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A Reproduced Lesson Plan

in Science 10
Prepared by: Henry B. Sergio Jr
March 7-11, 2016 Grade 10-Mpbgy
I. Learning II. Learning Content III. Learning Procedure IV. Evaluation V. Assignment

Through a group A. Subject matter: A. Preparation (See last page) Recently, athletes
presentation about Hormones *Preliminary Assessment tested positive for
the hormones of the From the pictures given below, identify which does not anabolic steroids
body, the students B. Reference: belong to the group and write an explanation why the have been barred
should be able to:  Capco M.C. et al. organ should not be included in the group. from engaging in
(2005) You and the sports. Make a
A. explain the role of natural world series poster to inform
the hormones science and people of the
involved in the body; technology biology. effects of these
Phoenix Publishing substances.
B. describe the House, Inc. Quezon
feedback Avenue, Quezon Criteria:
mechanism involved City Creativity-5
in regulating the  Grade 10 K-12 Impact-10
processes in the Teacher’s Guide Total: 15 pts
human body;
C. Materials: Submit it on
C. locate the LCD Projector Monday, March 14,
different organs of 2016.
the Endocrine D. Concepts:
system; and 1. Hormone-
influences activity of
D. name the cells in another part
hormone or of the organism.
hormones produce 2. The organs of the Heart- The heart is a part of the circulatory system,
by the Endocrine Endocrine system while all the rest are parts of the nervous system.
organs. include:
hypothalamus, pineal
gland, pituitary gland,
thyroid gland,
parathyroid gland,
thymus gland,
pancreas, adrenal
gland and the
D. Skills:
1. Explaining the role
of hormones in the
2. Describing the

Lungs- the lungs are a part of the respiratory system

while the rest are parts of the female reproductive

Skull- the skull is a part of the skeletal system, while

the rest are parts of the endocrine system.
Intestine- the intestine is a part of the digestive
system, while the rest are parts of the male
reproductive system.

B. Presentation
1. Post a diagram of the Endocrine system and its
2. Define what a hormone is.
Hormone- secreted by the endocrine glands into the
blood stream which carries them throughout the

3. Present the different Endocrine glands and their

4. Based from the presentation on the endocrine
glands and their hormones, ask a student to give a
short inference about the endocrine system.
The endocrine system consists of glands that secrete chemical known as hormones to
control various body processes. This control system usually brings about slow
changes in the body because chemical messengers move more slowly than nerve
impulses. The major glands in the body are the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus,
adrenal, pancreas, ovaries and testes.

5. Let the students study the pictures below, identify

the name of the endocrine gland and explain its effect
according to its function.
1. Ovaries- secrete more progesterone and estrogen to promote pregnancy.
2. Adrenal gland- produces adrenaline to activate short-term stress response.
3. Pituitary gland- produces growth hormones
4. Thymus gland- secretes thymosin to stimulate production of T-cells to fight
against infection.
5. Pancreas- secretes insulin that regulates blood sugar levels.

6. Describe the feedback mechanism of the endocrine


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Stimulus Process Command

7. Ask a student to identify the endocrine gland based

on its projected location.


1. Pineal gland
2. Hypothalamus
3. Pituitary gland
4. Thyroid gland
5. Parathyroid gland
6. Thymus
7. Adrenal
8. Pancreas
9. Ovary
10. Testis
C. Application
1. Group the class into 7 with 6 or 5 members each.
2. Ask them to research about a certain hormone and
its effect to the body.
3. Each group will be given 2 minutes to present.
4. A scale of 1-5 will be given as a score based on
their creativity.

D. Generalization
What is the coordinative function of the Reproductive
and Endocrine systems?
Hormones secreted by the endocrine system play an important
role in both male and female reproductive systems. The
pituitary gland controls the functions of both the testes and the
ovaries. These hormones keep the reproductive system
properly functioning.

MATCHING TYPE. On a ¼ sheet of pad paper, match the Endocrine glands on Column A with its location on Column B and identify on Column C
one hormone that the gland secretes. (14 pts)

Answer Column A Column B Column C

1. Pancreas A. On top of the kidneys 8.
2. Parathyroid B. Between the kidneys 9.
3. Thymus C. Below the voice box 10.
4. Thymus D. In the neck 11.
5. Adrenal E. Lower abdomen 12.
6. Ovary F. In front of the heart 13.
7. Testes G. Beneath the brain 14.

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