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Kill La Kill RPG

This tabletop RPG runs on a d100 system. What this means is you roll a 100-sided die with the goal of
having a number lower than the target characteristic. Furthermore, you have degrees of success or
failure depending on how different the die result and target number are. These are a measure of how
well or how poorly you have performed a given action. Every ten below the target number is a degree of
success, and every ten above the target is a degree of failure. Furthermore, a roll of 1-5 always succeeds,
with a roll of 1 being a critical success, and a roll of 95-100 always fails, with a roll of 100 being a critical


The GM reserves the right to override any of the rules in this handbook and any die result on the table.
This is rule zero, the absolute power of the GM. You may appeal to your GM for changes in rules or
personal changes to how certain things work for your character (for example, you may ask if you can
change the second characteristic bonus of your uniform type applies to something else). ALL BOW
Character Creation

Roll 4d10 (drop lowest) 8 times and choose the best 7 results. Add 15 to each of these.

Strength- A measure of physical power. This statistic determines the ability of a character to handle
physical tasks, such as lifting, climbing, jumping, and how much the character may carry. It also
determines the character’s power in melee.

Agility- A measure of the character’s speed and dexterity.

Fortitude- A measure of toughness. This statistic determines the ability of a character to take damage,
along with performing arduous tasks, such as running, extended periods of climbing, and sleeplessness.
Also determines blood loss per round for unawakened Kamui.

Intelligence- How book-smart a character is

Willpower- A measure of the character’s strength of will.

Charisma- A measure of the character’s inter-personal skills and ability to work with others.

Insight- A measure of a character’s observational and insightful skills. This determines how well a
character perceives the world around them.

Other characteristics
Sanity: This score starts at 90 + your willpower bonus. This is a measure of your character’s grip on

Blood points: This is calculated as your primary uniform type’s bonus + your fortitude bonus. If these
points are depleted, reduce your blood points permanently. Only treatment or extended rest can return
your blood to normal.

Resolve Points: These are calculated as your blood points + 3x your willpower bonus. These rejuvenate
at the end of each combat session. This represents the heroic resolve of your characters, and the
increased durability of Honnouji Academy students.

Initiative: This statistic is temporarily generated at the beginning of each combat encounter. It is created
by rolling a D10 and adding your Agility bonus and whatever modifiers you may have together.

You may select one primary and one secondary uniform type, or you may remain pure in your primary
type. You may choose one primary uniform ability to apply to your character. If you choose to remain
pure to your primary type, you may choose a second primary ability to apply to your character. A level
up (20 star points) grants another star level, from a minimum of no stars to a maximum of three stars.
You must head your own club under the primary type of your uniform to receive a two-star uniform. You
must appeal to the Student Council to receive a Three Star uniform at 60 star points. Three star
Uniforms must transform to gain bonuses, however, you retain your two star uniform bonus when
untransformed. Transformation takes a half round. Bonuses from uniforms do not stack. If you are lucky,
a Kamui may be made for you in the same style as your Goku uniform.

Bruiser Type
This type of uniform is for the bold, the all-out attacker. Most often, the athletic clubs are this type. You
may swap which is the larger bonus between Strength or Agility based on whether you are melee or
ranged based.

10 + Fortitude bonus blood points, 3 + Intelligence skill tags

No Star: No bonuses.

One Star
Primary: +5 to Strength, +3 to Agility

Secondary: +3 to Strength

Two Star
Primary: +10 to Strength, +5 to Agility.

Secondary: +5 to Strength, +3 to Agility

Three Star
Primary: +20 to Strength, +10 to Agility

Secondary: +10 to Strength, +5 to Agility.

Eyes of God: Reroll a number of attack rolls equal to your insight bonus per combat encounter.

Energy Rise: Once per encounter, you may double the amount of actions you take for a single round.

All I See Are Weapons: Improvised weapons lose the penalty and become melee or thrown weapons.

Tank Type
This type of uniform is created from the iron-clad rules of Honnouji Academy. Most often, the
Disciplinary Committee uniforms are this type.

15+Fortitude blood points, 3+Intelligence skill tags

No Star: no bonuses

One Star
Primary: +5 to fortitude, +3 to willpower
Secondary: +3 to fortitude

Two Star
Primary: +10 to fortitude, +5 to willpower

Secondary: +5 to fortitude, +3 to willpower

Three Star
Primary: +20 to fortitude, +10 to willpower

Secondary: +10 to fortitude, +5 to willpower

Disciplined Warrior: Once per encounter, shrug off a single attack on a successful fortitude roll.

Unquestioning Loyalty: Upon activating this power, the Character may not be stunned or knocked prone
for a number of turns equal to their willpower bonus.

Heroic Resolve: Once per session. At the beginning of combat, you may treat your Resolve Points as
double their normal amount for the remainder of the combat session.

Data Type
This type of uniform obsesses over collecting and interpreting data, using the knowledge gleaned to
their advantage. Most often, the Research and Development department has these uniforms.

10+fortitude blood points, 5+intelligence skill tags

No Star: No bonuses

One Star
Primary: +5 to intelligence, +3 to insight

Secondary: +3 to intelligence

Two Star
Primary: +10 to intelligence, +5 to insight

Secondary: +5 to intelligence, +3 to insight

Three Star
Primary: +20 to intelligence, +10 to insight

Secondary: +10 to intelligence, +5 to insight

Analytical Mind: Once per encounter. Make an Intelligence Check as a full-round action against a single
opponent. If successful, add your Intelligence bonus as degrees of success on any To Hit rolls against
that opponent.

Quick Study: You may choose an ability from one other uniform type. It must be an ability that you have
seen in person. This is up to your GM to allow.

Literal Data Acquisition: Transform accumulated data into your very own. Once per session, you may
make an intelligence check. If you succeed, you may add 2x your insight bonus to either your attack and
damage rolls or to your Resolve points. If you choose the former, you are converting the data
accumulated about your opponent into a replica of that opponent’s weapon.

Caster Type
This type of uniform prefers the fun in life, whether it is found in theatre, music, literature, art, or just
hanging out. This uniform is very adaptable. Most of the time, the non-athletic clubs use this type of

10+fortitude blood points, 4+intelligence skill tags

No star: no bonuses.

One Star
Primary: +5 to Charisma, +3 to either Agility or Insight

Secondary: +3 to Charisma

Two Star
Primary: +10 to Charisma, +5 to either agility or insight

Secondary: +5 to Charisma, +3 to either Agility or Insight

Three Star
Primary: +20 to Charisma, +10 to either agility or insight [NANI SORE INTENSIFIES]

Secondary: +10 to Charisma, +5 to either agility or insight

Glorious Blast: When you take this ability, choose an energy type. Once per round, you may make a
ranged weapons attack using charisma instead of agility. If successful, you deal 1d10+your charisma
bonus in damage. A star increase may add either another energy type or add a d4 of damage. Energy
types: Fire, Electricity, Ice, Sonic, or Light. For example, Nonon’s uniform utilizes Sonic and Light energy.

Take Flight, These Wings of Mine: Once per combat encounter, you may fly at your normal movement
speed for a number of rounds equal to your charisma bonus. A three star uniform may make a charisma
check to stay flying for another set of rounds equal to your charisma bonus. This check increases in
difficulty (-10) each time.

Rally: Make a Charisma check as a full round action. If successful, one character suffering negative status
effects from Fatigue or Fear are restored to normal status, and one ally within close proximity (squares
equal to your Charisma bonus) receives a +10 bonus to their rolls for a number of turns equal to your
Charisma bonus.


These are rare and powerful uniforms made 100% out of life fibers.
These are given on GM discretion.

When you have a kamui, it has an unawakened state and an awakened

state. You must spend a half round to transform your kamui, like a three
star uniform. Unlike a three star uniform, it costs a single blood point to
transform your kamui.

You must also roll 4d10 (dropping the lowest) and adding 10 and your
willpower bonus to generate a new characteristic: Sync Ratio. Your sync
ratio with your Kamui affects your effectiveness in battle, and will
change based on different circumstances. Give this result to your GM
and let the GM bullshit run its course.

Unawakened kamui add a +10 to all characteristics, and you may reroll a single roll per encounter.
However, you lose blood points equal to a d8-fortitude.

Awakened kamui add a +30 to three characteristics and a +10 to all others, and you may reroll a single
roll per encounter. These kamui may also change form based on the situation. If you have an awakened
kamui, your power runs on GM bullshit.

Leveling Up
Your GM awards Star Points at the end of each session. You may spend these points to upgrade your
character. For every 20 points spent, your level increases, and you receive a new ability (NOT uniform
ability) and a single skill tag.

Star Point Costs Character Upgrade

1 1 Chance Modifier Token
2 1 Major Chance Modifier Token
3 1 Additional Skill Tag, Increase Sanity by 2 Points
4 1 Ability. 1 extra re-roll per session.
5 1 Uniform Type Ability, 1 Minor Characteristic
Upgrade (increase characteristic by 5), 1 Blood
10 1 Major Characteristic Upgrade (increase
characteristic by 10). 1 Fate Point.
A Chance Modifier Token allows a player to add +5 to any roll. A Major Chance Modifier Token adds +10
to any roll.

Each player gets a number of Tags equal to their Intelligence bonus plus their class skill bonus. These
tags are used to tag skills. A skill with a single tag may be used without penalty (a character attempting a
Climb check with one tag rolls their Strength score, unmodified, as Climb’s governing attribute is
Strength). Each successive tag increases the skill by 5 points (so a Climb Score with 2 tags would increase
the user’s Strength check to climb by 10). You may tag a skill any number of times equal to your
Intelligence bonus.
Using a skill without any tags is done at a -10 penalty. In some cases, the skill may not be performed at
all. Skills that may not be used without tagging are asterisked below.
Climb: A measure of your ability to climb up surfaces. Some surfaces may not be climbable.
Lift: A measure of your ability to lift and move a heavy object.
Melee Weapons*: Your aptitude with Melee type weapons.
Thrown Weapons*: Your aptitude with Throwing Type Weapons (ninja stars, knives, etc)
Unarmed Combat: Your aptitude when fighting without a Weapon.
Awareness: Your ability to notice things in your surrounding environment.
Intuition: Your effective sixth sense, this skill may be rolled to discern details that are not readily
Investigate: Your character’s ability to pursue a dialogue line of investigation with another person.
Navigate: Your character’s ability to navigate over land.
Treat Injury: Your character’s ability to stabilize wounded individuals. Cannot be used to restore hit
points, but merely to prevent another character from dying. Can also be used to restore Heroic Points as
a Full Round Action (can restore Xd4 Heroic Points, with X as your Intelligence bonus)
Sense Motive: Your character’s ability to discern if individuals are lying to them.
Concentration: Your ability to focus despite external stimuli.
Fortitude: Your ability to stand up to physical punishment or attacks against your vitality or health (such
as sickness). Also can be rolled to resist knockback.
Intimidate: Your ability to scare a lesser individual using your physical bulk or presence.
Bluff: Your ability to tell a convincing lie.
Disguise: Your ability to disguise yourself as another person or object. The object/person must look
relatively like you and be your size (your GM’s discretion is required).
Persuade: Your character’s ability to use diplomacy against another party.
Art: Your character’s ability to sing, play an instrument, paint, or draw.
Computers: * Your character’s computer aptitude.
Electronics: * Your character’s electronic aptitude.
Knowledge (insert knowledge type here):
Mechanical: *Your character’s mechanical aptitude.
Speak Language (insert language here) *:
Acrobatics: Your character’s ability to jump, roll, tumble, and perform other acrobatic feats.
Dodge: Your character’s ability to dodge.
Infiltrate: A measure of how well your character can move quietly and conceal objects.
Lockpicking *: A measure of your character’s ability to pick physical locks.
Ranged Weapons: A measure of your character’s aptitude with Ranged Weapons.
Resolve: A measure of your character’s ability to act in the face of fear or adversity.

A character may choose two abilities at character creation and one per level up.

- Half Round Action, 3x per day. Your opponent must re-roll the next successful attack they perform
against you.

-You may use either hand to wield a Weapon. Without this ability, your off hand attacks are at a -20 to

Battle Focus:
-upon a successful Concentration skill check, you may re-roll a number of failed To Hit rolls up to your
Insight score per battle encounter. Using Battle Focus is at first a Full Round action, then maintaining it is
a half round action per turn.

Combat Reflexes:
-if an opponent has used the Disengage action, you may make one free Melee attack against them.

Feel No Pain:
-Incoming attacks only deal ¾ of their normal damage (after all modifiers have been applied) to you. You
may continue to act normally at 0 Blood Points. Reduce your Agility score by 1/2. This ability may be
activated once per battle and lasts for a number of turns equal to your Fortitude bonus.

Unbreakable Will:

-You may use Willpower instead of Fortitude for Concentration.

Flash Step:
-once per combat encounter, you may move up to your Full Agility bonus in squares as a reaction action.

Flurry Attack:
-You strike at your opponent with multiple, quick blows. Roll an Agility test. If passed, roll two standard
Melee Weapons attacks. For each degree of success, add one additional attack, up to your Agility Bonus.
The first strike does not subtract anything from your Melee Weapons score, but the second attack
subtracts 10, the third attack subtracts 20, and so on; these strikes are made with speed, not accuracy,
in mind.

Leap Up:
-upon a successful Acrobatics check, get up as a Free Action.
Light Bending:
-you may apply your Fortitude bonus as damage reduction against any Energy-type attacks used against
you when using a Defensive Stance.

Sixth Sense:
-your GM may secretly test Insight whenever an attack you are unaware of is aimed at you. If passed,
you (and only you) get one free Reaction action against the incoming attack as if you were initially aware
of the attack.

-roll an opposed Charisma check against one enemy. If you are successful, the enemy must engage you
in his next turn.

Terrain Mastery:
-Once per session. For the remainder of a combat encounter, you do not receive penalties for moving
through difficult terrain. Hazards (such as pits, spikes, traps, etc) still affect you normally. You must
declare that you activating this ability after initiative has been rolled but before the first person has

Blade Block:
-Melee Weapons only. You may use your weapon to Parry ranged attacks.

Eye of Vengeance:
- Ranged only. You get +10 to hit against an opponent that attacked you last round. This ability does not
work if you are not aware of your target’s exact location.

Mastercrafted Blade:
Bladed Weapons only. You may add your Agility Bonus, along with your Strength bonus, to all Damage

- If you incapacitate an opponent, and if there is another enemy in an adjacent square, you may make a
free Single Attack against that enemy.

Momentum Strike:
- If you incapacitate an opponent, and if there is another enemy in an adjacent square, you may make a
free Single Attack against that enemy, and if that attack fells that enemy, you may continue into the next
adjacent square. Requires Cleave.

Nonlethal Strike:
-when you roll a Nonlethal Strike, you do not subtract any penalties to Damage or to Hit. Your attacks
may still not drop an opponent below 0 Health Points.

-If you successfully parry a Melee strike and you do not take damage, you may make a free Single Melee
Attack directed at the enemy who you parried.

Rising Might:
-as a Full Round action, increase your Strength by 1.5x. This ability lasts for one round after activation.
You may perform this ability a number of times up to your Willpower bonus. If done continuously, the
effect stacks.
Rock Steady:
-if you are ever the target of a Disarm attempt, you may re-roll your Melee Weapons check if you fail.

‘till it goes Click:

-Ranged Weapons only. Once per combat encounter. This must be declared before any attacks are
rolled. For each successful hit rolled on a standard single Ranged Attack, you may roll another attack
dice up to your Willpower bonus.


-Your character is a fierce physical fighter. Any who dare stand against you in melee combat are doomed
to fail. Any check you make in melee combat is given an additional degree of success. Any grapple or
melee check made against you is given an additional degree of failure. You must have a Strength,
Fortitude, and Agility stat of at least 50.


-Your character is unparalleled in ranged combat. He or she can hit a dime from 100 yards. Any check
you make in ranged combat is given an additional degree of success. Any melee check made against you
is given a degree of failure. You must have an agility score of at least 60 to take this ability.


Your character is able to slip out of someone’s grip with ease. It’s as if you were covered in oil! If a
grapple check would be made against you, it is subject to two additional degrees of failure.


You may increase the damage you do with a melee attack by removing your ability to dodge during the
round this feat is used. Damage will be increased by your strength bonus.

Lead Belly:

You are completely immune to poison and disease effects.

I Can Take A Hit:

Once per day, you may reduce the amount of damage you take by your fortitude bonus.

Critical Shot:

Once per day, you may add an additional damage roll to your ranged weapon.

Lucky Shot:

You may make a ranged attack to deflect any attack made against you. This still consumes ammunition if
you use it.

Spider Jump:

Your ability to jump is greatly improved. When attempting to leap, jump, or use parkour, add an
additional degree of success.
Skill Mastery:

Once you have reached 5 tags in any given skill, you are given two additional degrees of success in that
skill. You may take this feat multiple times for different skills, but not for the same skill.

Have a Heart:

Your character is given 2 additional blood points for every level he or she possesses. For example, A level
1 character will be given 2, a level 2 character 4, and so forth.


-Once you lose blood points from damage (not from Kamui), once per session, your Goku uniform ‘s life
fibers awaken and you are given a +30 to melee checks. However, you may only attack and cannot
dodge or parry, or use any special abilities. You MUST attack the nearest PERSON. This state lasts a
number of rounds equal to your willpower bonus, and afterward you take a -10 to all rolls for the rest of
the encounter. You may make a -20 willpower test to snap out of it. Alternatively, you may give control
of your character to the GM for a special berserk. You must choose one or the other once you obtain
this ability.

…Remember, these are just guidelines. You may also submit your own abilities, or those from Dark
Heresy, Adeptus Evangelion, or Mark’s Soul Eater to the GM for approval!

Playing the Game

Combat order is first determined by rolling initiative, a d10+agility. Initiative determines the order in
which characters may act in combat. The higher your initiative roll + agility bonus is, the higher in the
order you will go.
There are three types of actions characters may take in Combat; Free Actions, Half-Round Actions or
Full-Round Actions. A character may take 2 Half Round Actions or 1 Full Round Action. A character may
take any number of Free Actions per turn at their GM’s discretion.
A round of combat is considered to be 6 seconds of real time.

To make an attack, first roll your relevant Weapons Skill (if wielding a Melee Weapon, roll Melee
Weapons; if wielding a Ranged Weapon, roll Ranged Weapons). If your roll is equal to or below your
Weapons Skill, your attack has hit.
If your attack rolls low enough to create degrees of success, your Opponent’s Reaction roll must equal
the amount of degrees of success that the attack rolled.

Missed Ranged Attacks have a chance of hitting targets behind your original target. Roll a d100 for every
target behind your original target; the attack has a 40% of striking the new target.

A critical success or failure rolls on the below tables.

Critical Hit Table (roll a d10) Effect
1-3 Your attack deals 2x normal damage.
4-5 Your attack deals 3x normal damage.
6-7 Your attack cripples your foe’s arm. They are at a
permanent -20 to Hit for the remainder of the
8 Your attack cripples your foe’s leg. They may
only move 1/3 their normal speed and cannot
9 You deal devastating damage to your foe’s
midsection. Your opponent is stunned for 1d3
rounds and may only make Half Actions until
10 You strike your opponent’s head, knocking them
instantly unconscious. If the damage done would
drop your opponent below 0 Blood Points, they
are slain as your attack sunders their head.
Critical Failure Table (roll a d10) Effect

1-3 Your attack misses completely.

4-5 Your attack misses your target and you must roll
Agility to avoid falling prone as your overextend
yourself in the attack.
6-7 You may lose your grip on your Weapon. Roll an
Agility check to avoid dropping your Weapon.
8 Your failed attack knocks you prone.

9 Your failed attack leaves you wide open to

attack. Any attacks against you made in the next
round add +10 to hit.
10 Your opponent exploits the opening your fumble
has created. Your opponent gets a free attack of
opportunity against you.
Location Hit
If using a Ranged Weapon, roll randomly on the
following chart to determine hit location:
Hit Location Roll
1 Left Leg (5% chance of dropping movement by
1d4 squares. Normal damage)
2 Right Leg (5% chance of dropping movement by
1d4 squares. Normal damage)
3-7 Body (Normal Damage. 5% chance of stunning
opponent for 1 round)
8 Left Arm (5% chance of dropping held item.
Normal Damage)
9 Right Arm (5% chance of dropping held item.
Normal Damage)
10 Head (2x Damage. 10% chance of stunning
opponent for 1d3 rounds)

Damage Types:
-Burning: Attacks with the Burning type have a 10% chance of burning an enemy for an additional 1d3
points of damage.
-Crushing: Deals an additional 1d3 points of damage to any target using Damage Resistance.
-Cutting: Deals an additional point of damage to any unarmored target.
-Electrical: Attacks with the Electrical type have a 10% chance of stunning an enemy for 1d3 rounds.
-Freezing: Attacks with the Freezing type have a 10% chance of freezing an enemy for 1d3 rounds.
-Piercing: Subtracts 1 from an opponent’s Damage Reduction (if applicable).
-Rending: Allows a Weapon to roll an additional damage die for each maximum amount rolled on the
damage die. (allows for exploding dice)
-Tearing: Roll damage twice, and keep the higher result.

Whenever a character’s Resolve Points have been expended, they then receive damage against their
Blood Points. Whenever a character’s Blood Points have reached 0, they are considered Defeated, and
may not make any further actions.
If a character is ever knocked below 0 Blood Points, they begin to lose Blood Points. For each turn that
passes when the character is still below 0 Blood Points, they lose 1 blood point per turn. They may be
stabilized with a successful Treat Injury check.
Whenever a character reaches -10 –their Fortitude Bonus in Blood Points, they have died.

Combat Actions
Free Actions:
-dropping a held item
-talking (at your GM’s discretion. More than 6 seconds of speech obviously do not count)
Half Round Actions:
-Moving a number of squares up to your Agility Bonus + 6.
-Making a single attack.
-Making a single Nonlethal Attack (Spend 2 Soul Pool Points and attack at a -20 Penalty. The attack’s
damage may not cause Critical Effects or drop your opponent below 0 Health Points).
-Bracing a Heavy Weapon
-Transforming a uniform
-Standing up from Prone
-Feint (Melee Only. Make an Opposed Melee Weapons check. If you win, your next attack may not be
dodged or parried)
-Takedown (Melee Only. Make an Opposed Melee Weapons check, or a Strength Check at -10. If you
win, your opponent is knocked prone)
-Aim (Ranged Only. +10 to hit on your next attack)
-bracing a Heavy Weapon
-drinking a small vial
-Called Shot (-20 to hit. Designate a part of the enemy’s body/a held object as the target for the called
attack. Should your attack miss, but hit normally under your unmodified Weapons skill, the hit location
is still rolled randomly).

Full Round Actions:

-Moving a number of squares up to 3x your Agility Bonus +6.
-Making an All Out Attack (+20 to hit. May not Parry or Dodge if this action is taken. Enemy is at -10 to
Dodge or Parry this attack. Melee Weapons only. Add 1 point of damage per every degree of success)
-Defensive Stance (Enemies suffer -10 to hit you.)
-Disarm: Make an opposed Melee Weapons/Unarmed check (if you are unarmed). If you succeed, your
opponent is forced to drop whatever they are currently holding.
-Disengage: Make an opposed Melee Weapons check. If you succeed, you move a single square back
from your opponent and are no longer considered engaged.
-Charge (Melee Only. Charge up to your AG bonus x2 squares, receive +10 to Melee Weapons. If enemy
does not Dodge, 10% chance of knocking enemy prone. Multiply damage by 1.5x)
-Full Automatic (ranged Weapons only): +20 to hit. For each degree of success rolled on the Ranged
Weapons check, roll 1 separate damage roll, up your agility bonus.
-Grapple: Initiate an opposed Unarmed check. If you succeed, you have successfully grappled your
opponent. You and your Opponent may not make attacks with any Weapon save Knife type weapons, or
with unarmed attacks.
-Stun: Melee Only. Make an opposed Melee Weapons check. If successful, stun your enemy for 1+1/2 of
your Strength Bonus turns.

Reaction Actions:

You may perform reaction actions in response to a successful attack upon their person. The Reaction
Action is taken immediately after the attack has been declared, but before anything (to hit and damage)
is rolled. Reaction Actions may not be used against attacks that you are unaware of.

Dodge: Make a Dodge check. If successful, you move 1 square in a randomly determined direction to
avoid an attack.

Endure: Make a Willpower check. If successful, you may reduce the amount of damage you take from
the incoming attack by your Fortitude bonus.

Parry: Make an opposed Melee Weapons check against an incoming Melee Weapons attack made at
you. If successful, you have parried your opponent’s weapon and the attack does not hit.
Whenever a character takes a level of fatigue due to stress, defensive actions, effects, or the like, they
subtract 10 from all characteristics and skills. If a character takes a number of Fatigue levels equal to
their Fortitude bonus, or if any one characteristic is reduced to zero, the character passes out for 1d10-
the character’s Fortitude bonus in hours. This amount is increased by 1 hour for every level of Fatigue
beyond taken beyond the character’s Fortitude bonus.

Your Sanity score is a measure of your character’s grasp on reality. Exposure to terrible, horrifying, and
insane events and individuals can have an effect upon a character’s sanity.
Occasionally, a character may be called upon to take a Fear check, which is made by rolling Willpower
(or Resolve, if it has been tagged). The level of the Fear check imposes modifiers upon your character’s
Willpower score. A Fear (0) check will not impose any penalties, while a Fear (3) check will subtract -30
from the character’s score. If a character fails a Fear check, they lose a number of Sanity points
depending on the encounter.

Time Management
When not on missions or in class, Honnouji students are fairly free to do as they please during their
downtime. These extended periods of downtime are often used by students to train, recover, or study.
Unfortunately, there is only so much that even dedicated study and training can do, and only field
experience and growth can unlock a Character’s true potential. The time management values below are
listed for two week intervals.
Combat Training Time Management: By making use of Honnouji’s combat training facilities, the
character readies themselves for another dangerous mission. Choose a Weapon Skill (Unarmed, Ranged,
Melee). For each interval spent training that Weapon Skill, you may increase it by 8-the Weapon Skill’s
Healing Time Management: Taking time to get bed rest, or under the supervised eye of the school’s
medical staff, the Character spends their time recovering from whatever ails them. The character
regenerates a number of Blood Points up to their Fortitude bonus for every two week interval that they
choose this Time Management option.
Hobby Time Management: By immersing themselves in a hobby of some kind, the character regains
some elements of their personal sanity. For each interval that the character chooses this option, they
may restore 1d3 Sanity Points.
Physical Training Time Management: Pushing their physical endurance to its limit, the character lifts
weights, runs, and undergoes other sorts of physical training. For each two week interval that the
character chooses this option, they may increase their Strength or Agility Score by 8-their relevant
characteristic Bonus.
Socialization Time Management: Spending time with friends, colleagues, and other people can help a
character gain valuable insight into how to interact with others. For each two week interval that the
character chooses this option, they may increase their Insight or Charisma Score by 8-their relevant
characteristic Bonus.
Studying Time Management: Hitting the books, the character spends a lot of their time studying and
improving their mental capacities. For each interval that the character chooses this option, they may
increase their Intelligence score by 8-their Intelligence bonus.
That’s it! Now get out there and play, you pigs in human


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