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People’s preference toward life insurance policies

Aim’s : For the protection and safety of the life.

Objectives :
Ascertain the profile and characteristic of the potential buyer.
To have an insight into the attitudes and behaviors of the customer.
To access the degree of satisfaction of the consumer with their current brand of insurance product.

Questionnaire :
1. Name :

2. Address :

3. Age :
1) 18-25
2) 25-50
3) 50 and above

4. Occupation :
1) Student
2) Salaried
3) Professional
4) Businessman
5) Retired
6) Other

5. Income : (monthly)
1) 5000-10000
2) 10000-25000
3) 25000-50000
4) 50000-above…

6. Do you own
1) House
2) Two wheeler
3) Car

7. Do you have a life insurance policy with any life insurance company?
 Yes
 No
a. If yes, the name of the company ------------------------------------------------------------------
b. Name the policy which own -----------------------------------------------------------------------

8. What factors do you contain while selecting life insurance company?

1) Premium outflow
2) Company reputation
3) Service quality
4) Product quality
5) Return on investment

9. What is the value of your life insurance?

1) >10000
2) 10000-25000
3) 25000-50000
4) 50000-100000
5) <100000

10.What factors influenced to select a life insurance company?

1) Personal interest
2) Friends
3) Family
4) Agent
5) Advertisement
6) Other

11.You consider life insurance as what?

1. Investment
2. Liability
3. Life cover
4. Safety

12.Are you satisfied with you current life insurance company?

 Yes
 No
If yes why? ------------------------------------------------------------------------
If no why? -------------------------------------------------------------------------
13.How do you rate the service offered by your life insurance company?
1) Excellent
2) Very good
3) Good
4) Average
5) Poor
14.Would you like to communicate the service offered by your life insurance company to others?
 Yes
 No

15. How many life insurance companies do you know?

1) <5
2) 5-7
3) 8-10
4) >10

16.How do you rate the following life insurance company?

1) LIC
6) Other

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