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DESIGN​​ Criterion B: developing ideas

Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

i. Lists some basic ​design i. Lists some ​design i. Develops ​design i. Develops detailed​​ design
specifications for the design of specifications, which relate to specifications, which ​outline specifications, which ​explain
a solution the success criteria for the the success criteria for the the success criteria for the
ii. Presents one ​design, which design of a solution. design of a solution. design of a solution based on
can be interpreted by others. ii. Presents a few​​ feasible ii. Develops a range of ​feasible the analysis of the research.
iii. Creates​​ incomplete planning designs, using an appropriate design ideas, using an ii. Develops a range of​​ feasible
drawings/diagrams. medium(s) ​or​​ annotation, appropriate medium(s) ​and design ideas, using an
which can be interpreted by annotation, appropriate medium(s) ​and
others. which can be interpreted by detailed ​annotation, which
iii. Justifies ​the selection of the others. can be ​correctly​​ interpreted
chosen design with reference iii. Presents ​the chosen design by others.
to the design specification. and​ justifies ​its selection with iii. Presents ​the chosen design
iv. Creates​​ planning reference to the design and ​justifies fully and
drawings/diagrams or ​lists specification. critically​​ its selection with
requirements for the creation iv. Develops accurate​​ planning detailed​​ reference to the
of the chosen solution. drawings/diagrams and ​lists design specification.
requirements for the creation iv. Develops accurate​​ ​and
of the chosen solution. detailed​​ planning
drawings/diagrams and
outlines​​ requirements for the
creation of the chosen


Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

i. Communicates information i. Communicates information i. Communicates information i. Communicates information

and ideas in a ​limited way​​, and ideas ​satisfactorily​​ by and ideas ​accurately​​ by using and ideas ​effectively​​ and
using a style that is ​limited​​ in using a style that is a style that is ​mostly accurately​​ by using a style
its appropriateness to the somewhat​​ appropriate to the appropriate to the audience that is ​completely a
​ ppropriate
audience and purpose. audience and purpose. and purpose. to the audience and purpose.
ii. Structures information and ii. Structures information and ii. Structures information and ii. Structures information and
ideas according to the ideas in a way that is ideas in a way that is ​mostly ideas in a way that is
specified format in a ​limited somewhat​​ appropriate to the appropriate to the specified completely​​ appropriate to the
way​​. specified format. format. specified format.
iii. Documents sources of iii. Sometimes​​ documents iii. Often​​ documents sources of iii. Consistently​​ documents
information in a ​limited way​​. sources of information using a information using a recognized sources of information using a
recognized convention. convention. recognized convention.
What I need to do…

● Develop a Design Specification:(goal:looks,function,matorials/ level:for assessment)

○ style:
○ structure:
○ sources:

● Develop Design Ideas:(3-5 idea,drawings/annotation->labeling)

○ style:
○ structure:
○ sources:

● Presents the Chosen Design:(final design/compare with design spec)

○ style:
○ structure:
○ sources:

● Develop Planning Drawings/Diagrams:(planning for the real one)

○ style:
○ structure:
○ sources:

#APA citation 4~10

Self-Assessment Grade and Explanation Teacher Grade and Explanation

My design should have many different color for each category to make people see clear information.

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

I will have no section which I will have 1 or 2 section I will have 3 or 4 section All of section have color and
have no color.can not see which have color however i which have color however i i can see every information
information because all the can not see few information can see most information very clearly because all of
chection and information because only some of clearly but not very clear they section and information
have the same information and section because only same of have color but every section
color,people will don’t know have some color, so people information and section have different color, so
where is the information. will spend alot time to find have some color, so people people will find information
information. will not spend a lot time to easily.
find information.

have good information with good video or picture to make people understand more easily.

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

It will have information, but it will have information, but It will have some it will have all the
not good enough. there will not good enough,however information that i looked for information that i found for
be no detail about my there will be at least have research question. There research question last time.
idea,no picture and video one picture or one video so will be picture and video so There will be picture and
so people will not trust me people will not understand so people can trust video which can support my
because there is no at all of things that i say information that i write information (ex.Interview or
evidence for my information because the picture and magazin) so people can
are true or not video support the trust information that i write
information. because the picture and
video support the

Use detail information that i looked for research question and used that source for my website.

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

My work will have at least 3 My work will have at least My weebly will have at least My weebly will have more
source that i didn’t write on 3 source. Use source that i 4 so the work can tells than 4 source so the work
Research  found on plan/ people better information can tells people better
Plan/Organizer/Reflection  organizer/reflection google and good enough information and good
google document. Used  document because information about gender enough information about
source that can not trust,  Source that i already found equality. gender equality.
So people will think my  are trustable and have
work is not good work as a  more safe information Use source that i found on Use source that i found on
good information to tell  which can trust. plan/ organizer/reflection plan/ organizer/reflection
them about gender equality  google document because google document because
.  use source that can trust Source that i already found Source that i already found
because if my work has are trustable and have are trustable and have
source but, it is not good or more safe information more safe information
has wrong information which can trust. which can trust.
people will think my work is
not good work as a good use source that can trust use source that can trust
information to tell them because if my work has because if my work has
about gender equality. source but, it is not good or source but, it is not good or
has wrong information has wrong information
people will think my work is people will think my work is
not good work as a good not good work as a good
information to tell them information to tell them
about gender equality. about gender equality.

Explain about the reason

the why i used those
source ,so people will not
doubt about information
that i used

​ ​Organise my idea clearly to make sure everyone can understand what i’m trying to say

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

put information without any i will have information with I will have information with I will have information with
section. at least 2 or 3 section but at least 3 or 4 section. Put at least 4 or 5 section and
don’t organise information the information which is in different topic of information organise them together with
and just put all information the section doesn’t have in each section. explanation.
together in only one section any title so people will Have title so people will not Put different topic of
without any title so people spend time to find spend time to find the information in each section.
will spend time to find information that they are information what there are Have title so people will not
information that they are looking for or don’t know looking for. And they will spend time to find the
looking for or don’t know what is the information know what my work gonna information what there are
what they are looking about because there is no say before they start to looking for. And they will
because there is no any any title. reading because of the title know what my work gonna
title or topic. say before they start to
reading because of the title

Develop a Design Specification​​ :Weebly (1)


My idea 1 will ​actualize by the website maker call weebly.

To actualize my idea 1 i will make new weebly account call “apis design/IS
project“ and create one website call “apis design/IS project GENDER
EQUALITY”. Advantages of making website is i can put anything in my
website, i can put picture or video wherever i want and i add game that i
made, it also can separate category so others will not spend time on
finding the information that they want.

#1)​​i will make different ​category which have different ​topic of gender
equality and different kind of information will be in each category with
different color( solution : red / history : green /my project : red /advantage :
purple / ​Actual experience game : blue )
That category will be call ​“solution,history,my project,advantages
and ​Actually experience game​”.

1A)Category one “Solution” is about :it will ​tell others how can they
change themself and people who around them. Most of people don’t know
a way to change themself without help or any suggestion, to tell them the
way, i will share my idea and make it as a clear solution so that people will
stand on begin of the way that can be changed.
1B)Category two call “ history” is about : it will ​tell others about
history that others didn’t know or didn’t ​unaware. Tell others about history
will help them realize the problem that actually happen around them and
help them think about what is wrong and what is correct by themself, and
if they learn history ,they will know the starting point of the problem so
start to change their perspective and this will help a lot to change them
1C)Category three call “my project“ is about : ​explain to others about
my project will
Support information that i write on my website because if i have
information about my project others will see how does my project work,
what is my goal , what i wanna achieve and why i want to do this project
so they will take my goal seriously and trust me. My site is not official
website so people might not trust my site easily, to make them can trust
me i should show them my determination and determination.
1D)category three call “advantages” is about:it​​ tell others about what
is advantages of gender equality.It will help other to colander what is
wrong and what is correct by themself.
This category information will work base on feminisme or the information
will connect with feminisme people will know when or who
should i support.
1E)category four call “Actual experience game” is about:​​ to tell
people about gender equality there is no better thing than let them
experience the situation on woman’s perspective so i will put link of a
game that i made and let them play game so they will know what is the
problem and how can they make it better.

#2)​​i will put picture which can show basic idea of gender inequality.
Different between woman and men is just different gender, however, there
is gap between women and men within society and that picture shows that

#3)​​before i explain about solution,history,my project,advantages and

actually experience game people should understand and know what is
gender inequality and equality so they will understand and follow my
solution, understand history and my project and understand advantages
and play and understand my ​actually experience game and change their
point of view.

#4)​​ i will write information of myself about what is my school,what project

am i doing write now and my grade. The reason why i wanna add my
information is because if I think myself as a person who is looking for
gender equality information, i will check a information about person who
write information so i can trust the website so my information will work for
a people who are looking for gender equality information.

The reason why i chose weebly to convey my idea of gender equality to

Actualize is because i can add information as much as i can​ ​However it’s
not easy to advertise
About my works or my project​ ​.

: ​Make a youtube channel

Image Description

My idea 2 will ​actualize by the web which can make ​channel​ call
youtube.To actualize my idea 2 i will make new google account call “apis
design/IS project“ and create one youtube channel call “apis design/IS

#1) there is 6 different ​category call

home,video,playlist,community,channels and about ​and those can put
different ​topic of explanation. This category will work for people who
come to my channel to see information about gender equality.they will
find the information easily
1A)​​i will write about my project in this category, i will write about my
action plan goal and explain what is this project is people will
understand what is my point of this project.
2B)​​to organise video i should have different channels to put different
topic of video so people will not spend time to find information which they
want because all they have to do is just click channels category and find
channels that they want. I will have 3 different channels call ​history,
solution and advantages.
- For history channel,​ ​tells others about history that others didn’t know or
didn’t ​unaware. Tell others about history will help them realize the
problem that actually happen around them and help them think about
what is wrong and what is correct by themself, and if they learn history
,they will know the starting point of the problem so start to change their
perspective and this will help a lot to change them self
- for solution channel,​tells others how can they change themself and
people who around them. Most of people don’t know a way to change
themself without help or any suggestion, to tell them the way, i will share
my idea and make it as a clear solution so that people will stand on begin
of the way that can be changed.
-for advantages channel, tell others about what is advantages of gender
equality.It will help other to colander what is wrong and what is correct by
This category information will work base on feminisme or the information
will connect with feminisme people will know when or who
should i support.
1C)​​i will not put anything on my community category. The reason i’m not
gonna put anything on community category is i don’t have any
community which is about gender equality.
1D)​​i can make my channel playlist, so i will make my channel playlist and
let other people watch them. Others can watch video step by step so they
can watch the video in order. The reason why they should watch the
video in order is because so they can understand more clearly and they
will not miss some information
1C)​​in video category i will put videos which is about ​history, solution and
.this videos will change other people’s mind. ​History video will tell others
about history that others didn’t know or didn’t ​unaware. Tell others about
history will help them realize the problem that actually happen around
them and help them think about what is wrong and what is correct by
themself, and if they learn history ,they will know the starting point of the
problem so start to change their perspective and this will help a lot to
change them self .for solution video,it will ​tell others how can they
change themself and people who around them. Most of people don’t
know a way to change themself without help or any suggestion, to tell
them the way, i will share my idea and make it as a clear solution so that
people will stand on begin of the way that can be changed.
-for advantages video,it will tell others about what is advantages of
gender equality.It will help other to colander what is wrong and what is
correct by themself.
This category information will work base on feminisme or the information
will connect with feminisme people will know when or who
should i support.

#2) ​my main video will be about “what is gender equality?”.

When people first get in to my channel, it's the first video that most
people watch in my channel because it takes most big place in my
channel before people watch about other topic, they should understand
what is gender will give people basic knowledge of gender
equality before they start to watch other video
#2.5) ​it will explain about the main video so people will know what is that
video about.

3)​​i will put video that i made about history of gender equality, advantages
and solution.

4)​​I will put picture that is related to gender equality so people will think
my channel is about gender equality.

5)​​I will put picture that is related to gender equality.

youtube can one of the best choice because people all around the world
can see easily and i can put information as much as i can
However it’s not easy to advertise
About my works or my project​.

: make a poster Description

My idea 3 will ​actualize by the poster.To actualize my idea 3 i will use ​24
x 36 inches​ poster paper and write title call”GENDER EQUALITY” on the
top of the paper.

#1) i will write information about gender equality right under the title. The
reason why i will write basic knowledge of gender equality is before
reader read about history, advantages, solution and my project, they
should understand WHAT IS GENDER EQUALITY , if they don’t know
what is gender equality ,they will not understand what my is my project
about and. Ig they don’t understand about it ...well there is no reason to
read about it.

#2)the second information “Solution” is about :it will tell others how can
they change themself and people who around them. Most of people don’t
know a way to change themself without help or any suggestion, to tell
them the way, i will share my idea and make it as a clear solution so that
people will stand on begin of the way that can be changed.

#3) the second information​ “advantages” is about:it tell others about what
is advantages of gender equality.It will help other to colander what is
wrong and what is correct by themself.
This category information will work base on feminisme or the information
will connect with feminisme people will know when or who
should i support.

#4) third information “ history” is about : it will tell others about history that
others didn’t know or didn’t ​unaware. Tell others about history will help
them realize the problem that actually happen around them and help
them think about what is wrong and what is correct by themself, and if
they learn history ,they will know the starting point of the problem so
start to change their perspective and this will help a lot to change them

#5) i will write about source.the reason why i wanna add my information
is because i need to show others that i used good source or not so they
will decide to trust my information and follow my solution.

#6) i will put picture which is relate to gender equality because there is
some information which i can not explain by paragraph and in that case i
can use picture to make them understand.
#7) i will explain about myself and my project. because the reason why i
wanna add my information is because if I think myself as a person who is
looking for gender equality information, i will check a information about
person who write information so i can trust the website so my information
will work for a people who are looking for gender equality information.

Reason why i plan this solution is because this solution is one of the best
and easiest way to share my idea with our school students, i can
attach a poster to the school corridor wall, so every students can see my
poster. ​if i attach a poster to the school corridor wall, i don’t have to
advertise​ about my works or my project because post also can ​advertise
and shows information at the sametimes.However it’s not easy to put
information as much as i can.
everyone will see the poster and at least one time and
they don’t have to search about gender equality or they don’t have to go
search our video and watch.

What is my ​final idea...


compare to my design specification...

My design should have many different color for each category to make people see clear information. All of section have color and i can see
every information very clearly because all
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
of they section and information have color
I will have no section which I will have 1 or 2 section which I will have 3 or 4 section which All of section have color and i but every section have different color, so
have no color.can not see have color however i can not have color however i can see can see every information very people will find information easily.
information because all the see few information because most information clearly but not clearly because all of they
chection and information have only some of information and very clear because only same of section and information have
the same color,people will don’t section have some color, so information and section have color but every section have
know where is the information. people will spend alot time to some color, so people will not different color, so people will
find information. spend a lot time to find find information easily.

have good information with good video or picture to make people understand more easily. My idea have all the information that i
found for research question last time.
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
There will be picture and video which can
It will have information, but not it will have information, but not It will have some information it will have all the information support my information (ex.Interview or
good enough. there will be no good enough,however there will that i looked for research that i found for research magazin) so people can trust information
detail about my idea,no picture be at least have one picture or question. There will be picture question last time. There will be
and video so people will not one video so people will not and video so picture and video which can that i write because the picture and video
trust me because there is no understand at all of things that i so people can trust information support my information support the information.
evidence for my information are say that i write because the picture (ex.Interview or magazin) so
true or not and video support the people can trust information that
information. i write because the picture and
video support the information.

Use detail information that i looked for research question and used that source for my website. My work will have more than 4 source so
the work can tells people better
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 information and good enough information
My work will have at least 3 My work will have at least 3 My work will have at least My work will have more than 4
about gender equality.
source that i didn’t write on source. Use source that i found 4 so the work can tells people source so the work can tells
Research  on plan/ organizer/reflection better information and good people better information and Use source that i found on plan/
Plan/Organizer/Reflection  google document because enough information about good enough information about
google document. Used source  Source that i already found are gender equality. gender equality. organizer/reflection google document
that can not trust,  trustable and have more safe because
So people will think my work is  information which can trust. Use source that i found on plan/ Use source that i found on plan/
not good work as a good  organizer/reflection google organizer/reflection google
Source that i already found are trustable
information to tell them about  use source that can trust document because document because and have more safe information which
gender equality .  because if my work has source Source that i already found are Source that i already found are can trust.
but, it is not good or has wrong trustable and have more safe trustable and have more safe
information people will think my information which can trust. information which can trust.
work is not good work as a good use source that can trust because if my
information to tell them about use source that can trust use source that can trust work has source but, it is not good or has
gender equality. because if my work has source because if my work has source
but, it is not good or has wrong but, it is not good or has wrong wrong information people will think my
information people will think my information people will think my work is not good work as a good
work is not good work as a good work is not good work as a good
information to tell them about information to tell them about
information to tell them about gender
gender equality. gender equality. equality.
Explain about the reason the
why i used those source ,so Explain about the reason the why i used
people will not doubt about those source ,so people will not doubt
information that i used
about information that i used
​ ​Organise my idea clearly to make sure everyone can understand what i’m trying to say My idea have information with at least 4 or
5 section and organise them together with
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 explanation.
put information without any i will have information with at I will have information with at I will have information with at
Put different topic of information in each
section. least 2 or 3 section but the least 3 or 4 section. Put different least 4 or 5 section and section.
don’t organise information and information which is in the topic of information in each organise them together with Have title so people will not spend time to
just put all information together section doesn’t have any title so section. explanation.
in only one section without any people will spend time to find Have title so people will not Put different topic of information find the information what there are looking
title so people will spend time to information that they are looking spend time to find the in each section. for. And they will know what my work
find information that they are for or don’t know what is the information what there are Have title so people will not
looking for or don’t know what information about because there looking for. And they will know spend time to find the
gonna say before they start to reading
they are looking because there is no any title. what my work gonna say before information what there are because of the title​.
is no any title or topic. they start to reading because of looking for. And they will know
the title what my work gonna say before
they start to reading because of
the title

My main point idea : actual experience game.

Description of my final idea

My idea 1 will ​actualize by the website maker call weebly.
To actualize my idea 1 i will make new weebly account call “apis
design/IS project“ and create one website call “apis design/IS project
GENDER EQUALITY”. Advantages of making website is i can put
anything in my website, i can put picture or video wherever i want and i
add game that i made, it also can separate category so others will not
spend time on finding the information that they want.

#1)​​i will make different ​category which have different ​topic of gender
equality and different kind of information will be in each category with
different color( solution : red / history : green /my project : red /advantage
: purple / ​Actual experience game : blue )
That category will be call ​“solution,history,my project,advantages
and ​Actually experience game​”.

1A)Category one “Solution” is about :it will ​tell others how can they
change themself and people who around them. Most of people don’t
know a way to change themself without help or any suggestion, to tell
them the way, i will share my idea and make it as a clear solution so that
people will stand on begin of the way that can be changed.
1B)Category two call “ history” is about : it will ​tell others about
history that others didn’t know or didn’t ​unaware. Tell others about history
will help them realize the problem that actually happen around them and
help them think about what is wrong and what is correct by themself, and
if they learn history ,they will know the starting point of the problem so
start to change their perspective and this will help a lot to change them
1C)Category three call “my project“ is about : ​explain to others about
my project will
Support information that i write on my website because if i have
information about my project others will see how does my project work,
what is my goal , what i wanna achieve and why i want to do this project
so they will take my goal seriously and trust me. My site is not official
website so people might not trust my site easily, to make them can trust
me i should show them my determination and determination.
1D)category three call “advantages” is about:it​​ tell others about what
is advantages of gender equality.It will help other to colander what is
wrong and what is correct by themself.
This category information will work base on feminisme or the information
will connect with feminisme people will know when or who
should i support.
1E)category four call “Actually experience game” is about:​​ to tell
people about gender equality there is no better thing than let them
experience the situation on woman’s perspective so i will put link of a
game that i made and let them play game so they will know what is the
problem and how can they make it better.

#2)​​i will put picture which can show basic idea of gender inequality.
Different between woman and men is just different gender, however,
there is gap between women and men within society and that picture
shows that different.

#3)​​before I explain about solution,history,my project,advantages and

actually experience game people should understand and know what is
gender inequality and equality so they will understand and follow my
solution, understand history and my project and understand advantages
and play and understand my ​actually experience game and change their
point of view.

#4​​)I will write information of myself about what is my school,what project

am I doing write now and my grade. The reason why i wanna add my
information is because if I think myself as a person who is looking for
gender equality information, I will check a information about person who
write information so i can trust the website so my information will work for
a people who are looking for gender equality information.

The reason why i chose weebly to convey my idea of gender equality to

Actualize is because i can add information as much as i can​ ​However it’s
not easy to advertise
About my works or my project​ ​.

-planning for the real one

image Explain Time

1. To actualize my idea all i have to
do at first is ​make a google account It takes 5 minute to make
call ​ “apis design/IS project“​ only google account.
for my project

2. After i have my project account, i

should make weebly account call “
apis design/is project” by my It takes 6 minute to make google
google account that i account .
“create new web page”

3. before I explain about

project,advantages and ​actually
experience game people should
understand and know what is
gender inequality and equality so
they will understand and follow my
solution, understand history and
my project and understand
advantages and play and It takes 40 minute to explain about
understand my ​actually experience gender equality definition.
game and change their point of
To put information, go back to
home page and click title button
and start to put title call “gender
equality “on the top and write small
title call “what is gender equality
“right below. Click text button and
drag it in to right under the small
title and write information about
definition of gender equality.

4. make different ​category which have

different ​topic of gender equality in
the “pag” section
different kind of information will be
in each category with different
color( solution : red / history : green
/my project : red /advantage : It takes 15 minute to make
purple / ​Actual experience game : category.
blue )
That category will be call
project,advantages and ​Actual
experience game​”.

5. Category one “Solution” is

about :it will ​tell others how can
they change themself and people
who around them. Most of people
don’t know a way to change
themself without help or any It will take 1 hour to write about
suggestion, to tell them the way, i solution
will share my idea and make it as a
clear solution so that people will
stand on begin of the way that can
be changed.

6. Category two call “ history” is

about : it will ​tell others about
history that others didn’t know or
didn’t ​unaware. Tell others about
history will help them realize the
problem that actually happen It will take 1:30 hour to write about
around them and help them think history
about what is wrong and what is
correct by themself, and if they
learn history ,they will know the
starting point of the problem so
start to change their perspective
and this will help a lot to change
them self

7. Category three call “my project“

is about : ​explain to others about
my project will
Support information that i write on
my website because if i have
information about my project others
will see how does my project work,
what is my goal , what i wanna
achieve and why i want to do this It takes 40 minute to write about
project so they will take my goal my project.
seriously and trust me. My site is
not official website so people might
not trust my site easily, to make
them can trust me i should show
them my determination and

8. category three call “advantages”

is about:it​​ tell others about what is
advantages of gender equality.It
will help other to colander what is
wrong and what is correct by
This category information will work
base on feminisme or the It takes 50 minute to write about
information will connect with advantage.
feminisme people will
know when or who should i

9. category four call “Actual

experience game” is about:​​ to tell
people about gender equality there
is no better thing than let them
experience the situation on
woman’s perspective so i will put
link of a game that i made and let
them play game so they will know
what is the problem and how can
they make it better.

10. To make actual experience game, i

will download game maker call


12. i will put picture which can show

basic idea of gender inequality.
Different between woman and men It will take 3 minute to put image
is just different gender, however,
there is gap between women and
men within society and that picture
shows that different.

13. I will write information of myself

about what is my school,what
project am I doing write now and
my grade. The reason why i wanna
add my information is because if I
think myself as a person who is
looking for gender equality It takes 40 minute to explain
information, I will check a about myself
information about person who write
information so i can trust the
website so my information will work
for a people who are looking for
gender equality information.

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