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Big Idea:
Natural resource issues are everywhere and it is important to understand both sides. If you
understand both sides you can form your own opinion that is backed up by facts.
Grade Level: ​Grade 10
Subject:​ Geography
Lesson Objective:
To get students to look at a natural resource issue from both sides. To help their analyzing and
critical thinking skills.
Students will be able to:
➢ KP -041 Identify ways in which competing interests and needs influence control and use
of the land and natural resources in Canada.
Learning Outcomes:
Skills for Active Democratic Citizenship
➢ VI-003 Be willing to consider diverse views regarding the use of natural resources.
Communication skills
- Able to do research, record information and present the findings.
Materials & resources:
- Computer/tablet/phone with internet
- Worksheets
Estimated timeline:​ 60 minutes
Step-by-step Procedure:
Introductory Activities: 15 minutes
- Ask students if they have ever been in an argument before and if they ever considered the
other person ideas when they were having the argument.
- Ask why it is imporant to listen to the other person
- To better understand how they see it and how they feel
- Talk about how when it comes to natural resources there are many arguments
- Define the terms perspective, stakeholder and argument on chart paper for later reference
- These words would be used later on in the following lessons
- Tell students we will be looking at natural resource issues where we will have to see both
sides of the issue and form our own opinion.
- Explain what Venn diagrams are
- We will look over an article together and do the Venn diagram and arguments together.
(Guided inquiry worksheet)
- Use the terms perspective, stakeholder and argument.
- Students will write down their own opinion and we will discuss them as a class
Developmental Activities: 15 minutes
- Students read and do the Venn diagrams - they can do a couple (Venn Diagram stories 1,
2 or 3)

- They may work together

- They may look up any words they are unsure of or can ask the teacher
- Who are the stakeholders, what is their perspective, what is your opinion?
- Share with a partner
- Discuss as a class on each of the issues
Consolidating activities: 30 minutes
- Students will do their own research with a device that has internet
- Can give students topic ideas
-​ (current news articles)
- Or just help them find their interests and guide them in the right direction
- Students will be given the Venn diagram framework to help them (Guided inquiry
- Students may translate any articles they may read into their own language
- Write two arguments for each side in full sentences
- Write which side you agree with and why - your opinion also in full sentences
- This will be handed in to be assessed.
Speical Considerations
- Students with lower reading level can be paired with someone who has a higher reading
- Students who have a lower writing level can write in point form
Extension activities:
- Students can do more than one article
- They can do more than 2 arguments for each
Final copy of their issue worksheet along with their written in full sentences arguments and own
- Rubric
➢ Venn Diagram Stories 1,2,3
➢ Venn Diagram - Guided Inquiry
➢ Inquiry Rubric

Stakeholder 1A: You are a sawmill operator. Your job depends on trees from the surrounding
forests. Some people you worked with lost their jobs in the past few years. You are worried
about losing your job. A forestry company has announced plans to cut trees from a local forest.
You are worried because this company is known for clear-cutting. This means that ​all​ the trees
are removed from an area of land. You are not okay with that.

Stakeholder 1B: You are the town mayor. You are responsible for growing the local economy.
Many people have lost their jobs in the forestry sector, which is the main industry in the region.
You are currently in talks with a forestry company to harvest a large section of local forest. This
promises to create new jobs for the next year.

______________________ _____________________
Stakeholder A Stakeholder B

Stakeholder 2A: You belong to a local First Nation. Your ancestors have lived on this land for
thousands of years. Your group wants the sustainable development of local resources and
protection of the natural environment. A mining company wants to operate a mine on your land.
You are in favour of this project if the mining company creates jobs for local people and gives
job training for youth. The mining company must also protect the local salmon run.

Stakeholder 2B: You are in charge of a large mining company. You have talked with the local
First Nation about starting a mining operation. You want to know what their needs and concerns
are. The mine will create 350 new jobs. It will bring millions of dollars into the local economy.

______________________ _____________________
Stakeholder A Stakeholder B

Stakeholder 3A: You are a single parent with three small children. You haven't had a job since
losing your job at the local fish cannery. Many jobs in your area are with natural resources, so
you’ve applied for work in the forestry, mining, and oil and gas industries. You spend much of
your free time outdoors and you would like to find a job that would allow you to make use of
your hunting and fishing skills.

Stakeholder 3B: You operate a small business that brings in people to see nature. The future of
your business depends on preserving the natural environment. Your clients come from all over
the world to whale-watch, kayak near old-growth forests, hunt moose, and fish for wild salmon.
Business has been so successful over the last year that you need to hire a new tour guide.

______________________ _____________________
Stakeholder A Stakeholder B

Guided Inquiry
Please write a description for each of your stakeholders
Stakeholder A:

Stakeholder B:

Venn Diagram Create a Venn diagram to show how your chosen stakeholders have different and
similar perspectives on the use of natural resources.

______________________ _____________________
Stakeholder A Stakeholder B

Natural Resource Venn Diagram Inquiry Rubric



Two arguments are stated /2

Arguments are relevant /8

Opinion is clear /2

Opinion is relevant to the information /4

Grammar and sentence structure /4

Total /20


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