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Highland Tinamou Tawny-breasted Tinamou White-throated Tinamou

1 35-41 cm; S: R; u/r p.28 2 35-41 cm; S-Te;R; u/r p.28 3 32-36cm; LT;R; f/u p.28

Black Tinamou
4 Great Tinamou
40-46cm; LT;R; f/r p.27 5 40-46cm; UT-S; R; r VU p.27 6 Grey Tinamou
42.5-49cm; T-LS; R; u/r p.27

6 Grey Tinamou
Tinamus tao

blackish head anclneck

freckled white with
whitc stripe down neck usually sings
al dusk

5 Black Tinamou
Tinamus osgoodi


hcavy humid forests

011 eastern slopes of
Andes; cpiphyies, tree
ferns, bromeliads and

humid pristine primary ar very

mature secondary forests in Andes,
cloud foresi in Venezuela

2 Tawny-breasted Tinamou
rufous crown
and napc
-, Nothocercus julius
buffy barring
on wings

Highland Tinamou
Nothocercus honapariei

wet ar very hurnid lorests, light,

elfin forests rich in ferns and
cpiphytes, up tú treeline


3 White-throated Tinamou
Tinamus guttatus
black crown

buffy-white SpOlS
011 uppcrparts

note variauon berween


4 Great Tinamou
Tinamus major

note variation in
crown colour and
length of crest

mainly terra firme

wet forest
uppcrparts barred
black but unspoued

note variations in
adult plumage

!llay forage in c1earings

and along trails

tall, dense, undisturbed

primal)' forest

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