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NIM : 20170301091

1. What are the stepsd to do star a communication ?

a Shake your hands with a new person and smile
b Mantion your name or nickname to make you familiat with the person
c Tell about your background (family, education, work)

2. How to end a conversation , we have to end the conversation wheater in a formal

situation, or informal. We should close and conversation/ we cant go without saying. We
should do these steps:
a Make a happy ending.
You can smile, say that you enjoy the conversation and one to have it again one
day. Tell her/him that you like that conversation
b Don’t forget to give good comment to the conversation/ before you end
convercation, you should tell that you have a good conversation.

3. What is the hand shake reveals about ?

You can feel wheater he/she like your or know. Ypu cant feel her/his act. If she/he like to
build a relerionship with you. On the other hand, if she/he just shaker your hand without
giving a smile and just give a soft shake hand, she/he is a weak person.

4. How to have a meaningful conversation ?

There are many things you should know to have a good conversation with others. Such
as :
a. you have to know with whom you will talk
b. you have to know the character of the people you will talk

5. describe you achievement ?

im a person who doesn’t really speak English but with this I know more about
whatsetences to use in starting a conversation and also how to end a good conversation

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