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A Collaborative Filtering Based Library Book Recommendation

Slide 1 – Project Title

​Student Names

Guide Details

Slide 2 - Table of Contents


Existing System

Limitations of Existing System

Statement of the Problem

Proposed System

Input & Output


System Requirements

Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

Things to do Next

Slide 3 – Introduction [talk on education sector]

1. Student Performance Improvization

2. College Library

4. Books to Refer

5. Student Advising

Slide 4 - Existing System

To reduce the problem of the traditional manual operation which is time-consuming and
inconvenient, we have library management system. Library management system is a software or
computerized system to maintain all the daily work of library. The purpose of the system is to
allow for storing details of a large number of books and allow for add, borrow, return facilities
separately to staff and students. Different privileges are given to different types of users. Some of
the features involved are date of issuing the book and return the book. If the there is any delay in
returning the book fine should be paid.
As there is no automation for library book recommendation for students, we need a
system which recommends library books for the students that improvises their performances.

Slide 5 - Limitations of Existing System

Confusions in book selection.

No Automation for library book recommendations

Only we find some maintenance softwares for library books

Lack of proper decisions

Lack of students satisfaction

Slide 6 - Statement of the Problem

The effectiveness and efficiency of book recommendation system is a significant issue

which could enhance students’ performance.

Slide 7 - Proposed System

College library plays an important role in assist learning, thus effectiveness of

recommender system is a significant issue in university. Based on the borrowing records and
behavior of other users, recommendation engines can predict books that a person might be
Proposed system is an automation for libray book recommendation for the university
students. Proper recommendations will increase the students performances. It uses user based
collobarative filtering (UCF) for the books recommendation. Libary books are recommended
based on the student borrow history and time stamp.
Scope and Objectives

Proposed system is an educational datamining/AI project.

Proposed system is an automation for library book recommendation for the university students.

Proposed system recommends library books, so as to improve the students performances.

Proposed system uses UCF techniques for proper book recommendations.

Proposed system recommends books for students based on borrow history and time stamp.

Proposed system helps university students in proper book selection.

Proposed system uses educational data mining/AI techniques for proper recommendations.

Proposed system is an real world application which is meant for education sector or college.

System build using ​ASP.NET​ as frontend technology and ​SQL Server​ as backend technology.

Slide 8 - Input & Output

Input: ​Student book borrow history and time stamp

Output: ​Library books recommendations using UCF

Slide 9 - Survey Papers




Less accurate results

Less efficient (more time)

Slide 11 - System Requirements

Hardware Requirements:

Hardware required to develop the software is as listed below

Processor : Pentium IV onwards

RAM : 2GB +

Hard disk space : 40GB +

Standard PC configuration to carryout challenging computing

Software Requirements:

Software required in development is as listed below

Operating System : Windows XP version, 7 & Higher

Framework : DOTNET

Design Tool : Visual Studio 2010.

Web Framework : ASP.NET 4.0 (front end)

Language : C#.NET

Back End : SQL Server

Slide 12 – Route Map!

Done with the Analysis

Done with the Literature Survey

What we do Next
Techniques analysis

Designing Project Planning (structure)

Designing storage structure (DB Structure)

Designing GUI

Then I ll start Coding


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