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Pre Intermediate and Intermediate Speaking Evaluation Rubric

Score and Interactive communication Discourse management Pronunciation Language

5 You can start and continue You can speak continuously Your speech is easy to You use simple grammatical
dialogue/conversation well. You or with only minor pauses understand and clear. Good structures well and use
Very good attempt at
maintain development and interaction and contribute with relevant use of intonation in your vocabulary to give your
the task.
with very little support. information. You can connect sentences. You sound fluent. opinion on the topic
your speech well. appropriately.

4 There is a combination in your work There is a combination in There is a combination in There is a combination in
that goes between 5 and 3. Some your work that goes between your work that goes between your work that goes
Good attempt at the
items are not present to evaluate 5 and 3. Some items are not 5 and 3. Some items are not between 5 and 3. Some
your work higher. present to evaluate your present to evaluate your items are not present to
work higher. work higher. evaluate your work higher.
3 You can start and continue the Your speech is extended and Some mistakes in You use simple grammatical
dialogue/conversation in most part often with pauses. You use pronunciation make your forms well in most parts of
Satisfactory attempt
of the task well. You often need some the same connectors along speech difficult to the task. You use limited
at the task.
help to continue the task. the task. understand at times. vocabulary.
2 There is a combination in your work There is a combination in There is a combination in There is a combination in
that goes between 3 and 1. Some your work that goes between your work that goes between your work that goes
Inadequate attempt at
items are not present to evaluate 3 and 1. Some items are not 3 and 1. Some items are not between 3 and 1. Some
the task.
your work higher. present to evaluate your present to evaluate your items are not present to
work higher. work higher. evaluate your work higher.
1 You can only maintain a simple and You give short responses Your speech is easy to You use a limited vocabulary
brief conversation. You need support with frequent pauses. You understand as you use simple well.
Poor attempt at the
at several parts of the task. tend to repeat information. words or you repeat words
you pronounce well often.
0 Content is totally irrelevant. Your Your work can only be evaluated below 1.
reader is not informed.
Content is totally
irrelevant or

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