Bad Things Happen For A Reason.: Devil

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Bad things happen for a reason.

When I first saw the trailer of this movie, I was not really blown away but on the other side I really
wanted to see this movie, because some parts in this trailer looked really exciting. Before I went to
the cinema to watch this movie, I already read some of the comments about is. Most of them were
good. People said things like: The movie is really great and scary, It’s a well-made movie and the
actors are really good.
After I read these kind of comments, I was getting really excited to see it!

This is the first part of this movie, I don’t think there comes a second part because it was a kind of
closed end, but with this kind of movies, you’re never sure, maybe they give it a little twist and here
it is a second part?

Devil is defined as a supernatural thriller with a touch of his other movie the sixth sense. The movie is
about the devil, who kills people who are guilty for something and all of the innocent people around
them. No one can stay in the way of the devil. It will kill everyone who tries.
Five strangers are trapped together in an elevator, but one of them, is not what he/she seems.

The movie ‘Devil’ is directed by John Erick Dowdle. M. Night Shyamalan made up the story for this
movie, but he couldn’t make a script himself so let other people make this. He did the same with all
his other movies, he made up the story and another person wrote the script. He also produced the
movie but he had a lot of help from others. He is a talented man, but he needs a lot of help from
M. Night Shyamalan also made the movies the sixth sense, the last airbender, the happening and a
few others.
Well, he didn’t make it alone, just as the movie Devil, he wrote the stories for these movies and he
also produced them with help from other people. He also helped with Stuart Little, the movie that
everyone knows.
He is two times nominated for an Oscar. He has another nine wins and 29 nominations.
In the beginning of the movie, someone starts to tell what his mother always told him, this is of
course about the devil, the person who tells it is Ramirez. He is a kind of security guard:

‘It all starts with a horrifying suicide, if this happens the Devil
will appear at the place where the suicide was. You can’t
recognize the Devil, he can take any shape in the whole
world. If he wants to be a doctor he can. The Devil will try to
kill all the guilty people on his way, this people did something
bad in their life, but not only them, also the innocent people
who are around. He is very dangerous. You can’t destroy him,
the only thing you can do, is be true to yourself and others
and let all your secrets go and regret them. ‘

After this, the movie starts.

It is just a usual day at the office building where the whole movie plays. Until someone jumps of the
building, a suicide. Detective Bowden has to investigate this case. He is recovering a alcoholic who is
still very sad and angry about the death of his wife and child. They died because of a car accident, but
the culprit is never caught. The only thing that Bowden found by the car, was a little note with ‘sorry’
on it.
Bowden walks around the building to search for information of the suicide. He sees that someone
just jumped out of one of the glass windows in the building, so it was not a murder.
When this all happened the day goes on. People walk in and out of the office building just like a usual
day. Everyone signs in and goes to the place
where they have to be. Five strangers step into
the same elevator, in the office building where
the suicide was. The five people don’t know
anything about each other and they don’t
know that they all committed a few crimes in
their past.
The five people in the elevator are:
Ben the security guard, an older woman who is
kleptomaniac, Vince a mattress salesman, Tony
a mechanic, who was in the army in the past
and Sarah, a blackmailing gold-digger.
They don’t know the names from each other.
They are complete strangers and no one
knows another person in this elevator.

The elevator gets stuck between two floors

and strange and scary things start to happen.
The lights go out. Everyone thinks it’s just the
electricity but then they hear Sarah screaming.
The lights go back on and Sarah is attacked. She has a big, red wound on her back, it looks like
someone bit her. The people in the elevator all think that Vince is the suspect of the assault on Sarah,
because he has blood on his jacket, but Vince defends himself and says that he has nothing to do
with this strange event.
The lights go back off, this is every time when someone is going to die in this elevator. Everyone
freaks out because they are scared of each other. The glass in the elevator breaks, the glass shards
killed Vince, because they hit him in his jugular vein.
Detective Bowden, the man who investigated the suicide, goes on with his investigation. He comes at
the ‘elevator security’. They’d seen everything what happened in the elevator. Bowden stays with
them to see what the problem is. He wants to know all the names from the five strangers. He is lucky
because they had to sign in before they could go into the building. He gets the names from Sarah,
Ben, Vince and ‘Janecowski’. They think that this name is: Jane Cowski and they assume that this is
the older woman in the elevator. So they know four names, but they don’t know the last one, the
one from Tony.
Bowden is interested in this case and with a little help from the security camera’s he discovers that
the older woman has stolen a wallet before she entered the elevator.
The elevator is still stuck between the two floors and they’ve send the buildings repairman to the
elavevator. But this wasn’t a good idea. Just as the repairman with only a rope, to the elevator goes,
a pigeon flies fast trough the rope. The rope breaks and the repairman falls down until he hit the
elevator, this was his death.
Once again the lights go out and immediately back on again. This time it’s the death of the older
woman. She is hung on her neck, not with a rope but with a electrical cord.
Sarah is scared, she doesn’t trust Tony, because he acts like the murderer. Sarah and Ben turn
together against Tony. At the same moment Bowden starts to think that Sarah’s husband hired Ben
to kill Sarah, because she is just a gold-digger. But then the lights go off and Ben gets killed. His whole
neck is twisted around like there were no bones or muscles in it. Tony and Sarah think both to know
who the murderer is, because there are only two people left and if they’re not the murders
themselves, the other has to be it. The glass shards are still on the ground and they both prepare to
fight. The take both a glass shard, but Bowden calms them down, this was hard because the security
can’t here the people in the elevator, the people can only hear them. Just as everything seems calm
Sarah tries to take out a hidden glass shard out of her pocket, but the lights go off and on again and
Sarah lies on the floor with the glass shard in her throat. So Tony is the murder? That’s what
everyone thinks. A women comes to Bowden and says that Tony is her fiancé and his last name is
Janecowski. But what? Jane Cowski was the name from the older woman? Not true. The older
woman comes back to life again, she raises her head behind the back of Tony. She has black eyes, not
black as in brown, but black. She is the Devil, who has taken the form of a older woman so no one
would think she is the murder. The Devil talks with Tony. Yes, it’s his turn to die now. Tony has to be
true to himself and others, he has to tell his secret. Bowden and the other security are still watching.
Tony tells that he has killed two people, not two people in the elevator, but two people with a car
accident. He hit their car, saw them die, left a note with ‘sorry’ and left.
Bowden is surprised, it all makes sense now, Tony was the one who killed his child and wife. Tony
was the one who left the note. Tony was the murder who never had been arrested for this. Tony was
the one who ruined his life.
Tony is crying and apologizes a hundred times. The Devil decides to spare his life, because he made a
big confession. The Devil left.
The firemen break to the wall and Tony is saved. He is arrested and Bowden has to bring him to the
police office. Bowden decides to forgive Tony for what he did and this was the last scene.

The movie ends with another thing that Ramirez mom has always told him:
If the Devil is real, God must be real too.
The most important actors in the movie:

Chris Messina (1974) as Detective Bowden.

- Chris played in 29 (or more) other movies for example Julie & Julia and
- He also played little roles in TV series.
- He plays Bowden in Devil, the ex-alcoholic detective.

Logan Marshall-Green (1976) as Tony Janecowski.

- Played in nine episodes of the big TV show the O.C
- In devil he plays Tony, who is a mechanic, he is the last one left in the elevator. The devil has to kill
him, but spares his life.
Jenny O’Hara (1942) as ‘Jane Cowski’ also known as the Devil.
- Jenny played in a lot of different things, but this role in Devil was one of her biggest roles.
- She plays the devil in Devil. Everyone thinks she is just an elder woman, but this is not true.

Bojana Novakovic (1981) as Sarah

- Played in different kind of movies, for example drag me to hell.
- Sarah is the only young woman in the elevator. She is a Gold-digger, this is the reason why the
devil kills her.
Bokeem Woodbine (1973) as Ben
- Bokeem did a lot of movies, none of these movies is very famous I guess.
- Ben is a security guard, he says that he is claustrophobic. He is the one who thinks that Tony is the

Geoffrey Arend (1978) as Vince.

- Geoffrey did a lot of roles in the TV show Law & Order
- Vince is a Salesman, he tries to sell everyone in the elevator a mattress I guess this annoys the
Devil, because Vince is the first one who get killed.

I have to say that I really liked this movie. I never thought it would be a movie like this. I thought it
would be a little bit same, scene after scene. But this was not true! I really liked the movie.

► Camera work
I think it was great camerawork, there were a lot of different shots in only one elevator so you didn’t
see the same thing over and over again. They made close-ups to show the emotions of the people in
the elevator, but they also used wide shots just to show them all at the same time.

There wasn’t a lot of music in it, in a lot of movies you would miss this but in this movie you didn’t.
The sound effects were great and every time there was something scary the sound became louder.
Sometimes I was shocked because one of these sound effects because they were really loud, but this
was great. It was a thriller so you have to be shocked sometimes.

The actors were great to, you believed them, they played every emotion right. Only the young
woman annoyed me a bit, she was just to dramatic. I think she had to play it this way, but it’s just my
opinion. I’m glad that it was not like they were playing in something like ‘Goede Tijden, Slechte

This movie was in one word just great, I really enjoyed it. I think that it isn’t a movie to see over and
over again, because after seeing it one time, you know who the devil is. But it is definitely worth
On a scale of one until ten.. definitely an..

Angela Bimmel

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