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JO1 Karl Angelo F Plar 140420 BJMP




1. What is the relevance of GIE and MIE in the CMO Mission?

GIE and MIE plays an important role in the CMO activities across its mission
areas. The wide array of information provided by the GIE becomes an integral
component of the MIE, becomes a key player in providing real time intelligence and
forms part of the databank of the MIE. Understanding GIE and its application to MIE
helps CMO activities to create and uphold a peaceful environment which is conducive
for sustainable development of the nation. Through the utilization and maximization of
the gathered information, CMO plays an interactive role in the different mission areas
set forth by the DND for the AFP, as well as with the other agencies.

With the advent of technology, the battle ground also evolves. Before, the arena
is laid on the physical environment. Conflict resolution is using arms and weapons.
Now, with the complex world that we live iwe take the battles in the digital world
through state-of-the-art devices as well as intensive social media platforms postings.
GIE and MIE comes into play by either countering the adversary’s propaganda and
deception or by promoting the agencies thrusts and programs.

Ultimately, understanding the interrelationships between the GIE and MIE and
the processes it undertakes, becomes a significant part of the CMO mission, which is
“Winning Hearts and Minds” of the target audiences.
2. How can we influence the different target audiences (General populace, civil
authorities, adversaries) in the present information environment?

Influencing the various target audiences in the present information environment

requires a variety of approaches and methods. Each method is unique and distinct,
tailor-fitted to the needs, concerns, prevalent social issues, and various matters arising
from this complex arena. Since MIE is limited only to its internal environment, it taps
and harnesses the wide array GIE to maximize its capabilities to influence the target

In terms of the general populace, factual and inspirational activities, postings

and approach is required. With the civil authorities, we must be passionate and truthful
whenever we are engaging with them. With our adversaries, concrete and long-term
plans in weakening their will to fight, eventually leading to their surrender and
reintegration to the mainstream of society.

The present information environment provides an information superhighway

wherein the MIE can maximize the efficiency and the effectivity of the various CMO
activities geared toward “Winning the Hearts and Minds” of the intended target

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