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A Thesis Report

Training & Development Process: A Case Study on
Bank Asia Limited

Supervised By:
Shammi Akter
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Stamford University Bangladesh

Submitted By:
Samina Akter
(Major in HRM)
ID: MBA 06417458
MBA Program

Stamford University Bangladesh

Date of Submission:8thMarch, 2019

Letter of Transmittal

Date: 11th March, 2019

Shammi Akter
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Stamford University Bangladesh

Subject: Submission of thesis report.

Dear Madam,
It is indeed a great pleasure for me to be able to hand over the result of my hardship of the HRM
report on Bank Asia Ltd. This report is the result of the knowledge which has been acquired from
the respective course. I tried my level best for preparing this report.

The information of this report is mainly based on HR personnel of the company. Some other
details were gathered from the Internet information.

I, enthusiastically hope that you will find this plan worth reading. Hope you will appreciate my
hard work and excuse the minor errors. Thanking you for your cooperation.

Sincerely yours,

Samina Akter
(Major in HRM)
ID: MBA 06417458
MBA Program


In real sense, a report is a combined effort of student skill and knowledge under the precious
guidance of their experience and kind guidance of their training staff. Thus any project cannot be
accomplished to one’s satisfaction without proper guidance and the total cooperation of all those
involved in the report. So I am very thankful to the kind persons who have helped me immensely
during my whole inspection period to Bank Asia. At first I express my deep gratitude and sincere
thanks to Almighty Allah for providing me sufficient strength to make this repot successfully and
also my respected supervisor Shammi Akter, Assistant Professor, Department of Business
Administration, Stamford University Bangladesh.

For her valuable guidance in the preparation of this project report. Special thanks to Md. Delowar
Hossain Sidy (AVP) Kalatia Branch for spending his valuable time with me during my visit to
Bank Asia. Then comes the contribution made by all those respondents (employees) who
attended the survey.

Without their valuable input, this report could not have been successful. Along with the other
members of the Bank Asia’s People Management Department (PMD) was truly appreciable. I
also want to extend my greatest thanks to all those who are associated and contributed in this
thesis paper.

Student’s Declaration

I hereby declare that the report of thesis namely “Training & Development Process: A Case
Study on Bank Asia Limited” has been prepared by me with private Banking sector and
comprehensive study of the existing activities.

I also declare that this paper is my original work and prepare for academic purpose which is a
part of MBA and the paper may not be used in actual market scenario.

Samina Akter
(Major in HRM)
ID: MBA 06417458
MBA Program

Supervisor’s Declaration

This is certify that Samina Akter, Student of “Master of Business Administration” (MBA),
major in Human Resource Management, ID: MBA 06417458 from Stamford University
Bangladesh has completed his thesis report under my supervision as a partial requirements for
the degree of Masters of Business Administration), major in Human Resource Management. This
report entitled Thesis report on“Training& Development Process: A Case Study on Bank
Asia Limited”

I wish every success in her life.

Shammi Akter
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Stamford University Bangladesh


This report is basically divided into five parts. The five different parts of the report are chapter
one, two, three, four & five.

The first chapter basically deals with the report’s Introduction, Objectives of the study,
Methodology, Sources of data and Limitations.

The second chapter deals with Theoretical Justification of my study.

Third chapter deals with Background of the company, vision and mission of Bank Asia.

In the fourth chapter I showed my analysis of the training activities of Bank Asia Ltd., methods of
employee training that Bank Asia Ltd. follows. I have seen that Bank Asia Ltd. Follows both the
on the job and the off the job training method for employees. The employees have the opportunity
to move to various positions within or outside the branch. With the analysis and Interpretation of
the Survey I have conducted during our visit.

The fifth chapter deals with findings of my study. Here I have discussed about few of its lacking
as well as competitive advantage that Bank Asia have, I also tried to give some recommendations
to the company based on my study and finally I conclude my report.

Table of Content
Description Page No
Letter of Transmittal

Student’s Declaration

Supervisor’s Declaration

Table of Content



1.1 Introduction of the Report

1.2 Significance of the study:
1.3 Objective of the Study:
1.4 Methodology of the study:
1.5 Limitations of the Study:

2.1 Literature Review

2.2 Training:
2.3 Development:
2.4 Discussion of Training and development:
2.5 The Training Cycle
2.6 Training and Development


3.1 Company Overview

3.2 Mission and Vision statement of Bank Asia Ltd
3.3 Hierarchy of Bank Asia Ltd
3.4 Corporate Milestones

4.1 Training Activities of Bank Asia Ltd

4.2 Trainings that are offered from Bank Asia to its employees:
4.3 Methods of Employee Training that Bank Asia Ltd follow:
4.4 Employee overall Training records
4.5 Training Model Followed by the Training Department of Bank
4.6 Analysis and Interpretations of Data

5.1 Major Findings:

5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusion


 HRM : Human Resource Management

 HR : Human Resource
 HRD : Human Resource Department
 BAL : Bank Asia
 BIBM : Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management
 IBA : Institute of Business Administration
 MTO : Management Trainee Officer
 TJO : Trainee Junior Officer


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