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South Brunswick Township Public Schools

Cambridge School
35 Cambridge Road
Kendall Park, New Jersey 08824
Telephone 732-297-2941 FAX 732-940-2030

Christi Pemberton Sandra Burghgraef-Fhete

Principal Assistant Principal

April 16, 2018

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to recommend Melissa Mielko as an elementary educator within your district. While in my 11th year
of teaching, it has been my good fortune to work alongside Melissa in fourth grade during the 2017 – 2018
schoolyear. I can recall no teacher with greater ability, dedication, or desire to learn than Melissa. I observed her
weekly taking on risks and opportunities in her interactions with children and other colleagues. I cannot imagine
an educator who is more richly deserving of being accepted into your district as an educator.

Melissa worked in the classroom right next to mine, so we spent a lot of time collaborating. Through this
collaboration, I learned a lot about Melissa’s work ethic. For one, she always came to school early and stayed late
creating lessons that not only met standards and curriculum, but also that were differentiated and exciting for her
students. Being new to fourth grade, Melissa was not afraid to ask questions to ensure she was on the right track
with her teammates. She often contributed to our weekly team meetings by bringing new ideas, resources, and
lessons. She even took on the responsibility of planning a class trip to the Camden aquarium. With Melissa’s
dedicated work ethic and ability to collaborate, I know she will add value to your school.

To give you a further sense of Melissa’s drive, she approached me about meeting once a week to lesson plan and to
strengthen her guided reading teaching. Through our meetings, Melissa became confident in planning for and
implementing guided reading. Secondly, I was impressed that following observations by administrators, she
invited them back into her classroom to see improvement and gain additional feedback. This drive to want to
better her teacher through (1) meeting with experienced teachers and (2) voluntarily inviting administration into
her classroom is something to highly note.

Overall, I know that Melissa will make a valuable contribution to your school district because she is collaborative,
patient, and is open to bettering herself as an educator. She expresses her ideas clearly and thoughtfully both in
speech and in writing, and has a natural rapport with children.


Dr. Jennifer Greco
908 – 489 – 1234
Teacher, Cambridge Elementary School

“My approach creates the climate; my mood makes the weather. Make it a sunny day!”

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