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NAME: ……………………………………………………………………… DATE:………………

1. A uniform magnetic field is 18 mT passes perpendicularly through a coil of 50 turns
witn an area of 45.0 cm2. Calculate
a) The magnetic flux through the coil
b) The magnetic flux linkage of the coil


2. A coil of 60 turns is wound on a long solenoid having 100 turns per cm and has a
radius of 2.5 cm. A current of 0.25 A flows in the solenoid. Calculate
a) The magnetic flux density inside the solenoid
b) The magnetic through the solenoid


3. A coil of 60 turns with an area 25.0 cm2 is placed perpendicular to a uniform magnetic
field of 0.035 T. Calculate
a) The magnetic flux through the coil
b) The magnetic flux linkage of the coil


4. A solenoid having a cross-sectional area of 50 cm2 and 40 cm long has 300 turns and
carries a current 20.0 A . Calculate
a) The magnetic flux through the circular cross-sectional area of the solenoid

5. A circular loop with an area 45.0 cm2 is placed in a uniform magnetic field of
magnitude 0.6 T. The normal to the loop makes an angle of 42.0 ° with the direction of
the magnetic field B. Calculate
a) The magnetic flux through the loop


1. Define Faraday’s law:

(a ). How to change magnetic flux?




2. Define Lenz’s law:

1. A coil of turns 40 turns and area of 25.0 m2 is in a uniform magnetic field of 0.045 T.
The magnetic field is perpendicular to the coil. Calculate the induced e.m.f in each of
the following situations
a) The magnetic field increases to 0.065 T in 20 ms
b) The magnetic decreases to 0.036 T in 30 ms
c) The magnetic field decreases to 0 T in 50 ms
d) The coil is rotated from its initial position about its diameter through 30° in 0.28 s
e) The magnetic field changes at a rate of 0.65 Ts-1

2. A coil of 50 turns and area of0.0155 m2 is inside a uniform magnetic field and the field is
perpendicular to the coil. What an e.m.f of 0.25 V is induced in the coil, calculate
a) The rate of the magnetic flux linkage of the coil
b) The rate of change of the magnetic flux through the coil
c) The rate of change of the magnetic flux density of the coil


3. A circular coil of wire with 50 turns has a magnetic field 0.64 T passing through it as shown
in figure below. The area of the coil is 16 cm2.
a) Determine the magnetic flux through the coil
b) If the magnetic field is turned off and falls to 0T in a period of 0.25 s, determine the
induced e.m.f in the coil

4. A coil of 5 turns and rea 0.006 m2 is in a uniform magnetic field of flux density of 0.15 T.
The plane of the coil is perpendicular to the field. Calculate the average induced e.m.f
produced in the coil if
a) The coil is rotated through 90° about a diameter in 0.25 s,

b) The coil is rotated through 180° about the diameter in 0.25 s,

c) The coil is rotated through 30° about a diameter 0.25 s

5. A circular coil having 20 turns is placed in a uniform magnetic field of flux density 0.2 T.
The magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of the coil and the radius of the coil is 5
cm. Calculate the e.m.f induced in the coil when the flux density is reduced steadily to
zero in 2.5 s.

6. A coil of 20 turns and area of 140 cm2 is in a uniform magnetic field with its plane
perpendicular to the field. Calculate the induced e.m.f in the coil if the magnetic flux
density of the field changes from 10 mT to 35 mT in 20 ms.

7. A coil of 30 turns and area of 220 cm2 is in a uniform magnetic field with its plane
perpendicular to the field. Calculate the induced e.m.f in the coil if the rate of change of
magnetic flux density is 1.26 Ts-1.

8. A coil with 16 turns and area of 0.24 m2 is inside a uniform magnetic field and the field is
perpendicular to the coil. When an e.m.f of 80 mV is induced in the coil, calculate
a) The rate of change of the magnetic flux linkage of the coil

b) The rate of change of the magnetic flux through the coil

c) The rate of change of the magnetic flux density of the coil

9. A square coil of wire with 50 turns and sides of 10 cm is moved into a uniform magnetic
field of 1.5 T in 0.10 s. If the wire is connected across a 15 Ω resistor, calculate the
current which flows through the resistor.

10. A uniform magnetic field is applied perpendicular to a coil of 30 turns. When the
average induced e.m.f in the coil is 0.074 V, calculate
a) The rate of change of magnetic flux linkage of the coil,

b) The rate of change of magnetic flux in the coil

11. A circular coil having 20 turns is placed in a uniform magnetic field of flux density
0.33 T. The angle between the plane of the coil and the field is 30° and the area of the
coil is 25 cm2. Calculate the e.m.f induced in the coil when the flux density is reduced
steadily to zero in 1.5 s.

12. A square loop with sides of 12 cm has 25 turns of wire and is in a magnetic field of
strength 4.2 x 10-2 T with its axis perpendicular to the direction of the field. If it is
rotated in 0.15 s so that its axis is parallel to the field, what is the average induced
e.m.f during this quarter turn of the loop?


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