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By Senthooran Mahendran (Student ID: 300061042)


Permafrost exist at least 25percent of the northern

hemisphere, it can be found in many parts of Russia,
Canada, Alaska, China, Greenland, and some parts
of Europe. Rock slope failures are accelerated due to
climate warming, this is because of thawing of
permafrost will leads to reducing the strength of ice-
filled joints. This research intended to study the
effect of temperature increase on rock stability,
Study the stress distribution due to thawing and
freezing effect, and addressing ways to mitigate the
slope failures due to temperature changes in
permafrost regions.

Permafrost in Rocks Samuel, W., 2017.

 Regula, F., Ketil, I., Matthew, J.L., and Jeannette, N., 2018. Ground thermal and
geomechanical conditions in a permafrost-affected high-latitude rock avalanche site
(Polvartinden, northern Norway, European Geosciences Union, Vol. 12, 1531-1550
 Maren, L.A., 2018. Regional structural analysis of rock slope failure types, mechanisms
and controlling bedrock structures in Kåfjorden- Troms, Master's Thesis, University of
Norway, Norway.
 Philipp, M., Samuel, W., Tanja, S., and Michael, K., 2018. A temperature- and stress-
controlled failure criterion for ice-filled permafrost rock joints, European Geosciences
Union, Vol. 12, 3333-3353
 Marion, B., Ahmad, P., 2017. Stress generated by the freeze–thaw process in open cracks
of rock walls: empirical model for tight limestone, Bull Eng geo Environ, Vol. 76, 1491-
 Florence, M., Jean-Yves, J., Ludovic, R., Julien, P., Benjamin, P., and Philip, D., 2017.
Modelling rock wall permafrost degradation in the Mont Blanc massif from the LIA to
the end of the 21st century, European Geosciences Union, Vol. 11, 1813-1834
 Samuel, W., Jan, B., Jérome, F., Andreas, H., Michael, K., and Andreas, V., 2017.
Quantifying irreversible movement in steep, fractured bedrock permafrost on Matterhorn
(CH), European Geosciences Union, Vol. 11, 567-583.

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