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Name: Emerald Rahmajaya Kesuma

NIM: 16918384

Class: KU 1001 (T-26)

Faculty: FTMD

Lecturer: Drs. Tommy Apriantono, Ph. D



First Question
In senior high school, I have Physical Education class as one of my senior high school

subjects. Physical Education class is compulsory for all students in my school, Bina

Nusantara International School Serpong. I have Physical Education class in senior

high school since grade ten.

In grade ten, I have Physical Education class every Monday. The class took about

eighty minutes.

In the first semester of grade ten, I was practicing push-ups, sit-ups, flexibility,

jumping, and beep test. My coach tested on push-ups with minimum twenty times for

male students, sit-ups with minimum forty times for male students, flexibility with

minimum reach of fifty centimeters, jumping with minimum reach range of two meters,

beep test with minimum of level nine.

In the second semester of grade ten, I had swimming course in Physical Education

class. The things that were tested in swimming course in Physical Education in the

second semester was floating T-position, holding breath, diving test, board jump test,

and freestyle/breaststroke swimming test. My coach tested on floating T-position for

minimum time interval of five minutes, holding breath with minimum time interval of

one minute, diving test for minimum distance of two hundred and fifty meters, and

freestyle/breaststroke swimming test for minimum distance of two hundred and fifty

meters. I also had Judo training in Physical Education class. My coach tested me on

the Judo techniques that my coach had taught to the class. There were also theory

test about Judo.

In grade eleven, the Physical Education class took place every Monday. The class

took about eighty minutes.

In the first semester of grade eleven, I was practicing planking, and beep test. For

planking test, I had to hold plank position for minimum time interval of one minute. For

beep test, I had to reach level nine. I also had floorball course in this semester. I was

taught about the passing techniques, shooting techniques, dribbling techniques, and

rules. The passing techniques, dribbling techniques, shooting techniques, and theory

about rules was tested by my coach. Moreover, I also had self-defense course. I was

taught and tested on how to encounter people with weapons as taught in self-defense


In the second semester of grade eleven, I had futsal course. I was taught about

shooting techniques, dribbling techniques, passing techniques, and rules. I was tested

on the techniques and theory test about the rules. Then, I had swimming course in

Physical Education class. The things that were tested in swimming course in Physical

Education in the second semester was floating T-position, holding breath, board jump

test, and freestyle/breaststroke swimming test. My coach tested on floating T-position

for minimum time interval of five minutes, holding breath with minimum time interval

of one minute, and freestyle/breaststroke swimming test for minimum distance of two

hundred and fifty meters. I also had basketball course. I was taught about dribbling

techniques, passing techniques, shooting techniques, and rules. I was tested on the

techniques and theory test about the rules.

In the last year of the senior high school, I have Physical Education class that also

took place every Monday. The class took about eighty minutes.
In the first semester of the last year of senior high school, my class was given task by

my coach to pick any sports for every Physical Education class. I get to answer

questions about theory of the chosen sports given by my coach. Then, my class was

given the whole time to practice the techniques of the chosen sport, taught by a

chosen group of students in my class. I also had beep test in this semester. My coach

would test me on beep test for minimum level of level nine.

In the second semester of the last year of senior high school, I had no Physical


Aside from Physical Education class in Senior High School, I jog every Saturday or

Sunday morning. I usually jog for fifty minutes with distance of five kilometers to seven

and a half kilometers. In addition, I also do push-ups & sit-ups every morning in my

room. I also ride bicycle in some occasion.

Second Question
When I am in Institut Teknologi Bandung, the physical activity differs from the one I

had during my Senior High School years.

In my senior high school years, the duration for my Physical Education class was only

eighty minutes. In comparison, the duration of the Physical Education class in Institut

Teknologi Bandung Tahap Persiapan Bersama is about one-hundred and twenty

minutes, which is longer duration than in Physical Education class at my senior high
school, Bina Nusantara International School Serpong.

In my senior high school Physical Education class, I was taught and tested on physical

skills such as push-ups, sit-ups, planking, jumping, flexibility test and beep test. Other

than physical skills, I am also taught and tested on some sports such as futsal,

basketball, floorball, judo, swimming and self-defense.

In Institut Teknologi Bandung Tahap Persiapan Bersama Physical Education class, I

am taught and tested on physical skill such as push-ups, sit-ups, back-ups, and half-

squat. Other than the physical skills, I am also taught and tested on two point four

kilometers run.

The difference is that in Institut Teknologi Bandung Tahap Persiapan Bersama

Physical Education Class I am not yet tested and taught planking, jumping, flexibility

test and beep test. I don’t have futsal course, basketball course, floorball course, judo

course, swimming course, and self-defense course yet. In my senior high school

Physical Education class, I was not taught and tested on two point four kilometers run

for minimum of fifty minutes.

While at Bina Nusantara International School Serpong Physical Education class, I am

not taught and tested on half squat and back-ups.

In senior high school Physical Education class, I had only minimum requirement for

push-ups of twenty times and for sit-ups of forty times. But, in Institut Teknologi

Bandung Tahap Persiapan Bersama Physical Education Class, minimum requirement

for push-ups is thirty-five times within thirty seconds and for sit-ups is sixty times within

thirty seconds.

I have running in both senior high school Physical Education class and in Institut

Teknologi Bandung Tahap Persiapan Bersama Physical Education class. But, the

main difference is that I had beep test for minimum level of nine in senior high school

Physical Education class while in Institut Teknologi Bandung Tahap Persiapan

Bersama Physical Education class I have two point four kilometers run within fifteen


Aside from exercising at senior high school Physical education class or at campus

Physical Education class, I also exercise routine.

In my senior high school years, I jog every Saturday or Sunday morning. I usually jog

for fifty minutes with distance of five kilometers to seven and a half kilometers. In

addition, I also do push-ups & sit-ups every morning in my room. I also ride bicycle

sometimes, as a transport to my senior high school or as an alternative to jogging

every Saturday or Sunday morning.

In comparison, when I am in Institut Teknologi Bandung, I run for two point four

kilometers at jogging track in Sarana Olah Raga Ganesha, with time interval of around

fifteen minutes, mostly two times every week. Aside from running for two point four

kilometers, I also do Basic Physical Exercises at my room, such as push-ups, sit-ups,

back-ups and half squats. I walk for almost every day when I go to Institut Teknologi


In addition, I also joined Unit Tenis and Pasopati. Unit Tenis is one of the Unit Kegiatan

Mahasiswa that focuses on tennis. I have Unit Tenis every Saturday evening from two

‘o’ clock in the afternoon to five ‘o’ clock in the evening. I practice on playing tennis

with other members every Saturday. While Pasopati, it is one of the Unit Kegiatan

Mahasiswa that focuses on archery. I have Pasopati every Sunday evening from four

‘o’ clock in the evening to six ‘o’ clock in the evening. I practice on basic skills for

archery such as push-ups, extended planking, T-position (holding two six hundred

milliliters water bottles fully filled with water upright), and bow exercise with other

members every Sunday.

Third Question
Sports benefited me for my health conditions in many ways.

One example is that sports such as jogging kept me healthy as it strengthened my

immune system so that when my body encounters a virus, I would not be easy to be


Jogging keeps my weight constant and can reduce it. Without sports such as jogging,

I could have been obese. When I have obesity, it would be difficult for me because

with obesity, I could be easily infected with virus. Not only infected by virus, I would

have difficulties in breathing and walking. Obesity might affect my performance in

Physical Education class as the fats is making me to be unable to jog properly, do

push-ups properly, do sit-ups, do planking, and do half-squats.

Other than jogging, I also do futsal and cycling. Cycling is just the same as jogging as

it is also cardio.

Cycling improves the strength of my muscles and endurance. By cycling, I have

increased muscle strengths such as foot muscle, so that my foot is able to cycle or jog

even further. By cycling or jogging further, this also results in reducing more weight as

I mentioned before in the second paragraph.

Increasing muscle strength can also be done by going to the gym and lifting weights

such as bar bells and dumbbells.

Sports such as futsal increases the healthiness of the lungs. Futsal keeps me roaming

around the futsal court, keeping my lungs working harder and even harder as I paced

back and forth, trying to receive the futsal ball, passing the futsal ball to another player

or a teammate, dribbling the futsal ball, and scoring a goal. Not only futsal, jogging,

cycling and going to the gym also assists in increasing the healthiness of the lungs.

Futsal also increases myself in team-working skills. Futsal increases this as when I

play futsal with my friends, they are my teammates. To win the futsal match, I need to

communicate with my teammates, so that we can score goals. Without team-work, my

team during a futsal match would lose to the rival team.

Sports such as cycling and jogging increases my mentality. Both sports, cycling and

jogging, increases my mentality as cycling and jogging, I always set targets and I

demanded to myself that I need to fulfill the targets so that my mentality increases and

my healthiness also increases. When my mentality in sports is increasing, my

mentality in life is also increasing. So, when I pushed myself to my limits in cycling

and jogging, I can push myself to my limits in life such as pushing to the limits in


All types of sports relieves me from stress. I relieves me from stress as sports, when

I am stressed out because of my hectic schedule these past few weeks, I am able to

spill out my stress levels by pushing myself to the limits. It also relieves me from stress,

such as playing futsal with my friends which satisfies me when my team wins against

the rival team on the other side of the court and it also relieves me from stress as I

meet my friends and socialize. Archery also relieves me from stress as when I hit the

X target, it satisfies me.

Sports also increases confidence. Archery increases my confidence as when I trying

to hit the X target, I need myself to believe that I will hit the X target, I needed the help

of self-confidence.

Sports benefited me, so that I do not get easily sick. When I am not easily sick, I do

not need to go to the doctor. When I do not go to the doctor, there is no payment

required. When I do not go to the doctor, I am able to attend class. I am able to attend

every class, every day at Institut Teknologi Bandung. When I am able to attend every

class at Institut Teknologi Bandung, I am able to complete the tasks given at every

subjects such as quizzes, collecting homeworks, doing group works, etc.

Sports benefited me so that I do not waste time staying asleep at my bed waiting for

myself to be healthy when I am sick.

Sports benefited me so that I do not need to take make up tests that took place when

I am sick. Sports benefited me as some sports increased my team-working skills so

that in life, I could easily carry out activities such as group-work smoothly.

Sports also benefited me so that my mentality in life is increased and that I can push

myself to my limits. With self-confidence, I am confident to decide what is right and

Fourth Question
A fitness program that could improve my physical fitness:

1. Doing at least thirty-five or more push-ups for three days a week.

2. Doing at least sixty or more sit-ups for three days a week.

3. Doing at least fifty-four or more back-ups for three days a week.

4. Doing at least eighty-eight or more half-squats for three days a week.

5. Doing extended planking at least two minutes or more for three days a week.

6. Doing T-position at least one and a half minutes or more for three days a week.

7. Jogging for two point four kilometers below fifteen minutes or lesser for two

days a week.

8. Swimming for two hundred and fifty meters for once a week.

9. Going to a fitness center for once a week.

10. Playing a futsal match if there is any.

11. Attending every practice that Unit Tenis has.

12. Attending every practice that Pasopati has.

13. Walking to Institut Teknologi Bandung every day, if possible.


 “15 Health Benefits of Sports”


 “Benefits of Sports for Adolescents”

MU Health Care.
medicine/benefits-of-sports >

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