Sourabh Kashyap

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03 Dec 1992 * 00:10:00 IST * AMBALA, HARYANA

This product is based on around 20 years of research in Astrology. We provide highest quality astrology
software after thorough research. We would like to clarify certain points. The most important point is
about planets in house. Suppose, for a native, the Ascendant is Aries and Mars in Taurus, it is assumed
by astrologers that Mars is in second house. However, depending upon the table of houses, Mars may
be in first house or second house or third house. So, we request astrologers to refer to "Bhava Chalit
Chart" or "Table of Houses" or "Bhava Chakra". The same is applicable to Bhava Lord.

Provided By
Sri Ganeshaya Namah
Computerised Horoscope
[ Excel Special ]
Software developed by Excellent Software, Bangalore
Name sourabh Sex Male
Date of Birth 03 Dec 1992 Day of Birth Thursday
Time of Birth 00:10:00 IST Time of Birth 18:40:00 GMT 23:47:28 LMT
Place of Birth Ambala Country/State Haryana
Latitude 30:21 N Longitude 76:52 E
Sunrise 07:02:18 IST Sunset 17:21:33 IST
Day Duration 10:19:15 Night Duration 13:41:32
Ayanamsa +23 45 45.6 Lahiri Obliquity 023 26 23.2
Sidereal Time 04:35 House System Vedic
Lagna Simha Lagna Lord Ravi
Tithi Ashtami Paksha Shukla
Rasi Kumbha Rasi Lord Sani
Nakshtra Purvabhadra Pada 1
Nakshtra Lord Guru Varna Sudra
Gana Manushya Yoni Lion
Nadi Adi Yoga Vajra
Fortuna 7 23 24 Yoga Point 9 13 08
Legend GMT: Greenwich Mean Time LMT: Local Mean Time IST: Indian Standard Time

sourabh - Main Chart

Guru Kuja[R]

Budha Pluto
6 4

7 3

Ravi Rahu Ketu


8 2

Sukra Chandra
Neptune 9 1

10 12

sourabh Page 1
Bhava (Chalita) Chart
Gur Kuj

Bud Plu
6 4
7 3

Rav Rah Ket

8 2

Suk Ura Nep Cha

9 1

10 12


Planet Longitude Rasi Nakshatra Pada Course
Lagna 137 47 04.5 Simha Purva Phalguni 2 Direct
Ravi 227 05 28.4 Vrischika Jyeshta 1 Direct
Chandra 322 42 06.3 Kumbha Purvabhadra 1 Direct
Kuja 093 45 38.0 Karkataka Pushya 1 Retro
Budha 208 37 34.5 Tula Vishakha 3 Direct
Guru 166 13 03.3 Kanya Hasta 2 Direct
Sukra 269 12 36.8 Dhanus Uttarasadha 1 Direct
Sani 289 55 13.2 Makara Shravana 3 Direct
Rahu 238 12 23.0 Vrischika Jyeshta 4 Retro
Ketu 058 12 23.0 Vrishabha Mrigsira 2 Retro
Uranus 262 16 07.8 Dhanus Purvasadha 3 Direct
Neptune 263 33 34.8 Dhanus Purvasadha 4 Direct
Pluto 209 48 44.9 Tula Vishakha 3 Direct


Planet Longitude Rasilord Starlord Sublord Subsublord Bhava No Bhava Begin Mid Bhava
Lagna 137 47 04.5 Ravi Sukra Kuja Budha Lagna 122 34 55.6 137 47 04.5
Ravi 227 05 28.4 Kuja Budha Budha Sukra II 152 34 55.6 167 22 46.8
Chandra 322 42 06.3 Sani Guru Sani Sukra III 182 10 37.9 196 58 29.2
Kuja 093 45 38.0 Chandra Sani Sani Budha IV 211 46 20.3 226 34 11.5
Budha 208 37 34.5 Sukra Guru Sukra Budha V 241 46 20.3 256 58 29.2
Guru 166 13 03.3 Budha Chandra Sani Budha VI 272 10 37.9 287 22 46.8
Sukra 269 12 36.8 Guru Ravi Kuja Chandra VII 302 34 55.6 317 47 04.5
Sani 289 55 13.2 Sani Chandra Ketu Chandra VIII 332 34 55.6 347 22 46.8
Rahu 238 12 23.0 Kuja Budha Sani Sani IX 002 10 37.9 016 58 29.2
Ketu 058 12 23.0 Sukra Kuja Sani Sani X 031 46 20.3 046 34 11.5
Uranus 262 16 07.8 Guru Sukra Sani Budha XI 061 46 20.3 076 58 29.2
Neptune 263 33 34.8 Guru Sukra Sani Rahu XII 092 10 37.9 107 22 46.8
Pluto 209 48 44.9 Sukra Guru Chandra Guru

sourabh Page 2
Bhava No Mid Bhava Rasilord Starlord Sublord Subsublord
Lagna 137 47 04.5 Ravi Sukra Kuja Budha
II 167 22 46.8 Budha Chandra Sani Rahu
III 196 58 29.2 Sukra Rahu Sukra Sani
IV 226 34 11.5 Kuja Sani Guru Rahu
V 256 58 29.2 Guru Sukra Chandra Budha
VI 287 22 46.8 Sani Chandra Sani Rahu
VII 317 47 04.5 Sani Rahu Ravi Sani
VIII 347 22 46.8 Guru Budha Budha Ravi
IX 016 58 29.2 Kuja Sukra Chandra Budha
X 046 34 11.5 Sukra Chandra Sani Sukra
XI 076 58 29.2 Budha Rahu Sukra Sani
XII 107 22 46.8 Chandra Budha Budha Ravi

Varga Rav Cha Kuj Bud Gur Suk San Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu Lag
Rasi 08 11 04 07 06 09 10 08 02 09 09 07 05
Hora 05 04 04 04 05 04 05 05 05 04 04 04 04
Drekkana 12 07 04 03 10 05 02 04 10 05 05 03 09
Chaturthamsa 02 08 04 04 12 06 04 05 11 03 06 04 11
Panchamsa 02 06 04 11 04 09 01 04 10 08 08 11 11
Sasthamsa 10 05 07 06 10 06 10 12 12 05 05 06 04
Sapthamsa 05 04 10 01 03 03 08 08 02 02 02 01 09
Ashtamsa 01 03 02 08 09 12 06 04 04 10 11 08 01
Navamsa 09 01 05 03 02 09 03 12 06 07 08 03 06
Dasamsa 09 06 01 04 07 06 12 01 07 04 04 04 10
Ekadasamsa 12 11 11 05 01 03 11 04 10 01 01 05 03
Dwadasamsa 02 08 05 06 12 08 05 07 01 05 06 06 12
Shodasamsa 02 05 03 04 05 12 11 08 08 08 09 04 02
Vimsamsa 08 12 03 08 03 12 02 03 03 07 08 08 08
Chaturvimsamsa 05 11 07 03 04 04 07 02 02 10 11 04 07
Bhamsa 01 03 01 08 06 03 09 11 05 09 10 09 05
Trimsamsa 12 03 02 07 12 07 10 08 08 03 03 07 09
Khavedamsa 05 07 12 03 04 03 09 08 08 06 08 04 12
Akshavedamsa 06 03 06 07 09 04 06 11 11 06 08 09 07
Shashtyamsa 06 08 11 04 02 07 01 04 10 05 08 06 04

Rasi - Body Navamsa - Spouse

Gu Ku Ur Ku

Bu Pl 6 4 Ne 7 Ke 5
7 3 8 4

Rv Ra 5 Ke Rv Su 6 Bu Sa Pl
8 2 9 3

11 12
Su Ur Ch Ra Gu
9 1 10 2

10 12 11 1
Sa Ch

sourabh Page 3
Drekkana - Brother
Sun (Ravi Hora)
Lagn Chan Kuja Budh Sukr Uran Nept Plut Gu Ke

10 8 Ch
11 7

Rv 9
Hora - Money 12 6
Ravi Guru Sani Rahu Ketu
Bu Pl Su Ur
1 5

2 4
Sa Ku Ra
Moon (Chandra Hora)

Chaturthamsa - Fortune Sapthamsa - Issues

Gu Ku Sa Ra

12 Ke 10 10 8
1 9 11 7

Rv 11 Ch 9
2 8 12 6

5 3
Ur Ra Bu Pl Gu Su Rv
3 7 1 5

4 6 2 4
Ku Bu Sa Pl Su Ne Ke Ur Ne Ch

Dasamsa - Profession Dwadasamsa - Parents

Rv Ke

Sa 11 9 Rv 1 Gu 11
12 8 2 10

Ku Ra 10 Gu Ke 12
1 7 3 9

4 6
Bu Ur Ne Pl Ch Su Bu Ne Pl Ch Su
2 6 4 8

3 5 5 7
Ku Sa Ur Ra

Shodasamsa - Desire Vimsamsa - Vehicle

Ku Ur

Bu Pl 3 Rv 1 Su 9 Rv Bu Ne Pl 7
4 12 10 6

Ch Gu 2 Sa 8
5 11 11 5

8 2
Ra Ke Ur Ch Su Sa
6 10 12 4

7 9 1 3
Ne Ku Gu Ra Ke

sourabh Page 4
Chaturvimsamsa - Education Bhamsa - Strength

8 Ku Sa 6 Rv 6 Ke 4 Ch Su
9 5 7 3

Ur 7 Gu Su Pl Bu 5
10 4 8 2

1 11
Ch Ne Bu Sa Ur Ra Rv Ku
11 3 9 1

12 2 10 12
Ra Ke Ne

Trimsamsa - Destiny Khavedamsa - Auspicious

Sa Ra Ke

10 8 Bu Su 1 Ku 11
11 7 2 10

Rv Gu 9 Bu Su 12 Sa
12 6 3 9

3 6
Ch Ur Ne Gu Pl Ur Ra Ke
1 5 4 8

2 4 5 7
Ku Rv Ch

Akshavedamsa - Character Shashtyamsa - All

Ne Rv Ku Sa Ur Ur

Gu Pl 8 Bu 6 Rv Pl 5 Bu Ra 3 Gu
9 5 6 2

7 Su Su 4 Sa
10 4 7 1

1 10
Ra Ke Ch Ch Ne Ke
11 3 8 12

12 2 9 11


Planet Mitra Sama Shatru
Ravi Cha Kuj Gur Bud Suk San
Chandra Rav Bud Kuj Gur Suk San
Kuja Rav Cha Gur Suk San Bud
Budha Rav Suk Kuj Gur San Cha
Guru Rav Cha Kuj San Bud Suk
Sukra Bud San Kuj Gur Rav Cha
Sani Bud Suk Gur Rav Cha Kuj

sourabh Page 5
Planet Mitra Shatru
Ravi Cha Bud Gur Suk San Kuj
Chandra Rav Suk San Kuj Bud Gur
Kuja Bud Gur Rav Cha Suk San
Budha Rav Kuj Gur Suk San Cha
Guru Rav Kuj Bud Suk Cha San
Sukra Rav Cha Bud Gur San Kuj
Sani Rav Cha Bud Suk Kuj Gur


Planet Adhimitra Mitra Sama Shatru Adhishatru
Ravi Cha Gur Bud Kuj Suk San
Chandra Rav Suk San Bud Kuj Gur
Kuja Gur Rav Cha Bud Suk San
Budha Rav Suk Kuj Gur San Cha
Guru Rav Kuj Cha Bud Suk San
Sukra Bud San Gur Rav Cha Kuj
Sani Bud Suk Rav Cha Gur Kuj

VIMSAVARGA VIMSOPAK TABLE [AMitra: Adhi Mitra, ASatru: Adhi Satru]

Varga Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha Guru Sukra Sani
Rasi Sama Mitra Sama AMitra Sama Mitra Own
Hora Own Own Sama ASatru AMitra Sama Sama
Drekkana AMitra Mitra Sama Own Satru Sama AMitra
Chaturthamsa Sama Satru Sama ASatru Own AMitra Sama
Panchamsa Sama Sama Sama Mitra Sama Mitra ASatru
Sasthamsa Sama AMitra Satru Own Satru AMitra Own
Sapthamsa Own Own Satru Mitra Sama AMitra ASatru
Ashtamsa Sama Sama Satru Mitra Own Mitra AMitra
Navamsa AMitra Satru Sama Own Sama Mitra AMitra
Dasamsa AMitra Sama Own ASatru Sama AMitra Satru
Ekadasamsa AMitra Mitra Satru AMitra AMitra AMitra Own
Dwadasamsa Sama Satru Sama Own Own Satru Sama
Shodasamsa Sama AMitra Sama ASatru AMitra Mitra Own
Vimsamsa Sama Satru Sama Mitra Sama Mitra AMitra
Chaturvimsamsa Own Mitra Satru Own Sama Sama AMitra
Bhamsa Sama Sama Own Mitra Sama AMitra Satru
Trimsamsa AMitra Sama Satru AMitra Own Own Own
Khavedamsa Own Mitra AMitra Own Sama AMitra Satru
Akshavedamsa Mitra Sama Sama AMitra Own Sama AMitra
Shashtyamsa Mitra Satru Satru ASatru Sama Own ASatru


Varga Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha Guru Sukra Sani
Shadavarga 15.00 12.45 9.85 17.80 11.70 12.95 17.10
Saptavarga 14.50 12.45 9.55 17.55 13.60 12.60 15.45
Dasavarga 15.15 12.03 9.55 12.05 12.48 15.73 12.35
Shodasavarga 14.58 11.65 9.80 13.13 12.30 15.68 14.10
Vimsavarga 14.45 11.80 9.65 13.63 12.48 15.70 14.10

sourabh Page 6
Vimsopak Bala Result No Planet Longitude Degree Karka Name
17.5 to 20.0 Atipoorna 1 Sukra 269 12 36.7 029 12 36.7 Atma
15.0 to 17.5 Poorna 2 Budha 208 37 34.7 028 37 34.7 Amatya
12.5 to 15.0 Atimadhya 3 Chandra 322 42 06.1 022 42 06.1 Bhratri
10.0 to 12.5 Madhya 4 Sani 289 55 13.1 019 55 13.1 Matri
7.5 to 10.0 Swalpa 5 Ravi 227 05 28.3 017 05 28.3 Pitri
5.0 to 7.5 Atiswalpa 6 Guru 166 13 03.4 016 13 03.4 Putra
2.5 to 5.0 Heena 7 Kuja 093 45 38.2 003 45 38.2 Jati
0.0 to 2.5 Atiheena 8 Rahu 238 12 23.0 001 47 37.0 Stree


Planet Longitude Rasi Nakshatra Pada
Lagna 137 47 04.5 Simha Purva Phalguni 2
Ravi 227 05 28.4 Vrischika Jyeshta 1
Chandra 322 42 06.3 Kumbha Purvabhadra 1
Pranpada 180 10 11.6 Tula Chitra 3
Gulika 182 51 28.5 Tula Chitra 3
Dhooma 000 25 28.4 Mesha Ashwini 1
Vyatipata 359 34 31.6 Meena Revathi 4
Parivesha 179 34 31.6 Kanya Chitra 2
Chapa 180 25 28.4 Tula Chitra 3
Upaketu 197 05 28.4 Tula Swati 4
Mandi 203 15 20.6 Tula Vishakha 1
Kaala 047 53 58.8 Vrishabha Rohini 3
Paridhi 072 21 54.4 Mithuna Ardra 2
Mrityu 094 34 48.2 Karkataka Pushya 1
Ardha Prahara 116 17 05.8 Karkataka Ashlesha 3
Yama Ganda 138 17 08.4 Simha Purva Phalguni 2
Kodanda 160 37 12.1 Kanya Hasta 1

Sun (Ravi Hora)
Pa Lagn Moon Upkt Mndi
Pr Gu 6 4
Ch Up
7 3

Su 5
Sun Pran Gulk Dhum Vyti Parv Chap
Mo Dh
9 1

10 12
Moon (Chandra Hora)

sourabh Page 7

Up 10 8 Mo Pr Dh Up 12 10 Vy
Gu Ch
11 7 1 9

Su 9 Su 11 Mo
12 6 2 8

3 5
Dh Mn Pa Pr Gu
1 5 3 7

2 4 4 6
Pa Mn


Up Pr Gu Ch

10 8 Pr Gu 7 Pa 5
11 7 8 4

Vy Mn 9 Pa Su 6
12 6 9 3

3 12
Dh Su Vy Up
1 5 10 2

2 4 11 1
Mo Mo Dh Mn


Pa Su Dh Up Vy

Up 11 9 Su 1 11
12 8 2 10

Dh 10 Pr Gu Ch 12
1 7 3 9

4 6
Mn Mo Mn Mo Gu
2 6 4 8

3 5 5 7
Vy Pa Pr Ch


Pr Dh Ch Mn

3 Su Gu 1 Vy Pa 9 Su 7
4 12 10 6

Mo 2 8
5 11 11 5

8 2
Up Mo Vy Gu Mn
Pa Up
6 10 12 4

7 9 1 3
Pr Dh Ch

sourabh Page 8
Up Pa

8 Gu 6 Su Pr Pr Ch 6 4 Mo
Dh Ch Mn
9 5 7 3

7 5
10 4 8 2

1 11
Mo Vy Pa Gu Su Dh
11 3 9 1

12 2 10 12
Up Vy


Vy Pa Pr Dh Ch Up

10 Up 8 1 11 Vy Pa
11 7 2 10

Su 9 12
12 6 3 9

3 6
Pr Gu Mo Mn Gu Mn
Dh Ch
1 5 4 8

2 4 5 7
Su Mo


Su Pa Up Mn

8 6 Gu Vy Su 5 3
9 5 6 2

7 Pr Ch 4 Dh
10 4 7 1

1 10
Mn Pr Dh Ch Mo Mo Gu
11 3 8 12

12 2 9 11
Up Vy


Planet Mes Vri Mit Kar Sim Kan Tul Vrch Dha Mak Kum Mee Total
Ravi - 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 08
Chandra 0 - - 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 04
Kuja 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - - 0 0 0 08
Budha - - 0 0 0 0 - - 0 - 0 0 07
Guru - 0 - 0 - - - - - 0 0 - 04
Sukra - 0 0 - - - - 0 - - - - 03
Sani 0 - - 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 08
Lagna - 0 0 0 - - 0 0 - 0 - - 06
Total 3 5 4 7 4 3 3 5 3 4 5 2 48

sourabh Page 9
Planet Mes Vri Mit Kar Sim Kan Tul Vrch Dha Mak Kum Mee Total
Ravi 0 0 0 - 0 0 - - - 0 - - 06
Chandra 0 - - 0 0 - - 0 0 - 0 - 06
Kuja 0 0 - - 0 0 - 0 0 - - 0 07
Budha 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 0 - 08
Guru 0 - 0 0 0 0 - - 0 - - 0 07
Sukra 0 - 0 - 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 07
Sani - 0 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0 04
Lagna - 0 0 - - - 0 - - 0 - - 04
Total 6 5 5 3 6 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 49


Planet Mes Vri Mit Kar Sim Kan Tul Vrch Dha Mak Kum Mee Total
Ravi 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 - 0 05
Chandra 0 - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 03
Kuja 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - - 0 0 - 07
Budha - - - - 0 - - - 0 - 0 0 04
Guru - - 0 0 0 - - - - - 0 - 04
Sukra - 0 - 0 - - 0 0 - - - - 04
Sani 0 - - 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 - - 07
Lagna - 0 0 - 0 - 0 - - 0 - - 05
Total 4 3 2 5 6 2 4 2 2 4 3 2 39


Planet Mes Vri Mit Kar Sim Kan Tul Vrch Dha Mak Kum Mee Total
Ravi 0 - - 0 - 0 0 - - - - 0 05
Chandra - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 0 - - 0 06
Kuja 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - - 0 0 0 08
Budha - - 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 08
Guru 0 - - 0 0 - - - - - 0 - 04
Sukra 0 - - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 0 0 08
Sani 0 - - 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 08
Lagna - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 07
Total 5 3 2 7 6 5 5 3 3 4 5 6 54


Planet Mes Vri Mit Kar Sim Kan Tul Vrch Dha Mak Kum Mee Total
Ravi - 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 09
Chandra - - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - - 0 05
Kuja 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - - 0 0 - 07
Budha - - 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 0 08
Guru 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 - - 0 08
Sukra 0 0 - - 0 0 0 - - 0 - - 06
Sani - 0 0 - - - - - 0 - - 0 04
Lagna 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 09
Total 4 5 6 4 6 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 56

sourabh Page 10
Planet Mes Vri Mit Kar Sim Kan Tul Vrch Dha Mak Kum Mee Total
Ravi - - 0 - - 0 0 - - - - - 03
Chandra 0 0 0 - - 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 09
Kuja - 0 0 - - 0 - 0 0 - - 0 06
Budha - - 0 - 0 - - - 0 - 0 0 05
Guru 0 0 0 0 - - - - - 0 - - 05
Sukra 0 - - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 09
Sani 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 - - - 0 07
Lagna 0 - 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 - - 0 08
Total 5 4 6 2 4 6 5 3 5 3 3 6 52


Planet Mes Vri Mit Kar Sim Kan Tul Vrch Dha Mak Kum Mee Total
Ravi - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 07
Chandra 0 - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 03
Kuja 0 0 0 - - 0 - 0 0 - - - 06
Budha - 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - 0 06
Guru - - - 0 0 - - - - 0 0 - 04
Sukra - 0 - - - - 0 0 - - - - 03
Sani - 0 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0 04
Lagna - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 - - 06
Total 2 6 5 3 4 3 2 5 3 2 2 2 39

ASHTAKVARGA TABLE [Before Reduction]

Planet Mes Vri Mit Kar Sim Kan Tul Vrch Dha Mak Kum Mee Total
Ravi 3 5 4 7 4 3 3 5 3 4 5 2 48
Chandra 6 5 5 3 6 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 49
Kuja 4 3 2 5 6 2 4 2 2 4 3 2 39
Budha 5 3 2 7 6 5 5 3 3 4 5 6 54
Guru 4 5 6 4 6 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 56
Sukra 5 4 6 2 4 6 5 3 5 3 3 6 52
Sani 2 6 5 3 4 3 2 5 3 2 2 2 39
Total 29 31 30 31 36 27 27 25 25 25 25 26 337

ASHTAKVARGA TABLE [After Trikona Reduction]

Planet Mes Vri Mit Kar Sim Kan Tul Vrch Dha Mak Kum Mee Total
Ravi 0 2 1 5 1 0 0 3 0 1 2 0 15
Chandra 2 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 10
Kuja 2 1 0 3 4 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 15
Budha 2 0 0 4 3 2 3 0 0 1 3 3 21
Guru 0 1 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 08
Sukra 1 1 3 0 0 3 2 1 1 0 0 4 16
Sani 0 4 3 1 2 1 0 3 1 0 0 0 15
Total 7 11 11 13 14 7 8 7 3 5 6 8 100

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ASHTAKVARGA TABLE [After Ekadhipatya (Final) Reduction]
Planet Mes Vri Mit Kar Sim Kan Tul Vrch Dha Mak Kum Mee Total
Ravi 0 2 1 5 1 0 0 3 0 1 2 0 15
Chandra 2 2 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 09
Kuja 2 0 0 3 4 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 14
Budha 2 0 0 4 3 2 3 0 0 1 3 3 21
Guru 0 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 07
Sukra 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 1 0 0 3 10
Sani 0 4 2 1 2 1 0 3 1 0 0 0 14
Total 6 8 6 13 14 7 8 7 3 5 6 7 90


Pinda Ravi Chan Kuja Budh Guru Sukr Sani Bhava Planets Having Full Dristi On The Bhava
Rashi 109 79 101 165 57 82 118 Lagna Chandra
Graha 70 10 49 87 17 52 40 II
Sodya 179 89 150 252 74 134 158 III Kuja, Sani
IV Ketu
VI Kuja, Guru
VII Kuja
VIII Guru, Sani
IX Budha, Pluto
X Ravi, Guru, Rahu
XI Sukra, Uranus, Neptune
XII Sani


Bhava Ravi Chan Kuja Budh Guru Sukr Sani Rahu Ketu Uran Nept Plut
Lagna 0.25 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.75 0.50 0.50 0.00
II 0.00 0.75 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.00
III 0.00 0.50 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
IV 0.00 0.25 0.75 0.00 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
V 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.25
VI 0.25 0.00 1.00 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.75
VII 0.75 0.00 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.75 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50
VIII 0.50 0.00 0.75 0.00 1.00 0.75 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.75 0.75 0.00
IX 0.00 0.25 0.50 1.00 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 1.00
X 1.00 0.75 0.00 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75
XI 0.75 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.75 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.50
XII 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.75 1.00 0.50 0.25 0.75 0.75 0.25

sourabh Page 12
Bhava Ravi Chan Kuja Budh Guru Sukr Sani Rahu Ketu Uran Nept Plut
Lagna 0.24 0.84 0.12 0.09 0.00 0.60 0.77 0.34 0.58 0.54 0.55 0.10
II 0.00 0.79 0.48 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.52 0.09 0.59 0.29 0.30 0.00
III 0.00 0.55 0.89 0.00 0.01 0.10 0.27 0.00 0.19 0.04 0.05 0.00
IV 0.00 0.30 0.29 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.78 0.00 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.00
V 0.00 0.05 0.44 0.15 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.14
VI 0.25 0.00 0.89 0.56 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.54
VII 0.74 0.00 0.88 0.59 0.05 0.15 0.00 0.58 0.34 0.21 0.20 0.60
VIII 0.50 0.00 0.39 0.19 0.99 0.55 0.23 0.59 0.09 0.67 0.65 0.21
IX 0.00 0.20 0.14 0.61 0.74 0.60 1.45 0.19 0.00 0.54 0.55 0.57
X 0.98 0.65 0.00 0.85 1.00 0.21 0.53 0.61 0.00 0.09 0.12 0.86
XI 0.75 0.55 0.00 0.60 0.24 0.59 0.05 0.84 0.00 0.82 0.78 0.61
XII 0.50 0.09 0.00 0.34 0.00 0.85 0.92 0.59 0.16 0.79 0.80 0.35


Aspecting\Aspected=> Ravi Chan Kuja Budh Guru Sukr Sani
Ravi 0.30 0.28 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.77
Chandra 0.70 0.84 0.55 0.22 0.20 0.02
Kuja 0.61 0.32 0.46 0.10 0.96 0.46
Budha 0.00 0.45 0.79 0.10 0.00 0.93
Guru 0.01 0.80 0.46 0.00 0.36 0.53
Sukra 0.10 0.00 0.85 0.26 0.64 0.00
Sani 0.30 0.00 0.87 0.60 0.94 0.00


Bala Type Ravi Chan Kuja Budh Guru Sukr Sani
Rasi 10.00 15.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 15.00 30.00
Hora 30.00 30.00 10.00 2.00 20.00 10.00 10.00
Drekkana 20.00 15.00 10.00 30.00 4.00 10.00 20.00
Sapthamsa 30.00 30.00 4.00 15.00 10.00 20.00 2.00
Navamsa 20.00 4.00 10.00 30.00 10.00 15.00 20.00
Dwadasamsa 10.00 4.00 10.00 30.00 30.00 4.00 10.00
Trimsamsa 20.00 10.00 4.00 20.00 30.00 30.00 30.00
Total 140.00 108.00 58.00 147.00 114.00 104.00 122.00


Bala Type Ravi Chan Kuja Budh Guru Sukr Sani
Ochcha 12.36 36.57 8.08 45.46 36.26 30.74 30.03
Saptavarga 140.00 108.00 58.00 147.00 114.00 104.00 122.00
Ojayugma 15.00 0.00 15.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 15.00
Kendra 60.00 60.00 15.00 15.00 30.00 30.00 15.00
Drekkana 0.00 15.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 15.00
Total 227.36 219.57 111.08 237.46 180.26 179.74 197.03

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Bala Type Ravi Chan Kuja Budh Guru Sukr Sani
Natonnata 0.83 59.17 59.17 60.00 0.83 0.83 59.17
Paksha 28.13 63.74 28.13 31.87 31.87 31.87 28.13
Tribhaga 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 60.00 0.00
Varsha 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Masa 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vara 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.00 0.00 0.00
Hora 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 0.00
Ayan 4.82 30.62 59.05 49.77 26.43 0.26 52.12
Yuddha 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 33.78 153.53 146.35 186.64 164.13 152.96 139.42


Bala Type Ravi Chan Kuja Budh Guru Sukr Sani
Sthana 227.36 219.57 111.08 237.46 180.26 179.74 197.03
Digbala 0.17 27.96 44.27 36.39 50.52 45.79 50.71
Kala 33.78 153.53 146.35 186.64 164.13 152.96 139.42
Chesta 0.00 0.00 50.64 43.71 22.05 29.10 22.55
Naisargika 60.00 51.43 17.14 25.71 34.29 42.86 8.57
Drik -7.35 -9.11 11.50 -17.42 2.50 -0.72 5.71
Total 313.96 443.38 380.98 512.49 453.75 449.73 423.99
Rupa 5.23 7.39 6.35 8.54 7.56 7.50 7.07


Phala Ravi Chan Kuja Budh Guru Sukr Sani
Ishta 8.88 34.14 20.23 44.58 28.28 29.91 26.02
Kashta 50.54 25.67 22.04 15.39 30.02 30.07 33.50

KEY => To understand ISHTA and KASHTA:

A planet with more ISHTA Phala is supposed to be do good in its Dasa, Bhukti and Antardasa while a planet
with more KASHTA Phala is supposed to give evil results in its Dasa, Bhukti and Antardasa.


Bhava Bhavadhipati Bala Bhava Digbala Bhavadrishti Bala Total Bala Total Rupa
Lagna 313.96 30.00 9.96 353.92 5.90
II 512.49 50.00 2.17 564.66 9.41
III 449.73 40.00 -7.34 482.39 8.04
IV 380.98 30.00 3.90 414.88 6.92
V 453.75 10.00 47.90 511.65 8.53
VI 423.99 40.00 75.47 539.46 8.99
VII 423.99 0.00 16.47 440.46 7.34
VIII 453.75 20.00 62.30 536.05 8.93
IX 380.98 50.00 69.49 500.47 8.34
X 449.73 60.00 101.07 610.80 10.18
XI 512.49 40.00 55.55 608.04 10.13
XII 443.38 20.00 13.49 476.87 7.95

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Planet Bhava Strength Purva/Uttara Bhaga Bhava Bhava Lord Strength Purva/Uttara Bhaga
Ravi 4 0.9657 Uttara Bhaga 1 Ravi 0.8144 Uttara Bhaga
Chandra 7 0.6677 Uttara Bhaga 2 Budha 0.8414 Uttara Bhaga
Kuja 12 0.1042 Purva Bhaga 3 Sukra 0.8683 Uttara Bhaga
Budha 3 0.2126 Uttara Bhaga 4 Kuja 0.8953 Uttara Bhaga
Guru 2 0.9215 Purva Bhaga 5 Guru 0.8683 Uttara Bhaga
Sukra 5 0.1952 Uttara Bhaga 6 Sani 0.8414 Uttara Bhaga
Sani 6 0.8329 Uttara Bhaga 7 Sani 0.8144 Uttara Bhaga
Rahu 4 0.2346 Uttara Bhaga 8 Guru 0.8414 Uttara Bhaga
Ketu 10 0.2346 Uttara Bhaga 9 Kuja 0.8683 Uttara Bhaga
Uranus 5 0.6518 Uttara Bhaga 10 Sukra 0.8953 Uttara Bhaga
Neptune 5 0.5669 Uttara Bhaga 11 Budha 0.8683 Uttara Bhaga
Pluto 3 0.1324 Uttara Bhaga 12 Chandra 0.8414 Uttara Bhaga


Bhava Planets In Bhava Bhava Lord Dristi On Bhava
Lagna Ravi Chan
II Guru Budh
III Budh Sukr Kuja Sani
IV Ravi Rahu Kuja Ketu
V Sukr Guru
VI Sani Sani Kuja Guru
VII Chan Sani Kuja
VIII Guru Guru Sani
IX Kuja Budh
X Ketu Sukr Ravi Guru Rahu
XI Budh Sukr
XII Kuja Chan Sani

KEY => To understand BHAVA CHAKRA

BHAVA CHAKRA gives the complete detail about each bhava. It gives the planets residing in the bhava, lord of
bhava and planets aspecting the bhava. This is very useful for various kind of predictions.


According to Deva Keralam, there is Kuja dosha only if Kuja is in first, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house.

There are certain exceptions to this rule which are as under:

(1) Mars is in exaltation, own house or friend's house

(2) Mars is in movable sign.

(3) There is no Kuja dosha if Gemini or Virgo happens to be second house.

(4) There is no Kuja dosha if Cancer or Capricorn happens to be seventh house.

(5) There is no Kuja dosha if Taurus or Libra happens to be the 12th house.

(6) There is no Kuja dosha for Cancer or Leo Ascendant as Mars is yoga karka for these Ascendants.

(7) There is no Kuja dosha if Mars is in Cancer, Leo or Aquarius.

(8) There is no Kuja dosha if Mars is in fourth or eighth house and Ascendant is Aquarius.

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Kuja dosha gets cancelled if male and female both have Kuja dosha.

Mars is in the twelfth house.

There is no Kuja dosha becuase Mars is in friend's house and in movable sign.There is no Kuja dosha if Gemini
or Virgo happens to be second house. Also, there is no Kuja dosha for Cancer or Leo Ascendant as Mars is yoga
karka for these Ascendants.


Planets situated within the following distances mentioned below from the Sun becomes combust (Moudhyam):


Planet Distance From The Sun
Chandra 12 Degrees
Kuja 17 Degrees
Budha 14 Degrees (13 Degrees When Retrograde)
Guru 11 Degrees
Sukra 10 Degrees ( 9 Degrees When Retrograde)
Sani 15 Degrees

There is no planet in COMBUSTION.


Planets are said to be in Yuddha (or Fight) when they are in conjuction and the distance between them is
less than one degree. All the planets except Sun and Moon may enter into war. The conquering planet is the one
whose longitude is less.

There are no planets in GRAHA YUDDHA.


Table of Significators is based on the following:
(1) Occupant in the Bhava
(2) Planets in the Star of the Occupant
(3) Owner of the Bhava
(4) Planets in the Star of the Owner

Note: For finding Occupants in a Bhava, the Bhava Starts from Mid-Bhava (Cusp) till Next Mid-Bhava as per KP

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Bhava Planets Planets Bhava
Lagna Ravi, Chandra, Budha, Guru, Sukra Ravi Lagna II III IV XI
II Ravi, Budha, Rahu Chandra Lagna V VII VIII XII
III Ravi, Budha, Sukra, Rahu Kuja IV VI VII IX XI
IV Ravi, Kuja, Sukra, Rahu, Ketu Budha Lagna II III V VIII XI
V Chandra, Budha, Guru, Sukra Guru Lagna V VII VIII XII
VI Kuja, Sani Sukra Lagna III IV V X
VII Chandra, Kuja, Guru, Sani Sani VI VII XII
VIII Chandra, Budha, Guru Rahu II III IV XI
IX Kuja, Ketu Ketu IV IX X XI
X Sukra, Ketu
XI Ravi, Kuja, Budha, Rahu, Ketu
XII Chandra, Guru, Sani


The Period during which Saturn transits in the first, Apart from Graha Dristi, the Hindu Astrology supports
thefollowing type of aspects:
(1) Conjunction - When two planets are in the same rasi.
(2) Opposition (Dristi) - When one planet is in the seventh rasi from the other planet.
(3) Trine (Trikona) - When one planet is in the fifth or in the ninth rasi from the other planet.
(4) Square (Kendra) - When one planet is in the fourth or in the tenth rasi from the other planet.


Planet Rav Cha Kuj Bud Gur Suk San Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu
Rav Squ Tri Con Opp
Cha Tri Squ Squ Tri
Kuj Squ Opp Tri Squ
Bud Squ Con
Gur Squ Tri Tri Squ Squ
Suk Con Con
San Tri Squ
Rah Opp
Ura Con

Con: Conjunction, Opp: Opposition (Dristi), Tri: Trine (Trikona), Squ: Square (Kendra)

Please note the following important points about Yoga prediction:

(1) If planets causing Yoga are in exaltation or highly benefic Yoga gives very good result. However, if planets
causing Yoga are malefic, the result may get nullified or negated.

(2) Yoga results should not be taken in isolation, it should be taken in its totality. A particular Yoga may give
indication about you but other astrological factor impact the result, so other factors should also be considered with
the Yoga result.

Anapha Yoga
Yoga Definition: If there are planets (other than the Sun) in the twelth house from the Moon, Anapha is formed.
Yoga Result: The native born in Anapha Yoga will be a King, be free from diseases, be virtuous, famous,

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charming and will be blessed with every type of happiness.

Sakata Yoga
Yoga Definition: If Moon is situated in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house from Jupiter, this Yoga is formed.
Yoga Result: The native born in this Yoga will have his fortune obstructed now and then. The period of misfortune
will be whenever the Moon transits the sixth, eighth or twelfth house from the radical Jupiter.

Vesi Yoga
Yoga Definition: If there is any planet (except Moon) in the second house from the Sun, this Yoga is formed.
Yoga Result: The native born in this Yoga will be fortunate and happy. He will be truthful, famous and aristocratic.

Vasi Yoga
Yoga Definition: If there is any planet (except Moon) in the twlefth house from the Sun, this Yoga is formed.
Yoga Result: The native born in this Yoga will be skilful and charitable. He will be endowed with fame and

Obhayachari Yoga
Yoga Definition: If there is any planet (except Moon) in the second and twlefth house (both sides) from the Sun,
this Yoga is formed.
Yoga Result: The native born in this Yoga will be a king or will live like a king.

Details of Yogi, Saha Yogi and Ava Yogi

Yogi: Chandra
Saha Yogi: Sani
Ava Yogi: Budha

The Period during which Saturn transits in the first, second and twelfth houses from the moon rasi of the native is
called the Sadhesati of Saturn.
Your birth rasi is Kumbha therefor the period during which Gochara Saturn transits in Makara, Kumbha and
Meena is Sadhesati of Saturn for you.
One Sadhesati is made up of three periods of approximately two and half years each becuase Saturn moves in
one rasi for two and half years. Normally in the life time of a person, the Sadhesati of Saturn occurs three times.
The following table shows the beginning and ending of each Cycle of Sadhesati.

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Sadhesati Cycle Satrun Transit Begin Date End Date Ashtak Sat Ashtak Sarva
First Dhayya Makara 03 Dec 1992 06 Mar 1993 2 25
First Dhayya Makara 16 Oct 1993 11 Nov 1993 2 25
Second Dhayya Kumbha 06 Mar 1993 16 Oct 1993 2 25
Second Dhayya Kumbha 11 Nov 1993 03 Jun 1995 2 25
Second Dhayya Kumbha 11 Aug 1995 17 Feb 1996 2 25
Third Dhayya Meena 03 Jun 1995 11 Aug 1995 2 26
Third Dhayya Meena 17 Feb 1996 18 Apr 1998 2 26
First Dhayya Makara 25 Jan 2020 30 Apr 2022 2 25
First Dhayya Makara 13 Jul 2022 18 Jan 2023 2 25
Second Dhayya Kumbha 30 Apr 2022 13 Jul 2022 2 25
Second Dhayya Kumbha 18 Jan 2023 30 Mar 2025 2 25
Third Dhayya Meena 30 Mar 2025 04 Jun 2027 2 26
Third Dhayya Meena 21 Oct 2027 24 Feb 2028 2 26
First Dhayya Makara 07 Mar 2049 11 Jul 2049 2 25
First Dhayya Makara 05 Dec 2049 26 Feb 2052 2 25
Second Dhayya Kumbha 26 Feb 2052 15 May 2054 2 25
Second Dhayya Kumbha 03 Sep 2054 06 Feb 2055 2 25
Third Dhayya Meena 15 May 2054 03 Sep 2054 2 26
Third Dhayya Meena 06 Feb 2055 08 Apr 2057 2 26

VIMSOTTARI DASA - Dasa at Birth: 12 Years 09 Months 02 Days

Vimsottari Dasa
Guru Sani Budha Ketu Sukra Ravi Chandra Kuja Rahu
Gu Sa 05 Sep 05 Bu 05 Sep 24 Ke 05 Sep 41 Su 05 Sep 48 Ra 05 Sep 68 Ch 05 Sep 74 Ku 05 Sep 84 Ra 05 Sep 91
Sa 03 Dec 92 Bu 08 Sep 08 Ke 02 Feb 27 Su 02 Feb 42 Ra 05 Jan 52 Ch 23 Dec 68 Ku 05 Jul 75 Ra 02 Feb 85 Gu 17 May 94
Bu 05 May 94 Ke 17 May 11 Su 29 Jan 28 Ra 02 Apr 43 Ch 05 Jan 53 Ku 23 Jun 69 Ra 05 Feb 76 Gu 20 Feb 86 Sa 11 Oct 96
Ke 11 Aug 96 Su 26 Jun 12 Ra 29 Nov 30 Ch 08 Aug 43 Ku 05 Sep 54 Ra 29 Oct 69 Gu 05 Aug 77 Sa 26 Jan 87 Bu 17 Aug 99
Su 17 Jul 97 Ra 26 Aug 15 Ch 05 Oct 31 Ku 08 Mar 44 Ra 05 Nov 55 Gu 23 Sep 70 Sa 05 Dec 78 Bu 05 Mar 88 Ke 05 Mar 02
Ra 17 Mar 00 Ch 08 Aug 16 Ku 05 Mar 33 Ra 05 Aug 44 Gu 05 Nov 58 Sa 11 Jul 71 Bu 05 Jul 80 Ke 02 Mar 89 Su 23 Mar 03
Ch 05 Jan 01 Ku 08 Mar 18 Ra 02 Mar 34 Gu 23 Aug 45 Sa 05 Jul 61 Bu 23 Jun 72 Ke 05 Dec 81 Su 29 Jul 89 Ra 23 Mar 06
Ku 05 May 02 Ra 17 Apr 19 Gu 20 Sep 36 Sa 29 Jul 46 Bu 05 Sep 64 Ke 29 Apr 73 Su 05 Jul 82 Ra 29 Sep 90 Ch 17 Feb 07
Ra 11 Apr 03 Gu 23 Feb 22 Sa 26 Dec 38 Bu 08 Sep 47 Ke 05 Jul 67 Su 05 Sep 73 Ra 05 Mar 84 Ch 05 Feb 91 Ku 17 Aug 08

Vimsottari Mahadasa: Guru

Guru Sani Budha Ketu Sukra Ravi Chandra Kuja Rahu
Gu Sa Bu 05 May 94 Ke 11 Aug 96 Su 17 Jul 97 Ra 17 Mar 00 Ch 05 Jan 01 Ku 05 May 02 Ra 11 Apr 03
Sa Bu Ke 01 Sep 94 Su 01 Sep 96 Ra 27 Dec 97 Ch 02 Apr 00 Ku 15 Feb 01 Ra 25 May 02 Gu 21 Aug 03
Bu Ke Su 19 Oct 94 Ra 27 Oct 96 Ch 15 Feb 98 Ku 26 Apr 00 Ra 13 Mar 01 Gu 15 Jul 02 Sa 16 Dec 03
Ke Su 03 Dec 92 Ra 05 Mar 95 Ch 14 Nov 96 Ku 05 May 98 Ra 13 May 00 Gu 25 May 01 Sa 31 Aug 02 Bu 03 May 04
Su Ra 22 Feb 93 Ch 15 Apr 95 Ku 12 Dec 96 Ra 01 Jul 98 Gu 26 Jun 00 Sa 29 Jul 01 Bu 23 Oct 02 Ke 05 Sep 04
Ra Ch 08 Apr 93 Ku 23 Jun 95 Ra 01 Jan 97 Gu 25 Nov 98 Sa 04 Aug 00 Bu 15 Oct 01 Ke 11 Dec 02 Su 26 Oct 04
Ch Ku 24 Jun 93 Ra 11 Aug 95 Gu 22 Feb 97 Sa 03 Apr 99 Bu 20 Sep 00 Ke 23 Dec 01 Su 01 Jan 03 Ra 20 Mar 05
Ku Ra 17 Aug 93 Gu 13 Dec 95 Sa 07 Apr 97 Bu 05 Sep 99 Ke 01 Nov 00 Su 21 Jan 02 Ra 27 Feb 03 Ch 03 May 05
Ra Gu 04 Jan 94 Sa 02 Apr 96 Bu 31 May 97 Ke 21 Jan 00 Su 17 Nov 00 Ra 11 Apr 02 Ch 13 Mar 03 Ku 15 Jul 05

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Vimsottari Mahadasa: Sani (13 years old)
Sani Budha Ketu Sukra Ravi Chandra Kuja Rahu Guru
Sa 05 Sep 05 Bu 08 Sep 08 Ke 17 May 11 Su 26 Jun 12 Ra 26 Aug 15 Ch 08 Aug 16 Ku 08 Mar 18 Ra 17 Apr 19 Gu 23 Feb 22
Bu 27 Feb 06 Ke 26 Jan 09 Su 11 Jun 11 Ra 06 Jan 13 Ch 13 Sep 15 Ku 26 Sep 16 Ra 02 Apr 18 Gu 21 Sep 19 Sa 25 Jun 22
Ke 31 Jul 06 Su 22 Mar 09 Ra 17 Aug 11 Ch 03 Mar 13 Ku 12 Oct 15 Ra 29 Oct 16 Gu 01 Jun 18 Sa 08 Feb 20 Bu 19 Nov 22
Su 03 Oct 06 Ra 04 Sep 09 Ch 07 Sep 11 Ku 08 Jun 13 Ra 02 Nov 15 Gu 25 Jan 17 Sa 25 Jul 18 Bu 20 Jul 20 Ke 29 Mar 23
Ra 04 Apr 07 Ch 22 Oct 09 Ku 10 Oct 11 Ra 15 Aug 13 Gu 23 Dec 15 Sa 11 Apr 17 Bu 28 Sep 18 Ke 16 Dec 20 Su 22 May 23
Ch 28 May 07 Ku 13 Jan 10 Ra 04 Nov 11 Gu 06 Feb 14 Sa 09 Feb 16 Bu 11 Jul 17 Ke 24 Nov 18 Su 16 Feb 21 Ra 24 Oct 23
Ku 28 Aug 07 Ra 09 Mar 10 Gu 03 Jan 12 Sa 08 Jul 14 Bu 03 Apr 16 Ke 02 Oct 17 Su 18 Dec 18 Ra 07 Aug 21 Ch 09 Dec 23
Ra 01 Nov 07 Gu 05 Aug 10 Sa 27 Feb 12 Bu 08 Jan 15 Ke 21 May 16 Su 05 Nov 17 Ra 24 Feb 19 Ch 28 Sep 21 Ku 25 Feb 24
Gu 14 Apr 08 Sa 14 Dec 10 Bu 30 Apr 12 Ke 20 Jun 15 Su 11 Jun 16 Ra 10 Feb 18 Ch 14 Mar 19 Ku 23 Dec 21 Ra 19 Apr 24

Vimsottari Mahadasa: Budha (32 years old)

Budha Ketu Sukra Ravi Chandra Kuja Rahu Guru Sani
Bu 05 Sep 24 Ke 02 Feb 27 Su 29 Jan 28 Ra 29 Nov 30 Ch 05 Oct 31 Ku 05 Mar 33 Ra 02 Mar 34 Gu 20 Sep 36 Sa 26 Dec 38
Ke 08 Jan 25 Su 23 Feb 27 Ra 19 Jul 28 Ch 15 Dec 30 Ku 18 Nov 31 Ra 26 Mar 33 Gu 20 Jul 34 Sa 09 Jan 37 Bu 31 May 39
Su 01 Mar 25 Ra 23 Apr 27 Ch 10 Sep 28 Ku 10 Jan 31 Ra 18 Dec 31 Gu 20 May 33 Sa 22 Nov 34 Bu 18 May 37 Ke 17 Oct 39
Ra 23 Jul 25 Ch 11 May 27 Ku 05 Dec 28 Ra 28 Jan 31 Gu 04 Mar 32 Sa 07 Jul 33 Bu 18 Apr 35 Ke 14 Sep 37 Su 14 Dec 39
Ch 07 Sep 25 Ku 10 Jun 27 Ra 05 Feb 29 Gu 14 Mar 31 Sa 12 May 32 Bu 04 Sep 33 Ke 28 Aug 35 Su 02 Nov 37 Ra 25 May 40
Ku 19 Nov 25 Ra 01 Jul 27 Gu 08 Jul 29 Sa 25 Apr 31 Bu 03 Aug 32 Ke 24 Oct 33 Su 21 Oct 35 Ra 18 Mar 38 Ch 14 Jul 40
Ra 09 Jan 26 Gu 25 Aug 27 Sa 24 Nov 29 Bu 13 Jun 31 Ke 15 Oct 32 Su 15 Nov 33 Ra 24 Mar 36 Ch 28 Apr 38 Ku 04 Oct 40
Gu 19 May 26 Sa 12 Oct 27 Bu 05 May 30 Ke 26 Jul 31 Su 15 Nov 32 Ra 15 Jan 34 Ch 10 May 36 Ku 06 Jul 38 Ra 01 Dec 40
Sa 15 Sep 26 Bu 09 Dec 27 Ke 30 Sep 30 Su 14 Aug 31 Ra 10 Feb 33 Ch 03 Feb 34 Ku 27 Jul 36 Ra 24 Aug 38 Gu 26 Apr 41

Vimsottari Mahadasa: Ketu (49 years old)

Ketu Sukra Ravi Chandra Kuja Rahu Guru Sani Budha
Ke 05 Sep 41 Su 02 Feb 42 Ra 02 Apr 43 Ch 08 Aug 43 Ku 08 Mar 44 Ra 05 Aug 44 Gu 23 Aug 45 Sa 29 Jul 46 Bu 08 Sep 47
Su 14 Sep 41 Ra 12 Apr 42 Ch 09 Apr 43 Ku 26 Aug 43 Ra 17 Mar 44 Gu 02 Oct 44 Sa 08 Oct 45 Bu 03 Oct 46 Ke 29 Oct 47
Ra 08 Oct 41 Ch 03 May 42 Ku 19 Apr 43 Ra 08 Sep 43 Gu 09 Apr 44 Sa 22 Nov 44 Bu 01 Dec 45 Ke 29 Nov 46 Su 20 Nov 47
Ch 16 Oct 41 Ku 08 Jun 42 Ra 26 Apr 43 Gu 10 Oct 43 Sa 29 Apr 44 Bu 22 Jan 45 Ke 19 Jan 46 Su 22 Dec 46 Ra 19 Jan 48
Ku 28 Oct 41 Ra 03 Jul 42 Gu 15 May 43 Sa 08 Nov 43 Bu 22 May 44 Ke 16 Mar 45 Su 09 Feb 46 Ra 01 Mar 47 Ch 07 Feb 48
Ra 07 Nov 41 Gu 06 Sep 42 Sa 02 Jun 43 Bu 11 Dec 43 Ke 13 Jun 44 Su 08 Apr 45 Ra 05 Apr 46 Ch 19 Mar 47 Ku 07 Mar 48
Gu 29 Nov 41 Sa 02 Nov 42 Bu 22 Jun 43 Ke 11 Jan 44 Su 21 Jun 44 Ra 11 Jun 45 Ch 21 Apr 46 Ku 22 Apr 47 Ra 28 Mar 48
Sa 18 Dec 41 Bu 08 Jan 43 Ke 10 Jul 43 Su 23 Jan 44 Ra 16 Jul 44 Ch 30 Jun 45 Ku 19 May 46 Ra 15 May 47 Gu 21 May 48
Bu 12 Jan 42 Ke 08 Mar 43 Su 17 Jul 43 Ra 28 Feb 44 Ch 23 Jul 44 Ku 01 Aug 45 Ra 09 Jun 46 Gu 15 Jul 47 Sa 09 Jul 48

Vimsottari Mahadasa: Sukra (56 years old)

Sukra Ravi Chandra Kuja Rahu Guru Sani Budha Ketu
Su 05 Sep 48 Ra 05 Jan 52 Ch 05 Jan 53 Ku 05 Sep 54 Ra 05 Nov 55 Gu 05 Nov 58 Sa 05 Jul 61 Bu 05 Sep 64 Ke 05 Jul 67
Ra 25 Mar 49 Ch 23 Jan 52 Ku 25 Feb 53 Ra 30 Sep 54 Gu 17 Apr 56 Sa 13 Mar 59 Bu 06 Jan 62 Ke 31 Jan 65 Su 31 Jul 67
Ch 25 May 49 Ku 23 Feb 52 Ra 31 Mar 53 Gu 03 Dec 54 Sa 11 Sep 56 Bu 15 Aug 59 Ke 17 Jun 62 Su 29 Mar 65 Ra 10 Oct 67
Ku 05 Sep 49 Ra 14 Mar 52 Gu 30 Jun 53 Sa 29 Jan 55 Bu 02 Mar 57 Ke 01 Jan 60 Su 24 Aug 62 Ra 19 Sep 65 Ch 01 Nov 67
Ra 15 Nov 49 Gu 08 May 52 Sa 20 Sep 53 Bu 05 Apr 55 Ke 05 Aug 57 Su 27 Feb 60 Ra 04 Mar 63 Ch 10 Nov 65 Ku 06 Dec 67
Gu 15 May 50 Sa 26 Jun 52 Bu 25 Dec 53 Ke 05 Jun 55 Su 08 Oct 57 Ra 07 Aug 60 Ch 01 May 63 Ku 05 Feb 66 Ra 31 Dec 67
Sa 25 Oct 50 Bu 23 Aug 52 Ke 20 Mar 54 Su 29 Jun 55 Ra 08 Apr 58 Ch 25 Sep 60 Ku 06 Aug 63 Ra 05 Apr 66 Gu 03 Mar 68
Bu 05 May 51 Ke 14 Oct 52 Su 25 Apr 54 Ra 09 Sep 55 Ch 02 Jun 58 Ku 15 Dec 60 Ra 12 Oct 63 Gu 08 Sep 66 Sa 29 Apr 68
Ke 25 Oct 51 Su 05 Nov 52 Ra 05 Aug 54 Ch 30 Sep 55 Ku 02 Sep 58 Ra 11 Feb 61 Gu 03 Apr 64 Sa 24 Jan 67 Bu 06 Jul 68

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Vimsottari Mahadasa: Ravi (76 years old)
Ravi Chandra Kuja Rahu Guru Sani Budha Ketu Sukra
Ra 05 Sep 68 Ch 23 Dec 68 Ku 23 Jun 69 Ra 29 Oct 69 Gu 23 Sep 70 Sa 11 Jul 71 Bu 23 Jun 72 Ke 29 Apr 73 Su 05 Sep 73
Ch 11 Sep 68 Ku 08 Jan 69 Ra 01 Jul 69 Gu 18 Dec 69 Sa 02 Nov 70 Bu 05 Sep 71 Ke 07 Aug 72 Su 07 May 73 Ra 05 Nov 73
Ku 20 Sep 68 Ra 19 Jan 69 Gu 20 Jul 69 Sa 01 Feb 70 Bu 17 Dec 70 Ke 24 Oct 71 Su 25 Aug 72 Ra 28 May 73 Ch 23 Nov 73
Ra 26 Sep 68 Gu 16 Feb 69 Sa 06 Aug 69 Bu 22 Mar 70 Ke 28 Jan 71 Su 14 Nov 71 Ra 16 Oct 72 Ch 04 Jun 73 Ku 23 Dec 73
Gu 12 Oct 68 Sa 10 Mar 69 Bu 26 Aug 69 Ke 08 May 70 Su 15 Feb 71 Ra 11 Jan 72 Ch 01 Nov 72 Ku 14 Jun 73 Ra 14 Jan 74
Sa 27 Oct 68 Bu 08 Apr 69 Ke 14 Sep 69 Su 27 May 70 Ra 03 Apr 71 Ch 28 Jan 72 Ku 26 Nov 72 Ra 22 Jun 73 Gu 08 Mar 74
Bu 14 Nov 68 Ke 04 May 69 Su 22 Sep 69 Ra 21 Jul 70 Ch 17 Apr 71 Ku 26 Feb 72 Ra 14 Dec 72 Gu 11 Jul 73 Sa 26 Apr 74
Ke 29 Nov 68 Su 14 May 69 Ra 13 Oct 69 Ch 07 Aug 70 Ku 11 May 71 Ra 16 Mar 72 Gu 31 Jan 73 Sa 28 Jul 73 Bu 23 Jun 74
Su 05 Dec 68 Ra 14 Jun 69 Ch 19 Oct 69 Ku 04 Sep 70 Ra 28 May 71 Gu 08 May 72 Sa 11 Mar 73 Bu 17 Aug 73 Ke 14 Aug 74

Vimsottari Mahadasa: Chandra (82 years old)

Chandra Kuja Rahu Guru Sani Budha Ketu Sukra Ravi
Ch 05 Sep 74 Ku 05 Jul 75 Ra 05 Feb 76 Gu 05 Aug 77 Sa 05 Dec 78 Bu 05 Jul 80 Ke 05 Dec 81 Su 05 Jul 82 Ra 05 Mar 84
Ku 30 Sep 74 Ra 18 Jul 75 Gu 26 Apr 76 Sa 09 Oct 77 Bu 06 Mar 79 Ke 18 Sep 80 Su 18 Dec 81 Ra 15 Oct 82 Ch 14 Mar 84
Ra 18 Oct 74 Gu 19 Aug 75 Sa 08 Jul 76 Bu 25 Dec 77 Ke 26 May 79 Su 17 Oct 80 Ra 23 Jan 82 Ch 15 Nov 82 Ku 29 Mar 84
Gu 03 Dec 74 Sa 17 Sep 75 Bu 04 Oct 76 Ke 03 Mar 78 Su 30 Jun 79 Ra 12 Jan 81 Ch 03 Feb 82 Ku 05 Jan 83 Ra 10 Apr 84
Sa 13 Jan 75 Bu 20 Oct 75 Ke 20 Dec 76 Su 01 Apr 78 Ra 05 Oct 79 Ch 08 Feb 81 Ku 21 Feb 82 Ra 10 Feb 83 Gu 07 May 84
Bu 28 Feb 75 Ke 20 Nov 75 Su 22 Jan 77 Ra 21 Jun 78 Ch 03 Nov 79 Ku 20 Mar 81 Ra 03 Mar 82 Gu 10 May 83 Sa 01 Jun 84
Ke 13 Apr 75 Su 02 Dec 75 Ra 22 Apr 77 Ch 15 Jul 78 Ku 21 Dec 79 Ra 20 Apr 81 Gu 04 Apr 82 Sa 31 Jul 83 Bu 29 Jun 84
Su 30 Apr 75 Ra 07 Jan 76 Ch 19 May 77 Ku 25 Aug 78 Ra 24 Jan 80 Gu 07 Jul 81 Sa 02 May 82 Bu 05 Nov 83 Ke 25 Jul 84
Ra 20 Jun 75 Ch 18 Jan 76 Ku 04 Jul 77 Ra 23 Sep 78 Gu 19 Apr 80 Sa 15 Sep 81 Bu 06 Jun 82 Ke 31 Jan 84 Su 05 Aug 84

Vimsottari Mahadasa: Kuja (92 years old)

Kuja Rahu Guru Sani Budha Ketu Sukra Ravi Chandra
Ku 05 Sep 84 Ra 02 Feb 85 Gu 20 Feb 86 Sa 26 Jan 87 Bu 05 Mar 88 Ke 02 Mar 89 Su 29 Jul 89 Ra 29 Sep 90 Ch 05 Feb 91
Ra 14 Sep 84 Gu 29 Mar 85 Sa 05 Apr 86 Bu 31 Mar 87 Ke 26 Apr 88 Su 11 Mar 89 Ra 09 Oct 89 Ch 06 Oct 90 Ku 23 Feb 91
Gu 06 Oct 84 Sa 19 May 85 Bu 28 May 86 Ke 26 May 87 Su 17 May 88 Ra 05 Apr 89 Ch 31 Oct 89 Ku 16 Oct 90 Ra 05 Mar 91
Sa 26 Oct 84 Bu 19 Jul 85 Ke 16 Jul 86 Su 19 Jun 87 Ra 16 Jul 88 Ch 13 Apr 89 Ku 05 Dec 89 Ra 23 Oct 90 Gu 07 Apr 91
Bu 19 Nov 84 Ke 13 Sep 85 Su 06 Aug 86 Ra 26 Aug 87 Ch 04 Aug 88 Ku 25 Apr 89 Ra 31 Dec 89 Gu 12 Nov 90 Sa 05 May 91
Ke 10 Dec 84 Su 05 Oct 85 Ra 02 Oct 86 Ch 16 Sep 87 Ku 04 Sep 88 Ra 04 May 89 Gu 03 Mar 90 Sa 29 Nov 90 Bu 08 Jun 91
Su 18 Dec 84 Ra 08 Dec 85 Ch 18 Oct 86 Ku 19 Oct 87 Ra 25 Sep 88 Gu 26 May 89 Sa 29 Apr 90 Bu 19 Dec 90 Ke 08 Jul 91
Ra 13 Jan 85 Ch 27 Dec 85 Ku 16 Nov 86 Ra 12 Nov 87 Gu 18 Nov 88 Sa 15 Jun 89 Bu 05 Jul 90 Ke 07 Jan 91 Su 20 Jul 91
Ch 20 Jan 85 Ku 28 Jan 86 Ra 06 Dec 86 Gu 12 Jan 88 Sa 06 Jan 89 Bu 09 Jul 89 Ke 05 Sep 90 Su 14 Jan 91 Ra 25 Aug 91

Vimsottari Mahadasa: Rahu (99 years old)

Rahu Guru Sani Budha Ketu Sukra Ravi Chandra Kuja
Ra 05 Sep 91 Gu 17 May 94 Sa 11 Oct 96 Bu 17 Aug 99 Ke 05 Mar 02 Su 23 Mar 03 Ra 23 Mar 06 Ch 17 Feb 07 Ku 17 Aug 08
Gu 01 Feb 92 Sa 13 Sep 94 Bu 24 Mar 97 Ke 27 Dec 99 Su 27 Mar 02 Ra 23 Sep 03 Ch 10 Apr 06 Ku 02 Apr 07 Ra 09 Sep 08
Sa 11 Jun 92 Bu 29 Jan 95 Ke 19 Aug 97 Su 21 Feb 00 Ra 31 May 02 Ch 17 Nov 03 Ku 07 May 06 Ra 04 May 07 Gu 06 Nov 08
Bu 15 Nov 92 Ke 02 Jun 95 Su 19 Oct 97 Ra 24 Jul 00 Ch 19 Jun 02 Ku 17 Feb 04 Ra 25 May 06 Gu 25 Jul 07 Sa 26 Dec 08
Ke 02 Apr 93 Su 22 Jul 95 Ra 10 Apr 98 Ch 10 Sep 00 Ku 21 Jul 02 Ra 20 Apr 04 Gu 14 Jul 06 Sa 07 Oct 07 Bu 26 Feb 09
Su 29 May 93 Ra 16 Dec 95 Ch 01 Jun 98 Ku 26 Nov 00 Ra 13 Aug 02 Gu 02 Oct 04 Sa 27 Aug 06 Bu 02 Jan 08 Ke 20 Apr 09
Ra 11 Nov 93 Ch 29 Jan 96 Ku 27 Aug 98 Ra 20 Jan 01 Gu 10 Oct 02 Sa 26 Feb 05 Bu 19 Oct 06 Ke 19 Mar 08 Su 12 May 09
Ch 31 Dec 93 Ku 11 Apr 96 Ra 27 Oct 98 Gu 08 Jun 01 Sa 30 Nov 02 Bu 17 Aug 05 Ke 04 Dec 06 Su 20 Apr 08 Ra 15 Jul 09
Ku 21 Mar 94 Ra 02 Jun 96 Gu 01 Apr 99 Sa 10 Oct 01 Bu 31 Jan 03 Ke 20 Jan 06 Su 23 Dec 06 Ra 20 Jul 08 Ch 04 Aug 09
Note: The dates given are nothing to do with the longevity of the native.

KALA CHAKRA DASA - Dasa at Birth: 01 Year 11 Months 11 Days

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Kala Chakra Dasa
Sukra• Kuja• Guru Kuja Sukra Budha Chandra Ravi Budha•
Su Ku 14 Nov 94 Gu 14 Nov 01 Ku 14 Nov 11 Su 14 Nov 18 Bu 14 Nov 34 Ch 14 Nov 43 Ra 14 Nov 64 Bu 14 Nov 69
Ku Gu 10 May 95 Ku 14 Nov 02 Su 10 May 12 Bu 05 Jun 21 Ch 05 Sep 35 Ra 11 Apr 48 Bu 14 Feb 65 Su 05 Sep 70
Gu Ku 22 Jan 96 Su 26 Jul 03 Bu 23 Jun 13 Ch 14 Nov 22 Ra 26 Jul 37 Bu 29 Apr 49 Su 26 Jul 65 Ku 14 Feb 72
Ku Su 18 Jul 96 Bu 02 Mar 05 Ch 10 Feb 14 Ra 23 Mar 26 Bu 08 Jan 38 Su 20 Mar 51 Ku 14 May 66 Gu 30 Sep 72
Su Bu 02 Sep 97 Ch 26 Jan 06 Ra 29 Jul 15 Bu 11 Jan 27 Su 29 Oct 38 Ku 29 Jul 54 Gu 20 Sep 66 Ku 24 Aug 73
Bu Ch 18 Apr 98 Ra 02 Mar 08 Bu 05 Dec 15 Su 20 Jun 28 Ku 08 Apr 40 Gu 18 Jan 56 Ku 20 Mar 67 Su 11 Apr 74
Ch Ra 08 Oct 99 Bu 02 Sep 08 Su 22 Jul 16 Ku 11 Jan 31 Gu 24 Nov 40 Ku 24 Feb 58 Su 26 Jul 67 Bu 20 Sep 75
Ra 03 Dec 92 Bu 14 Feb 00 Su 26 Jul 09 Ku 05 Sep 17 Gu 24 Feb 32 Ku 18 Oct 41 Su 14 Aug 59 Bu 14 May 68 Ch 11 Jul 76
Bu 05 Jun 93 Su 30 Sep 00 Ku 02 Mar 11 Gu 02 Mar 18 Ku 30 Sep 33 Su 05 Jun 42 Bu 23 Dec 62 Ch 26 Oct 68 Ra 02 Jun 78

Kala Chakra Mahadasa: Sukra•

Sukra• Kuja• Guru Kuja Sukra Budha Chandra Ravi Budha•
Su Ku Gu Ku Su Bu Ch Ra Bu 05 Jun 93
Ku Gu Ku Su Bu Ch Ra Bu Su 22 Jul 93
Gu Ku Su Bu Ch Ra Bu Su Ku 15 Oct 93
Ku Su Bu Ch Ra Bu Su Ku 03 Dec 92 Gu 21 Nov 93
Su Bu Ch Ra Bu Su Ku Gu 04 Dec 92 Ku 13 Jan 94
Bu Ch Ra Bu Su Ku Gu Ku 03 Jan 93 Su 19 Feb 94
Ch Ra Bu Su Ku Gu Ku Su 23 Jan 93 Bu 12 May 94
Ra Bu Su Ku Gu Ku Su Bu 09 Mar 93 Ch 29 Jun 94
Bu Su Ku Gu Ku Su Bu Ch 05 Apr 93 Ra 18 Oct 94

Kala Chakra Mahadasa: Kuja• (2 years old)

Kuja• Guru Kuja Sukra Budha Chandra Ravi Budha• Sukra•
Ku 14 Nov 94 Gu 10 May 95 Ku 22 Jan 96 Su 18 Jul 96 Bu 02 Sep 97 Ch 18 Apr 98 Ra 08 Oct 99 Bu 14 Feb 00 Su 30 Sep 00
Gu 26 Nov 94 Ku 05 Jun 95 Su 04 Feb 96 Bu 23 Sep 96 Ch 22 Sep 97 Ra 10 Aug 98 Bu 14 Oct 99 Su 04 Mar 00 Ku 05 Dec 00
Ku 14 Dec 94 Su 23 Jun 95 Bu 03 Mar 96 Ch 29 Oct 96 Ra 10 Nov 97 Bu 06 Sep 98 Su 25 Oct 99 Ku 10 Apr 00 Gu 03 Jan 01
Su 26 Dec 94 Bu 03 Aug 95 Ch 19 Mar 96 Ra 24 Jan 97 Bu 21 Nov 97 Su 24 Oct 98 Ku 15 Nov 99 Gu 26 Apr 00 Ku 14 Feb 01
Bu 24 Jan 95 Ch 26 Aug 95 Ra 26 Apr 96 Bu 14 Feb 97 Su 11 Dec 97 Ku 18 Jan 99 Gu 24 Nov 99 Ku 19 May 00 Su 12 Mar 01
Ch 10 Feb 95 Ra 19 Oct 95 Bu 04 May 96 Su 20 Mar 97 Ku 18 Jan 98 Gu 25 Feb 99 Ku 07 Dec 99 Su 05 Jun 00 Bu 16 May 01
Ra 17 Mar 95 Bu 01 Nov 95 Su 20 May 96 Ku 25 May 97 Gu 04 Feb 98 Ku 18 Apr 99 Su 16 Dec 99 Bu 11 Jul 00 Ch 23 Jun 01
Bu 26 Mar 95 Su 24 Nov 95 Ku 18 Jun 96 Gu 23 Jun 97 Ku 26 Feb 98 Su 25 May 99 Bu 06 Jan 00 Ch 01 Aug 00 Ra 17 Sep 01
Su 12 Apr 95 Ku 04 Jan 96 Gu 01 Jul 96 Ku 03 Aug 97 Su 12 Mar 98 Bu 20 Aug 99 Ch 17 Jan 00 Ra 19 Sep 00 Bu 07 Oct 01

Kala Chakra Mahadasa: Guru (9 years old)

Guru Kuja Sukra Budha Chandra Ravi Budha• Sukra• Kuja•
Gu 14 Nov 01 Ku 14 Nov 02 Su 26 Jul 03 Bu 02 Mar 05 Ch 26 Jan 06 Ra 02 Mar 08 Bu 02 Sep 08 Su 26 Jul 09 Ku 02 Mar 11
Ku 20 Dec 01 Su 01 Dec 02 Bu 28 Oct 03 Ch 01 Apr 05 Ra 04 Jul 06 Bu 11 Mar 08 Su 01 Oct 08 Ku 28 Oct 09 Gu 19 Mar 11
Su 15 Jan 02 Bu 12 Jan 03 Ch 20 Dec 03 Ra 09 Jun 05 Bu 12 Aug 06 Su 27 Mar 08 Ku 23 Nov 08 Gu 08 Dec 09 Ku 15 Apr 11
Bu 12 Mar 02 Ch 04 Feb 03 Ra 21 Apr 04 Bu 25 Jun 05 Su 20 Oct 06 Ku 26 Apr 08 Gu 15 Dec 08 Ku 06 Feb 10 Su 02 May 11
Ch 15 Apr 02 Ra 27 Mar 03 Bu 19 May 04 Su 24 Jul 05 Ku 21 Feb 07 Gu 08 May 08 Ku 18 Jan 09 Su 16 Mar 10 Bu 12 Jun 11
Ra 30 Jun 02 Bu 10 Apr 03 Su 11 Jul 04 Ku 16 Sep 05 Gu 14 Apr 07 Ku 26 May 08 Su 10 Feb 09 Bu 18 Jun 10 Ch 05 Jul 11
Bu 18 Jul 02 Su 03 May 03 Ku 13 Oct 04 Gu 09 Oct 05 Ku 30 Jun 07 Su 09 Jun 08 Bu 02 Apr 09 Ch 10 Aug 10 Ra 28 Aug 11
Su 21 Aug 02 Ku 13 Jun 03 Gu 24 Nov 04 Ku 11 Nov 05 Su 23 Aug 07 Bu 08 Jul 08 Ch 01 May 09 Ra 11 Dec 10 Bu 11 Sep 11
Ku 18 Oct 02 Gu 30 Jun 03 Ku 21 Jan 05 Su 04 Dec 05 Bu 24 Dec 07 Ch 24 Jul 08 Ra 09 Jul 09 Bu 10 Jan 11 Su 03 Oct 11

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Kala Chakra Mahadasa: Kuja (19 years old)
Kuja Sukra Budha Chandra Ravi Budha• Sukra• Kuja• Guru
Ku 14 Nov 11 Su 10 May 12 Bu 23 Jun 13 Ch 10 Feb 14 Ra 29 Jul 15 Bu 05 Dec 15 Su 22 Jul 16 Ku 05 Sep 17 Gu 02 Mar 18
Su 26 Nov 11 Bu 15 Jul 12 Ch 14 Jul 13 Ra 01 Jun 14 Bu 06 Aug 15 Su 26 Dec 15 Ku 27 Sep 16 Gu 18 Sep 17 Ku 27 Mar 18
Bu 24 Dec 11 Ch 21 Aug 12 Ra 01 Sep 13 Bu 28 Jun 14 Su 17 Aug 15 Ku 02 Feb 16 Gu 25 Oct 16 Ku 05 Oct 17 Su 15 Apr 18
Ch 10 Jan 12 Ra 16 Nov 12 Bu 13 Sep 13 Su 15 Aug 14 Ku 07 Sep 15 Gu 18 Feb 16 Ku 05 Dec 16 Su 18 Oct 17 Bu 25 May 18
Ra 17 Feb 12 Bu 06 Dec 12 Su 03 Oct 13 Ku 10 Nov 14 Gu 16 Sep 15 Ku 11 Mar 16 Su 03 Jan 17 Bu 16 Nov 17 Ch 18 Jun 18
Bu 26 Feb 12 Su 12 Jan 13 Ku 09 Nov 13 Gu 17 Dec 14 Ku 28 Sep 15 Su 26 Mar 16 Bu 08 Mar 17 Ch 02 Dec 17 Ra 10 Aug 18
Su 12 Mar 12 Ku 16 Mar 13 Gu 25 Nov 13 Ku 10 Feb 15 Su 07 Oct 15 Bu 03 May 16 Ch 14 Apr 17 Ra 09 Jan 18 Bu 23 Aug 18
Ku 10 Apr 12 Gu 15 Apr 13 Ku 18 Dec 13 Su 17 Mar 15 Bu 27 Oct 15 Ch 23 May 16 Ra 09 Jul 17 Bu 18 Jan 18 Su 16 Sep 18
Gu 22 Apr 12 Ku 25 May 13 Su 04 Jan 14 Bu 12 Jun 15 Ch 09 Nov 15 Ra 11 Jul 16 Bu 29 Jul 17 Su 03 Feb 18 Ku 26 Oct 18

Kala Chakra Mahadasa: Sukra (26 years old)

Sukra Budha Chandra Ravi Budha• Sukra• Kuja• Guru Kuja
Su 14 Nov 18 Bu 05 Jun 21 Ch 14 Nov 22 Ra 23 Mar 26 Bu 11 Jan 27 Su 20 Jun 28 Ku 11 Jan 31 Gu 24 Feb 32 Ku 30 Sep 33
Bu 11 Apr 19 Ch 22 Jul 21 Ra 28 Jul 23 Bu 08 Apr 26 Su 28 Feb 27 Ku 17 Nov 28 Gu 09 Feb 31 Ku 22 Apr 32 Su 29 Oct 33
Ch 04 Jul 19 Ra 11 Nov 21 Bu 28 Sep 23 Su 04 May 26 Ku 21 May 27 Gu 22 Jan 29 Ku 20 Mar 31 Su 02 Jun 32 Bu 03 Jan 34
Ra 18 Jan 20 Bu 07 Dec 21 Su 17 Jan 24 Ku 20 Jun 26 Gu 27 Jun 27 Ku 24 Apr 29 Su 18 Apr 31 Bu 05 Sep 32 Ch 09 Feb 34
Bu 04 Mar 20 Su 23 Jan 22 Ku 01 Aug 24 Gu 10 Jul 26 Ku 19 Aug 27 Su 28 Jun 29 Bu 23 Jun 31 Ch 26 Oct 32 Ra 04 May 34
Su 27 May 20 Ku 16 Apr 22 Gu 25 Oct 24 Ku 09 Aug 26 Su 25 Sep 27 Bu 26 Nov 29 Ch 29 Jul 31 Ra 27 Feb 33 Bu 24 May 34
Ku 24 Oct 20 Gu 23 May 22 Ku 26 Feb 25 Su 29 Aug 26 Bu 18 Dec 27 Ch 19 Feb 30 Ra 24 Oct 31 Bu 26 Mar 33 Su 01 Jul 34
Gu 29 Dec 20 Ku 14 Jul 22 Su 21 May 25 Bu 15 Oct 26 Ch 05 Feb 28 Ra 02 Sep 30 Bu 14 Nov 31 Su 18 May 33 Ku 05 Sep 34
Ku 01 Apr 21 Su 21 Aug 22 Bu 04 Dec 25 Ch 11 Nov 26 Ra 24 May 28 Bu 18 Oct 30 Su 20 Dec 31 Ku 20 Aug 33 Gu 03 Oct 34

Kala Chakra Mahadasa: Budha (42 years old)

Budha Chandra Ravi Budha• Sukra• Kuja• Guru Kuja Sukra
Bu 14 Nov 34 Ch 05 Sep 35 Ra 26 Jul 37 Bu 08 Jan 38 Su 29 Oct 38 Ku 08 Apr 40 Gu 24 Nov 40 Ku 18 Oct 41 Su 05 Jun 42
Ch 10 Dec 34 Ra 28 Jan 36 Bu 04 Aug 37 Su 04 Feb 38 Ku 22 Jan 39 Gu 24 Apr 40 Ku 27 Dec 40 Su 04 Nov 41 Bu 28 Aug 42
Ra 11 Feb 35 Bu 02 Mar 36 Su 18 Aug 37 Ku 21 Mar 38 Gu 28 Feb 39 Ku 16 May 40 Su 20 Jan 41 Bu 11 Dec 41 Ch 15 Oct 42
Bu 26 Feb 35 Su 03 May 36 Ku 14 Sep 37 Gu 11 Apr 38 Ku 20 Apr 39 Su 02 Jun 40 Bu 11 Mar 41 Ch 01 Jan 42 Ra 04 Feb 43
Su 22 Mar 35 Ku 22 Aug 36 Gu 26 Sep 37 Ku 10 May 38 Su 27 May 39 Bu 08 Jul 40 Ch 11 Apr 41 Ra 19 Feb 42 Bu 28 Feb 43
Ku 09 May 35 Gu 10 Oct 36 Ku 12 Oct 37 Su 01 Jun 38 Bu 20 Aug 39 Ch 29 Jul 40 Ra 19 Jun 41 Bu 28 Feb 42 Su 16 Apr 43
Gu 29 May 35 Ku 18 Dec 36 Su 23 Oct 37 Bu 17 Jul 38 Ch 06 Oct 39 Ra 16 Sep 40 Bu 05 Jul 41 Su 20 Mar 42 Ku 09 Jul 43
Ku 28 Jun 35 Su 06 Feb 37 Bu 19 Nov 37 Ch 13 Aug 38 Ra 25 Jan 40 Bu 28 Sep 40 Su 04 Aug 41 Ku 27 Apr 42 Gu 16 Aug 43
Su 19 Jul 35 Bu 24 May 37 Ch 04 Dec 37 Ra 15 Oct 38 Bu 21 Feb 40 Su 18 Oct 40 Ku 26 Sep 41 Gu 13 May 42 Ku 07 Oct 43

Kala Chakra Mahadasa: Chandra (51 years old)

Chandra Ravi Budha• Sukra• Kuja• Guru Kuja Sukra Budha
Ch 14 Nov 43 Ra 11 Apr 48 Bu 29 Apr 49 Su 20 Mar 51 Ku 29 Jul 54 Gu 18 Jan 56 Ku 24 Feb 58 Su 14 Aug 59 Bu 23 Dec 62
Ra 17 Oct 44 Bu 30 Apr 48 Su 01 Jul 49 Ku 03 Oct 51 Gu 06 Sep 54 Ku 04 Apr 56 Su 02 Apr 58 Bu 27 Feb 60 Ch 25 Feb 63
Bu 06 Jan 45 Su 04 Jun 48 Ku 19 Oct 49 Gu 28 Dec 51 Ku 29 Oct 54 Su 27 May 56 Bu 26 Jun 58 Ch 16 Jun 60 Ra 17 Jul 63
Su 29 May 45 Ku 05 Aug 48 Gu 07 Dec 49 Ku 29 Apr 52 Su 06 Dec 54 Bu 28 Sep 56 Ch 14 Aug 58 Ra 28 Feb 61 Bu 21 Aug 63
Ku 13 Feb 46 Gu 01 Sep 48 Ku 15 Feb 50 Su 24 Jul 52 Bu 01 Mar 55 Ch 06 Dec 56 Ra 05 Dec 58 Bu 01 May 61 Su 23 Oct 63
Gu 04 Jun 46 Ku 09 Oct 48 Su 03 Apr 50 Bu 07 Feb 53 Ch 19 Apr 55 Ra 15 May 57 Bu 01 Jan 59 Su 19 Aug 61 Ku 12 Feb 64
Ku 13 Nov 46 Su 05 Nov 48 Bu 22 Jul 50 Ch 26 May 53 Ra 10 Aug 55 Bu 23 Jun 57 Su 19 Feb 59 Ku 03 Mar 62 Gu 29 Mar 64
Su 04 Mar 47 Bu 06 Jan 49 Ch 23 Sep 50 Ra 10 Feb 54 Bu 06 Sep 55 Su 01 Sep 57 Ku 14 May 59 Gu 28 May 62 Ku 07 Jun 64
Bu 18 Nov 47 Ch 10 Feb 49 Ra 16 Feb 51 Bu 10 Apr 54 Su 24 Oct 55 Ku 02 Jan 58 Gu 21 Jun 59 Ku 29 Sep 62 Su 25 Jul 64

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Kala Chakra Mahadasa: Ravi (72 years old)
Ravi Budha• Sukra• Kuja• Guru Kuja Sukra Budha Chandra
Ra 14 Nov 64 Bu 14 Feb 65 Su 26 Jul 65 Ku 14 May 66 Gu 20 Sep 66 Ku 20 Mar 67 Su 26 Jul 67 Bu 14 May 68 Ch 26 Oct 68
Bu 18 Nov 64 Su 28 Feb 65 Ku 12 Sep 65 Gu 22 May 66 Ku 08 Oct 66 Su 28 Mar 67 Bu 12 Sep 67 Ch 28 May 68 Ra 15 Jan 69
Su 26 Nov 64 Ku 24 Mar 65 Gu 02 Oct 65 Ku 05 Jun 66 Su 20 Oct 66 Bu 19 Apr 67 Ch 08 Oct 67 Ra 02 Jul 68 Bu 04 Feb 69
Ku 11 Dec 64 Gu 06 Apr 65 Ku 01 Nov 65 Su 14 Jun 66 Bu 19 Nov 66 Ch 30 Apr 67 Ra 08 Dec 67 Bu 10 Jul 68 Su 08 Mar 69
Gu 17 Dec 64 Ku 22 Apr 65 Su 21 Nov 65 Bu 04 Jul 66 Ch 05 Dec 66 Ra 26 May 67 Bu 23 Dec 67 Su 25 Jul 68 Ku 08 May 69
Ku 26 Dec 64 Su 03 May 65 Bu 07 Jan 66 Ch 15 Jul 66 Ra 13 Jan 67 Bu 03 Jun 67 Su 18 Jan 68 Ku 21 Aug 68 Gu 05 Jun 69
Su 02 Jan 65 Bu 29 May 65 Ch 03 Feb 66 Ra 12 Aug 66 Bu 22 Jan 67 Su 14 Jun 67 Ku 05 Mar 68 Gu 02 Sep 68 Ku 13 Jul 69
Bu 17 Jan 65 Ch 14 Jun 65 Ra 03 Apr 66 Bu 18 Aug 66 Su 08 Feb 67 Ku 04 Jul 67 Gu 25 Mar 68 Ku 18 Sep 68 Su 09 Aug 69
Ch 25 Jan 65 Ra 18 Jul 65 Bu 18 Apr 66 Su 31 Aug 66 Ku 07 Mar 67 Gu 13 Jul 67 Ku 24 Apr 68 Su 30 Sep 68 Bu 10 Oct 69

Kala Chakra Mahadasa: Budha• (77 years old)

Budha• Sukra• Kuja• Guru Kuja Sukra Budha Chandra Ravi
Bu 14 Nov 69 Su 05 Sep 70 Ku 14 Feb 72 Gu 30 Sep 72 Ku 24 Aug 73 Su 11 Apr 74 Bu 20 Sep 75 Ch 11 Jul 76 Ra 02 Jun 78
Su 10 Dec 69 Ku 28 Nov 70 Gu 29 Feb 72 Ku 03 Nov 72 Su 10 Sep 73 Bu 04 Jul 74 Ch 16 Oct 75 Ra 04 Dec 76 Bu 10 Jun 78
Ku 27 Jan 70 Gu 04 Jan 71 Ku 22 Mar 72 Su 26 Nov 72 Bu 17 Oct 73 Ch 21 Aug 74 Ra 17 Dec 75 Bu 08 Jan 77 Su 24 Jun 78
Gu 17 Feb 70 Ku 26 Feb 71 Su 08 Apr 72 Bu 17 Jan 73 Ch 07 Nov 73 Ra 10 Dec 74 Bu 02 Jan 76 Su 09 Mar 77 Ku 20 Jul 78
Ku 16 Mar 70 Su 03 Apr 71 Bu 14 May 72 Ch 17 Feb 73 Ra 25 Dec 73 Bu 06 Jan 75 Su 28 Jan 76 Ku 28 Jun 77 Gu 02 Aug 78
Su 07 Apr 70 Bu 26 Jun 71 Ch 05 Jun 72 Ra 25 Apr 73 Bu 06 Jan 74 Su 22 Feb 75 Ku 15 Mar 76 Gu 16 Aug 77 Ku 18 Aug 78
Bu 23 May 70 Ch 12 Aug 71 Ra 22 Jul 72 Bu 11 May 73 Su 26 Jan 74 Ku 15 May 75 Gu 05 Apr 76 Ku 24 Oct 77 Su 29 Aug 78
Ch 19 Jun 70 Ra 01 Dec 71 Bu 04 Aug 72 Su 10 Jun 73 Ku 03 Mar 74 Gu 22 Jun 75 Ku 04 May 76 Su 12 Dec 77 Bu 25 Sep 78
Ra 21 Aug 70 Bu 27 Dec 71 Su 24 Aug 72 Ku 02 Aug 73 Gu 19 Mar 74 Ku 13 Aug 75 Su 25 May 76 Bu 31 Mar 78 Ch 10 Oct 78
Note: The dates given are nothing to do with the longevity of the native.

YOGINI DASA - Dasa at Birth: 03 Years 02 Months 08 Days

Yogini Dasa
Yogini Dasa Planet
Mangala Chandra
Pingala Ravi
Dhanya Sukra
Bhramari Kuja
Bhadrika Budha
Ulka Sani
Siddha Sukra
Sankata Rahu

Yogini Maha Dasa

Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya
Bhr Bha 11 Feb 96 Ulk 11 Feb 01 Sid 11 Feb 07 San 11 Feb 14 Man 11 Feb 22 Pin 11 Feb 23 Dha 11 Feb 25
Bha 03 Dec 92 Ulk 21 Oct 96 Sid 11 Feb 02 San 21 Jun 08 Man 21 Nov 15 Pin 21 Feb 22 Dha 21 Mar 23 Bhr 11 May 25
Ulk 11 Feb 93 Sid 21 Aug 97 San 11 Apr 03 Man 11 Jan 10 Pin 11 Feb 16 Dha 11 Mar 22 Bhr 21 May 23 Bha 11 Sep 25
Sid 11 Oct 93 San 11 Aug 98 Man 11 Aug 04 Pin 21 Mar 10 Dha 21 Jul 16 Bhr 11 Apr 22 Bha 11 Aug 23 Ulk 11 Feb 26
San 21 Jul 94 Man 21 Sep 99 Pin 11 Oct 04 Dha 11 Aug 10 Bhr 21 Mar 17 Bha 21 May 22 Ulk 21 Nov 23 Sid 11 Aug 26
Man 11 Jun 95 Pin 11 Nov 99 Dha 11 Feb 05 Bhr 11 Mar 11 Bha 11 Feb 18 Ulk 11 Jul 22 Sid 21 Mar 24 San 11 Mar 27
Pin 21 Jul 95 Dha 21 Feb 00 Bhr 11 Aug 05 Bha 21 Dec 11 Ulk 21 Mar 19 Sid 11 Sep 22 San 11 Aug 24 Man 11 Nov 27
Dha 11 Oct 95 Bhr 21 Jul 00 Bha 11 Apr 06 Ulk 11 Dec 12 Sid 21 Jul 20 San 21 Nov 22 Man 21 Jan 25 Pin 11 Dec 27

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Yogini Maha Dasa
Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya
Bhr 11 Feb 28 Bha 11 Feb 32 Ulk 11 Feb 37 Sid 11 Feb 43 San 11 Feb 50 Man 11 Feb 58 Pin 11 Feb 59 Dha 11 Feb 61
Bha 21 Jul 28 Ulk 21 Oct 32 Sid 11 Feb 38 San 21 Jun 44 Man 21 Nov 51 Pin 21 Feb 58 Dha 21 Mar 59 Bhr 11 May 61
Ulk 11 Feb 29 Sid 21 Aug 33 San 11 Apr 39 Man 11 Jan 46 Pin 11 Feb 52 Dha 11 Mar 58 Bhr 21 May 59 Bha 11 Sep 61
Sid 11 Oct 29 San 11 Aug 34 Man 11 Aug 40 Pin 21 Mar 46 Dha 21 Jul 52 Bhr 11 Apr 58 Bha 11 Aug 59 Ulk 11 Feb 62
San 21 Jul 30 Man 21 Sep 35 Pin 11 Oct 40 Dha 11 Aug 46 Bhr 21 Mar 53 Bha 21 May 58 Ulk 21 Nov 59 Sid 11 Aug 62
Man 11 Jun 31 Pin 11 Nov 35 Dha 11 Feb 41 Bhr 11 Mar 47 Bha 11 Feb 54 Ulk 11 Jul 58 Sid 21 Mar 60 San 11 Mar 63
Pin 21 Jul 31 Dha 21 Feb 36 Bhr 11 Aug 41 Bha 21 Dec 47 Ulk 21 Mar 55 Sid 11 Sep 58 San 11 Aug 60 Man 11 Nov 63
Dha 11 Oct 31 Bhr 21 Jul 36 Bha 11 Apr 42 Ulk 11 Dec 48 Sid 21 Jul 56 San 21 Nov 58 Man 21 Jan 61 Pin 11 Dec 63

Yogini Maha Dasa

Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya
Bhr 11 Feb 64 Bha 11 Feb 68 Ulk 11 Feb 73 Sid 11 Feb 79 San 11 Feb 86 Man 11 Feb 94 Pin 11 Feb 95 Dha 11 Feb 97
Bha 21 Jul 64 Ulk 21 Oct 68 Sid 11 Feb 74 San 21 Jun 80 Man 21 Nov 87 Pin 21 Feb 94 Dha 21 Mar 95 Bhr 11 May 97
Ulk 11 Feb 65 Sid 21 Aug 69 San 11 Apr 75 Man 11 Jan 82 Pin 11 Feb 88 Dha 11 Mar 94 Bhr 21 May 95 Bha 11 Sep 97
Sid 11 Oct 65 San 11 Aug 70 Man 11 Aug 76 Pin 21 Mar 82 Dha 21 Jul 88 Bhr 11 Apr 94 Bha 11 Aug 95 Ulk 11 Feb 98
San 21 Jul 66 Man 21 Sep 71 Pin 11 Oct 76 Dha 11 Aug 82 Bhr 21 Mar 89 Bha 21 May 94 Ulk 21 Nov 95 Sid 11 Aug 98
Man 11 Jun 67 Pin 11 Nov 71 Dha 11 Feb 77 Bhr 11 Mar 83 Bha 11 Feb 90 Ulk 11 Jul 94 Sid 21 Mar 96 San 11 Mar 99
Pin 21 Jul 67 Dha 21 Feb 72 Bhr 11 Aug 77 Bha 21 Dec 83 Ulk 21 Mar 91 Sid 11 Sep 94 San 11 Aug 96 Man 11 Nov 99
Dha 11 Oct 67 Bhr 21 Jul 72 Bha 11 Apr 78 Ulk 11 Dec 84 Sid 21 Jul 92 San 21 Nov 94 Man 21 Jan 97 Pin 11 Dec 99

Yogini Mahadasa: Bhramari

Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya
Bhr Bha Ulk 11 Feb 93 Sid 11 Oct 93 San 21 Jul 94 Man 11 Jun 95 Pin 21 Jul 95 Dha 11 Oct 95
Bha Ulk Sid 21 Mar 93 San 05 Dec 93 Man 02 Oct 94 Pin 12 Jun 95 Dha 25 Jul 95 Bhr 21 Oct 95
Ulk Sid San 07 May 93 Man 07 Feb 94 Pin 11 Oct 94 Dha 14 Jun 95 Bhr 02 Aug 95 Bha 04 Nov 95
Sid San 03 Dec 92 Man 01 Jul 93 Pin 15 Feb 94 Dha 28 Oct 94 Bhr 17 Jun 95 Bha 11 Aug 95 Ulk 21 Nov 95
San Man 15 Dec 92 Pin 07 Jul 93 Dha 01 Mar 94 Bhr 25 Nov 94 Bha 22 Jun 95 Ulk 22 Aug 95 Sid 11 Dec 95
Man Pin 21 Dec 92 Dha 21 Jul 93 Bhr 24 Mar 94 Bha 01 Jan 95 Ulk 27 Jun 95 Sid 05 Sep 95 San 04 Jan 96
Pin Dha 02 Jan 93 Bhr 11 Aug 93 Bha 25 Apr 94 Ulk 15 Feb 95 Sid 04 Jul 95 San 21 Sep 95 Man 01 Feb 96
Dha Bhr 18 Jan 93 Bha 07 Sep 93 Ulk 04 Jun 94 Sid 08 Apr 95 San 12 Jul 95 Man 08 Oct 95 Pin 04 Feb 96

Yogini Mahadasa: Bhadrika (3 years old)

Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari
Bha 11 Feb 96 Ulk 21 Oct 96 Sid 21 Aug 97 San 11 Aug 98 Man 21 Sep 99 Pin 11 Nov 99 Dha 21 Feb 00 Bhr 21 Jul 00
Ulk 15 Mar 96 Sid 11 Dec 96 San 29 Oct 97 Man 10 Nov 98 Pin 22 Sep 99 Dha 16 Nov 99 Bhr 03 Mar 00 Bha 13 Aug 00
Sid 27 Apr 96 San 09 Feb 97 Man 17 Jan 98 Pin 21 Nov 98 Dha 25 Sep 99 Bhr 25 Nov 99 Bha 20 Mar 00 Ulk 11 Sep 00
San 16 Jun 96 Man 16 Apr 97 Pin 26 Jan 98 Dha 13 Dec 98 Bhr 29 Sep 99 Bha 06 Dec 99 Ulk 11 Apr 00 Sid 14 Oct 00
Man 11 Aug 96 Pin 24 Apr 97 Dha 16 Feb 98 Bhr 16 Jan 99 Bha 05 Oct 99 Ulk 20 Dec 99 Sid 06 May 00 San 23 Nov 00
Pin 18 Aug 96 Dha 11 May 97 Bhr 15 Mar 98 Bha 01 Mar 99 Ulk 12 Oct 99 Sid 06 Jan 00 San 05 Jun 00 Man 07 Jan 01
Dha 02 Sep 96 Bhr 06 Jun 97 Bha 24 Apr 98 Ulk 26 Apr 99 Sid 20 Oct 99 San 26 Jan 00 Man 08 Jul 00 Pin 13 Jan 01
Bhr 23 Sep 96 Bha 09 Jul 97 Ulk 12 Jun 98 Sid 03 Jul 99 San 31 Oct 99 Man 18 Feb 00 Pin 12 Jul 00 Dha 24 Jan 01

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Yogini Mahadasa: Ulka (8 years old)
Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika
Ulk 11 Feb 01 Sid 11 Feb 02 San 11 Apr 03 Man 11 Aug 04 Pin 11 Oct 04 Dha 11 Feb 05 Bhr 11 Aug 05 Bha 11 Apr 06
Sid 11 Apr 01 San 02 May 02 Man 27 Jul 03 Pin 12 Aug 04 Dha 17 Oct 04 Bhr 26 Feb 05 Bha 07 Sep 05 Ulk 22 May 06
San 21 Jun 01 Man 06 Aug 02 Pin 11 Aug 03 Dha 16 Aug 04 Bhr 27 Oct 04 Bha 16 Mar 05 Ulk 11 Oct 05 Sid 12 Jul 06
Man 11 Sep 01 Pin 17 Aug 02 Dha 07 Sep 03 Bhr 21 Aug 04 Bha 11 Nov 04 Ulk 11 Apr 05 Sid 21 Nov 05 San 11 Sep 06
Pin 21 Sep 01 Dha 11 Sep 02 Bhr 17 Oct 03 Bha 27 Aug 04 Ulk 27 Nov 04 Sid 11 May 05 San 07 Jan 06 Man 17 Nov 06
Dha 11 Oct 01 Bhr 16 Oct 02 Bha 11 Dec 03 Ulk 06 Sep 04 Sid 17 Dec 04 San 16 Jun 05 Man 01 Mar 06 Pin 26 Nov 06
Bhr 11 Nov 01 Bha 02 Dec 02 Ulk 17 Feb 04 Sid 16 Sep 04 San 11 Jan 05 Man 26 Jul 05 Pin 07 Mar 06 Dha 12 Dec 06
Bha 21 Dec 01 Ulk 01 Feb 03 Sid 07 May 04 San 27 Sep 04 Man 07 Feb 05 Pin 01 Aug 05 Dha 21 Mar 06 Bhr 07 Jan 07

Yogini Mahadasa: Siddha (14 years old)

Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka
Sid 11 Feb 07 San 21 Jun 08 Man 11 Jan 10 Pin 21 Mar 10 Dha 11 Aug 10 Bhr 11 Mar 11 Bha 21 Dec 11 Ulk 11 Dec 12
San 16 May 07 Man 25 Oct 08 Pin 13 Jan 10 Dha 28 Mar 10 Bhr 28 Aug 10 Bha 12 Apr 11 Ulk 09 Feb 12 Sid 21 Feb 13
Man 05 Sep 07 Pin 11 Nov 08 Dha 17 Jan 10 Bhr 10 Apr 10 Bha 22 Sep 10 Ulk 21 May 11 Sid 08 Apr 12 San 12 May 13
Pin 18 Sep 07 Dha 12 Dec 08 Bhr 22 Jan 10 Bha 26 Apr 10 Ulk 21 Oct 10 Sid 07 Jul 11 San 16 Jun 12 Man 16 Aug 13
Dha 16 Oct 07 Bhr 28 Jan 09 Bha 31 Jan 10 Ulk 15 May 10 Sid 26 Nov 10 San 02 Sep 11 Man 03 Sep 12 Pin 27 Aug 13
Bhr 27 Nov 07 Bha 01 Apr 09 Ulk 10 Feb 10 Sid 08 Jun 10 San 07 Jan 11 Man 04 Nov 11 Pin 13 Sep 12 Dha 21 Sep 13
Bha 21 Jan 08 Ulk 18 Jun 09 Sid 22 Feb 10 San 06 Jul 10 Man 23 Feb 11 Pin 12 Nov 11 Dha 03 Oct 12 Bhr 26 Oct 13
Ulk 29 Mar 08 Sid 22 Sep 09 San 05 Mar 10 Man 07 Aug 10 Pin 01 Mar 11 Dha 27 Nov 11 Bhr 02 Nov 12 Bha 12 Dec 13

Yogini Mahadasa: Sankata (21 years old)

Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha
San 11 Feb 14 Man 21 Nov 15 Pin 11 Feb 16 Dha 21 Jul 16 Bhr 21 Mar 17 Bha 11 Feb 18 Ulk 21 Mar 19 Sid 21 Jul 20
Man 03 Jul 14 Pin 23 Nov 15 Dha 20 Feb 16 Bhr 11 Aug 16 Bha 26 Apr 17 Ulk 06 Apr 18 Sid 11 Jun 19 San 10 Nov 20
Pin 21 Jul 14 Dha 27 Nov 15 Bhr 03 Mar 16 Bha 07 Sep 16 Ulk 11 Jun 17 Sid 13 Jun 18 San 14 Sep 19 Man 14 Mar 21
Dha 26 Aug 14 Bhr 04 Dec 15 Bha 21 Mar 16 Ulk 11 Oct 16 Sid 04 Aug 17 San 01 Sep 18 Man 01 Jan 20 Pin 31 Mar 21
Bhr 20 Oct 14 Bha 13 Dec 15 Ulk 13 Apr 16 Sid 21 Nov 16 San 06 Oct 17 Man 30 Nov 18 Pin 14 Jan 20 Dha 01 May 21
Bha 01 Jan 15 Ulk 24 Dec 15 Sid 10 May 16 San 07 Jan 17 Man 17 Dec 17 Pin 11 Dec 18 Dha 11 Feb 20 Bhr 17 Jun 21
Ulk 31 Mar 15 Sid 07 Jan 16 San 11 Jun 16 Man 01 Mar 17 Pin 26 Dec 17 Dha 03 Jan 19 Bhr 21 Mar 20 Bha 20 Aug 21
Sid 16 Jul 15 San 23 Jan 16 Man 16 Jul 16 Pin 07 Mar 17 Dha 14 Jan 18 Bhr 06 Feb 19 Bha 14 May 20 Ulk 07 Nov 21

Yogini Mahadasa: Mangala (29 years old)

Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata
Man 11 Feb 22 Pin 21 Feb 22 Dha 11 Mar 22 Bhr 11 Apr 22 Bha 21 May 22 Ulk 11 Jul 22 Sid 11 Sep 22 San 21 Nov 22
Pin 11 Feb 22 Dha 22 Feb 22 Bhr 13 Mar 22 Bha 15 Apr 22 Ulk 28 May 22 Sid 21 Jul 22 San 24 Sep 22 Man 08 Dec 22
Dha 12 Feb 22 Bhr 23 Feb 22 Bha 17 Mar 22 Ulk 21 Apr 22 Sid 06 Jun 22 San 02 Aug 22 Man 10 Oct 22 Pin 11 Dec 22
Bhr 12 Feb 22 Bha 26 Feb 22 Ulk 21 Mar 22 Sid 27 Apr 22 San 16 Jun 22 Man 16 Aug 22 Pin 12 Oct 22 Dha 15 Dec 22
Bha 13 Feb 22 Ulk 28 Feb 22 Sid 26 Mar 22 San 05 May 22 Man 27 Jun 22 Pin 17 Aug 22 Dha 16 Oct 22 Bhr 22 Dec 22
Ulk 15 Feb 22 Sid 02 Mar 22 San 02 Apr 22 Man 14 May 22 Pin 28 Jun 22 Dha 21 Aug 22 Bhr 22 Oct 22 Bha 01 Jan 23
Sid 17 Feb 22 San 06 Mar 22 Man 08 Apr 22 Pin 15 May 22 Dha 01 Jul 22 Bhr 26 Aug 22 Bha 29 Oct 22 Ulk 12 Jan 23
San 18 Feb 22 Man 10 Mar 22 Pin 09 Apr 22 Dha 17 May 22 Bhr 05 Jul 22 Bha 02 Sep 22 Ulk 09 Nov 22 Sid 25 Jan 23

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Yogini Mahadasa: Pingala (30 years old)
Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala
Pin 11 Feb 23 Dha 21 Mar 23 Bhr 21 May 23 Bha 11 Aug 23 Ulk 21 Nov 23 Sid 21 Mar 24 San 11 Aug 24 Man 21 Jan 25
Dha 13 Feb 23 Bhr 26 Mar 23 Bha 31 May 23 Ulk 25 Aug 23 Sid 11 Dec 23 San 18 Apr 24 Man 16 Sep 24 Pin 21 Jan 25
Bhr 16 Feb 23 Bha 02 Apr 23 Ulk 11 Jun 23 Sid 11 Sep 23 San 04 Jan 24 Man 19 May 24 Pin 21 Sep 24 Dha 22 Jan 25
Bha 21 Feb 23 Ulk 11 Apr 23 Sid 24 Jun 23 San 01 Oct 23 Man 01 Feb 24 Pin 23 May 24 Dha 30 Sep 24 Bhr 24 Jan 25
Ulk 26 Feb 23 Sid 21 Apr 23 San 10 Jul 23 Man 23 Oct 23 Pin 04 Feb 24 Dha 01 Jun 24 Bhr 13 Oct 24 Bha 26 Jan 25
Sid 03 Mar 23 San 02 May 23 Man 27 Jul 23 Pin 26 Oct 23 Dha 11 Feb 24 Bhr 12 Jun 24 Bha 01 Nov 24 Ulk 29 Jan 25
San 11 Mar 23 Man 16 May 23 Pin 31 Jul 23 Dha 01 Nov 23 Bhr 21 Feb 24 Bha 28 Jun 24 Ulk 23 Nov 24 Sid 02 Feb 25
Man 20 Mar 23 Pin 17 May 23 Dha 04 Aug 23 Bhr 10 Nov 23 Bha 04 Mar 24 Ulk 17 Jul 24 Sid 20 Dec 24 San 06 Feb 25

Yogini Mahadasa: Dhanya (32 years old)

Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala
Dha 11 Feb 25 Bhr 11 May 25 Bha 11 Sep 25 Ulk 11 Feb 26 Sid 11 Aug 26 San 11 Mar 27 Man 11 Nov 27 Pin 11 Dec 27
Bhr 18 Feb 25 Bha 24 May 25 Ulk 02 Oct 25 Sid 11 Mar 26 San 22 Sep 26 Man 04 May 27 Pin 12 Nov 27 Dha 14 Dec 27
Bha 28 Feb 25 Ulk 11 Jun 25 Sid 27 Oct 25 San 16 Apr 26 Man 08 Nov 26 Pin 11 May 27 Dha 13 Nov 27 Bhr 19 Dec 27
Ulk 11 Mar 25 Sid 01 Jul 25 San 26 Nov 25 Man 26 May 26 Pin 14 Nov 26 Dha 24 May 27 Bhr 16 Nov 27 Bha 26 Dec 27
Sid 26 Mar 25 San 24 Jul 25 Man 29 Dec 25 Pin 01 Jun 26 Dha 26 Nov 26 Bhr 14 Jun 27 Bha 19 Nov 27 Ulk 04 Jan 28
San 13 Apr 25 Man 21 Aug 25 Pin 03 Jan 26 Dha 11 Jun 26 Bhr 13 Dec 26 Bha 11 Jul 27 Ulk 23 Nov 27 Sid 14 Jan 28
Man 03 May 25 Pin 24 Aug 25 Dha 12 Jan 26 Bhr 26 Jun 26 Bha 07 Jan 27 Ulk 14 Aug 27 Sid 28 Nov 27 San 26 Jan 28
Pin 06 May 25 Dha 01 Sep 25 Bhr 24 Jan 26 Bha 16 Jul 26 Ulk 06 Feb 27 Sid 24 Sep 27 San 04 Dec 27 Man 09 Feb 28

Yogini Mahadasa: Bhramari (35 years old)

Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya
Bhr 11 Feb 28 Bha 21 Jul 28 Ulk 11 Feb 29 Sid 11 Oct 29 San 21 Jul 30 Man 11 Jun 31 Pin 21 Jul 31 Dha 11 Oct 31
Bha 28 Feb 28 Ulk 18 Aug 28 Sid 21 Mar 29 San 05 Dec 29 Man 02 Oct 30 Pin 12 Jun 31 Dha 25 Jul 31 Bhr 21 Oct 31
Ulk 21 Mar 28 Sid 22 Sep 28 San 07 May 29 Man 07 Feb 30 Pin 11 Oct 30 Dha 14 Jun 31 Bhr 02 Aug 31 Bha 04 Nov 31
Sid 17 Apr 28 San 01 Nov 28 Man 01 Jul 29 Pin 15 Feb 30 Dha 28 Oct 30 Bhr 17 Jun 31 Bha 11 Aug 31 Ulk 21 Nov 31
San 18 May 28 Man 15 Dec 28 Pin 07 Jul 29 Dha 01 Mar 30 Bhr 25 Nov 30 Bha 22 Jun 31 Ulk 22 Aug 31 Sid 11 Dec 31
Man 24 Jun 28 Pin 21 Dec 28 Dha 21 Jul 29 Bhr 24 Mar 30 Bha 01 Jan 31 Ulk 27 Jun 31 Sid 05 Sep 31 San 04 Jan 32
Pin 28 Jun 28 Dha 02 Jan 29 Bhr 11 Aug 29 Bha 25 Apr 30 Ulk 15 Feb 31 Sid 04 Jul 31 San 21 Sep 31 Man 01 Feb 32
Dha 07 Jul 28 Bhr 18 Jan 29 Bha 07 Sep 29 Ulk 04 Jun 30 Sid 08 Apr 31 San 12 Jul 31 Man 08 Oct 31 Pin 04 Feb 32

Yogini Mahadasa: Bhadrika (39 years old)

Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari
Bha 11 Feb 32 Ulk 21 Oct 32 Sid 21 Aug 33 San 11 Aug 34 Man 21 Sep 35 Pin 11 Nov 35 Dha 21 Feb 36 Bhr 21 Jul 36
Ulk 15 Mar 32 Sid 11 Dec 32 San 29 Oct 33 Man 10 Nov 34 Pin 22 Sep 35 Dha 16 Nov 35 Bhr 03 Mar 36 Bha 13 Aug 36
Sid 27 Apr 32 San 09 Feb 33 Man 17 Jan 34 Pin 21 Nov 34 Dha 25 Sep 35 Bhr 25 Nov 35 Bha 20 Mar 36 Ulk 11 Sep 36
San 16 Jun 32 Man 16 Apr 33 Pin 26 Jan 34 Dha 13 Dec 34 Bhr 29 Sep 35 Bha 06 Dec 35 Ulk 11 Apr 36 Sid 14 Oct 36
Man 11 Aug 32 Pin 24 Apr 33 Dha 16 Feb 34 Bhr 16 Jan 35 Bha 05 Oct 35 Ulk 20 Dec 35 Sid 06 May 36 San 23 Nov 36
Pin 18 Aug 32 Dha 11 May 33 Bhr 15 Mar 34 Bha 01 Mar 35 Ulk 12 Oct 35 Sid 06 Jan 36 San 05 Jun 36 Man 07 Jan 37
Dha 02 Sep 32 Bhr 06 Jun 33 Bha 24 Apr 34 Ulk 26 Apr 35 Sid 20 Oct 35 San 26 Jan 36 Man 08 Jul 36 Pin 13 Jan 37
Bhr 23 Sep 32 Bha 09 Jul 33 Ulk 12 Jun 34 Sid 03 Jul 35 San 31 Oct 35 Man 18 Feb 36 Pin 12 Jul 36 Dha 24 Jan 37

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Yogini Mahadasa: Ulka (44 years old)
Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika
Ulk 11 Feb 37 Sid 11 Feb 38 San 11 Apr 39 Man 11 Aug 40 Pin 11 Oct 40 Dha 11 Feb 41 Bhr 11 Aug 41 Bha 11 Apr 42
Sid 11 Apr 37 San 02 May 38 Man 27 Jul 39 Pin 12 Aug 40 Dha 17 Oct 40 Bhr 26 Feb 41 Bha 07 Sep 41 Ulk 22 May 42
San 21 Jun 37 Man 06 Aug 38 Pin 11 Aug 39 Dha 16 Aug 40 Bhr 27 Oct 40 Bha 16 Mar 41 Ulk 11 Oct 41 Sid 12 Jul 42
Man 11 Sep 37 Pin 17 Aug 38 Dha 07 Sep 39 Bhr 21 Aug 40 Bha 11 Nov 40 Ulk 11 Apr 41 Sid 21 Nov 41 San 11 Sep 42
Pin 21 Sep 37 Dha 11 Sep 38 Bhr 17 Oct 39 Bha 27 Aug 40 Ulk 27 Nov 40 Sid 11 May 41 San 07 Jan 42 Man 17 Nov 42
Dha 11 Oct 37 Bhr 16 Oct 38 Bha 11 Dec 39 Ulk 06 Sep 40 Sid 17 Dec 40 San 16 Jun 41 Man 01 Mar 42 Pin 26 Nov 42
Bhr 11 Nov 37 Bha 02 Dec 38 Ulk 17 Feb 40 Sid 16 Sep 40 San 11 Jan 41 Man 26 Jul 41 Pin 07 Mar 42 Dha 12 Dec 42
Bha 21 Dec 37 Ulk 01 Feb 39 Sid 07 May 40 San 27 Sep 40 Man 07 Feb 41 Pin 01 Aug 41 Dha 21 Mar 42 Bhr 07 Jan 43

Yogini Mahadasa: Siddha (50 years old)

Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka
Sid 11 Feb 43 San 21 Jun 44 Man 11 Jan 46 Pin 21 Mar 46 Dha 11 Aug 46 Bhr 11 Mar 47 Bha 21 Dec 47 Ulk 11 Dec 48
San 16 May 43 Man 25 Oct 44 Pin 13 Jan 46 Dha 28 Mar 46 Bhr 28 Aug 46 Bha 12 Apr 47 Ulk 09 Feb 48 Sid 21 Feb 49
Man 05 Sep 43 Pin 11 Nov 44 Dha 17 Jan 46 Bhr 10 Apr 46 Bha 22 Sep 46 Ulk 21 May 47 Sid 08 Apr 48 San 12 May 49
Pin 18 Sep 43 Dha 12 Dec 44 Bhr 22 Jan 46 Bha 26 Apr 46 Ulk 21 Oct 46 Sid 07 Jul 47 San 16 Jun 48 Man 16 Aug 49
Dha 16 Oct 43 Bhr 28 Jan 45 Bha 31 Jan 46 Ulk 15 May 46 Sid 26 Nov 46 San 02 Sep 47 Man 03 Sep 48 Pin 27 Aug 49
Bhr 27 Nov 43 Bha 01 Apr 45 Ulk 10 Feb 46 Sid 08 Jun 46 San 07 Jan 47 Man 04 Nov 47 Pin 13 Sep 48 Dha 21 Sep 49
Bha 21 Jan 44 Ulk 18 Jun 45 Sid 22 Feb 46 San 06 Jul 46 Man 23 Feb 47 Pin 12 Nov 47 Dha 03 Oct 48 Bhr 26 Oct 49
Ulk 29 Mar 44 Sid 22 Sep 45 San 05 Mar 46 Man 07 Aug 46 Pin 01 Mar 47 Dha 27 Nov 47 Bhr 02 Nov 48 Bha 12 Dec 49

Yogini Mahadasa: Sankata (57 years old)

Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha
San 11 Feb 50 Man 21 Nov 51 Pin 11 Feb 52 Dha 21 Jul 52 Bhr 21 Mar 53 Bha 11 Feb 54 Ulk 21 Mar 55 Sid 21 Jul 56
Man 03 Jul 50 Pin 23 Nov 51 Dha 20 Feb 52 Bhr 11 Aug 52 Bha 26 Apr 53 Ulk 06 Apr 54 Sid 11 Jun 55 San 10 Nov 56
Pin 21 Jul 50 Dha 27 Nov 51 Bhr 03 Mar 52 Bha 07 Sep 52 Ulk 11 Jun 53 Sid 13 Jun 54 San 14 Sep 55 Man 14 Mar 57
Dha 26 Aug 50 Bhr 04 Dec 51 Bha 21 Mar 52 Ulk 11 Oct 52 Sid 04 Aug 53 San 01 Sep 54 Man 01 Jan 56 Pin 31 Mar 57
Bhr 20 Oct 50 Bha 13 Dec 51 Ulk 13 Apr 52 Sid 21 Nov 52 San 06 Oct 53 Man 30 Nov 54 Pin 14 Jan 56 Dha 01 May 57
Bha 01 Jan 51 Ulk 24 Dec 51 Sid 10 May 52 San 07 Jan 53 Man 17 Dec 53 Pin 11 Dec 54 Dha 11 Feb 56 Bhr 17 Jun 57
Ulk 31 Mar 51 Sid 07 Jan 52 San 11 Jun 52 Man 01 Mar 53 Pin 26 Dec 53 Dha 03 Jan 55 Bhr 21 Mar 56 Bha 20 Aug 57
Sid 16 Jul 51 San 23 Jan 52 Man 16 Jul 52 Pin 07 Mar 53 Dha 14 Jan 54 Bhr 06 Feb 55 Bha 14 May 56 Ulk 07 Nov 57

Yogini Mahadasa: Mangala (65 years old)

Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata
Man 11 Feb 58 Pin 21 Feb 58 Dha 11 Mar 58 Bhr 11 Apr 58 Bha 21 May 58 Ulk 11 Jul 58 Sid 11 Sep 58 San 21 Nov 58
Pin 11 Feb 58 Dha 22 Feb 58 Bhr 13 Mar 58 Bha 15 Apr 58 Ulk 28 May 58 Sid 21 Jul 58 San 24 Sep 58 Man 08 Dec 58
Dha 12 Feb 58 Bhr 23 Feb 58 Bha 17 Mar 58 Ulk 21 Apr 58 Sid 06 Jun 58 San 02 Aug 58 Man 10 Oct 58 Pin 11 Dec 58
Bhr 12 Feb 58 Bha 26 Feb 58 Ulk 21 Mar 58 Sid 27 Apr 58 San 16 Jun 58 Man 16 Aug 58 Pin 12 Oct 58 Dha 15 Dec 58
Bha 13 Feb 58 Ulk 28 Feb 58 Sid 26 Mar 58 San 05 May 58 Man 27 Jun 58 Pin 17 Aug 58 Dha 16 Oct 58 Bhr 22 Dec 58
Ulk 15 Feb 58 Sid 02 Mar 58 San 02 Apr 58 Man 14 May 58 Pin 28 Jun 58 Dha 21 Aug 58 Bhr 22 Oct 58 Bha 01 Jan 59
Sid 17 Feb 58 San 06 Mar 58 Man 08 Apr 58 Pin 15 May 58 Dha 01 Jul 58 Bhr 26 Aug 58 Bha 29 Oct 58 Ulk 12 Jan 59
San 18 Feb 58 Man 10 Mar 58 Pin 09 Apr 58 Dha 17 May 58 Bhr 05 Jul 58 Bha 02 Sep 58 Ulk 09 Nov 58 Sid 25 Jan 59

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Yogini Mahadasa: Pingala (66 years old)
Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala
Pin 11 Feb 59 Dha 21 Mar 59 Bhr 21 May 59 Bha 11 Aug 59 Ulk 21 Nov 59 Sid 21 Mar 60 San 11 Aug 60 Man 21 Jan 61
Dha 13 Feb 59 Bhr 26 Mar 59 Bha 31 May 59 Ulk 25 Aug 59 Sid 11 Dec 59 San 18 Apr 60 Man 16 Sep 60 Pin 21 Jan 61
Bhr 16 Feb 59 Bha 02 Apr 59 Ulk 11 Jun 59 Sid 11 Sep 59 San 04 Jan 60 Man 19 May 60 Pin 21 Sep 60 Dha 22 Jan 61
Bha 21 Feb 59 Ulk 11 Apr 59 Sid 24 Jun 59 San 01 Oct 59 Man 01 Feb 60 Pin 23 May 60 Dha 30 Sep 60 Bhr 24 Jan 61
Ulk 26 Feb 59 Sid 21 Apr 59 San 10 Jul 59 Man 23 Oct 59 Pin 04 Feb 60 Dha 01 Jun 60 Bhr 13 Oct 60 Bha 26 Jan 61
Sid 03 Mar 59 San 02 May 59 Man 27 Jul 59 Pin 26 Oct 59 Dha 11 Feb 60 Bhr 12 Jun 60 Bha 01 Nov 60 Ulk 29 Jan 61
San 11 Mar 59 Man 16 May 59 Pin 31 Jul 59 Dha 01 Nov 59 Bhr 21 Feb 60 Bha 28 Jun 60 Ulk 23 Nov 60 Sid 02 Feb 61
Man 20 Mar 59 Pin 17 May 59 Dha 04 Aug 59 Bhr 10 Nov 59 Bha 04 Mar 60 Ulk 17 Jul 60 Sid 20 Dec 60 San 06 Feb 61

Yogini Mahadasa: Dhanya (68 years old)

Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala
Dha 11 Feb 61 Bhr 11 May 61 Bha 11 Sep 61 Ulk 11 Feb 62 Sid 11 Aug 62 San 11 Mar 63 Man 11 Nov 63 Pin 11 Dec 63
Bhr 18 Feb 61 Bha 24 May 61 Ulk 02 Oct 61 Sid 11 Mar 62 San 22 Sep 62 Man 04 May 63 Pin 12 Nov 63 Dha 14 Dec 63
Bha 28 Feb 61 Ulk 11 Jun 61 Sid 27 Oct 61 San 16 Apr 62 Man 08 Nov 62 Pin 11 May 63 Dha 13 Nov 63 Bhr 19 Dec 63
Ulk 11 Mar 61 Sid 01 Jul 61 San 26 Nov 61 Man 26 May 62 Pin 14 Nov 62 Dha 24 May 63 Bhr 16 Nov 63 Bha 26 Dec 63
Sid 26 Mar 61 San 24 Jul 61 Man 29 Dec 61 Pin 01 Jun 62 Dha 26 Nov 62 Bhr 14 Jun 63 Bha 19 Nov 63 Ulk 04 Jan 64
San 13 Apr 61 Man 21 Aug 61 Pin 03 Jan 62 Dha 11 Jun 62 Bhr 13 Dec 62 Bha 11 Jul 63 Ulk 23 Nov 63 Sid 14 Jan 64
Man 03 May 61 Pin 24 Aug 61 Dha 12 Jan 62 Bhr 26 Jun 62 Bha 07 Jan 63 Ulk 14 Aug 63 Sid 28 Nov 63 San 26 Jan 64
Pin 06 May 61 Dha 01 Sep 61 Bhr 24 Jan 62 Bha 16 Jul 62 Ulk 06 Feb 63 Sid 24 Sep 63 San 04 Dec 63 Man 09 Feb 64

Yogini Mahadasa: Bhramari (71 years old)

Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya
Bhr 11 Feb 64 Bha 21 Jul 64 Ulk 11 Feb 65 Sid 11 Oct 65 San 21 Jul 66 Man 11 Jun 67 Pin 21 Jul 67 Dha 11 Oct 67
Bha 28 Feb 64 Ulk 18 Aug 64 Sid 21 Mar 65 San 05 Dec 65 Man 02 Oct 66 Pin 12 Jun 67 Dha 25 Jul 67 Bhr 21 Oct 67
Ulk 21 Mar 64 Sid 22 Sep 64 San 07 May 65 Man 07 Feb 66 Pin 11 Oct 66 Dha 14 Jun 67 Bhr 02 Aug 67 Bha 04 Nov 67
Sid 17 Apr 64 San 01 Nov 64 Man 01 Jul 65 Pin 15 Feb 66 Dha 28 Oct 66 Bhr 17 Jun 67 Bha 11 Aug 67 Ulk 21 Nov 67
San 18 May 64 Man 15 Dec 64 Pin 07 Jul 65 Dha 01 Mar 66 Bhr 25 Nov 66 Bha 22 Jun 67 Ulk 22 Aug 67 Sid 11 Dec 67
Man 24 Jun 64 Pin 21 Dec 64 Dha 21 Jul 65 Bhr 24 Mar 66 Bha 01 Jan 67 Ulk 27 Jun 67 Sid 05 Sep 67 San 04 Jan 68
Pin 28 Jun 64 Dha 02 Jan 65 Bhr 11 Aug 65 Bha 25 Apr 66 Ulk 15 Feb 67 Sid 04 Jul 67 San 21 Sep 67 Man 01 Feb 68
Dha 07 Jul 64 Bhr 18 Jan 65 Bha 07 Sep 65 Ulk 04 Jun 66 Sid 08 Apr 67 San 12 Jul 67 Man 08 Oct 67 Pin 04 Feb 68

Yogini Mahadasa: Bhadrika (75 years old)

Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari
Bha 11 Feb 68 Ulk 21 Oct 68 Sid 21 Aug 69 San 11 Aug 70 Man 21 Sep 71 Pin 11 Nov 71 Dha 21 Feb 72 Bhr 21 Jul 72
Ulk 15 Mar 68 Sid 11 Dec 68 San 29 Oct 69 Man 10 Nov 70 Pin 22 Sep 71 Dha 16 Nov 71 Bhr 03 Mar 72 Bha 13 Aug 72
Sid 27 Apr 68 San 09 Feb 69 Man 17 Jan 70 Pin 21 Nov 70 Dha 25 Sep 71 Bhr 25 Nov 71 Bha 20 Mar 72 Ulk 11 Sep 72
San 16 Jun 68 Man 16 Apr 69 Pin 26 Jan 70 Dha 13 Dec 70 Bhr 29 Sep 71 Bha 06 Dec 71 Ulk 11 Apr 72 Sid 14 Oct 72
Man 11 Aug 68 Pin 24 Apr 69 Dha 16 Feb 70 Bhr 16 Jan 71 Bha 05 Oct 71 Ulk 20 Dec 71 Sid 06 May 72 San 23 Nov 72
Pin 18 Aug 68 Dha 11 May 69 Bhr 15 Mar 70 Bha 01 Mar 71 Ulk 12 Oct 71 Sid 06 Jan 72 San 05 Jun 72 Man 07 Jan 73
Dha 02 Sep 68 Bhr 06 Jun 69 Bha 24 Apr 70 Ulk 26 Apr 71 Sid 20 Oct 71 San 26 Jan 72 Man 08 Jul 72 Pin 13 Jan 73
Bhr 23 Sep 68 Bha 09 Jul 69 Ulk 12 Jun 70 Sid 03 Jul 71 San 31 Oct 71 Man 18 Feb 72 Pin 12 Jul 72 Dha 24 Jan 73

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Yogini Mahadasa: Ulka (80 years old)
Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika
Ulk 11 Feb 73 Sid 11 Feb 74 San 11 Apr 75 Man 11 Aug 76 Pin 11 Oct 76 Dha 11 Feb 77 Bhr 11 Aug 77 Bha 11 Apr 78
Sid 11 Apr 73 San 02 May 74 Man 27 Jul 75 Pin 12 Aug 76 Dha 17 Oct 76 Bhr 26 Feb 77 Bha 07 Sep 77 Ulk 22 May 78
San 21 Jun 73 Man 06 Aug 74 Pin 11 Aug 75 Dha 16 Aug 76 Bhr 27 Oct 76 Bha 16 Mar 77 Ulk 11 Oct 77 Sid 12 Jul 78
Man 11 Sep 73 Pin 17 Aug 74 Dha 07 Sep 75 Bhr 21 Aug 76 Bha 11 Nov 76 Ulk 11 Apr 77 Sid 21 Nov 77 San 11 Sep 78
Pin 21 Sep 73 Dha 11 Sep 74 Bhr 17 Oct 75 Bha 27 Aug 76 Ulk 27 Nov 76 Sid 11 May 77 San 07 Jan 78 Man 17 Nov 78
Dha 11 Oct 73 Bhr 16 Oct 74 Bha 11 Dec 75 Ulk 06 Sep 76 Sid 17 Dec 76 San 16 Jun 77 Man 01 Mar 78 Pin 26 Nov 78
Bhr 11 Nov 73 Bha 02 Dec 74 Ulk 17 Feb 76 Sid 16 Sep 76 San 11 Jan 77 Man 26 Jul 77 Pin 07 Mar 78 Dha 12 Dec 78
Bha 21 Dec 73 Ulk 01 Feb 75 Sid 07 May 76 San 27 Sep 76 Man 07 Feb 77 Pin 01 Aug 77 Dha 21 Mar 78 Bhr 07 Jan 79

Yogini Mahadasa: Siddha (86 years old)

Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka
Sid 11 Feb 79 San 21 Jun 80 Man 11 Jan 82 Pin 21 Mar 82 Dha 11 Aug 82 Bhr 11 Mar 83 Bha 21 Dec 83 Ulk 11 Dec 84
San 16 May 79 Man 25 Oct 80 Pin 13 Jan 82 Dha 28 Mar 82 Bhr 28 Aug 82 Bha 12 Apr 83 Ulk 09 Feb 84 Sid 21 Feb 85
Man 05 Sep 79 Pin 11 Nov 80 Dha 17 Jan 82 Bhr 10 Apr 82 Bha 22 Sep 82 Ulk 21 May 83 Sid 08 Apr 84 San 12 May 85
Pin 18 Sep 79 Dha 12 Dec 80 Bhr 22 Jan 82 Bha 26 Apr 82 Ulk 21 Oct 82 Sid 07 Jul 83 San 16 Jun 84 Man 16 Aug 85
Dha 16 Oct 79 Bhr 28 Jan 81 Bha 31 Jan 82 Ulk 15 May 82 Sid 26 Nov 82 San 02 Sep 83 Man 03 Sep 84 Pin 27 Aug 85
Bhr 27 Nov 79 Bha 01 Apr 81 Ulk 10 Feb 82 Sid 08 Jun 82 San 07 Jan 83 Man 04 Nov 83 Pin 13 Sep 84 Dha 21 Sep 85
Bha 21 Jan 80 Ulk 18 Jun 81 Sid 22 Feb 82 San 06 Jul 82 Man 23 Feb 83 Pin 12 Nov 83 Dha 03 Oct 84 Bhr 26 Oct 85
Ulk 29 Mar 80 Sid 22 Sep 81 San 05 Mar 82 Man 07 Aug 82 Pin 01 Mar 83 Dha 27 Nov 83 Bhr 02 Nov 84 Bha 12 Dec 85

Yogini Mahadasa: Sankata (93 years old)

Sankata Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha
San 11 Feb 86 Man 21 Nov 87 Pin 11 Feb 88 Dha 21 Jul 88 Bhr 21 Mar 89 Bha 11 Feb 90 Ulk 21 Mar 91 Sid 21 Jul 92
Man 03 Jul 86 Pin 23 Nov 87 Dha 20 Feb 88 Bhr 11 Aug 88 Bha 26 Apr 89 Ulk 06 Apr 90 Sid 11 Jun 91 San 10 Nov 92
Pin 21 Jul 86 Dha 27 Nov 87 Bhr 03 Mar 88 Bha 07 Sep 88 Ulk 11 Jun 89 Sid 13 Jun 90 San 14 Sep 91 Man 14 Mar 93
Dha 26 Aug 86 Bhr 04 Dec 87 Bha 21 Mar 88 Ulk 11 Oct 88 Sid 04 Aug 89 San 01 Sep 90 Man 01 Jan 92 Pin 31 Mar 93
Bhr 20 Oct 86 Bha 13 Dec 87 Ulk 13 Apr 88 Sid 21 Nov 88 San 06 Oct 89 Man 30 Nov 90 Pin 14 Jan 92 Dha 01 May 93
Bha 01 Jan 87 Ulk 24 Dec 87 Sid 10 May 88 San 07 Jan 89 Man 17 Dec 89 Pin 11 Dec 90 Dha 11 Feb 92 Bhr 17 Jun 93
Ulk 31 Mar 87 Sid 07 Jan 88 San 11 Jun 88 Man 01 Mar 89 Pin 26 Dec 89 Dha 03 Jan 91 Bhr 21 Mar 92 Bha 20 Aug 93
Sid 16 Jul 87 San 23 Jan 88 Man 16 Jul 88 Pin 07 Mar 89 Dha 14 Jan 90 Bhr 06 Feb 91 Bha 14 May 92 Ulk 07 Nov 93

Yogini Mahadasa: Mangala (101 years old)

Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata
Man 11 Feb 94 Pin 21 Feb 94 Dha 11 Mar 94 Bhr 11 Apr 94 Bha 21 May 94 Ulk 11 Jul 94 Sid 11 Sep 94 San 21 Nov 94
Pin 11 Feb 94 Dha 22 Feb 94 Bhr 13 Mar 94 Bha 15 Apr 94 Ulk 28 May 94 Sid 21 Jul 94 San 24 Sep 94 Man 08 Dec 94
Dha 12 Feb 94 Bhr 23 Feb 94 Bha 17 Mar 94 Ulk 21 Apr 94 Sid 06 Jun 94 San 02 Aug 94 Man 10 Oct 94 Pin 11 Dec 94
Bhr 12 Feb 94 Bha 26 Feb 94 Ulk 21 Mar 94 Sid 27 Apr 94 San 16 Jun 94 Man 16 Aug 94 Pin 12 Oct 94 Dha 15 Dec 94
Bha 13 Feb 94 Ulk 28 Feb 94 Sid 26 Mar 94 San 05 May 94 Man 27 Jun 94 Pin 17 Aug 94 Dha 16 Oct 94 Bhr 22 Dec 94
Ulk 15 Feb 94 Sid 02 Mar 94 San 02 Apr 94 Man 14 May 94 Pin 28 Jun 94 Dha 21 Aug 94 Bhr 22 Oct 94 Bha 01 Jan 95
Sid 17 Feb 94 San 06 Mar 94 Man 08 Apr 94 Pin 15 May 94 Dha 01 Jul 94 Bhr 26 Aug 94 Bha 29 Oct 94 Ulk 12 Jan 95
San 18 Feb 94 Man 10 Mar 94 Pin 09 Apr 94 Dha 17 May 94 Bhr 05 Jul 94 Bha 02 Sep 94 Ulk 09 Nov 94 Sid 25 Jan 95

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Yogini Mahadasa: Pingala (102 years old)
Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala
Pin 11 Feb 95 Dha 21 Mar 95 Bhr 21 May 95 Bha 11 Aug 95 Ulk 21 Nov 95 Sid 21 Mar 96 San 11 Aug 96 Man 21 Jan 97
Dha 13 Feb 95 Bhr 26 Mar 95 Bha 31 May 95 Ulk 25 Aug 95 Sid 11 Dec 95 San 18 Apr 96 Man 16 Sep 96 Pin 21 Jan 97
Bhr 16 Feb 95 Bha 02 Apr 95 Ulk 11 Jun 95 Sid 11 Sep 95 San 04 Jan 96 Man 19 May 96 Pin 21 Sep 96 Dha 22 Jan 97
Bha 21 Feb 95 Ulk 11 Apr 95 Sid 24 Jun 95 San 01 Oct 95 Man 01 Feb 96 Pin 23 May 96 Dha 30 Sep 96 Bhr 24 Jan 97
Ulk 26 Feb 95 Sid 21 Apr 95 San 10 Jul 95 Man 23 Oct 95 Pin 04 Feb 96 Dha 01 Jun 96 Bhr 13 Oct 96 Bha 26 Jan 97
Sid 03 Mar 95 San 02 May 95 Man 27 Jul 95 Pin 26 Oct 95 Dha 11 Feb 96 Bhr 12 Jun 96 Bha 01 Nov 96 Ulk 29 Jan 97
San 11 Mar 95 Man 16 May 95 Pin 31 Jul 95 Dha 01 Nov 95 Bhr 21 Feb 96 Bha 28 Jun 96 Ulk 23 Nov 96 Sid 02 Feb 97
Man 20 Mar 95 Pin 17 May 95 Dha 04 Aug 95 Bhr 10 Nov 95 Bha 04 Mar 96 Ulk 17 Jul 96 Sid 20 Dec 96 San 06 Feb 97

Yogini Mahadasa: Dhanya (104 years old)

Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata Mangala Pingala
Dha 11 Feb 97 Bhr 11 May 97 Bha 11 Sep 97 Ulk 11 Feb 98 Sid 11 Aug 98 San 11 Mar 99 Man 11 Nov 99 Pin 11 Dec 99
Bhr 18 Feb 97 Bha 24 May 97 Ulk 02 Oct 97 Sid 11 Mar 98 San 22 Sep 98 Man 04 May 99 Pin 12 Nov 99 Dha 14 Dec 99
Bha 28 Feb 97 Ulk 11 Jun 97 Sid 27 Oct 97 San 16 Apr 98 Man 08 Nov 98 Pin 11 May 99 Dha 13 Nov 99 Bhr 19 Dec 99
Ulk 11 Mar 97 Sid 01 Jul 97 San 26 Nov 97 Man 26 May 98 Pin 14 Nov 98 Dha 24 May 99 Bhr 16 Nov 99 Bha 26 Dec 99
Sid 26 Mar 97 San 24 Jul 97 Man 29 Dec 97 Pin 01 Jun 98 Dha 26 Nov 98 Bhr 14 Jun 99 Bha 19 Nov 99 Ulk 04 Jan 00
San 13 Apr 97 Man 21 Aug 97 Pin 03 Jan 98 Dha 11 Jun 98 Bhr 13 Dec 98 Bha 11 Jul 99 Ulk 23 Nov 99 Sid 14 Jan 00
Man 03 May 97 Pin 24 Aug 97 Dha 12 Jan 98 Bhr 26 Jun 98 Bha 07 Jan 99 Ulk 14 Aug 99 Sid 28 Nov 99 San 26 Jan 00
Pin 06 May 97 Dha 01 Sep 97 Bhr 24 Jan 98 Bha 16 Jul 98 Ulk 06 Feb 99 Sid 24 Sep 99 San 04 Dec 99 Man 09 Feb 00
Note: The dates given are nothing to do with the longevity of the native.

ASTOTTARI DASA - Dasa at Birth: 05 Years 00 Month 18 Days

Astottari Dasa
Guru Rahu Sukra Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha Sani
Gu Ra 21 Dec 97 Su 21 Dec 09 Ra 21 Dec 30 Ch 21 Dec 36 Ku 21 Dec 51 Bu 21 Dec 59 Sa 21 Dec 76
Ra Su 21 Apr 99 Ra 21 Jan 14 Ch 21 Apr 31 Ku 21 Jan 39 Bu 24 Jul 52 Sa 24 Aug 62 Gu 24 Nov 77
Su Ra 21 Aug 01 Ch 21 Mar 15 Ku 21 Feb 32 Bu 01 Mar 40 Sa 27 Oct 53 Gu 21 Mar 64 Ra 27 Aug 79
Ra Ch 21 Apr 02 Ku 21 Feb 18 Bu 01 Aug 32 Sa 11 Jul 42 Gu 24 Jul 54 Ra 17 Mar 67 Su 07 Oct 80
Ch Ku 21 Dec 03 Bu 11 Sep 19 Sa 11 Jul 33 Gu 01 Dec 43 Ra 21 Dec 55 Su 07 Feb 69 Ra 17 Sep 82
Ku 03 Dec 92 Bu 11 Nov 04 Sa 01 Jan 23 Gu 01 Feb 34 Ra 21 Jul 46 Su 11 Nov 56 Ra 27 May 72 Ch 07 Apr 83
Bu 21 Mar 93 Sa 01 Oct 06 Gu 11 Dec 24 Ra 21 Feb 35 Su 21 Mar 48 Ra 01 Jun 58 Ch 07 May 73 Ku 27 Aug 84
Sa 17 Mar 96 Gu 11 Nov 07 Ra 21 Aug 28 Su 21 Oct 35 Ra 21 Feb 51 Ch 11 Nov 58 Ku 17 Sep 75 Bu 24 May 85

Astottari Mahadasa: Guru

Guru Rahu Sukra Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha Sani
Gu Ra Su Ra Ch Ku Bu 21 Mar 93 Sa 17 Mar 96
Ra Su Ra Ch Ku Bu Sa 10 Sep 93 Gu 16 May 96
Su Ra Ch Ku Bu Sa Gu 20 Dec 93 Ra 07 Sep 96
Ra Ch Ku Bu Sa Gu Ra 29 Jun 94 Su 18 Nov 96
Ch Ku Bu Sa Gu Ra Su 29 Oct 94 Ra 21 Mar 97
Ku Bu Sa Gu Ra Su 03 Dec 92 Ra 28 May 95 Ch 26 Apr 97
Bu Sa Gu Ra Su Ra 12 Dec 92 Ch 28 Jul 95 Ku 24 Jul 97
Sa Gu Ra Su Ra Ch 10 Jan 93 Ku 27 Dec 95 Bu 11 Sep 97

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Astottari Mahadasa: Rahu (5 years old)
Rahu Sukra Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha Sani Guru
Ra 21 Dec 97 Su 21 Apr 99 Ra 21 Aug 01 Ch 21 Apr 02 Ku 21 Dec 03 Bu 11 Nov 04 Sa 01 Oct 06 Gu 11 Nov 07
Su 14 Feb 98 Ra 04 Oct 99 Ch 04 Sep 01 Ku 14 Jul 02 Bu 14 Jan 04 Sa 28 Feb 05 Gu 08 Nov 06 Ra 24 Mar 08
Ra 17 May 98 Ch 21 Nov 99 Ku 07 Oct 01 Bu 28 Aug 02 Sa 05 Mar 04 Gu 01 May 05 Ra 18 Jan 07 Su 19 Jun 08
Ch 14 Jun 98 Ku 17 Mar 00 Bu 25 Oct 01 Sa 03 Dec 02 Gu 04 Apr 04 Ra 31 Aug 05 Su 02 Mar 07 Ra 16 Nov 08
Ku 21 Aug 98 Bu 19 May 00 Sa 03 Dec 01 Gu 28 Jan 03 Ra 01 Jun 04 Su 16 Nov 05 Ra 20 May 07 Ch 29 Dec 08
Bu 26 Sep 98 Sa 02 Oct 00 Gu 25 Dec 01 Ra 14 May 03 Su 06 Jul 04 Ra 28 Mar 06 Ch 12 Jun 07 Ku 14 Apr 09
Sa 12 Dec 98 Gu 19 Dec 00 Ra 07 Feb 02 Su 21 Jul 03 Ra 08 Sep 04 Ch 06 May 06 Ku 08 Aug 07 Bu 11 Jun 09
Gu 26 Jan 99 Ra 17 May 01 Su 04 Mar 02 Ra 17 Nov 03 Ch 26 Sep 04 Ku 10 Aug 06 Bu 08 Sep 07 Sa 10 Oct 09

Astottari Mahadasa: Sukra (17 years old)

Sukra Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha Sani Guru Rahu
Su 21 Dec 09 Ra 21 Jan 14 Ch 21 Mar 15 Ku 21 Feb 18 Bu 11 Sep 19 Sa 01 Jan 23 Gu 11 Dec 24 Ra 21 Aug 28
Ra 06 Oct 10 Ch 14 Feb 14 Ku 16 Aug 15 Bu 02 Apr 18 Sa 18 Mar 20 Gu 05 Mar 23 Ra 04 Aug 25 Su 24 Nov 28
Ch 28 Dec 10 Ku 12 Apr 14 Bu 04 Nov 15 Sa 30 Jun 18 Gu 08 Jul 20 Ra 08 Jul 23 Su 02 Jan 26 Ra 07 May 29
Ku 22 Jul 11 Bu 13 May 14 Sa 19 Apr 16 Gu 22 Aug 18 Ra 07 Feb 21 Su 26 Sep 23 Ra 21 Sep 26 Ch 24 Jun 29
Bu 11 Nov 11 Sa 19 Jul 14 Gu 27 Jul 16 Ra 01 Dec 18 Su 20 Jun 21 Ra 12 Feb 24 Ch 05 Dec 26 Ku 21 Oct 29
Sa 02 Jul 12 Gu 28 Aug 14 Ra 01 Feb 17 Su 03 Feb 19 Ra 11 Feb 22 Ch 21 Mar 24 Ku 09 Jun 27 Bu 23 Dec 29
Gu 19 Nov 12 Ra 12 Nov 14 Su 28 May 17 Ra 22 May 19 Ch 17 Apr 22 Ku 28 Jun 24 Bu 18 Sep 27 Sa 05 May 30
Ra 07 Aug 13 Su 29 Dec 14 Ra 22 Dec 17 Ch 23 Jun 19 Ku 02 Oct 22 Bu 20 Aug 24 Sa 17 Apr 28 Gu 23 Jul 30

Astottari Mahadasa: Ravi (38 years old)

Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha Sani Guru Rahu Sukra
Ra 21 Dec 30 Ch 21 Apr 31 Ku 21 Feb 32 Bu 01 Aug 32 Sa 11 Jul 33 Gu 01 Feb 34 Ra 21 Feb 35 Su 21 Oct 35
Ch 27 Dec 30 Ku 02 Jun 31 Bu 02 Mar 32 Sa 24 Sep 32 Gu 29 Jul 33 Ra 07 Apr 34 Su 17 Mar 35 Ra 12 Jan 36
Ku 14 Jan 31 Bu 24 Jun 31 Sa 28 Mar 32 Gu 26 Oct 32 Ra 04 Sep 33 Su 20 May 34 Ra 04 May 35 Ch 06 Feb 36
Bu 23 Jan 31 Sa 12 Aug 31 Gu 12 Apr 32 Ra 25 Dec 32 Su 26 Sep 33 Ra 03 Aug 34 Ch 17 May 35 Ku 04 Apr 36
Sa 12 Feb 31 Gu 09 Sep 31 Ra 11 May 32 Su 03 Feb 33 Ra 05 Nov 33 Ch 25 Aug 34 Ku 21 Jun 35 Bu 05 May 36
Gu 23 Feb 31 Ra 02 Nov 31 Su 28 May 32 Ra 09 Apr 33 Ch 16 Nov 33 Ku 17 Oct 34 Bu 08 Jul 35 Sa 11 Jul 36
Ra 14 Mar 31 Su 06 Dec 31 Ra 29 Jun 32 Ch 28 Apr 33 Ku 14 Dec 33 Bu 16 Nov 34 Sa 16 Aug 35 Gu 20 Aug 36
Su 27 Mar 31 Ra 04 Feb 32 Ch 08 Jul 32 Ku 15 Jun 33 Bu 29 Dec 33 Sa 15 Jan 35 Gu 08 Sep 35 Ra 04 Nov 36

Astottari Mahadasa: Chandra (44 years old)

Chandra Kuja Budha Sani Guru Rahu Sukra Ravi
Ch 21 Dec 36 Ku 21 Jan 39 Bu 01 Mar 40 Sa 11 Jul 42 Gu 01 Dec 43 Ra 21 Jul 46 Su 21 Mar 48 Ra 21 Feb 51
Ku 05 Apr 37 Bu 20 Feb 39 Sa 14 Jul 40 Gu 27 Aug 42 Ra 18 May 44 Su 27 Sep 46 Ra 15 Oct 48 Ch 07 Mar 51
Bu 31 May 37 Sa 23 Apr 39 Gu 03 Oct 40 Ra 25 Nov 42 Su 03 Sep 44 Ra 24 Jan 47 Ch 13 Dec 48 Ku 19 Apr 51
Sa 28 Sep 37 Gu 31 May 39 Ra 03 Mar 41 Su 20 Jan 43 Ra 08 Mar 45 Ch 27 Feb 47 Ku 09 May 49 Bu 11 May 51
Gu 08 Dec 37 Ra 11 Aug 39 Su 07 Jun 41 Ra 28 Apr 43 Ch 01 May 45 Ku 21 May 47 Bu 27 Jul 49 Sa 28 Jun 51
Ra 20 Apr 38 Su 25 Sep 39 Ra 22 Nov 41 Ch 25 May 43 Ku 13 Sep 45 Bu 05 Jul 47 Sa 12 Jan 50 Gu 26 Jul 51
Su 13 Jul 38 Ra 13 Dec 39 Ch 09 Jan 42 Ku 05 Aug 43 Bu 23 Nov 45 Sa 09 Oct 47 Gu 19 Apr 50 Ra 19 Sep 51
Ra 09 Dec 38 Ch 05 Jan 40 Ku 08 May 42 Bu 12 Sep 43 Sa 23 Apr 46 Gu 05 Dec 47 Ra 24 Oct 50 Su 22 Oct 51

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Astottari Mahadasa: Kuja (59 years old)
Kuja Budha Sani Guru Rahu Sukra Ravi Chandra
Ku 21 Dec 51 Bu 24 Jul 52 Sa 27 Oct 53 Gu 24 Jul 54 Ra 21 Dec 55 Su 11 Nov 56 Ra 01 Jun 58 Ch 11 Nov 58
Bu 06 Jan 52 Sa 05 Oct 52 Gu 22 Nov 53 Ra 23 Oct 54 Su 26 Jan 56 Ra 01 Mar 57 Ch 09 Jun 58 Ku 06 Jan 59
Sa 10 Feb 52 Gu 17 Nov 52 Ra 09 Jan 54 Su 19 Dec 54 Ra 28 Mar 56 Ch 01 Apr 57 Ku 02 Jul 58 Bu 06 Feb 59
Gu 29 Feb 52 Ra 07 Feb 53 Su 08 Feb 54 Ra 28 Mar 55 Ch 16 Apr 56 Ku 18 Jun 57 Bu 13 Jul 58 Sa 09 Apr 59
Ra 07 Apr 52 Su 27 Mar 53 Ra 31 Mar 54 Ch 26 Apr 55 Ku 01 Jun 56 Bu 31 Jul 57 Sa 09 Aug 58 Gu 16 May 59
Su 01 May 52 Ra 25 Jun 53 Ch 15 Apr 54 Ku 06 Jul 55 Bu 24 Jun 56 Sa 28 Oct 57 Gu 23 Aug 58 Ra 26 Jul 59
Ra 12 Jun 52 Ch 21 Jul 53 Ku 22 May 54 Bu 14 Aug 55 Sa 15 Aug 56 Gu 20 Dec 57 Ra 22 Sep 58 Su 11 Sep 59
Ch 24 Jun 52 Ku 24 Sep 53 Bu 12 Jun 54 Sa 04 Nov 55 Gu 14 Sep 56 Ra 28 Mar 58 Su 09 Oct 58 Ra 28 Nov 59

Astottari Mahadasa: Budha (67 years old)

Budha Sani Guru Rahu Sukra Ravi Chandra Kuja
Bu 21 Dec 59 Sa 24 Aug 62 Gu 21 Mar 64 Ra 17 Mar 67 Su 07 Feb 69 Ra 27 May 72 Ch 07 May 73 Ku 17 Sep 75
Sa 22 May 60 Gu 16 Oct 62 Ra 30 Sep 64 Su 03 Jun 67 Ra 29 Sep 69 Ch 16 Jun 72 Ku 05 Sep 73 Bu 21 Oct 75
Gu 21 Aug 60 Ra 26 Jan 63 Su 31 Jan 65 Ra 15 Oct 67 Ch 05 Dec 69 Ku 03 Aug 72 Bu 08 Nov 73 Sa 02 Jan 76
Ra 11 Feb 61 Su 29 Mar 63 Ra 29 Aug 65 Ch 23 Nov 67 Ku 20 May 70 Bu 28 Aug 72 Sa 22 Mar 74 Gu 14 Feb 76
Su 28 May 61 Ra 19 Jul 63 Ch 29 Oct 65 Ku 27 Feb 68 Bu 18 Aug 70 Sa 22 Oct 72 Gu 11 Jun 74 Ra 04 May 76
Ra 05 Dec 61 Ch 21 Aug 63 Ku 28 Mar 66 Bu 18 Apr 68 Sa 25 Feb 71 Gu 23 Nov 72 Ra 10 Nov 74 Su 24 Jun 76
Ch 29 Jan 62 Ku 09 Nov 63 Bu 18 Jun 66 Sa 05 Aug 68 Gu 16 Jun 71 Ra 23 Jan 73 Su 15 Feb 75 Ra 22 Sep 76
Ku 12 Jun 62 Bu 21 Dec 63 Sa 07 Dec 66 Gu 08 Oct 68 Ra 15 Jan 72 Su 01 Mar 73 Ra 31 Jul 75 Ch 18 Oct 76

Astottari Mahadasa: Sani (84 years old)

Sani Guru Rahu Sukra Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha
Sa 21 Dec 76 Gu 24 Nov 77 Ra 27 Aug 79 Su 07 Oct 80 Ra 17 Sep 82 Ch 07 Apr 83 Ku 27 Aug 84 Bu 24 May 85
Gu 21 Jan 77 Ra 15 Mar 78 Su 12 Oct 79 Ra 23 Feb 81 Ch 28 Sep 82 Ku 17 Jun 83 Bu 17 Sep 84 Sa 23 Aug 85
Ra 20 Mar 77 Su 26 May 78 Ra 29 Dec 79 Ch 02 Apr 81 Ku 26 Oct 82 Bu 24 Jul 83 Sa 29 Oct 84 Gu 16 Oct 85
Su 27 Apr 77 Ra 29 Sep 78 Ch 22 Jan 80 Ku 09 Jul 81 Bu 11 Nov 82 Sa 12 Oct 83 Gu 24 Nov 84 Ra 25 Jan 86
Ra 02 Jul 77 Ch 04 Nov 78 Ku 17 Mar 80 Bu 01 Sep 81 Sa 12 Dec 82 Gu 29 Nov 83 Ra 11 Jan 85 Su 28 Mar 86
Ch 20 Jul 77 Ku 02 Feb 79 Bu 17 Apr 80 Sa 21 Dec 81 Gu 01 Jan 83 Ra 27 Feb 84 Su 10 Feb 85 Ra 18 Jul 86
Ku 07 Sep 77 Bu 19 Mar 79 Sa 20 Jun 80 Gu 26 Feb 82 Ra 06 Feb 83 Su 22 Apr 84 Ra 02 Apr 85 Ch 20 Aug 86
Bu 01 Oct 77 Sa 29 Jun 79 Gu 27 Jul 80 Ra 29 Jun 82 Su 28 Feb 83 Ra 29 Jul 84 Ch 17 Apr 85 Ku 09 Nov 86
Note: The dates given are nothing to do with the longevity of the native.

SHODSOTTARI DASA - Dasa at Birth: 09 Years 06 Months 24 Days

Shodsottari Dasa
Kuja Guru Sani Ketu Chandra Budha Sukra Ravi
Ku Gu 27 Jun 02 Sa 27 Jun 15 Ke 27 Jun 29 Ch 27 Jun 44 Bu 27 Jun 60 Su 27 Jun 77 Ra 27 Jun 95
Gu 03 Dec 92 Sa 12 Dec 03 Ke 05 Mar 17 Ch 05 Jun 31 Bu 12 Sep 46 Su 24 Dec 62 Ra 13 Apr 80 Ku 13 Jul 96
Sa 28 Jan 93 Ke 06 Jul 05 Ch 27 Dec 18 Bu 30 Jun 33 Su 16 Jan 49 Ra 14 Aug 65 Ku 27 Dec 81 Gu 02 Sep 97
Ke 10 Jul 94 Ch 12 Mar 07 Bu 02 Dec 20 Su 12 Sep 35 Ra 10 Jul 51 Ku 24 Mar 67 Gu 07 Nov 83 Sa 26 Nov 98
Ch 28 Jan 96 Bu 27 Dec 08 Su 21 Dec 22 Ra 10 Jan 38 Ku 16 Jan 53 Gu 27 Dec 68 Sa 14 Nov 85 Ke 24 Mar 00
Bu 24 Sep 97 Su 23 Nov 10 Ra 23 Feb 25 Ku 12 Jun 39 Gu 12 Sep 54 Sa 23 Nov 70 Ke 16 Jan 88 Ch 26 Aug 01
Su 27 Jun 99 Ra 29 Nov 12 Ku 21 Jun 26 Gu 31 Dec 40 Sa 27 Jun 56 Ke 12 Dec 72 Ch 14 May 90 Bu 02 Mar 03
Ra 07 May 01 Ku 23 Feb 14 Gu 02 Dec 27 Sa 05 Sep 42 Ke 02 Jun 58 Ch 23 Feb 75 Bu 07 Nov 92 Su 13 Oct 04

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Shodosottari Mahadasa: Kuja
Kuja Guru Sani Ketu Chandra Budha Sukra Ravi
Ku Gu Sa 28 Jan 93 Ke 10 Jul 94 Ch 28 Jan 96 Bu 24 Sep 97 Su 27 Jun 99 Ra 07 May 01
Gu Sa Ke 01 Apr 93 Ch 22 Sep 94 Bu 20 Apr 96 Su 27 Dec 97 Ra 11 Oct 99 Ku 16 Jun 01
Sa Ke Ch 09 Jun 93 Bu 09 Dec 94 Su 18 Jul 96 Ra 05 Apr 98 Ku 15 Dec 99 Gu 29 Jul 01
Ke Ch Bu 20 Aug 93 Su 01 Mar 95 Ra 20 Oct 96 Ku 05 Jun 98 Gu 24 Feb 00 Sa 15 Sep 01
Ch Bu Su 07 Nov 93 Ra 27 May 95 Ku 17 Dec 96 Gu 11 Aug 98 Sa 09 May 00 Ke 04 Nov 01
Bu Su Ra 28 Jan 94 Ku 20 Jul 95 Gu 18 Feb 97 Sa 22 Oct 98 Ke 31 Jul 00 Ch 27 Dec 01
Su Ra 03 Dec 92 Ku 17 Mar 94 Gu 18 Sep 95 Sa 25 Apr 97 Ke 08 Jan 99 Ch 27 Oct 00 Bu 24 Feb 02
Ra Ku 08 Dec 92 Gu 11 May 94 Sa 21 Nov 95 Ke 07 Jul 97 Ch 31 Mar 99 Bu 29 Jan 01 Su 24 Apr 02

Shodosottari Mahadasa: Guru (10 years old)

Guru Sani Ketu Chandra Budha Sukra Ravi Kuja
Gu 27 Jun 02 Sa 12 Dec 03 Ke 06 Jul 05 Ch 12 Mar 07 Bu 27 Dec 08 Su 23 Nov 10 Ra 29 Nov 12 Ku 23 Feb 14
Sa 26 Aug 02 Ke 20 Feb 04 Ch 25 Sep 05 Bu 11 Jun 07 Su 08 Apr 09 Ra 16 Mar 11 Ku 11 Jan 13 Gu 13 Apr 14
Ke 29 Oct 02 Ch 03 May 04 Bu 18 Dec 05 Su 15 Sep 07 Ra 24 Jul 09 Ku 25 May 11 Gu 27 Feb 13 Sa 07 Jun 14
Ch 07 Jan 03 Bu 21 Jul 04 Su 17 Mar 06 Ra 25 Dec 07 Ku 29 Sep 09 Gu 10 Aug 11 Sa 17 Apr 13 Ke 06 Aug 14
Bu 19 Mar 03 Su 14 Oct 04 Ra 21 Jun 06 Ku 27 Feb 08 Gu 10 Dec 09 Sa 01 Nov 11 Ke 10 Jun 13 Ch 08 Oct 14
Su 06 Jun 03 Ra 11 Jan 05 Ku 18 Aug 06 Gu 03 May 08 Sa 27 Feb 10 Ke 29 Jan 12 Ch 08 Aug 13 Bu 15 Dec 14
Ra 28 Aug 03 Ku 05 Mar 05 Gu 21 Oct 06 Sa 16 Jul 08 Ke 20 May 10 Ch 03 May 12 Bu 09 Oct 13 Su 26 Feb 15
Ku 17 Oct 03 Gu 03 May 05 Sa 29 Dec 06 Ke 04 Oct 08 Ch 18 Aug 10 Bu 13 Aug 12 Su 14 Dec 13 Ra 11 May 15

Shodosottari Mahadasa: Sani (23 years old)

Sani Ketu Chandra Budha Sukra Ravi Kuja Guru
Sa 27 Jun 15 Ke 05 Mar 17 Ch 27 Dec 18 Bu 02 Dec 20 Su 21 Dec 22 Ra 23 Feb 25 Ku 21 Jun 26 Gu 02 Dec 27
Ke 11 Sep 15 Ch 31 May 17 Bu 03 Apr 19 Su 21 Mar 21 Ra 22 Apr 23 Ku 08 Apr 25 Gu 15 Aug 26 Sa 06 Feb 28
Ch 29 Nov 15 Bu 31 Aug 17 Su 15 Jul 19 Ra 15 Jul 21 Ku 06 Jul 23 Gu 28 May 25 Sa 13 Oct 26 Ke 14 Apr 28
Bu 23 Feb 16 Su 05 Dec 17 Ra 03 Nov 19 Ku 25 Sep 21 Gu 27 Sep 23 Sa 21 Jul 25 Ke 16 Dec 26 Ch 27 Jun 28
Su 22 May 16 Ra 16 Mar 18 Ku 09 Jan 20 Gu 12 Dec 21 Sa 25 Dec 23 Ke 19 Sep 25 Ch 24 Feb 27 Bu 15 Sep 28
Ra 27 Aug 16 Ku 18 May 18 Gu 21 Mar 20 Sa 04 Mar 22 Ke 29 Mar 24 Ch 21 Nov 25 Bu 06 May 27 Su 07 Dec 28
Ku 24 Oct 16 Gu 25 Jul 18 Sa 09 Jun 20 Ke 04 Jun 22 Ch 11 Jul 24 Bu 27 Jan 26 Su 22 Jul 27 Ra 05 Mar 29
Gu 27 Dec 16 Sa 08 Oct 18 Ke 02 Sep 20 Ch 09 Sep 22 Bu 28 Oct 24 Su 07 Apr 26 Ra 13 Oct 27 Ku 29 Apr 29

Shodosottari Mahadasa: Ketu (37 years old)

Ketu Chandra Budha Sukra Ravi Kuja Guru Sani
Ke 27 Jun 29 Ch 05 Jun 31 Bu 30 Jun 33 Su 12 Sep 35 Ra 10 Jan 38 Ku 12 Jun 39 Gu 31 Dec 40 Sa 05 Sep 42
Ch 27 Sep 29 Bu 18 Sep 31 Su 26 Oct 33 Ra 22 Jan 36 Ku 28 Feb 38 Gu 09 Aug 39 Sa 08 Mar 41 Ke 24 Nov 42
Bu 04 Jan 30 Su 07 Jan 32 Ra 01 Mar 34 Ku 11 Apr 36 Gu 21 Apr 38 Sa 12 Oct 39 Ke 21 May 41 Ch 18 Feb 43
Su 16 Apr 30 Ra 03 May 32 Ku 14 May 34 Gu 08 Jul 36 Sa 18 Jun 38 Ke 19 Dec 39 Ch 09 Aug 41 Bu 18 May 43
Ra 04 Aug 30 Ku 14 Jul 32 Gu 06 Aug 34 Sa 12 Oct 36 Ke 20 Aug 38 Ch 02 Mar 40 Bu 03 Nov 41 Su 24 Aug 43
Ku 11 Oct 30 Gu 01 Oct 32 Sa 05 Nov 34 Ke 23 Jan 37 Ch 26 Oct 38 Bu 19 May 40 Su 02 Feb 42 Ra 05 Dec 43
Gu 23 Dec 30 Sa 24 Dec 32 Ke 10 Feb 35 Ch 11 May 37 Bu 07 Jan 39 Su 11 Aug 40 Ra 05 May 42 Ku 07 Feb 44
Sa 11 Mar 31 Ke 24 Mar 33 Ch 22 May 35 Bu 07 Sep 37 Su 22 Mar 39 Ra 07 Nov 40 Ku 03 Jul 42 Gu 14 Apr 44

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Shodosottari Mahadasa: Chandra (52 years old)
Chandra Budha Sukra Ravi Kuja Guru Sani Ketu
Ch 27 Jun 44 Bu 12 Sep 46 Su 16 Jan 49 Ra 10 Jul 51 Ku 16 Jan 53 Gu 12 Sep 54 Sa 27 Jun 56 Ke 02 Jun 58
Bu 17 Oct 44 Su 15 Jan 47 Ra 04 Jun 49 Ku 01 Sep 51 Gu 17 Mar 53 Sa 24 Nov 54 Ke 21 Sep 56 Ch 09 Sep 58
Su 13 Feb 45 Ra 26 May 47 Ku 29 Aug 49 Gu 28 Oct 51 Sa 24 May 53 Ke 12 Feb 55 Ch 21 Dec 56 Bu 21 Dec 58
Ra 16 Jun 45 Ku 16 Aug 47 Gu 02 Dec 49 Sa 29 Dec 51 Ke 06 Aug 53 Ch 05 May 55 Bu 27 Mar 57 Su 11 Apr 59
Ku 02 Sep 45 Gu 14 Nov 47 Sa 12 Mar 50 Ke 05 Mar 52 Ch 23 Oct 53 Bu 04 Aug 55 Su 09 Jul 57 Ra 06 Aug 59
Gu 24 Nov 45 Sa 18 Feb 48 Ke 30 Jun 50 Ch 16 May 52 Bu 15 Jan 54 Su 09 Nov 55 Ra 27 Oct 57 Ku 17 Oct 59
Sa 23 Feb 46 Ke 31 May 48 Ch 25 Oct 50 Bu 01 Aug 52 Su 13 Apr 54 Ra 19 Feb 56 Ku 02 Jan 58 Gu 04 Jan 60
Ke 29 May 46 Ch 19 Sep 48 Bu 01 Mar 51 Su 21 Oct 52 Ra 15 Jul 54 Ku 20 Apr 56 Gu 14 Mar 58 Sa 27 Mar 60

Shodosottari Mahadasa: Budha (68 years old)

Budha Sukra Ravi Kuja Guru Sani Ketu Chandra
Bu 27 Jun 60 Su 24 Dec 62 Ra 14 Aug 65 Ku 24 Mar 67 Gu 27 Dec 68 Sa 23 Nov 70 Ke 12 Dec 72 Ch 23 Feb 75
Su 09 Nov 60 Ra 21 May 63 Ku 09 Oct 65 Gu 31 May 67 Sa 14 Mar 69 Ke 22 Feb 71 Ch 24 Mar 73 Bu 19 Jun 75
Ra 28 Mar 61 Ku 21 Aug 63 Gu 09 Dec 65 Sa 10 Aug 67 Ke 07 Jun 69 Ch 28 May 71 Bu 13 Jul 73 Su 23 Oct 75
Ku 23 Jun 61 Gu 30 Nov 63 Sa 14 Feb 66 Ke 27 Oct 67 Ch 05 Sep 69 Bu 10 Sep 71 Su 09 Nov 73 Ra 04 Mar 76
Gu 26 Sep 61 Sa 16 Mar 64 Ke 24 Apr 66 Ch 19 Jan 68 Bu 10 Dec 69 Su 28 Dec 71 Ra 12 Mar 74 Ku 24 May 76
Sa 06 Jan 62 Ke 11 Jul 64 Ch 09 Jul 66 Bu 16 Apr 68 Su 21 Mar 70 Ra 22 Apr 72 Ku 27 May 74 Gu 21 Aug 76
Ke 24 Apr 62 Ch 14 Nov 64 Bu 29 Sep 66 Su 19 Jul 68 Ra 07 Jul 70 Ku 02 Jul 72 Gu 19 Aug 74 Sa 26 Nov 76
Ch 20 Aug 62 Bu 25 Mar 65 Su 24 Dec 66 Ra 27 Oct 68 Ku 12 Sep 70 Gu 19 Sep 72 Sa 17 Nov 74 Ke 08 Mar 77

Shodosottari Mahadasa: Sukra (85 years old)

Sukra Ravi Kuja Guru Sani Ketu Chandra Budha
Su 27 Jun 77 Ra 13 Apr 80 Ku 27 Dec 81 Gu 07 Nov 83 Sa 14 Nov 85 Ke 16 Jan 88 Ch 14 May 90 Bu 07 Nov 92
Ra 03 Dec 77 Ku 11 Jun 80 Gu 06 Mar 82 Sa 29 Jan 84 Ke 18 Feb 86 Ch 04 May 88 Bu 17 Sep 90 Su 27 Mar 93
Ku 09 Mar 78 Gu 14 Aug 80 Sa 22 May 82 Ke 27 Apr 84 Ch 29 May 86 Bu 31 Aug 88 Su 28 Jan 91 Ra 24 Aug 93
Gu 23 Jun 78 Sa 23 Oct 80 Ke 13 Aug 82 Ch 31 Jul 84 Bu 17 Sep 86 Su 02 Jan 89 Ra 17 Jun 91 Ku 24 Nov 93
Sa 15 Oct 78 Ke 08 Jan 81 Ch 09 Nov 82 Bu 11 Nov 84 Su 12 Jan 87 Ra 13 May 89 Ku 11 Sep 91 Gu 02 Mar 94
Ke 17 Feb 79 Ch 27 Mar 81 Bu 12 Feb 83 Su 27 Feb 85 Ra 13 May 87 Ku 02 Aug 89 Gu 14 Dec 91 Sa 19 Jun 94
Ch 27 Jun 79 Bu 22 Jun 81 Su 20 May 83 Ra 20 Jun 85 Ku 27 Jul 87 Gu 29 Oct 89 Sa 24 Mar 92 Ke 13 Oct 94
Bu 15 Nov 79 Su 22 Sep 81 Ra 04 Sep 83 Ku 29 Aug 85 Gu 18 Oct 87 Sa 03 Feb 90 Ke 12 Jul 92 Ch 16 Feb 95

Shodosottari Mahadasa: Ravi (103 years old)

Ravi Kuja Guru Sani Ketu Chandra Budha Sukra
Ra 27 Jun 95 Ku 13 Jul 96 Gu 02 Sep 97 Sa 26 Nov 98 Ke 24 Mar 00 Ch 26 Aug 01 Bu 02 Mar 03 Su 13 Oct 04
Ku 03 Aug 95 Gu 25 Aug 96 Sa 22 Oct 97 Ke 24 Jan 99 Ch 31 May 00 Bu 11 Nov 01 Su 27 May 03 Ra 18 Jan 05
Gu 12 Sep 95 Sa 11 Oct 96 Ke 16 Dec 97 Ch 26 Mar 99 Bu 11 Aug 00 Su 01 Feb 02 Ra 27 Aug 03 Ku 16 Mar 05
Sa 24 Oct 95 Ke 30 Nov 96 Ch 13 Feb 98 Bu 02 Jun 99 Su 26 Oct 00 Ra 26 Apr 02 Ku 22 Oct 03 Gu 20 May 05
Ke 09 Dec 95 Ch 23 Jan 97 Bu 14 Apr 98 Su 12 Aug 99 Ra 15 Jan 01 Ku 18 Jun 02 Gu 22 Dec 03 Sa 29 Jul 05
Ch 28 Jan 96 Bu 20 Mar 97 Su 19 Jun 98 Ra 26 Oct 99 Ku 04 Mar 01 Gu 15 Aug 02 Sa 28 Feb 04 Ke 13 Oct 05
Bu 19 Mar 96 Su 20 May 97 Ra 28 Aug 98 Ku 11 Dec 99 Gu 27 Apr 01 Sa 16 Oct 02 Ke 08 May 04 Ch 02 Jan 06
Su 14 May 96 Ra 23 Jul 97 Ku 10 Oct 98 Gu 31 Jan 00 Sa 24 Jun 01 Ke 22 Dec 02 Ch 23 Jul 04 Bu 27 Mar 06
Note: The dates given are nothing to do with the longevity of the native.

You will find that one part of a prediction will be apparently in direct contradiction to a statement made in another
part of the same prediction. The fact is, some such contradictions as these exist in every nature, and are to be
found in even the best balanced characters. In some, these paradoxical contradictions are more marked, and
where that is so Astrology shows the nature of two opposing tendencies, and points out which is likely to win.
While going through these predictions, please also go through the strength and net benefic given, so that you can

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find out which part of prediction will be more applicable to you.

The predictions should be treated with discretion. Astrology can provide you only indication. Who else, except the
creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen? We do not guarantee any of its forecasts and
assumes no responsibility for any of your action taken based on these predictions.

You are bold, stubborn, firm ambitious, lofty minded, unyielding, proud and warm natured generous person. You
are enterprising persevering, liberal, purposeful and noble. You have a great control over your instincts and
impulses. You are authoritative, domineering and boastful. You struggle hard for distinction, name, fame, honour
and power and wish to live a royal leaderly life. You are dare, dynamic, oblivious to enemies and dislike secretive
crooked nature. You are an extrovert and nonrepetitive.

Power increases by self confidence. Function well in any responsibility you are placed. You are both practical and

If your ambitions are not fulfilled you may turn lazy, impetous and inconstant. You are self expressive, quick
tempered but do not indulge in unjust fights or disputes. You are of big plans and enduring by nature. Your
passions are strong but controlled.

FORTUNE TREND: Your fortune is through your own merits. Honour and position is achieved by solid endurance.
You carry out any work till and even at risks. Become wealthy by the influence of men who are rich, by relations
who are well placed or by your own personal efforts. You gain through friends. Not fortunate while young. The
relationship between you and your father is not fair and may cause some obstacles. Legal disputes may be
occurring in the matters of inheritance, travels or life in foreign country. Servants will behave inimical and cause
losses. Family problems and ill health may also bring losses. Travels or voyages do not indicate any luck.
Legacies are likely to come. You will face with pride and dignity. You spend much and may also take interest in
speculation. Over liberal attitude and unusual spending must be controlled to have financial stability and
prevention from loans.

SEX OUT LOOK AND LOVE: You are a romantic, attractive, proud and dignified lover. You keep your life partner
happy and cheerful. But she can not boss over you. You are proud of your family. You will usually get a soft
humanitarian life partners, who is intelligent, educated and accommodative by nature. Your partner can save
money and usually you are luck after marriage prosper capriciously. Your partner is mostly talkative, tall, generally
good looking. May have defective teeth or tooth trouble.

HEALTH AND DISEASE : You are usually a strong and healthy person with a great resistance for disease of
Constitutionally hot and bilious. You can get cured any disease early as Sun is your sign Lord opposed to
diseases. Since your disease giving Lord in Sani, you may suffer from Rheumatism, fracture or pettela bones and
knee, skin diseases, gout, eye troubles, melancholia, palpitation of heart, stomach disorders, various kind of
fevers, bowel disorders etc. But any disease can have quick cure. Proper diet, use of fruits and vegetables,
avoiding fatty substances, sufficient relaxation can keep you live long and healthy.

Care of blood and bones is a necessity in your case. Accident while traveling is also possible.

FRIENDS AND ENEMIES : You will have friends who are in literary or artistic fields. Some of your friends are well
placed occupying a dignified position. Influence of a woman of wealth and power may also help in your progress.
You will have many friends of whom some will create some misunderstandings or quarrels, but finally lead to
gains. You will have secret enemies or enemies of opposite sex. You will be entering into legal procedures with
regard to inheritance. You will have enemies amid your servants but none can pull you down.

PROFESSIONS : You have to go through certain hardship in achieving success in business or profession. You
have to take care of legacies, you may be involved in journeys with regard to your profession. You will have own
honourable position and momentary gains are not satisfactory. The occupation is elevated by the influence of
friends or associates of high rank. Some born under this sign have sea voyages and occasional foreign trips. Yet
you are not satisfied of emoluments or gains in your occupations are you spend more than you earn. After a

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certain age by your personal merits, you reach a very high honoured position and get power of authority.

You are also suited to deal with jewelery, writing of dramas, poetry or stories of romance. You can also turn up as
a good musician. You are found unfit where hard physical work is involved. You are best as a manager than a
worker. You can direct and lead men in a proper direction. You are suited to become a physician or ayurvedic
doctor. As ambassador, scholar, diplomatic dignitary, you can play fair role with responsibility.

STYLE OF YOUR WRITING: Since you are broad minded, you consume much space. Letters are perpendicular
or straight and you write in line without moving up or down trend. Some letters are round not fast in writing. Your
writing is legible.

WHEN AND HOW YOU ARE WORRIED ? : You are worried whenever an obstacle faces opposing your activity.
You rub your self energy vested upon nature to out beat others in your way to success. You should know that the
world is not made for one individual but can accommodate many with jest.

POPULARITY KEY : You have the talent to face the type of situation and people around you, and your first
utterance can create a picture of your personality in the mind of your audience. Your inspirational talk can awaken
even the dull and slovenly men to activeness through your high colourful vocabulary. Avoid self-domination while
talking to mature men. Simplify your level of talk to children for success and popularity. Better give your ears to
other's sayings before you enter in to long speeches.

LINES IN YOUR HAND: Long palm and short fingers. Lines, that is, heart and Life are well marked. Many branch
lines, facing upwards join these main lines. Simian line is visible. Fate line usually long. All the major four lines are
deep and clearly marked. Your hand is soft. The ridge pattern of the fingers are refined and unbroken.

FAVORABLE MONTHS : 15th April to 14th May and 15th December to 14th January.

FAVORABLE DAYS : Sundays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.


FAVORABLE COLOURS : Brown, Red and Green.

FAVORABLE NUMBERS : 1, 9, 5 and 3.


FAVORABLE METAL : Copper and Gold.

UNFAVORABLE MONTHS : 15th March to 14th April. 15th July to 14th August and 15th October to 14th

UNFAVORABLE DAYS : Saturdays and Mondays.


UNFAVORABLE COLOURS : Pink and Dark Blue or Black.


As your Sun is in Scorpio, the eighth sign of Zodiac, it is the transition period between 'death' and 'life', the point
where the actualities of physical existence become submerged into the realities of nonphysical existence. Fully
adult, sowing the needs for the next cycle of existence in actuality, it is perhaps the dividing line between the
actual and the real.

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You are a complete adult as indicated by your sign itself. Hence you are mature and behave in a diplomatic way.
Your ideas and views are always of high standard and you will be known for your mature personality. You have
very powerful emotions which dominate over you in all the activities you do. You always act with some intention
behind. You very rarely do things just because they must be done. Even while doing the smallest thing you have
some purpose or the other in your mind. You have tremendous staying power and ability to fight. This will make
you fulfill your ambition and this is why you are very much purposeful in carrying out even the most unimportant

Your magnetic personalities, coupled with natural intuition, ensure your well being. You do not think twice in
sacrificing anything, anybody if it is necessary in order to come out on top. But as mentioned earlier, you are
person having very powerful emotions and so you will have the intention of only achieving your ambition but not to
hurt others feelings.

You are a person having very powerful will and it is very difficult for others to persuade you to act according to
their wish. This is because, as mentioned earlier, you are a person having intention in doing anything. So you will
not agree with people, unless their intention and that of yours are one and the same. Sometimes you feel that
your idea is the most suitable one and you make others also to follow you. But when others do not agree, you lose
temper. Hence you are many a times understood as jealous, resentful, obstinate, intractable and also secretive.
As you need an intension to do anything, sometimes you will look for an intension in acting and thus may be a bit
late in taking decision to act. This may be thought of as dullness by some people.

As you have very strong staying power and ability to fight, some of you may fight for the sake of the life of a
person and can be very famous surgeons. On the other hand, you may fight for the sake of the nation and be a
disciplined military officer or police officer.

Either way, Scorpio is passionate, driving, forceful character, but whether this is used for good or ill is a matter of
individual choice dependent on the native's free will.

The combination of Moon and Aquarius, makes you a person who does everything by himself. You do not like
getting things done by others. You do it by yourself. You feel being dependent is the other name given for inviting
troubles. You wish others also to be independent.

You are kind and humane. As a result you do not have bad relations with anybody both at home as well as in the
society. You show interest in welfare of others in the social sense. You win the hearts of people with your
kindness and sympathy. You are emotional, but when you think that being too emotional will disturb your peace of
mind, your intellect comes into play.

You do try to imitate anybody in any sense. You have your own way of doing things. You possess the sense of
Originality. As a result you wish to find something new for yourself. You are somewhat inventive. You have a good
far sight, which will help you while deciding your future.

You are fond of artistic articles. You encourage good art. You yourself can be a good artist. You have a strong,
natural healing power. You are fond of meditation and religious activities. There is every chance that you get
visions and may renounce the world, particularly in the later stage of life.

Mars coupled with Cancer, makes you a person who is highly affectionate like a mother. You give warmth and
show sympathy towards everybody. As a result you will liked by everybody both at home and also in the society.
You take pains to do anything for the sake of others. You are described as a person having tendency to work for
the welfare of those who are less fortunate.

You possess intelligence through which you gain name, fame and wealth. You are fond of traveling and you may
get a chance to travel overseas, may be for the sake of gaining knowledge or just as an enjoyment. You imagine
things well and your decisions are entirely dependent on your imaginations. Thus they may sometimes prove not
be very much practicable. You get disturbed by such situations and will face a dilemma and will be unable to
decide fast. You are constructive in work and your work may lead to new facts and discoveries.

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Domestic life is always important to you. You like to settle fast domestically. You either wish to have your own
home or atleast a homely and comfortable dwelling. You are practical and adaptive in your domestic life. But
when it comes to emotions, you can not resist. You express your emotions. You are moved by emotions and as a
result may not always have the same temperament and enthusiasm. Some people may misunderstand this
condition and moodiness.

You are suited for professions concerned with medicine and surgery. You are fond of agriculture and may choose
to live happy domestic life being an agriculturist.

You are a person with a balanced mind and sanguine disposition. This is because your Mercury is in Libra. You
always think of the bad and the good in a manner of your own and then come to a conclusion. You feel better in
the company of others. In fact your prosper well in the company of others. You are social and friendly with all
kinds of people. You have a good thinking capacity and also a balanced mind which may make a judge of you.
People have faith in you because you treat everybody equally well and give a balanced judgment. You can deal
very easily and tactfully with matters of court.

Since, you are optimistic, you never give up things once you take into your hands. You are attracted by position
and status. You never like to lose either of them. You are creative and artistic. You can create wonders in life.
Though you face difficulties while achieving your aim, you never think of giving up as mentioned earlier. You feel
that you can reach your goal one day or the other.

When you reach your goal, or when you are very happy for any other reason, you like to celebrate it. You are
known for your celebrations. You feel that everyday should be celebrative and ceremonial.

As you are balanced in your activities, you can play good judges. You are social and agreeable. You are attracted
towards philosophy since your young age and may become strongly inclined towards spiritualism in the old age.

Jupiter - Virgo pairing makes you a person desiring for great details. You are orderly and methodical in your work
and you are aware of each and every detail of the work you do. In fact, you are a person seeking details in
anything and everything. As a result, you are suitable for taking up enterprising and challenging subjects, specially
concerned directly or indirectly with science.

You are honest and idealistic. You never have something at your heart and something else on your tongue. You
have great patience and in fact, this is the reason why you go up to the minute details of the minute thing and still
can be cheerful and will never get tired. You have high ambitions in life for which you work very hard.

Most of the times you will not desire for material possession. You are quite fortunate and can make a very good,
comfortable living. This is the reason why you will not be much interested in gaining wealth.

You learned and scholarly. You have great endurance and hence you tolerate even the toughest difficulties. You
are affectionate towards everybody. Often you feel like saving a small amount for yourself and also for the sake of
your family. This is a good step and shows your farsightedness. You will prove yourself to be a beautiful partner
and your partner will also be beautiful both with respect to looks as well as with respect to heart.

Your Venus is in Sagittarius. Thus you are direct, positive, forthright and over whelming. You are a frank person.
You speak what you mean. This kind of straight forwardness makes your life easier. You feel that being
straightforward, you can be free from falling into dilemma. You are powerful in all respects and will gain name,
fame and popularity in the society. Another reason for you getting respect in society is your generosity. You give
to people whatever you feel like, and do not think too much about it.

You usually appear cold and undemonstrative until one gets to know you properly. You will be known to
everybody, but not in detail. Everyone assumes that you are not a person of much importance. Only a few people
will be able understand you properly. You love freedom and independence. You do not mind losing anything, even
your career, friends and marriage, in order to gain independence.

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You gain a lot of wealth both through your ancestors and also through your own earnings. You have a happy
domestic life. You are very much satisfied with your partner, parents, children and also the domestic background,
in which you are born and brought up.

As stated earlier, you will be respected in the society because, of all the above characteristics of yours. You will
be an influential person throughout your life. But later, you may divert your attention towards philosophy and
spiritualism, in your old age.

Your Saturn occupies his own sign - Capricorn, in your horoscope. As a result, you will be ambitious, co-operative
and well-liked disciplinarian, who drives himself hardest of all. You have very high ambitions in life. You work very
hard in order to achieve those ambitions. You do not care much about others while you are on the way to achieve
your ambitions. Your ambitions will be to gain worldly success, status, power and influence. You have all the traits
which are needed in order to achieve your ambitions. Thus you will certainly achieve your aims and come up in

You are intelligent and hard working. You rarely sit idle and always are engaged in some work or the other. You
are learned and scholarly. All these are the qualities which make it easy for you to attain your ambitions.

You have emotions but you are not carried away them. You have control over them. You act accordingly to your
intellect. This does not mean that you do not have any emotions. You do have emotions, but you do not like to
express them openly.

You will be very easily made to believe things. You always doubt your own self. You do not let your enemies go
ahead of you. You teach them a lesson which they will never forget in their lives.

You have liking for the other sex. You will have a happy married life. There is every chance that you gain fortune
from that of your partner's side.

Your Rahu is in Scorpio. As a result, you have a lot of courage to fight against your enemies. Your principle is tit
for tat and you act according to it. However, you do not wish to expose your enemity in public. You keep it for
yourself and teach your enemies a lesson. But people who are unaware of your enemity may think that you have
deceived your friend, and call you deceitful.

You do not believe in making and then breaking promises and resolutions. You feel such promises have no
meaning at all. Thus you feel not to have such promises and resolutions. You have your own standards of morals
and principles.

You may not be having a very good health. Though you have the ability and courage to fight against your enemies
you do not show the same spirit in fighting off the diseases by which you are affected. No doubt you have
resistance power built up, but not very much up to the mark. Thus you may suffer from some minor diseases,
most of the times.

When you get excited, you have no bounds for anything. You wish to be completedly free and independent. You
celebrate your happiness and behave very strangely under such situations. Thus people may wonder at such
behaviour of yours.

Your Ketu is in Taurus. As a result, you are well versed in your speech. You attract people through speech. You
are aware of the way of presenting your ideas in speech with different people at various situations. You impress
people by your speech. People are not only impressed, but are also inspired by your speech. Sometimes you
concentrate so much on your speech that you will be unaware of the happenings in the world. You just go on with
your speech.

You are a practical person. Thus you give importance to things which are of great importance. You do not show
much interest towards unimportant matters. When people come to you having some hope, you see whether it is

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important or unnecessary and act accordingly. This approach of yours may be thought of as laziness by some
people around you.

You have high ambitions in life for which you work very hard. Mostly your ambitions in life are connected directly
or indirectly with positions status and material possession.

You are courageous. As Ravi in the fourth house, mind becomes resourceful and restive, enjoy life even though
you will be having one or the other problem.

This position of the Ravi promises some inheritance. You will have interest in occult and philosophical studies.

You will be attached to your parents and family more towards your father. In the political field success is difficult.
Obstacles in life is also foreseen.

Chandra is the seventh house, house of marriage. You hail from a respectable family. You will be passionate and
easily roused to jealously. Your wife will be good-looking.

This position of Moon also indicate narrow mindedness but sociability. You will be energetic, stingy and
successful in life.

There will be pain in the groins. There may be health problems to your mother. Praying Goddess Parvathi improve
your mother's condition.

Mars is in the twelfth bhava in your horoscope. You will be selfish and hated by many people. You will suffer from
diseases due to excess of heat in the body. You are liable to deception and may lose your money.

Danger from fire and wicked people is indicated.

You will do good deeds for the benefit of others but you will not by yourself be happy. Your mind will be sharp.
You are fond of reading and collecting books.

Bhuda in the third house make you a tactful and diplomatic. When once you undertake a work you do it to the
finish and will never get discouraged.

You will befriend businessmen and merchants. You will generally be successful in trade and speculation. You
start your own business connected with telecommunication, electricity, electronics and also computer sciences.

Mercury in this position bestow you with number of brothers and sisters. You always have independent views.
You are liked by friends and relatives. You are magnanimous and open hearted. You will know many languages.

You will have interest in poetry, literature & astrology. Jupiter in the second house increases the chances of your
success. You will get a good life partner, fortune, family and surroundings. Yours is an easy going personality.

You will have round eyes with relatively fair complexion. Your wife will also be good looking, believer of god and
dharma. Your children will be intelligent, respect elders and educated. They will be reserve.

You acquire wealth by various means. You can become teacher, poet, law practitioner, writer, editor, etc. You will
visit various temples and pilgrims. You will not have any set backs in your career.

You may suffer from diabetes, indigestion, etc.

You will be clever and educated. You will have many daughters and few sons. You are able, sociable,
kind-hearted with commanding power.

As Venus in the fifth house, your possess statesman ability, good manners and intelligence. You will be happy,

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just, charitable, dependable, learned, famous, orator, romantic and will be fond of pleasures.

You will have beautiful children and get happiness through them. You acquire wealth and respected by the state.
You possess poetic talents.

You are quarrelsome & obstinate . You will be courageous and sickness through privation or negligence are also

Saturn in the sixth house indicate troubles through subordinates. Gains through contract work, mining, etc is also

You are fond of pleasures. You may suffer from throat troubles, asthma.

You are clever, active and indebted. You will have few children.

As Rahu is in the fourth house, You will be proficient in the foreign languages. You will have a easy-going nature.
You have to be careful in dealings especially with women.

As Kethu in the tenth house, you will be strong, bold and well known. You will face many obstacles in all your

You will be very clever and religious. This position of Kethu makes you well read in the scriptures and visit many
pilgrim centers and sacred rivers.

First lord is in the fourth house. There will be happiness from your parents. You and your co-borns will have good

You will have well developed body and will be fair looking. You will be majestic and well behaved.

As a person born with lagnadhipathi in the fourth bhava, you will acquire considerable landed properties
especially through maternal sources. You will have conveyances. Chances of getting ancestral property is also

You are bold and hard working. You will become rich and lead a happy life. You can also become famous and will
commands number of comforts.

You are more attached to your mother. You will have good brothers and sisters who will also become rich and

You will be respected by the appropriate Government because of your workaholic nature and efficiency.

You will be sociable and can make friends easily. As a result of your friendly nature, you will have many friends
who are genuine and magnanimous.

You love enjoyment. For your nature, entertainment and relaxation is must.

As second lord is in the third house from your Ascendant, you will be brave, intelligent and also good-natured.

Atheistic tendencies will rampant and you become addicted to luxuries. This may create problems in your later
part of your life.

You will be well disposed in life. You will be benefited by your sisters. You will be learned in fine arts namely,
painting, music and dancing. You will also indulge in propitiating kshudra devatas or evil spirits.

On the negative side, you will be quarrelsome and your life will be instable.

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As third lord is in the fifth house, you will have much pleasures in life. You are deprived of children.

Financially, you will not have any problem. You will be financially well off in your life. You will have conveyances,
servants, sufficient bank balance. However, family life will not be that good.

In your domestic life, friction will prevail. Frequent disturbances and other troubles makes you worry. You will have
many friends with whom you can take suggestions.

Third Lord is in the fifth house indicate the native will be highly benefited by his brothers. You will be very luck to
have such brothers and sisters. Your relationships with them will always to good.

You can carry on agricultural operations on is large scale. Chances of getting wealth from relatives by gift or
adoption is also indicated.

You will shine well in Government and public sector Industries. But your main source of income will be from

Your children will be brave, courageous and short temper. Their quarrelsome nature will cause disturbances in
your family.

Your fourth lord is in the twelfth house. You will be generous and will be a man of character. You will acquire
wealth by self effort.

Your health may create serious problems. You will be mentally asset because of your disputes or
misunderstandings with your brothers and mother.

This is not a good position for forth lord. Your mother may incur financial losses. You will lose your parental

Your father will have many transfers and his health may not be in good condition. Worship God Ishwara for better

You too will have frequent travels connected with your business or occupation. You will be deprived of family life
because of your travels or transfers. Try to avoid travels in private or own vehicle as chances of accident is also

However, this is a good position of fourth lord produce good results for your brothers and sisters. They will be rich
and will have all comforts. They will be courageous and will enjoy long life. You will have many nephew and nice.

Fifth lord is in the second house. You will be blessed with a beautiful spouse and well-behaving children.

You will have gains from king or Government. You will be learned and a great astrologer. You will lead a normal
life without any major ups and downs.

Financial losses because of disputes and litigations is indicated. For this reason, you may have to face financial
imbalance. You should worship Lord Shiva for better prospects.

You should become famous. This position of fifth lord indicate gains through speculation. You may win a lottery.

You will have many children and will discharge all your duties.

The way you speak makes others irritate. You always use pun in your talk. You will not say anything directly and
use indirect speech or examples to communicate your ideas. Try to talk directly. Then only, you can win you
friends and foes.

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Your Sixth lord is in Sixth house from the Ascendant. You will have quite a good family. You are a very healthy
person. You will be very rarely affected by serious diseases. You will have happiness and peace of mind. Your
partner will be co-operative and understands your feelings very well. You will lead quite a satisfied life with your

You will be engaged in a respectable profession. You will be hard working. You do not like to sit idle. You will be
trusted by everybody and will be a responsible person. You earn a lot through your profession. There are chances
that you will make a good fortune by the way of cattle. You will gain love and respect of your employees and

You are a lover of peace and harmony. You will have very good relations with everybody both at home as well as
in the society. As a result, you will be loved and respected by everybody. People like to make friends with you.
Thus, you will very rarely have any enemies. Even if you have any enemies, you will be very much powerful when
compared to their capacity. You will be able to fight against them quite efficiently, and will win over them.

Your maternal uncle will be very much helpful to you. You will be very close to him. He will help you a lot in order
to bring you up in life. In fact, you will be in a position to achieve great heights because of your maternal uncle's
help. You will receive paternal love and affection from your maternal uncle. You will have quite a good number of
cousins who will be very close to you.

Your seventh lord is in the sixth house. You will not devoid of happiness in your domestic life.

You will have good food and drinks during your life time. You will not be devoid of food at any point of your life.
You will visit many parties and ceremonies and will enjoy the life.

Your marriage will takes place with a close relative, most probably with one of your cousins such as an uncle's
daughter or son.

You will have health problems during the dasa of seventh lord, you should take extra precaution regarding your
health. Regular medical check-ups and exercises will be of great help.

As a person born with seventh lord is sixth house, you will have a wavering mind and will always be inclined
sensually. You will have a good domestic life and will not devoid of happiness from your family.

You will have financial loss after marriage. Your income graph further declines. More expenditure a because of
health and other problems makes your worry. However, you will be sociable. Your friends will be from different
sections of society. You will get help from your friends. You will move equally well with the opposite sex. Some of
them even mistake your friendship for an affair. However, Chances of having more than one marriage or love
marriage is also indicated.

Your horoscope has the Eighth lord occupying the Second House. You will be engaged in a respectable
profession. You will be hard working. You do not like to sit idle. You will be trusted by everybody and will be a
responsible person. You earn a lot through your profession. You will gain love and respect of your employees and

You are a lover of peace and harmony. You will have very good relations with everybody both at home as well as
in the society. As a result, you will be loved and respected by everybody. People like to make friendship with you.
Thus, you will very rarely have any enemies. Even if you have any enemies, you will be very much powerful when
compared to their capacity. You will be able to fight against them quite efficiently, and will win over them.

Your relations with your partner will not be very good. Your partner will not be in a position to understand you
properly. These misunderstandings will lead to disputes between yourself and your partner. There are chances
that you will often be in some dispute or the other with your partner. Also, there are a very few chances that these
small disputes may turn to serious issues.

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Though you are powerful in fighting with your enemies, you do not show the same kind of spirit when you are
affected by some diseases. Most of the times, you will be affected by some disease or the other connected with
eyes and teeth. You will hardly show any signs or recovering fast from them. You will definitely recover, but very
slowly. These infections will be most of times due to eating unclean or unhealthy food. There are chances that you
will recover if you have good food habits.

You have ninth lord in the twelfth house. You will not have parental affection. You may have to spend money
because of litigation involving your father or debts constructed by himself.

You will be in good occupation or profession. You can even start your own business and will face any problem in
your occupation. You will earn much money through your efforts. You will lose money because of your business
partner's mistake and dishonesty. You will be a self-made man.

You will even visit foreign countries and will stay there for many years. You will face many problems in your stay
there because of your inability to adjust for different lifestyle.

You will suffer from lungs. stomach and kidney problems. You should be very careful during the dasa of ninth lord
and must take proper medical assistance whenever required.

Chances of losing the inherited parental property is also indicated. You should consult experts before involving in
any new ventures.

This is not a good position for ninth lord. Your father will have health and financial problems especially during your
childhood. Try to have faith in god. Worship Lord Vishnu for better results.

You become spiritual as your grow old. You are always helped by the God. You will visit many pilgrims and will be
a devotes of Lord Vishnu. You may also visit sacred rivers and will not discriminate between different Gods. You
will do pujas and other rituals regularly and will benefited from God.

You have tenth lord in the fifth house. You are hard working. You will have thirst for knowledge and will do well in
your education. You will be learned and will not have any break in your education. Chances of having higher
education such a professional courses is also indicated. You will be highly educated.

You will be in good occupation or profession. You can even start your own business and will not face any problem
in your occupation. You will earn much money through you effort. You will be a self-made man. However, there
will be changes in your occupation. These changes improve your confidence and will be pioneer in your field of

You will get good teachers and professors. They will correct your mistakes and help in shaping your life.

You will be fortunate and will be rich. You will have all kinds of comforts. This position of ninth lord nullify all other
bad effects. You will have vehicles, house, both movable and immovable properties.

You will get lot of money in speculations. You will shine well as a stock broker, real estate agents and connected

You will have excellent domestic life. You spouse will be good natured and will help you in all your ventures. He or
she will prove fortunate for your progress.

You will have good children. They will be fortunate and become prosperous but not to your expectation. They will
enjoy success and distinction.

Your father will be very strict and will not hesitate to take dare steps. He will be intelligent with righteous mind.
Your relationship with your father will be like a friend. Your relation with him improves as you grow old. You will be

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close to your parents and are free to ask for anything and everything. Your father will be rich and you will inherit
his immovable properties.

Your mother will also be rich and famous. You will be closely attached to your mother. You will have gains through
your mother as well.

You become spiritual as you grow old. You are always helped by the God. You will visit many pilgrims and will be
a devotee of Lord Vishnu. You may also visit sacred rivers and will not discriminate between different Gods. You
will do pujas and other rituals regularly and will benefited from God. You lead a simple and pious life engaging
yourself in prayers and pious activities. You will start an orphanage or remand home.

You will even visit foreign countries and will stay there for many years. You will continue your studies in the
foreign land and will work there for sometime.

Your life will be generally smooth. You will be happy throughout your life except during the dasa of sixth, eighth

Your eleventh lord is in the third house. You will be born in a rich family. You will never face any financial
problems throughout your life. You will be financially quite well-off and always get gains from speculation. You will
have all comforts. You will have many lands and buildings and property. You know how to get what you want and
always take right step to fulfill your desires.

You are not devoid of conveyances. You will have at least one vehicle of your own. You will enjoy traveling. You
take-up long journeys and visit may places of historical importance. You have to spend lot of money for your
vehicle repairs.

You will have brothers any sisters who are also learned and get love and affection from them. However,
relationship between your coborns and your spouse will not be good terms. This makes you worry and this may
create problems.

You can become concert singer or musician and can earn huge money. You can also become actor, film
directors, or can take any other profession which requires communication skill.

The Twelfth lord is in the seventh house. You will not be much satisfied with what you possess. You feel you
should have had more, you try very hard to achieve your goal. In fact, you will be able to achieve you goals only
with very hard work.

You are attracted towards literature since young age. You may even try to write poems or articles on your own.
But will not be very much popular as a writer. You will be engaged in a quite a common occupation at quite a
common place. You will not earn up to your expectations and your satisfaction.

You will not have very good relations with your family members. Your partner will not be much co-operative and
will not be in a position to understand you properly. As a result, you will face lot of problems with respect to you
domestic life. You will not have much satisfaction through your domestic life. You will not be having mental peace
and harmony when it comes to the matters concerned with your family life.

You do not like to show your feelings to anybody. You are a practical person. You do not feel that it is necessary
to talk to people when you have some work to do. You are always engaged in some work or the other and rarely
speak to people.

You will not be very much healthy. You will be affected by some disease or the other, but most of these will not be
very serious. Most of the diseases with which you are affected, are concerned directly or indirectly with problems
of ear, lungs such as suffocation, asthma, pleurisy et cetera.

You will be always attracted by the other sex. You find happiness in their company. You will be having quite a

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good number of friends of the opposite sex who are very friendly to you and understand you properly.

Your education prosperity will not be in proportion to your hard work. You will have many breaks in education. You
find difficult to concentrate. Your forgetful nature is also one of the causes of this problem. Try to practice yoga
and meditation. This will definitely going to help in improving your concentration.

Astrology Guide
The guide should be treated with discretion. Astrology can provide you only indication. Who else, except the
creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen? We do not guarantee any of its forecasts and
assumes no responsibility for any of your action taken based on the guidance provided.

Character and Personality [Value: 56.62 (Average)]

Ravi being lord of First bhava and being Karka of Character and Personality [being natural malefic] gives you
slightly negative attitude towards life. It may also lead sometime to depression. To avoid depression and negative
thoughts, you should keep yourself always busy in work. You should try to enjoy every moment of your life.
Chandra having dristi on First bhava and benefic (being waxing moon) makes you interested in others. You will be
popular among your friends, relatives and at your work place.

Health [Value: 61.10 (Fair)]

Ravi being lord of First bhava [being natural malefic] gives you excessive appetite which need to be avoided. This
may impair your health. you should control your diet and should do daily exercise. If you can do Pranayama and
Yogasana, these will improve your health.
Chandra having dristi on First bhava and benefic (being waxing moon) results into good physical condition and
makes you active and energetic.
Kuja being Karka of Health [in spite of being natural malefic and in debilitation] results into full of vitality and

Wealth [Value: 77.90 (Excellent)]

Budha being lord of Second bhava and being benefic (as not associated with malefics) gives you very good
earning capacity. This enables you to increase your assets if you can control your expenditure.
Guru being in Second bhava and being Karka of Wealth and being natural benefic will result into very good
success in commercial affairs. So, it might be prudent to start your own venture and earn money.
Sukra being Karka of Wealth and being natural benefic should allow you to gain through prudent investment. This
is more important if you are doing your own business.

Education [Value: 70.79 (Very Good)]

Ravi being in Fourth bhava [being natural malefic] indicates slightly less aptitude towards learning. To improve
your aptitude towards learning a subject, you should take more interest in it. You can discuss the subject with
various people. Attending seminars, discussion groups also may help.
Kuja being lord of Fourth bhava [in spite of being natural malefic and in debilitation] indicates good power of
concentration. This enables you to concentrate on any subject for a long duration, thus able to master any subject
Budha being Karka of Education and being benefic (as not associated with malefics) indicates extremely good
power of perception. This power of perception allows you to understand a new subject much faster than others.
While others need to spend much more time to understand and learn a subject, you need to spend considerably
less time to master it.
Guru being Karka of Education and being natural benefic indicates your extraordinary positive attitude towards
education. Your positive attitude towards education enables you to acquire higher qualification with ease.
Rahu being in Fourth bhava [in spite of being natural malefic and in debilitation] indicates your interest in your

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academic subjects. Your interest in subjects enable you to learn beyond your syllabus thus helps you to score
better marks in your examination.
Ketu having dristi on Fourth bhava [in spite of being natural malefic and in debilitation] indicates very good
memory. Your powerful memory helps you to retain the knowledge and thus helps you to do better in your
examination. It also helps you in your routine work.

Property [Value: 64.85 (Fair)]

Ravi being in Fourth bhava [being natural malefic] indicates slight inability to accumulate wealth, thus not in
position to create much property. While we are not saying that you need to become miser to create property, we
suggest that you should save 10% to 15% of your earning for future. In due course, this saving will become
sizeable and enable you to create property you want.
Kuja being lord of Fourth bhava and being Karka of Property [in spite of being natural malefic and in debilitation]
indicates gain in business and profession. This results into sufficient amount to build properties.
Rahu being in Fourth bhava [in spite of being natural malefic and in debilitation] reduces vulnerability to deception.
However, we still so suggest you to be cautious whenever you purchase or sell any property.
Ketu having dristi on Fourth bhava [in spite of being natural malefic and in debilitation] indicates very positive
attitude towards acquiring properties. This reduces chances of uncalled problems while purchasing properties.

General Happiness [Value: 67.54 (Good)]

Ravi being in Fourth bhava [being natural malefic] denotes unfavorable moods in the home environment. You
need to analyze and understand why you have unfavorable moods in the house. Once you know the reason, you
need to make concrete efforts to overcome it.
Kuja being lord of Fourth bhava [in spite of being natural malefic and in debilitation] denotes boost in physical
strength when you are at home. This happens because you find your home environment very friendly.
Guru being Karka of General Happiness and being natural benefic denotes very good aptitude to find peace and
calmness in home environment.
Rahu being in Fourth bhava [in spite of being natural malefic and in debilitation] denotes happy memories of your
childhood. The wonderful memory of your childhood gives you lot of joy and improve your present happiness.
Ketu having dristi on Fourth bhava [in spite of being natural malefic and in debilitation] indicates a feeling of
authority in home environment. However, this does not mean that you want people to work as per your
commands. This simply means people at home give you respect and involve you whenever they take any
important decision. This is a positive feeling and gives you a sense of proud.

Children [Value: 75.55 (Excellent)]

Guru being lord of Fifth bhava and being Karka of Children and being natural benefic enables you to express your
true feelings to your children. This helps you to maintain cordial relationship with them.
Sukra being in Fifth bhava and being natural benefic indicates your knack to share pleasure with your children.
When you share your pleasure with your children, it multiplies and gives you immense happiness. Note: As the
planet is in sandhi, there will not be much impact of this planet.

Success and Intelligence [Value: 80.01 (Excellent)]

Budha being Karka of Success and Intelligence and being benefic (as not associated with malefics) indicates that
you are down-to-earth person. You see things in realistic way and avoid exaggeration. This makes you highly
successful in real life.
Guru being lord of Fifth bhava and being natural benefic indicates that you are able to achieve your goals and you
are fully satisfied with yourself. Though, at times you feel that you could have achieved more. In general, you
enjoy your success and happy with your achievements.
Sukra being in Fifth bhava and being natural benefic indicates that you are hard working. This makes it possible to
convert your ideas into reality. You start different projects and able to complete most of these projects. Note: As
the planet is in sandhi, there will not be much impact of this planet.

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Married Life [Value: 71.81 (Very Good)]
Chandra being in Seventh bhava and benefic (being waxing moon) denotes romance in married life. Your spouse
will be fond of change and long distance travel.
Kuja having dristi on Seventh bhava [in spite of being natural malefic and in debilitation] denotes peaceful and
happy married life. Your spouse may lose temper at times. So, you need to handle any such situation very
Sukra being Karka of Married Life and being natural benefic denotes a happy marriage. Your partner will be
attractive, pleasing and fortunate. Social and financial success are indicated after marriage. With the help of your
spouse, you will see that your entire future life is improved.
Sani being lord of Seventh bhava [in spite of being natural malefic] shows a faithful partner. Your spouse may not
give affection of the demonstrative and emotional order but your partner love you by heart and you will get a
permanent and enduring affection from your spouse.

Employment [Value: 76.52 (Excellent)]

Ravi having dristi on Tenth bhava [being natural malefic] indicates slight lack of stability in the job. We suggest
you to put 100% in your job. Hopefully, this should give you more stability. In some situation, stability is beyond
your circumstances, in such cases, you should leave everything upon God.
Guru having dristi on Tenth bhava and being natural benefic indicates very good and stable relationship with
seniors. This helps you to achieve faster promotion. As your moral standard is very high, you will surely hold a
very secure and important position at some period of your life.
Sukra being lord of Tenth bhava and being natural benefic indicates job security. You will be in a job where you
will not have any fear of losing the job. This allows you to put more concentration on your job and steady progress
though may not be fast.
Rahu having dristi on Tenth bhava [in spite of being natural malefic and in debilitation] indicates success in any
form of competition. It also denotes few ups and downs with certain important changes.
Ketu being in Tenth bhava [in spite of being natural malefic and in debilitation] indicates very peaceful and
pleasing working environment and conditions. Though this does not indicate very fast rise in your job but you
enjoy your job and your official life is excellent.

Profession [Value: 78.49 (Excellent)]

Ravi having dristi on Tenth bhava [being natural malefic] indicates many changes or diversification of business
without much success. We suggest you to establish in one business and once you becomes successful then only
you should diversify.
Budha being Karka of Profession and being benefic (as not associated with malefics) indicates excellent progress
because of your hard work and your extraordinary capability to survive in business even in adverse conditions.
Guru having dristi on Tenth bhava and being natural benefic indicates very good progress in business because
you treat your customers in a sober manner and you expect the same from your employees. Attending the
customers promptly and effectively is the basic rule in your organisation.
Sukra being lord of Tenth bhava and being natural benefic indicates smooth and cordial relationship with your
employees. This enables you to progress very fast as employees are playing very important role in running your
Rahu having dristi on Tenth bhava [in spite of being natural malefic and in debilitation] indicates good outcome
from new business undertaking. This helps you to grow faster.
Ketu being in Tenth bhava [in spite of being natural malefic and in debilitation] indicates very peaceful and
pleasing working environment and conditions. This enables you to achieve excellent growth in your business
without putting too much mental strain.

Ravi: Remedial Measures for Sun: 1. Wear a Ruby or Copper. 2. Keep a door in the East. 3. Donate wheat,
jaggery or copper. 4. Donate brown color items.

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Kuja: Remedial Measures for Mars: 1. Wear Coral in gold or copper. 2. Take care of your brothers. 3. Donate
sugar cakes in a temple. 4. Donate red things.
Rahu: Remedial Measures for Rahu (Ascending Node): 1. Wear hessonite garnet. 2. Wear gold or silver. 3.
Keep good relations with in-laws. 4. Donate coconut wrapped in red cloth. 5. Drop coin in river whenever you
visit a river.
Ketu: Remedial Measures for Ketu: 1. Wear cat's eye in mixed metals. 2. Serve sons and nephews. 3. Wear
gold ear rings. 4. Donate blankets.

Periodic Prediction Guide

The guide should be treated with discretion. Astrology can provide you only indication. Who else, except the
creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen? We do not guarantee any of its forecasts and
assumes no responsibility for any of your action taken based on the guidance provided.

From 01 Sep 2015 To 30 Sep 2015:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Sep 2015: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Ravi
13 Sep 2015: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Chandra

Health: During this period, your health is steady and you need to take sufficient precaution to keep it this way. We
suggest that you should do physical exercise to remain fit and active.

Happiness: You will find that you are confused and not able to take correct decision in many situations. Though,
there is no easy method to overcome confusion. It is suggested that wherever details are available and if time
permits, go into deep, analyze pros and cons and then arrive the decision. Many times, you need to take quick
decision, in such cases rely on your instincts and take the immediate decision.

Profession: This is stable period for your profession with few ups and downs. As slight ups and downs are part of
life, we suggest you to not get strained as it may adversely impact your health and may create unwarranted
problems at professional front.

From 01 Oct 2015 To 31 Oct 2015:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Oct 2015: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Chandra
12 Oct 2015: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Kuja

Health: Your health remains reasonably good during the period. However, you should avoid excessive physical
activity as these may have negative impact on your health. You should take simple food with lot of fruits and
vegetable. This will improve your health.

Happiness: During this period, you are trying to be authoritative that is against your basic nature. Excessive
authoritativeness will result into unpleasant relationship and will put stress on you. This may affect your
professional life too. So, avoid to be excessive authoritative.

Profession: This period shows little growth in your profession. However, do not get excited and put too much hard
work as you are not going to get returns in proportion to your work. Going overboard may result into loss also. So,
be happy with little growth and avoid going overboard.

From 01 Nov 2015 To 30 Nov 2015:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Nov 2015: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Kuja
02 Nov 2015: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Rahu

Health: During this period, your health is steady and you need to take sufficient precaution to keep it this way. We
suggest that you should do physical exercise to remain fit and active.

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Happiness: During this period, you are likely to be argumentative. It should be noted that positive arguments may
be good but doing unnecessary arguments may bring unpleasantness into the professional and personal
relationship. So, do healthy arguments and only when it is required.

Profession: There is clear upward trend in your profession. So, you may acquire new business, new projects and
new customers. However, this requires more dedication and support from your subordinates. You also need to put
forth extra efforts to nourish the new business.

From 01 Dec 2015 To 31 Dec 2015:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Dec 2015: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Rahu
23 Dec 2015: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Guru

Health: This is superb period as far as your health is concerned. Your physical and mental energies are very near
to its peak. This is the time to take up an activity that requires lot of physical and mental energies.

Happiness: You are likely to develop complaining nature during this period. You should analysis the given
situation fully before making complains. If you make unreasonable complains, it put stress on you and the other
person both, so it is wise to control this as far as possible.

Married Life: This period brings stability in your married life and you feel satisfied. However, some of your relative
may try to create instability in your conjugal life. So, be careful and do not allow them to spoil your marital life.

Profession: There is clear upward trend in your profession. So, you may acquire new business, new projects and
new customers. However, this requires more dedication and support from your subordinates. You also need to put
forth extra efforts to nourish the new business.

From 01 Jan 2016 To 31 Jan 2016:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jan 2016: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Guru

Health: During this period, your health is steady and you need to take sufficient precaution to keep it this way. We
suggest that you should do physical exercise to remain fit and active.

Happiness: During this period, you are trying to be authoritative that is against your basic nature. Excessive
authoritativeness will result into unpleasant relationship and will put stress on you. This may affect your
professional life too. So, avoid to be excessive authoritative.

Married Life: You should have good relationship with your wife during this period. This helps to improve your
professional and personal life. However, your professional activities do not allow you to spend sufficient time with
your wife.

Profession: During this period, you will see reasonable grown on professional front. However, to achieve growth,
you need to put lot of efforts. You may not get the result immediately, but at the end hard work will pay good

From 01 Feb 2016 To 29 Feb 2016:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Feb 2016: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Guru
09 Feb 2016: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Sani

Health: During this period your health remains stable. However, you are cautioned to not overdo physical workout.

Happiness: During this period, you are trying to be authoritative that is against your basic nature. Excessive
authoritativeness will result into unpleasant relationship and will put stress on you. This may affect your
professional life too. So, avoid to be excessive authoritative.

Married Life: Though it is a good period for your marital life, you may face occasional problem. You require little

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understanding and slight compromise to make it smoother. However, if you try to be stubborn and avoid the
compromise, it will worsen the situation. So, we suggest you to do little compromise and live happier and
smoother marital life.

Profession: This is very stable period for your profession. During this period, you should look for new directions
like new products; new territory etc. but you should not start a new venture at this period. This will be immensely
useful in long run. Those who are in employment may take additional responsibilities or higher job.

From 01 Mar 2016 To 31 Mar 2016:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Mar 2016: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Sani

Health: During this period your health remains stable. However, you are cautioned to not overdo physical workout.

Happiness: During this period, you are trying to be authoritative that is against your basic nature. Excessive
authoritativeness will result into unpleasant relationship and will put stress on you. This may affect your
professional life too. So, avoid to be excessive authoritative.

Married Life: This period clearly brings improved marital life. You should share your happiness with your wife. This
brings more happiness in your life. By sharing your problems with your wife, you unburden your mind and reduce
your tension.

Profession: There is clear upward trend in your profession. So, you may acquire new business, new projects and
new customers. However, this requires more dedication and support from your subordinates. You also need to put
forth extra efforts to nourish the new business.

From 01 Apr 2016 To 30 Apr 2016:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Apr 2016: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Sani
03 Apr 2016: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Budha

Health: Your physical energy is fine during the period. This is the period when you enjoy your studies as you do
not feel tired even after studying for many hours. Do the necessary physical exercises to maintain fitness and
physical energy.

Happiness: Suddenly, you find yourself very discontent in your life. What was fine yesterday looks very bad today.
You should have full faith on God. If you presume that events, situations are all created by God and believe in
him, you will see that your discontentment disappears and you will find inner happiness.

Married Life: Though it is a good period for your marital life, you may face occasional problem. You require little
understanding and slight compromise to make it smoother. However, if you try to be stubborn and avoid the
compromise, it will worsen the situation. So, we suggest you to do little compromise and live happier and
smoother marital life.

Profession: There is clear upward trend in your profession. So, you may acquire new business, new projects and
new customers. However, this requires more dedication and support from your subordinates. You also need to put
forth extra efforts to nourish the new business.

From 01 May 2016 To 31 May 2016:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 May 2016: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Budha
21 May 2016: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Ketu

Health: This is very good period for your health. Your physical energy is superior. This will give you very pleasant
feeling. This is the period when you can take up hard work and still enjoy it. However, avoid too much of mental
work as this may put stress on your physique too.

Happiness: You will find that you are confused and not able to take correct decision in many situations. Though,

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there is no easy method to overcome confusion. It is suggested that wherever details are available and if time
permits, go into deep, analyze pros and cons and then arrive the decision. Many times, you need to take quick
decision, in such cases rely on your instincts and take the immediate decision.

Married Life: Though it is a good period for your marital life, you may face occasional problem. You require little
understanding and slight compromise to make it smoother. However, if you try to be stubborn and avoid the
compromise, it will worsen the situation. So, we suggest you to do little compromise and live happier and
smoother marital life.

Profession: There is clear upward trend in your profession. So, you may acquire new business, new projects and
new customers. However, this requires more dedication and support from your subordinates. You also need to put
forth extra efforts to nourish the new business.

From 01 Jun 2016 To 30 Jun 2016:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jun 2016: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Ketu
11 Jun 2016: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Sukra

Health: Your physical energy is decent during the period. You should avoid excessive physical activity to avoid the
strain on your body. You are suggested to do brisk walking early morning to improve your physical energy.

Happiness: You are likely to develop complaining nature during this period. You should analysis the given
situation fully before making complains. If you make unreasonable complains, it put stress on you and the other
person both, so it is wise to control this as far as possible.

Married Life: Though it is a good period for your marital life, you may face occasional problem. You require little
understanding and slight compromise to make it smoother. However, if you try to be stubborn and avoid the
compromise, it will worsen the situation. So, we suggest you to do little compromise and live happier and
smoother marital life.

Profession: There is clear upward trend in your profession. So, you may acquire new business, new projects and
new customers. However, this requires more dedication and support from your subordinates. You also need to put
forth extra efforts to nourish the new business.

From 01 Jul 2016 To 31 Jul 2016:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Jul 2016: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Sukra

Health: There is continuous improvement in your health during this period. You will take great pleasure in your
studies and sure to improve your score in examination. As your physical energy is excellent, you can take
extra-curricular activities that you enjoy.

Happiness: Suddenly, you find yourself very discontent in your life. What was fine yesterday looks very bad today.
You should have full faith on God. If you presume that events, situations are all created by God and believe in
him, you will see that your discontentment disappears and you will find inner happiness.

Married Life: Though it is a good period for your marital life, you may face occasional problem. You require little
understanding and slight compromise to make it smoother. However, if you try to be stubborn and avoid the
compromise, it will worsen the situation. So, we suggest you to do little compromise and live happier and
smoother marital life.

Profession: During this period, you will see reasonable grown on professional front. However, to achieve growth,
you need to put lot of efforts. You may not get the result immediately, but at the end hard work will pay good

From 01 Aug 2016 To 31 Aug 2016:

Vimsottari Dasa:

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01 Aug 2016: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Ravi, Antardasa - Sukra
08 Aug 2016: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Chandra, Antardasa - Chandra

Health: This is superb period as far as your health is concerned. Your physical and mental energies are very near
to its peak. This is the time to take up an activity that requires lot of physical and mental energies.

Happiness: During this period, you will find that you are having slightly critical nature. Though, there is nothing
wrong with this but you need to understand that everybody is different and the way they work is also different. You
should also consider the experience and the capability of the person whom you are criticizing. This should help in
reducing your criticizing nature and improve your relationship.

Married Life: This period clearly brings improved marital life. You should share your happiness with your wife. This
brings more happiness in your life. By sharing your problems with your wife, you unburden your mind and reduce
your tension.

Profession: There is clear upward trend in your profession. So, you may acquire new business, new projects and
new customers. However, this requires more dedication and support from your subordinates. You also need to put
forth extra efforts to nourish the new business.

From 01 Sep 2016 To 30 Sep 2016:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Sep 2016: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Chandra, Antardasa - Chandra
26 Sep 2016: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Chandra, Antardasa - Kuja

Health: Your health is improving and it becomes very stable. This period is good for starting extra-curricular
activities as your physical energy is improving and you should be able to put lot of efforts to be successful.

Happiness: Suddenly, you find yourself very discontent in your life. What was fine yesterday looks very bad today.
You should have full faith on God. If you presume that events, situations are all created by God and believe in
him, you will see that your discontentment disappears and you will find inner happiness.

Married Life: This period clearly brings improved marital life. You should share your happiness with your wife. This
brings more happiness in your life. By sharing your problems with your wife, you unburden your mind and reduce
your tension.

Profession: During this period, your professional life is improving. This is the period when you will be able to settle
conflicts with your customers and government authorities. You should enjoy your peaceful and improving
professional life.

From 01 Oct 2016 To 31 Oct 2016:

Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Oct 2016: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Chandra, Antardasa - Kuja
29 Oct 2016: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Chandra, Antardasa - Rahu

Health: Your health is good during this period and you should do yoga and meditation to maintain your health.

Happiness: Suddenly, you find yourself very discontent in your life. What was fine yesterday looks very bad today.
You should have full faith on God. If you presume that events, situations are all created by God and believe in
him, you will see that your discontentment disappears and you will find inner happiness.

Married Life: This period shows marked improvement in your marital life. It seems you have developed keen
sense of understanding your wife and this helps to have smooth and happy married life.

Profession: During this period, you will see reasonable grown on professional front. However, to achieve growth,
you need to put lot of efforts. You may not get the result immediately, but at the end hard work will pay good

From 01 Nov 2016 To 30 Nov 2016:

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Vimsottari Dasa:
01 Nov 2016: Mahadasa - Sani, Bhukti - Chandra, Antardasa - Rahu

Health: Your physical energy is fine during the period. This is the period when you enjoy your studies as you do
not feel tired even after studying for many hours. Do the necessary physical exercises to maintain fitness and
physical energy.

Happiness: During this period, you will find that you are having slightly critical nature. Though, there is nothing
wrong with this but you need to understand that everybody is different and the way they work is also different. You
should also consider the experience and the capability of the person whom you are criticizing. This should help in
reducing your criticizing nature and improve your relationship.

Married Life: This period shows marked improvement in your marital life. It seems you have developed keen
sense of understanding your wife and this helps to have smooth and happy married life.

Profession: There is clear upward trend in your profession. So, you may acquire new business, new projects and
new customers. However, this requires more dedication and support from your subordinates. You also need to put
forth extra efforts to nourish the new business.

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