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Tell me something about yourself.

Hi. My name is Alvy Faith Pel-ey. I’m 26 years old and I’m from Baguio City.
I am a graduate of Bachelor of Arts major in political Science.

The only job that I had was with Beci International Language Academy where I work as ESL Tutor for 1 year.
I have been teaching Korean, Taiwanese and Chinese students who want to learn and master the English language.
Aside from that, I like singing, watching movies and sports like volleyball.

What do you know about our company?

RAREJOB is the leading online ESL school in Japan and the Philippines in terms of its students and tutors.

Why did you choose us/Rarejob?Why do you want to work for us?

I choose RAREJOB/I want to work in Rarejob because I believed that it is an opportunity

for me to teach and continue teaching English to Japanese people
as this brings me fulfilment especially to see my students improved.

Why did you choose to be a Homebased Online English Tutor?

I prefer to teach as home based English tutor because I will be able to experience the
convenience of working from home while providing the best online learning experience for the students.
Aside from that, it saves time, energy and money.

What is your preferred work schedule?

I am willing to work in a flexible schedule or full time if it is possible during weekdays and weekends since I
don’t have any other job.

Why should we hire you?

You should hire me because Im very passionate about teaching and I want to share

my knowledge in English and to help the Japanese people learn how to speak English fluently.

Aside from that, I already have experience teaching different nationalities.


INTRODUCTION (Introduce yourself first then ask your student to introduce him/herself after.)

Hello. Good afternoon. My name is Alvy faith. Im from the Philippines.

I have been teaching as ESL Tutor for one year already. So, I already taught different nationalities
like Japanese, Korean and Chinese students who want to learn and master the English Language.
My favourite thing to do is singing, watching movies and playing volleyball.
How about you? Can you please introduce yourself?

Thank you very much. It’s nice to meet you______________. How are you? ___________

Im glad to hear that you’re doing fine. You said a while ago that you are taking up________. Am I right?yes.

Wowl That’s right! Me too, biology was actually my first choice to enrol in college however during that time, its already
full so I don’t have a choice but to enrol AB Political Science. So, I am a graduate of Ab Political Science.

Okay. So, why did you choose__________as your course or major? Wow!

Okay! So, let’s proceed to our lesson for today. Are you ready? Yes! Okay so our lesson for today is lesson 22. The
title is LET'S EAT OUT! Eating at a Fast Food Restaurant

Exercise 1: Picture Description. What do you see in the picture? (Ask the student to describe the picture
above. Tutor may ask simple questions about the picture to encourage the student to talk.)
So first let’s look at the picture, Can you tell me what you see in the picture? Yes you can see a group of
friends eating out in a fast food restaurant. What are they eating? Yes! they are eating Ice cream, Fries, Pizza and
hamburger .What do you call these kind of foods that they are eating? Fast food, Yes, that is correct, fast food. So
what do you understand by the word fast food? So do you like eating fast foods like ice cream, fries, pizza,

Yes. Do you like eating

Ice cream (noun-thing (object) is a very cold, sweet food made from frozen milk or cream, sugar, and a flavour.

Fries (noun) is a long thin pieces of fried potato.

Pizza is a large circle of flat bread baked with cheese, tomatoes, and sometimes meat and vegetables spread on top.

Hamburger is a very small pieces of beef (= meat from cattle), or this meat pressed into a round, flat shape, cooked,
and usually eaten as a sandwich in a small, round roll (= piece of bread)

Coffee is a dark brown powder with a strong flavour and smell that is made by crushing coffee beans, or a hot drink
made from coffee beans.

Eat out (phrasal verb- is a word or phrase that describes an action, condition, or experience) means to eat in
a restaurant. Ex. When I lived in Spain, I used to eat out all the time.

Fast food (noun- a word that refers to a person, place, thing, event, substance, or quality) is a food that is
quick to cook or is already cooked and is therefore served very quickly in a restaurant.

Fast food restaurant (noun) is a restaurant that serves fast food such as hamburgers. For example, Mcdonald.

Are these kind of foods healthy to eat?

1. Where is your go-to place for eating out?

2. Which do you prefer: home-cooked or restaurant food?

The best way to figure out whether a particular fast-food meal is healthy is to look at the nutrition facts at the

Yes. That’s right! Home cooked meals are generally considered healthier than fast food. They don’t load you with
calories, fats, harmful preservatives, flavourings, and salts. They go a long way in improving your overall lifestyle,
health, and well-being.

While fast food meals contain high levels of calories, saturated fat, sugar and salt. Usually, eating too much fast food
leads to weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

While McDonald's offers some healthy options at breakfast, most of the morning menu is high in calories, fat and

3. Can you eat fast food every day?

We can conclude that home-cooked meals are healthier and cost-effective as well. They don’t load you with calories,
fats, harmful preservatives, flavorings, and salts. They go a long way in improving your overall lifestyle, health, and

Having said that, you should not totally deprive yourself of your favorite fast foods. You can still enjoy them in
moderation once in a while.
Wrap-up (Summarize the lesson.)

Okay! Very Good! Thank you so much for answering all my questions. Do you have a question? None.
Alright! So today, we learned about Eating at a Fast Food restaurant. The words that we learned, are the words ice
cream, pizza, fries, hamburgers, home-cooked, restaurant food.

Feedback (Give a short feedback discussing the student’s performance.)

Okay so, my feedback for you, you did great for tonight’s class. Thank you so much for answering my
questions. However, there are some things I think that you did not understand, so please try to improve your listening
skills, grammar and always answer questions in a complete sentence. But overall, you did great in this class.

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