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Ecomm Agency Handout

How to Set Appointments

(With Script)

Quick notes:

 Nearly all your appointments will be set over the phone, email or direct message
(DM) .

 Email is simple, keep it short and give them a time that works in your upcoming
schedule. Do NOT sell in an email, only go for the appointment. Follow the
templates and strategies in Email and DM templates lesson.

 The phone is your friend and it’s the most powerful social media tool you have.

 The process: Send the email, then follow up by phone.

 Reschedules are part of the process. Get used to it.

The Power of Your Voice

You have two ways to be verbally responsive: what you say and how you say it.
At some point you must ask yourself the all-important question, “Would you buy from
someone who sounds like you?”

I’ve asked hundreds of salespeople, “What state do you want your customer in while
you are presenting?” “I want them excited…”, “Enthused…”, “Inspired…”,
“Motivated…”, “Emotionally charged about the product”, and “Alert, attentive…” are
some common answers.

Indeed, these are great “states” to have your customer in while presenting your
product/service. Realize that people are emotional first, logical second and will often
base quick decision on how they “feel” about you and your product/service. Stir
someone’s emotion in your favor, and you are one step closer to a close.
Ecomm Agency Handout

When you say words such as ‘excellent’ it should sound excellent. When you say
“outstanding” you should say it outstandingly. When you say “amazing”, do you say it

Reality check. When you use emotionally charged words, do you say them in
the way that words are intended to make another person feel?

Ask yourself the tough question, “Am I boring?” “Do I sound dull monotone,
uninspired, and unmotivated?”

3 Steps to your call:

1. Disarm them quickly
2. State your purpose
3. Go for the appointment time

Phone Call Script:

You aren’t selling you or your services on this follow up call – you are only going for the
appointment. If they start probing questions, act too busy and you will answer when you
meet next.

Example (once you have the business owner on the phone):

Hi Jim, this is [your name]. (stop and wait for a response –Note: just say you’re name, it
interrupts their pattern and is different than other salespeople who say who they are

It doesn’t sound (or sounds) like you know who I am, and I’m sure I caught you in the
middle of something. Can I be really quick and tell you why I called?
Ecomm Agency Handout

Well, I’m simply following up to an email I sent you on Tuesday with a invitation to
schedule some time to speak for a few minutes about how we can increase your sales
by getting your products featured on it’s own [Ecommerce store, Amazon Store, etc].

Like all my clients, and me, I’m sure you’re also very busy. You may not have even
looked it yet, and that’s ok.

Would you be open minded to setting aside 15 minutes this Friday morning so I can
show you a demo of how we do this for clients who want more revenue streams?

Great, I’ll be there at 10am Friday morning. I look forward to meeting you then. [or if by
phone/zoom confirm the time over the phone/zoom].


“Just tell me now about, I have a little time.”

Sorry, I wasn’t planning on that and I was only calling to schedule a better time for both
of us. How does your mid-morning at 10am look tomorrow?

“Just try me on Thursday.”

Mary, like you, I also keep a tight schedule. Let’s just nail down a time to make it easier
on both of us, and I promise not to waste either of our time.

“Just send me some information.” I already did, let’s review it because that doesn't
scratch the surface of what I want to reveal to you when we meet.

“What are you selling?”

Ecomm Agency Handout

I’m work with local small to medium sized businesses like yours who are frustrated with
not having their products online generating passive cash flow for their business with an
Ecomm store / Amazon store. All I’m asking is if you’re open minded to see a demo of
exactly how we do this successfully for clients? How does Friday morning work at

“No, we’re good.”

Jim, we both know that’s not entirely true – I’m a business owner too, I’ve also seen
your online presence, and I know you’re missing out on customers because I can see
what marketing you are NOT doing along with what you ARE doing. Let’s just meet
briefly and you can decide whether I’m crazy or not – and I promise not to waste either
our time. How does tomorrow at 2pm work?

Final Note:

In this lesson, we recommend you watch the video a few times through. Joe
demonstrates how this should sound on the phone, variations of this script and the
confidence that goes with the territory of successful appointment setting. Model this.

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