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April 2019

Treasure Island:
Book Review
Our book reviewer, Liber
Biblios, will be examining
Treasure Island by Robert Louis
Stevenson. Some are calling
this “a story of a boy and his

“All Greek to Me:

What are those
Crazy Symbols?”
“Alpha! Beta! Gamma! Pi!”
What can this mean for my life Air Quality Alert!
(or my math grade!!!). Noted
According to news reports, there have been changes in the air
mathematics teacher Mr. M
quality in Wilmington CA. The recent improvements in air
reports to us from SPPS.
quality seem to be concentrated on one street, Bay View Ave. We
“Links between Cell will be calling in a team of experts to look into the matter.
Phone Use and As responsible journalists (PARAPHRASE for reporters), we
Cheetos: an In- need to get some background information, namely, what is air
Depth Report” quality? To do so, we will go to the experts at the EPA
(Environmental Protection Agency, the federal government
Cellphones and cheetos,
agency that measures air quality). You may find the information at
which has more of an effect on
the link below:
brain function? Noted science
consultant Mr. Lara gives us his
perspective. You will never
look at cheetos (or your
phone) the same way again!

Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux 1

April 2019

Musical interlude
The next time you are looking for some music to get through
your homework, look no further than Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
[Mot-zart]. Find him on spotify (or wherever you get your music
from these days!)

Sports Focus:
Noted Archery Expert Oliver
Queen shares the steps for
shooting an arrow. They are:

1. Stance

2. nock

3. hook

4. grip

5. set

6. setup

7. load

8. anchor

9. transfer

10. release

To see these steps in action,

come to archery practice
(Thursdays from 3:05pm to
4:30pm near the lunch area)

Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux 2

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