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Design Thinking Project

Group 7:

Gladys Kerenhapukh Toti 014201800042

Kresna Dwipayana 016201800150
Zhou qi 016201800217
Dania Sabrina 017201800007
Sonia 017201800017
Design Thinking Process

a. Empathize
Observation, participation
We should observe the problems in our lives in the environment.
 Problem 1
Rainy season has reached Indonesia for this year. Many students in PUSH and NBH
dormitory drenched in the rain because of have to go to class or just when go outside
still sunny day but later begin to rain and so heavy and they forget to bring umbrella
or they don’t have umbrella.its be a big problem,that when its rainy they cant do
everything if they still outside.
 Problem 2
Recently, the video of sea turtle got rescued because its nostril was bleeding. It
happened because a plastic straw stuck in its nostril. We felt so bad to that creature. If
we didn’t reduce the plastic straw, many sea creatures will also experience that

b. Design
Users, requirements, insights,
User :students,marine organism
Requirements :student need rain without umbrella, marine life has been
greatly reduced by plastic pollution
Insights :we found this problem
In this case we have 2 problems that we have to solve. So we have some solutions to
solve it, such as:
1. Put umbrella to both security post dormitory, so the students can borrow it
2. Reduce plastic straw, replace it to stainless straw

c. Ideate
Brainstorming, teamwork.
Get new ideas based on the ideas of the team members.

After we discussed the solutions, we had an idea how about mix the solutions and
created an impactful events. Our idea is to sell stainless straw (to raise the funds), then we
use the profit from sales to buy the umbrella.

d. Prototype (Service)
Our event process:
 First, before we do this event we did a survey to the students in NBH.
These are the result:
1. Raining seasons was disrupting the students. It interfered their activity.
2. Most of the students didn’t have umbrella in their dormitory
3. The student would feel ease if there is umbrella in security post
 Before we bought we calculated the profit margin
Selling Price : Rp. 40.000,00
Purchase Price : Rp. 30.000,00
Profit Rp. 10.000,00
Umbrella’s Price : Rp 10.000,00
10 x Rp. 10.000,00 = Rp.100.000
In order to get 10 umbrellas, minimum batch of stainless straw required to be
sold is 10 pieces.
 Second, we sold the stainless straw and promoted through social media.

Picture d.1

 Third, we accumulate the profit, buy the umbrella, and put it to security post.

Picture d.2
e. Test
After done this service, we tested the service by asking to the customer.
All of them felt so happy because they can help the environment and also they can
borrow the umbrella when raining comes. To reduce pollution, they use aluminum
straw, which can be recycled many times

Picture e.1

Picture e.2

Picture e.3


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