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First Workshop – Fluid Mechanics


Semester: 2019-1
Professor: Jesús Ramírez-Pastran
Percentage of the evaluation: 9% - First period.

Group Name Sur name Code Sign

David Diaz 2221172
Jhoan Reyes 2200543
Cristian Ariza 21848 77

You must follow the following instructions to complete this workshop:

• This workshop must be complete in groups of 2 or 3 students.

• The activities to complete this workshop must be done inside the classroom and at the
class hours.
• Once the class ends each group must deliver all the calculations performed to the
professor. These calculations will be returned in the next session class.
• The solution of the workshop must be delivered in letter white paper.
• The final deliver of the workshop solution is the March 15th – 2019.
First problem

A new design for an experimental vehicle to transport fuel must be tested. The vehicle has a fuel
tank with a cross section as is shown in the Figure 1. This tank is vented to the atmosphere and has
inside a fuel with a relative density of 0.7. A pressure transducer is located at the bottom of the
tank as is illustrated in Figure 1. In a preliminary test, the tank is subjected to a constant linear
acceleration, ay.

Before doing the test, the Project team have asked you to answer the following questions:

1. Which is the mathematical expression that relates ay with the pressure value read by the
2. What is the maximum acceleration that can be applied to the vehicle, to do not achieved a
fuel level below the transducer?

Figure 1

Second problem

In Figure 2, the design of a vehicle used to transport water is shown. The tank ABCD is opened to
the atmosphere at AD. The is filled with water up to a height of 1.5 m (Ho). The tank width is 2.6 m
(Normal to the draw). Once the vehicle begins to move, it accelerates until the water is about to
start to spill. For this situation you are asked to answer the following questions:

1. What is the vehicle acceleration?

2. What is the gauged pressure at point B and C?
3. What is the hydrostatic resultant force acting at side AB?
4. What is the hydrostatic resultant force acting at side BC?
5. What is the hydrostatic resultant force acting at side CD?
Note: In Figure 2, the system is resting. Consider that the coordinate system has its origin at B, with
the z-axis pointing up in vertical direction and y-axis pointing in right direction.
Figure 2.

Third problem

A scheme of the tank coupled to a vehicle is shown in Figure3. Such tank is used to transport water.
It is known that the vehicle must move across several inclined streets when is transporting the
water to the client required final point. The most inclined street is one of 30° of inclination as
shown in the scheme of Figure 3. Therefore, before approving the route to transport the water, you
are asked to answer the following questions:

1. What is the initial volume of water inside the tank shown in Figure 3?
2. What is the maximum acceleration of the vehicle to avoid spill the water?
3. What is the free surface equation?
4. What is the pressure at point B?
5. What is the hydrostatic resultant force at the bottom of the tank (Face BC)?

Figure 3.

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