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It is an art of utilization of the existing human resources of the
organization in the right way at the right time in the right place.It
is to get and develop the best outputs from the human resourses .

Human resource management is mainly concerned with how people

are managed with an organizations ,focusing on polices and systems
.HR departments and units and organizations are typically responsibke
for number of activities such as

 Recruitment and Selection

 Training and development
 Performance appraisal
 Industrial relation

Recruitment ,Selection Process:

Recritment is a process of searching for prospective
employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in
the organizations.It deals with:
 Identification of existing sources of applicants and
developing them.
 Creation of new sources of applicants
 Stimulating the canditates to apply for jobs in the
organizations .
 Striking a balance between internal and external

Selection is a process of picking individuals with

requisite qualifications and competence to fill jobs in
the organizations.A formal definition of selection is

“It is the proces of differentiating between applicants in

order to identify those with a graet likelihood of sucess
in jobs “

Recritment and selection are the two crucial in

the HR process and are often used inter
changebly.There,I however a fine distinction between
two steps.While recritment refers to the process of
identifying and encouraging prospective employees to
apply for jobs,selection is concerned with picking the
right candidates from the pool of applicants.
Rewards and recognition can be powerful tools for
employee motivation and performance improvement.
Reward means something given for a better
performance while Recognition is an important feature
in retaining excellent employees and for improving
performance further. Many types of rwewards and
recognition have direct costs associated with them ,
such as cash bonus , stock awards and a wide variety of
other company paid perks . The primary objective of
providing reward and recognition is to encourage and
motivate the employees to do better performance.
Thus, rewards and recognition can be considered one
of the motivational aspects in human resources

Rewards and recognition are given to achieve

desired goals. Rewards system should be closely
aligned to organizational strategies. These strategies
could be designed to foster innovation , to provide
unique products / services . Rewards and recognition
may be monetary or non monetary and both as well .
Monetary rewards include cash bonus, stock awards ,
company paid perks , gift certificates etc.

Pharmaceutical Industry :
The pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest
and the most exciting sectors to be working today. It is
rapidly changing environment where many advances
have taken place over 20 years . Further more , it will
continue to develop and evolve at an ever increasing
pace over the next decade. Pharmaceuticals are the
medicinally chemicals which are converted to dosages
forms suitable for patients to imbibe.

Selection , on the other hand , is negative in its

application in as its seeks to eliminate as many
unqualified applicants as possible in order to identify
the right candidates .

Need and scope of the

An indusrtry whether to develop or not to develop is in
the hands of the employees . for organization to run
sucessful skilled emoployees are required . This report
contains a study of evaluating the affectiveness

Specifically, the purposes are to :

 To study the recruitment and selection stratigies

of the orgaqnization with refernce to job analysis
 To study the affectiveness of various recruiting
&selection technique sources for all types of job
 Help to incerease the affectiveness recruitment
and selection process in the organization.
Objectives of the study
 The know the recruitment policies in
Dr.Reddy’s laboratory
 To study the process of selection in
DR.REDDY’S laboratory
 To identify the necessary areas in the
recruitment , selection where there is an
improvement needed
 To study the opinion of the employees
regarding the recruitment , selection followed
by the organization
 To suggest improvement methods in the
process of recruitment, selection in Dr.REDDY’s

A research cannot be conducted abruptly.
Researcher has to proceed systematically in a
planned direction with the help of a number of
steps in sequence . The methods adopted by
the researcher for completing the project is
called research methodology.

In other words , research methodology is

simply the plan of action for a research which
explains in detail how data is to be collected
analyzed and interpreted.
Data becomes information only when a proper
methodology is adopted.
The present chapter attempt to highlight
the research methodology adopted in this
Primary data was collected by way of a
questionnaire concerned discussion with
employees in different levels and category.

As per the requirement of the selected
organization, the present study is confined to
quality control department where in 80
employees are working.
Thus, all 80 employees are concerned
with as a sample unit and the present study is
carried out further.

The study is confined with recruitment in
DR.REDDY’S for a shorter period .The study is
subjected to certain limitations.
 In the sample size was 80 respondents,
which is relatively small for the
objectives of the study.
 The study is limited to only QC
department in FTO9 which is relatively
small to gather all information.
 There is every possibility of deviation in
the answering pattern of the
respondents from what they really feel.
 There is a time limit of two months; in
two months it is difficult to cover all the
activities of the company.

The pharmaceutical industry develops,
produces and markets drugs or phar,aceuticals licensed for use as
medications. pharmaceutical companies are allowed to deal in generic
or brand medications and medical devices. They are subject to a laws
and regulations regarding the patenting , testing , and ensuring safety
and efficiency and marketing of drugs.

 It is branch of industry which includes the
study of formation of drug into dosage.
 deals with many aspects of interactions
both inside and outside the body.
 its not trivial to design and implement a
dosage from that is both safe and
effective for drugs intended use.



Pharmaceutical drugs are natural or

chemical substances used for treating,
curing, and preventing different types of
diseases . A wide variety of
pharmaceutical drugs is used for relieving
acute pains and help in controlling mental
and physical ailments.

While OTC drug are available in the

market without special restrictions. POM
drugs can be purchased by licensed
medical practitioners.

A chemical entity obtained
from various source which produces
therapeutic effect of the body.

Drugs are combined
with inert substances & converted into
suitable form of administration into body;
this form of administartion is known as
dosage form.
Eg: tablets


Indian pharma industry is
mainly operated as well as controlled by dominant foreign companies
having subsidaries in india due to availability of cheap labor in india at
lowest cost . In 2002, over 20,000 registered drug manufactures in india
sold $9 billion worth of formulations and bulk drugs . 85% of these
formulations were sold in india while over 60% of the bulk drugs were
exported , mostly to the united states and russia. Most the players in
the market are small to medium enterprises; 250 of the largest
companies control 70% of the Indian market. Thanks to the 1970 patent
Act ,multinationals represent only 35% of the market , down from
70%thirty years ago. Most pharmaceutical companies operating in
india; even the multinationals , employs indians almost exclusively from
the lowest ranks to high level management . Home grown
pharmaceuticals , like many other businesses in india, are often a mix of
public and private enterprises.

In terms of the global market . India currently holds a

modest 1-2% share, but it has been growing at approximately 10% per
year. India gained its foothold on the global scene with its innovatively
engineered generic drugs and active pharmaceutical ingredients (AP) ,
and it is now seeking to become a major player in outsourced clinical
research as well as contract manufacturing and research. There are 74
US FDA - approved manufacturing facalities in india, more than in any
other country outside thr=e US, and in 2005 almost 20% of all
Abbreviated New Drug applications (ANDA) to the FDA are expected to
filed by the indian companies. Growths in other fields not withstanding
, generics are still a large part of the picture. London research company
global Insight estimates that indians share of the global generics market
will have a risen from 4 % to 33% by 2007. The indian pharmaceutical
industry has become the third largest producer in the world and is
poised to grow into an industry of $20 billion in 2015 the current
turnover $12 billion.

Industry Scenario:
The pharmaceutical industry in india is most
progressive and advanced among all the developed countries. The
industry has provided great employment oppurtunities to thousand of
people, apart from contributing greatly towards the indian drugs (both
brand name and generic ), biologics (products derived from living
sources, as opposed to chemical compositions),vaccines and natural
health products. The basic objectives of the Government policy relating
to the drug and pharmaceutical sector were enumerated in the drug
policy of 1986 . These basic objectives still remain largely valid .
However , drug and pharmaceutical industry in the country today faces
new challenges on account of liberlization of the indian economy , the
globalization of the indian economy of the world economy and on
account of new obligations undertaken by the WTO agreements . these
challenges require emphasis in the current pharmaceutical policy and
the need for new innitiatives beyond those enumerated drug policy
1986 , as modified in 1994. So that policy inputs are directed more
towards promoting accelerated growth of pharmaceutical industry and
towards making it more internationally competitive. The need for
radically improving the policy framework for knowledge -based indrusty
has also been acknowledged by the government.

Government plans policy options to

boost pharma:
The government is looking at policy options to
strengthen india's thriving pharmaceutical industry and check growing
instances of takeovers by foreign players. The commerce department
pharmaceuticals exports promotional concil has been comissioned a
study to suggest way to enhance competitiveness of the domestic
industry. The department feels this will give confidence to the local
industry to take on foreign competition and not sell out because of fear
of getting swapped by larger players.

Government control and policy:

India is already among the top
six producers of pharmaceuticals of the world. The government of india
has announced a host of measures to create a environment for the
indian pharmaceutical industry. The policies of the government of india
are aimed at building more hospitals , boostig local access to
healthcare, improving the quality of medicaltraining , increasing piblic
expenditure on healthcare to 2-3 % of GDP, up from the current level of
1% . At the same time , the growth in healthcare insurance in india is
also expected to complement the overall growth in pharmaceutical
market. The government of india has made tax breaks available to the
pharmaceutical sector and a weighted tax deduction of 150 percent for
any R&D expenditure incurred. This is a leauge withgovernments
pharma vision 2020 whch aims at india a global leader in end to end
manufacture by 2020

Future focus:
Beyond challenges in healthcare like patent
expiries , generic inroads , patient visits declining , and health apps
proliferating , leadership of a younger demographic of the pharma
talent is a complex key to pharmaceutical companies futures.

 starting an innovation blogging hour across the organization to

encourage spontaneous sharing of ideas like one of my pharma
clients has done
 incorporating thought leadership into your leadership
development programs
 inviting top talent along to executive meetings for fresh ideas
 coordinating reverse monitoring between young talent
 set up a specific recruitment twitter feed to keep future talent
abreast of new oppurtunities at your organization.
 use internal social media and playful environments to evolve the
culture and engage both hearts and minds.

India likely to extend price caps to more

india is likely to raise the number of drugs deemed
essential and therefore subject to price caps to improve affordability. A
panel convened by india health ministry met for the first time on
tuesday to consider adding more drugs to list the essential medicines,
all of which would then come affordable in a country where 70 per cent
of the 1.2 billion people live on less than $2 a day less than 20 % are
covered by health insurance. Bringing more drugs under price controls
would dash hopes for an easing of the policies of the previous central
government by the new.

Major players:
One of india's top drug makers,
DR.REDDY'S laboratories develops and manufactures branded and
unbranded generic drugs and bulk pharmaceutical ingredients. Its
stable of products includes ulcer medicines ,antibiotics,anti depressants
, pain relievers , diabetes treatments and cardiovascular drugs.
DR.REDDY'S laboratories also makes generic biotech products. Its
custom pharmaceutical drugs units provides contract discovery ,
development, and manufacturing services to other drug makers. the
firm sells its products in more than 100 countries through direct sales
entities and third party distribution partners.

Top competitors in pharma industry are

as follows:
 Teva pharmaceutical industry limited
 Ranbaxy laboratory limited
 Dr.Reddy's laboratory
 Sun pharmaceutical industry limited
 Lupin
 Cipla
 Aurobindo
 Divis lab
 Cadila health
 Torrent pharma
 Glaxo smithkline
 Glenmark

Problems faced in pharma industry:

Industry issues:
The pharmaceutical industry is undergoing a
period of intense transformation. Increased srutiny of operational
and research practices together with difficult questions over the
safety of the marketed drugs have created uncertainty in what
has traditonally been considered a stable and highly profitable
business. Many analysts suggest that the industry is moving from
the era of 'blockbuster' drugs to a new model of drug
development known as 'personalized medicine'.

Key issues affecting companies in the

pharamaceutical sector:

 successfully developing innovating

drugs and enhancing R&D productivity
companies need to move a new products into existing and new
markets quickly to obtain sufficient benefit from a limited patent life
and to compensate for development costs which can exceed $800
million per drug. The issues involved in effectively carrying out research
and development are complex is also a key component that effects
every stage of process.
 pricing pressure and shrinking margins
contrary to public perception , drugs from only a small proportion of
overall healthcare costs. The high profitability of pharamaceuticals
companies makes them a relatively easy target for healthcare providers
trying to reduce costs. One of the solutions for the companies is to
have an control over operating costs.

 Managing regulatory compliance :

The pharmaceutical industry is experiencing a period of heightened
regulatory srutiny in a number of areas. Therefore , the industry will
be challenged to move beyond the current crisis management
approach to regulatory compliance and implement a comprehensive
strategic approach that builds compliance into the awy companies do

Company profile
A Brief profile of Dr.Reddy's Laboratories
Dr.reddy's laboratories ltd is one of the india's leading
pharmaceutical companies with global ambitions . It was promoted by
Dr.K.AnjiReddy, and incorporated in the year 1984. Dr.K.AnjiReddy
started this company with few acres of land and quality control setup
with 25lakhs , with 10-15 employees who ae technically competitive.his
son in law , G.V. Prasad is the chairman & chif executive and his son,
K,SatishReddy is the managing directorand chairman of the company .
They began as a supplier to indian drug manufacturers , but soon
started exporting to other less regulated markets that had the
advantage of not having to spend time and money on a manufacturing
plant that would gain approval from a drug licensing body such as the
U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Within a year Reddy's had
launched Norilet , the company's first recognized brand in india.

Dr.Reddy's has divided employees & branches into 2

departments i.e ; CTO (Chemical technical operations ), &FTO
(Formulations technical operations). Global Generic consits of 12 FTO'S
. 9 branches in india &3 in other states . FTO 1,2,3 branches are located
in hyderabad.FTO 4 is in yanam.FTO5 is sold to Goa,FTO6&8 are located
in himachal pradesh.FTO7&9 are located in Visakhapatnam.FTO SEZ is
in pydahbheemavaram.

Reddy’s Labs Operates in three

business verticals they are:
 PSAI(pharamaceutical services active ingredients)
 Glolbal generics
 Proprietary products
PSAI consist of bulk drugs manufacturing units.Global
generics involves in formulation business i.e..drug to
consumable nature where as PSAI is a raw material to
drug.Proprietary products involves in new chemical entities
and biological products.
Dr.Reddy’s obtained another success by manufacturing a
new bulk drug by the name Omeprazole which was
launched in the market by the brand name OMEZ.&ulcer in
reflux oesophagitis medication –launched at half the price
of other brands in the Indian market at that time.With in a
year Reddy’s became the first Indian company to transform
itself from a supplier of pharmaceutical ingredients to other
manufacturas into a manufacturer of pharmaceutical
products.The companies first international move took it to
Russia in 1992.There Dr.Reddy’s formed a joint venture with
the countries biggest pharmaceuticals producer,Biomed.In
the year 1995,Dr.Reddy’s representation office in Romania
started the year 1997.Omez becomes number
one,among Omeprazole in Russia.In 2000 Dr.Reddy’s
increases teritory of coverage:in
g,Kemerovo,Novokuznetsk,Nise becomes number1among
In the year 2004 Reddy’s formed separate field force to
strengthen work with hospitals.Again in 2006 Dr.Reddy’s
enterd into lincensing agreement with MERCK AG
(Germany),Molteni(Italy) and Torrent(India).In 2009
Dr.Reddy’s becomes 13th among branded generic
products,Russian companies on retail market (as per pham
expert data ).In 2010 Dr.Reddy’s entered into licensing
agreement with Cipla(Senade).It enters into an agreement
with R-pharm of Russia,colobration in the areas of high
technology and knowledge 2011 ,CSR and social
marketing activities done through “power of 10” and
“power of 20”-for abandoned children over 18 years,”Give a
child a smile”-for children with Oncology
diognostics,”survivor day”,connection with Romania
association of cancer patients and Go Green-Danude delta
Dr.Reddy’s manufactures and markets a wide range nof
pharmaceuticals in India and overseas.The comp-any has
over 190 medications,60 active pharmaceutical
ingredients(Apis),for drug manufacture , diagnostic
kits,critical care and bio-technology products. Dr.reddy’s
had 6 FDA(Food &Drug administration) plants producing
active pharmaceutical ingredients in india and 7 FDA –
inspected and ISO 9001 ( quality) and ISO 14001 (
environmental mqanagement) certified plants making
patients- ready medications- 5 of them in india and 2 in the
Dr.Reddy’s strive everyday to do what matters most to the
patients : accelerating access to affordable medecines in
finding solutions for unmet needs. There generics products
bring expensive medicines with in reach of patients by
helping to reduce the cost of therapy. Reddy’s portfolio
consists of all dose forms in multiple therapeutic areas as
well as biologic drugs.

The company is having :

 6 FDA- inspected plants in india
 1 cytotoxic facility
 1FDA – inspected plant in mexico
 1FDA- inspected plant in mirfield, uk.

 3 technologuy development centers

Dr.Reddy’s patients trust their medicines and hence they believe that
they trust must be earned every single day. So they continually remind
themselves that the interests of patients must always come first. In
pursuit of these , they believe in creating an environment of innovation
and learning, as they push themselves to reach higher levels of

To address unmet patient needs, reddy’s ;laboratories develop

innovative products that increase patient conveninece and enhance a
drug safety or effiency. This include novel formulations of currently
marketed drugs or combinations of complimentary drugs. In ailments
such as cancer , hypertension , diabetes, and kidney disease, reddy’s
labs provide services that helps stay on course with prescribed through
daily reminders about medication follow up as needed , facilitate
counselling to deal with emotion stress , and help to increase awarness
about chronoic diseases and the importaance of early diagonisis and
treatment. There products and services are based on there strong
capabilities such as deep science and technology skills , in depth
knowledge of intellectual property regulations , advanced
manufacturing , sales and marketing capabilities , and a flexibile supply
chain that can avert shortages and meet demand surges .
Dr.Reddy’s has 7 board – level
committees , namely:
 The audit committee
 The compensation committee
 The shareholders grievance
 The investment committee
 The management committee
There capabilities span 24 major chemistries including stero- selective
synthesis , cryogenics , hydrogenations , and cyanations. Our strong IP
,regulatory and analytical skills are evdient in 84 US DMFS, the highest
in india and 2nd highest in world .

The main purpose of dr.reddy’s laboratories ltd is to provide affordable
and innovative medecines for healthier lifes.
Mission of dr.reddy’s is to be first indian pharmaceutical company that
successfully takes its products from discovery. To commercial launch
globally. In particular its vision to become a discovery- LED global,
pharmaceutical company with a core purpose of helping people lead
healthier lifes.

To become a discovery led global pharmaceutical company.

The audits committee costituted by , and accountable to , the board of
directors of dr.reddy’s laboratories ltd .

The primary responsibilities are :

 To check the integrity of the companies financial statements

 To check compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and
the COBE
 To check the qualification and independence of the external and
internal auditors.
 To measure the performance of the companies external auditors
and the internal auditing team and adequacy and reliability of the
internal control systems, especially those relating to the reporting
to of the companies financials .
Core values:
Integriety and transparency: Dr.reddy’s will uphold the
highest the standards of integrity and tranparency in all their

Safety : in Reddy’s employees are committed to providing

safe enviorments through continous improvement of there
infrastructure , work practice and behaviours .

Quality : they are dedicated to designing quality into their

products and process to delight the stake holders.

Dr.reddy’s value pyramid






PRODUCTIVITY: Dr.reddy’s strive to achieve more with less

through a culture of innovation, continous improvement and
sustained focus on elimination of waste.
Respect for individual: they are commited to providing awork
environment that encourages diverse perspectives and upholds
the dignity of work and individuals
Collaboration and team work : reddy’s will leverage expertise
resources from across there global network to create greater
value for industry stakeholders

Government policy:
o Industrial licensing for the manufacture of all drugs and
pharamceuticals has been abolished except foer bulk drugs
produced for the use of recombinant DNA technology.
o reservation of 5 drugs for manufacture by the public sector only
was abolished in feb 1999 thus opening them up for manufacrture
by the private sector also
o foreign investment through automatic route was raised from 51%
to 74% in march 2000 and the same has ben raised to 100%.
o Drugs and pharmaceuticals manufacturing units in the public
sector are being allowed to face competetion including
competetion from imports.

Financial performance:
Revenue from last 5 years :
2.5 Series 1
2 Series 2
1.5 Series 3

Global Generics:



8 Series 3
Series 2
Series 1

FY12 FY13 FY12 FY13




8 Series 3
Series 2
Series 1

FY12 FY13 FY12 FY13


Rs in cores

Particulars March 14 March 13 March 12 March 11 March 10

12 12 12 12 12
Liabilities months months months months months
Share 85.10 84.90 84.80 84.60 84.40
Reserves 9243.90 7698.50 6633.00 5935.60 5830.20
Net worth 9329.00 7783.40 6717.80 6020.20 5914.60
Gross block 4802.70 4121.70 3507.80 3025.00 2425.70
(-)Acc. 2054.40 1734.70 1611.00 1334.00 1110.10
Net block 2748.30 2387.00 1896.80 1691.00 1315.60
Capital work in 576.10 423.20 637.60 570.40 745.40
investments 2806.50 2379.20 2477.70 2462.06 2652.70
Inventories 1592.10 1526.50 1326.70 1063.20 897.40
Sundry debtors 4561.50 2963.90 193.50 1770.50 1060.50
Cash & banks 665.10 919.10 849.00 66.20 368.00
Total current 8377.20 6799.70 5410.60 4563.70 3647.30
Current liabilities 2001.60 2165.40 1534.30 1562.20 1543.80
provisions 513.00 514.20 637.20 256.90 39.40
Total current 8377.20 6799.70 5410.60 4563.70 3647.30
Current liabilities 2001.60 2165.40 1534.30 1565.20 1543.80
provisions 513.00 451.20 637.20 256.90 339.40
Total current 2514.60 2616.60 2171.50 1822.10 883.20
Total 11993.50 9372.50 8521.50 7465.60 6477.80
Financial info and graphics of financial
year 2014:

21 manufacturing facilities

 9 API manufacturing Units

(six FDA – approved plants in India; one FDA – approved plant in
Cuernavaca , mexico, one FDA – APPROVED PLANT IN MIRFIELD ,
 11 finished dosage
(7:formulations in India[2 USFDA inspected]and[2 FDA inspected
plants in USA])
 1 biologics center at Hyderabad,India
 4 technological centers in India(2 in hyderabad ,India 1 in
Cambridge,UK 1 in Leiden,Netherlands)
 1 interagated development facility at Hyderabad 2 R&D
centers(Hyderabad and bangalore)

Cumulative ANDA pipe: total filed:209

62ANDAS are pending for a approval with the USFDA of which 39 are
para IVS out of which 9to have ‘first file’ status

61 DMF filings in FY 14(12 in US 13 in Europe and 36 in Row)

DR.Reddy’s lab limited SWOT analysis company profile is the essential
source for top level company data and information. Dr.Reddy’s
laboratories limited-SWOT analysis examines companies key business
structure and operations history and products, and provides summary
analysis of its key revenue lines and strategy.

Strength launched peg-grafeel

TM,an expensive variety of
pegfilgrastim,used to fight
infection and chemotherapy
where company has sold some 1.5
million units of it.
2.down pharma/chirotech
acquisition provided proprietary
chiral and biocatalyst and
3.The acquisition of Beta pharma
helped to introduce an array of
general products and show its
presence in the European markets
4.Has a strong work force of 0ver
15,000 employees
weakness 1.Discovery of drugs is a highly
unpredictable business 2.Strict
govt.regulations and policies
affects operational efficiency
Oppurtunity 1.Leverage biologics and cytotoxic
infrastructure to deal with the
need of oncology market
2.New partnerships develop
biosmiler business
3.Develop cost effective ways of
new drug development to improve
business in emerging markets
Threats 1.Preliminary investment for drug
discovery is very high
2.Long gestational period for new
drug development
3.Increasingly stringent regulations
for new drug development.
Unique achievements:
Achievements of
Dr.Reddy’s are:
 Hall of fame award:Dr.Reddy’s
padmabushan late dr.k anjireddy was
conferred the hall of fame award at
CNBC-TV 18’s India business leader
award 2013.In 2014
 Best company in an emerging market:
Dr.Reddy’s was awarded the Asia’s
best CSR practices for 2013 by CMO
Asia world CSR day.
 India’s best managed boards
:Dr.Reddy’s was recognized as
one of the India’s best managed
boards in a study by economic
times and Hay groups
 Life time achievement award:
our founder ,padmabusham ,late
Dr k anjireddy was conferred the
lime time achievement award at
the TV5 business leaders award.
 Pharmaexcil award(gold prize)for
export excellence: for
outstanding export performance
during 2010-2011 in the large
scale industry category

Future plans :
Dr.Reddy’s laboratories may invest upto dollar 400 million on R&D over
3-4 years in biologics and proprietary products in the range of $150-200
million over next 3-4 years till these respective business become self
sufficient and cash accretive said a company source. The company has
said drugs currently in clinical development stage are targeted in the
areas of cardiovascular disorders psorassis,pain,anti-infective atopic
dermatitis/psorassis and migrane . It said the new drug research n
metabolic disorders/cardiovascular disorders is in phase-2 while the
remaining five drugs are in the clinical stage. “the bigger investments in
R&D are going into biologics and proprietary products. Hence reddy
said that as of now major portion of revemnue comes from pure
generics sales and currently the focus is on investing in science an

After successfully passing through the initial phase of building a

company with international scale operational and product capabilities
dr.reddy,s focused on a no of acquisition, though of small size except in
the case of beta pharm , germany, in the last decade this , according to
reddy’s is a right strategy to continue in future. The capital expenditure
is based on the companies business plans for the next 3 – 4 years.
Biosimilars are products that arte marketed after expiration of patents
and claim to have similar properties to the existing biologic products.
Article of Dr.reddy’s laboratories:
 Dr.reddy’s looks for US acuqistion in dermatology
Pharma – major Dr.reddy’s laboratories limited DRL will pursue
possible acquisition in dermatology segment as a part of its
strategy to develop a franchise to doifferentiate products even as
the Hyderabad based entity. The dermatology segment has low
entry thresholds and an attractive risk reward profile.

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