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Requirements of Good Lighting:

1) Illumination Level: The visibility of the object depends on the level of illumination,
which in turn depends on the
• State of object
• Size of object
• Period of observation
• Colour of object
• Background contrast
2) Uniformity of Illumination
 The human eye adjusts itself automatically to the brightness within the field of vision.
 If there is a lack of uniformity ,the iris of eye has to adjust more frequently and causes
fatigue to the eye .
 For uniform illumination general and local lighting with brightness ratio not greater than
3:1 is to be provided.

3) Absence of Glare
• The glare should be avoided
• Light sources should be mounted above the normal line of sight
• By using diffusers and reflectors glare can be reduced

4) Colour of Light
• The Colour of the incident light effects the appearance of the object Colour
• The composition of the light should be such that the Colour appears is natural and
makes no difference from that under light
• S.V. and M.V. lamps produce Colour distortion, can be used in street lighting

5) Shadows
• Long and hard shadows should be eliminated because they cause fatigue on eyes

• complete absence of shadows is not an ideal lighting, dull shadows are necessary to give
the three dimensional view of any object

6) Contrast
The local lighting should be supported by general lighting, otherwise it causes strain on
the eyes

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