Final Generations 1

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The differences of the generations

The Post-war was a time so hard; people didn’t have so much money because was the time of the
second world war. The Baby-boom are the first generations that have vacations, and the rich people
could have cars; the second world war finished and world was reborning; they rebuild the buildings
and the houses and have the peace. The X generation had the first technology in computers and had
the global economy because they were hard workers. And according to a projection by the
consulting firm Deloitte, in 2025, it will represent 75% of the world's workforce.
The Millennials are, therefore, the future generation of users and users, a substantial future with
new characteristics, the needs and the demands that should be known about the repercussions and
transformations that will be required of companies. They worry about economic stability. They
know the value of money from a very early age. Prefer to buy in virtual stores.

Generations are pretty different. During the post war generation technology was only television and
telephone, they had to write letters to communicate, then when the computers appeared, people
were able to write emails and now days people has the opportunity to talk by video calls. There is
also a difference on the way people learn cause on the post war they learned by taking to their
grandparents, then on x baby boom generation people read a lot, x generation people started to use
computers but books still really important and now days people only uses internet to solve any
doubts. People also act different depending on the generation on baby boom people was reserved
and quiet and there was more respect towards parents, grandparents, older people etc and x,
millennials and Z generations have a more active social life and they try to be more independent.

Every single generation had a relationship with technology, the television was already invented
before the Post War but the first emotions of tv happened in that time. At Baby-boom generation the
people could communicate to other people by using the phone of the house, each person had a
number that identified him. The most important invention was created in the X-generation that was
the internet. The communication of the people got better because in that time the Smartphone were
created, since that moment every people had her own phone and number, this happened on
millennials generation. In my generation the social media appears, like Facebook Instagram, twitter,
snapchat, Pinterest, etc. Speaking of technology, another of the differences of previous generations,
such as the post-war and the baby boom, is that although they started using it with devices such as
television, the telephone as I said before, everything was connected, that is, by cable. While the new
generations enjoy much more technology and now we find that many technological items are
wireless through wireless networks, Bluetooth, which facilitates their use and in the future we hope
that there are nanobots and people can access more and more technology and everything is easier
and simpler to do, even working from home with holograms, surely the vehicles will also be
handled alone and automatically and will be able to fly, as long as cell phones can be used as
eyeglasses, bracelets.

The old generations had to do all the shops of the house by hand and order everything personally.
In the future, new generations will have robots that are responsible for doing everything, including
food, although there are already robots that generations like the Millennials. and the Z and Y
generations can already enjoy vacuum cleaners, ovens, electronic and digital stoves or request
services at home to create applications like today in Colombia. MR. Jeff, who picks up your clothes,
washing and iron at home and get home ready.

After the war, they listened to contemporary classical music, then the steps of the years in Baby-
Boom, the twist comes rock and roll and tropical music, in Generation X comes pop and rock; in the
millennials comes the social and electronic music in my generation arrives the reggueton and the
popular music; the generation Z is very similar to the generation And in the form of the tastes of the
music but now the music is heard on the platforms like Spotify, Deezer, etc.
On 2050, nanobots will plug our brains straight into the cloud, it will give us full immersion virtual
reality from within the nervous system. Just like we do know with our smartphones, we will be able
to do it with our brains, we’ll be able to expand our neocortex in the cloud. Car companies have
recently been telling us what the car of 2020 will be like: autonomous is one word used, electric is
another, and it will be connected to the internet too. It is, but it’s doubtful you’ll find all of this on
the forecourt in the next seven years . However, the directions being proposed are a very good
starting point to look even further.

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