ters results in varying degrees of subsequent rotational
tum is conserved separately. motion.
We then ask students to think about the angular momen-
Some students anticipate the conceptual development of tum of a particle in relation to different points by imagining
the tutorial by asking, “Then where does the angular momen- three collisions varying only in the impact parameter
tum come from?” after reading student 2’s statement. Instruc- between a small puck and a large disk. In each collision the
tors are expected to affirm the importance of that question puck moves with the same initial velocity and sticks to
and assure students that they will develop an answer. the disk. In the first collision the puck moves directly toward
The students are then given a handout showing a sequence the center of the disk with zero impact parameter. In the sec-
of photographs21 (see Fig. 3) taken from videos of the two ond collision the puck moves toward a point on the periphery
collisions, which were performed successively. In the first of the disk so that the impact parameter is almost maximized.

Fig. 3. A series of photographs that was shown to students as they worked on the tutorial (Ref. 3), which provided students an opportunity to infer that linear
and angular momentum are conserved separately, rather than jointly.

1075 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 10, October 2011 H. G. Close and P. R. L. Heron 1075
In the third collision the puck moves toward the disk with an about 24% of the students indicated that the linear momen-
intermediate value of the impact parameter, and on the oppo- tum of the system in experiment 2 decreases.
site side from that in the side collision. Thus, after the first Student performance on the question about angular mo-
collision, the combined puck-disk system does not rotate; in mentum vectors was also better after the revised version of
the second, it rotates with the greatest angular speed; in the the tutorial, 49% compared to 16% (see Table IV). The frac-
third, it rotates with a lesser angular speed and in the oppo- tion who indicated that the initial angular momentum of the
site direction from that in the second collision. system in experiment 2 is zero decreased from 53% to 34%.
Students are encouraged to recognize the cognitive tension Thus, even though particle angular momentum had been
between the ideas that the rotational outcomes of the colli- clearly presented in the initial version of the tutorial, more
sions are different while the initial motion of the puck is sim- students treated the concept correctly after the revised ver-
ilar in each collision. We do not challenge students to invent sion, in which the purpose of the concept played a more
the definition l ¼ r  p to resolve the tension; instead, we aim prominent role.
to help the students appreciate that the definition is a solution Students who had worked through the revised tutorial
to a problem, namely, how to account for different final rota- were also more likely to recognize that the final center-of-
tional motions despite apparently identical initial motions of mass speed is the same for both experiments (70% compared
the puck, rather than as an arbitrary or meaningless equation. to 40%).
The tutorial explains that they can account for the rotational It is expected that student performance will improve on a
motion of the system in a way that is consistent with angular question when instruction is modified to match the exam
momentum conservation if they make the following assump- question more closely, as in this case. It is not necessarily
tions: The puck has angular momentum before the collision, expected that the question will become trivial, as Tables III
and the manner in which the system spins after the collision and IV demonstrate, especially when students are learning
can be used as an indicator of both the magnitude and direc- the abstract theory that is introduced to explain a counter-in-
tion of the angular momentum of the puck before the tuitive result. In fact, though the ball and rod problem is sim-
collision. ilar to a situation discussed in the tutorial, about 25% of the
The tutorial then guides students in the standard language students still stated that the system moves with a greater cen-
of angular momentum by stating that the phrase “the angular ter-of-mass speed in experiment 1 than in experiment 2.
momentum of the puck in relation to point A is different
from the angular momentum of the puck in relation to point B. The free small ball problem
B” is a way of saying that the puck-disk system would rotate
differently if the disk were placed initially at A or B. Stu- As shown in Table II, the results on the three parts of the
dents use these assumptions to compare the direction and free small ball problem are similar for both versions of the
magnitude of the angular momentum of the puck in relation tutorial. Although the revised version gradually shifts from
to different points. Most students do not have trouble with the analysis of actual collisions to the abstract definition of
this exercise. particle angular momentum, it is slightly longer than the ini-
After students become comfortable with the basic idea, tial version and many students do not finish the final sections
the tutorial introduces a definition for the magnitude of angu- during the 50-min period. Although they are urged to com-
lar momentum, l ¼ r\p, where p is the magnitude of the plete each tutorial in their own time before attempting the
object’s linear momentum, and r\ is the shortest distance accompanying homework, many do not. We believe that stu-
from the reference point to the object’s straight-line path. dents who participated in the revised tutorial spent, on aver-
Students draw r\ for each point on the diagrams they have age, less time on the application of the definition of angular
considered. Finally, students are asked to consider whether momentum than students who participated in the initial tuto-
an object’s angular momentum changes or remains constant rial, in which this application was placed closer to the begin-
as the object approaches a reference point. Instructors en- ning. Their performance does not appear to have been
courage students to answer in two ways—using the definition affected. The fact that students were able to improve their
of angular momentum and by reflecting on the motivation performance on questions involving collisions while main-
for “inventing” the definition: the need for angular momen- taining their performance on questions without collisions
tum conservation. suggests that students are learning more about angular mo-
mentum with the revised tutorial than with the initial
To assess its effectiveness, we gave students who had
worked through the revised tutorial either the ball and rod We have described common errors that students make in
problem or the free small ball problem. In the following we answering questions about the angular momentum of a
compare the results to those from students who had worked point-like object moving with constant velocity. The tend-
through the initial version of the tutorial, or who had not yet ency to assume that this quantity is identically zero was
had tutorial instruction on this topic.22 widespread. We note that if students have not considered
evidence or arguments that angular momentum should be
A. The ball and rod problem attributed to an object moving with constant velocity, then it
is appropriate for them to refrain from adding angular mo-
As shown in Table III, students who had worked through mentum to the descriptions of motion of the object. Thus,
the revised tutorial demonstrated greater ability to draw cor- although treating particle angular momentum as identically
rect linear momentum vectors than students who had partici- zero is incorrect, we viewed it as a valuable pattern of think-
pated in the initial version (67% compared to 40%). Only ing. We found a link between this idea and the assumption

1076 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 10, October 2011 H. G. Close and P. R. L. Heron 1076
that linear momentum and angular momentum are jointly, T. M. Scaife and A. F. Heckler, “Student understanding of the direction of
rather than separately, conserved. The revised tutorial leads the magnetic force on a charged particle,” Am. J. Phys. 78(8), 869–876
students to think about the evidence that linear momentum 9
L. G. Ortiz, P. R. L. Heron, and P. S. Shaffer, “Student understanding of
and angular momentum are separately conserved, as well as static equilibrium: Predicting and accounting for balancing,” Am. J. Phys.
some consequences of this conclusion. The effectiveness of 73(6), 545–553 (2005).
this tutorial compared to an initial version suggests that stu- 10
Students are given 15 min to complete the pretest, which they can begin at
dents may be more likely to treat the concept of particle any time during a period of at least 48 h. They are given credit for complet-
angular momentum correctly if they have some understand- ing the pretest whether or not their answers are correct. They are free to con-
ing of its role. sult each other, their textbook, or the internet while they take the pretest. A
student response to each question consists of a choice from a pull-down
However, even after targeted instruction, many students menu and a brief free-form explanation. The choices for the pull-down
do not understand angular momentum conservation in the menus are intended to exhaust all reasonable possibilities that we have
context of an object moving with constant velocity. The evi- observed in student responses. Statistics from the pull-down menu choices
dence that student ideas about angular momentum conserva- are computed, whereas statistics on the explanations themselves are not; the
tion are linked to their ideas about other conserved quantities explanations are used to guide our interpretation of students’ selections of
such as linear momentum and energy suggests that instruc- various menu choices. For written exam questions, questions were posed to
the students in the same manner: a fairly closed question with limited choices
tion may be more effective if each conservation principle is followed by an open-ended explanation. Constructing exam questions in this
taught with awareness of the issues students face when learn- form leads to very few student responses with ambiguous choices.
ing the other principles as well. In particular, we believe that 11
See, for example, R. D. Knight, Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A
special attention should be paid to the tendency of students Strategic Approach with Modern Physics (Pearson/Addison-Wesley, San
to treat energy as a more intuitive concept. Our experience Francisco, 2004), pp. 396–401.
supports a unified approach to teaching conservation princi- The percentage of students answering correctly in each class was within
5%–10% of the average taken over all sections. No systematic variation
ples, with attention paid to the reasons that three distinct
that could be attributed to the prior instruction was observed.
quantities are necessary. 13
As we use the calculated statistics to iteratively improve instruction, we
have tended to take seriously only differences of 15% or more. Although
the data are presented here to 1%, we do not claim that the instruction has
improved overall in any case where the increase in the student success rate
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS on relevant questions is less than 15%, which for our measurements,
The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions to exceeds the usual standards for statistical significance.
This 40% figure is similar in magnitude to the result quoted in Ref. 8 that
this work made by many other members of the Physics Edu- 35% of students answered the “clay ball” problem correctly under similar
cation group, past and present. Special thanks are due to Pris- instructional circumstances. Both problems may be solved by using the
cilla Laws and Bob Teese for providing the video of the same property of the vector cross product; namely, if the vectors in the
collisions used in the tutorial. The authors would also like to cross product are unchanged except for the component of one (for exam-
thank all of the instructors in whose courses questions were ple, r) that is parallel to the other vector (p or F), the cross product itself
administered and tutorials tested. The research and curricu- (L or s) remains unchanged. We have not yet studied how the same stu-
dents would respond to both questions.
lum development described were supported by the National 15
The initial version of the tutorial is unpublished.
Science Foundation through Grants Nos. DUE 9727648 and 16
In this and other cases we have not found systematic variation in results
DUE 0088840. that could be explained by whether or not a grade was awarded for the cor-
rect answer. See also C. Henderson, “Common concerns about the force
a) concept inventory,” Phys. Teach. 40(9), 542–547 (2002).
Electronic mail:; Present address: Department of
Physics, Texas State University – San Marcos, San Marcos, TX 78666. S. Kesidou and R. Duit, “Students’ conceptions of the second law of ther-
b) modynamics—An interpretive study,” J. Res. Sci. Teach. 30(1), 85–106
Electronic mail address:
1 (1993).
H. G. Close and P. R. L. Heron, “Research as a guide to improving instruc-
tion: An example from momentum conservation,” Am. J. Phys. 78(9), We have observed that, when told that the thermal energy increases as a
961–969 (2010), and B. A. Lindsey, P. S. Shaffer, and P. R. L. Heron, result of the collisions and asked which experiment would yield a greater
“Student ability to apply the concepts of work and energy to extended sys- increase in thermal energy, most students choose experiment 2, even
tems,” ibid. 77(11), 999–1009 (2009). though it is more in experiment 1. Further probing of their thinking reveals
2 that they emphasize the process of moving after the collision (though they
H. G. Close, “Improving instruction in mechanics through identification
and elicitation of pivotal cases in student reasoning,” Ph.D. thesis disserta- were told that the environment is frictionless), rather than the collision
tion, Department of Physics, University of Washington, 2005. itself, as the main mechanism for the transformation of energy from ki-
3 netic to thermal.
L. C. McDermott, P. S. Shaffer, and the Physics Education Group at the
University of Washington, Tutorials in Introductory Physics (Prentice A. A. diSessa, “Toward an epistemology of physics,” Cogn. Instruct.
Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2002). The most recent version of the tuto- 10(2/3), 105–225 (1993).
rial materials described in this article can be found in L. C. McDermott, P. In the center-of-mass reference frame the kinetic energy in experiment 1
S. Shaffer, and The Physics Education Group at the University of Wash- (see Fig. 2) is reduced to zero during the collision. It is conceivable that stu-
ington, Tutorials in Introductory Physics, updated preliminary 2nd ed. dents recognize this result and use it to infer that the kinetic energy in the
(Pearson Learning Solutions, New York, 2010). original reference frame must be significantly and suddenly reduced,
4 because the change in kinetic energy as a result of the collision is frame-
See J. N. Palmieri and K. Strauch, “An experiment on angular momentum
for the introductory laboratory,” Am. J. Phys. 31, 91–95 (1963), and J. C. invariant. We expect very few students to change to alternative reference
Williamson, R. O. Torres-Isea, and C. A. Kletzing, “Analyzing linear and frames, because most students treat one reference frame as showing the
angular momentum conservation in digital videos of puck collisions,” ibid. “real motion,” which has real causes, while others show only appearances
68(9), 841–847 (2000). of motion. See, for example, E. Saltiel and J. L. Malgrange, “‘Spontaneous’
5 ways of reasoning in elementary kinematics,” Eur. J. Phys. 1, 73–80 (1980).
See Williamson et al. in Ref. 3.
6 21
There is ultimately only one form, not two, of angular momentum in clas- Experiments 1 and 2 were performed with the same puck and rod, of
sical mechanics; “spinning angular momentum” and “straight-line motion approximately equal mass, on a low-friction air table. Each series of
angular momentum” are both derived from the general definition of the images was derived from a video by showing every third frame. Between
angular momentum of a particle. frames 1 and 2, the puck can be seen to have moved through the same dis-
7 placement in the same time before the collision, thus confirming that the
C. Singh, “When physical intuition fails,” Am. J. Phys. 70(11), 1103–1109
(2002). puck did have the same initial velocity before the collisions. In frame 10,

1077 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 10, October 2011 H. G. Close and P. R. L. Heron 1077
the center of mass of the puck-rod combination (approximately halfway in of the tutorial and homework exercises, which represented what we
between the individual centers of mass of the puck and rod) can be seen to thought was the most beneficial instruction at the time. Under this con-
have traveled the same displacement across the air table in the same time straint, two groups of students would receive different instructions only if
in experiments 1 and 2. Therefore, though the puck-rod combination in they took the course during different academic quarters. Thus, students
experiment 2 rotated more than 90 during the same time interval, the cen- who worked through the “revised tutorial” took the course in a later aca-
ter-of-mass velocity was the same for each puck-disk combination after demic quarter than students who worked through the “initial tutorial.” We
the collision. did not subject pretest and post-test questions to the same constraint, so
Throughout the course of this study, we provided all students (enrolled in student responses to a given question could, in principle, come from any
any of up to 20–25 tutorial sections run concurrently) with a single version academic quarter.

1078 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 10, October 2011 H. G. Close and P. R. L. Heron 1078

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